I am God Chapter 367: : Reappearance of the Book of Xiuburn

Deep in the dream world.


Above the blazing stars, a human figure sits on a throne covered in flames and chains.

Under his feet was an extremely terrifying fiery purgatory, from which came the wailing and screams of a large number of creatures.

Those creatures were smelted in the flames and stars one by one, most of them only had their upper body struggling between the ground and the raging fire.

This place is completely different from the abyss. If the abyss is a gathering place for dark monsters, it is a paradise for abyssal demon kings and evil gods.

Then this place is the prison of death for the Lord of Purgatory.

The Lord of Purgatory imprisoned those corrupted beings here, beating them with wanton torture, sucking their pain and despair.

This is his country, and he is the only master here.

Except for him, everyone here is his prisoner.

Beyond the flames and stars, something floated from the darkness little by little under the guidance of the Lord of Purgatory.

It was a book, a leather book exuding strange fluctuations.

There is no name on the cover, nor did the person who wrote it give it a name.

But later people gave it a name.

“The Book of Hubern.”

This book was written hundreds of years ago by the legendary Crazy Evilman Xiuburn. The legend records the secrets of the gods.

Records the true names of the gods, the ancient secrets that are unknown, the unknowable truths that have long been lost in the years.

It is said that Xiuburn gained unimaginable power through this book.

But this book is not for ordinary people to read.

That’s why the Evelian Xiuboen also attacked the Temple of Ten Thousand Serpents, the Mother of Life, in madness, and was finally swallowed by madness.

Hundreds of years.

A powerful curse hangs over the book.

In addition, it floats in the extraordinary domain of the dream world, and the invisible curse power seems to have gradually endowed this book with some special powers, making this book originally only record the secret mortal stories of the previous era. Things are no longer ordinary.

The sky above the flames and stars.

The Lord of Purgatory stretched out his hand and caught the book.

Suddenly, an invisible chill appeared on his body.

In the dark, he seemed to hear someone whispering.

It is an indescribably ancient language, with a wild and vicissitudes of voice.

The lord of purgatory doesn’t care about the book itself, because he has read the contents and knows the contents.

In other words, Afoan has read the content above.

As for Avon himself, he followed the ghost Polic to watch the battle of the gods in the last era; many secrets in this world are no longer secrets to him.

And this time the Lord of Purgatory retrieved the Book of Xiuburn for another thing above.

It was the irresistible whispering voice that echoed in his ears just now.

Since Xiuburn started writing this book, he has felt that there are existences that have strong malice against his actions, and that there are existences that are secretly preventing him from prying into secrets that do not belong to them.

Ordinary people’s cursing, ordinary people’s malice.

It’s just something that exists in the heart and has no effect.

However, when thousands of spirits send malice towards you, that malice will have a force that spans space and is irresistible; this force can even distort reality, directly acting on consciousness and spirituality, making you People are hard to stop.


Although Xiuburn was the first to discover it, he didn’t pay attention to it at the time.

But the Lord of Purgatory has noticed that this is a very powerful force.

The Lord of Purgatory gave it a name: “The power of the curse.”

He got the Book of Xiuburn, and he wanted to obtain the power of this curse, and then bestow it on Purgatory.

Let the curse be your strength, and your own path.

The lord of purgatory got the book of Xiuburn, and he opened the book again and again, prying into the secrets about the curse.

He inherited Avon’s memory, as well as Wu Ling’s method of exploring and researching truth; this method and habit can be traced back, even to the Temple of Truth in the previous era.

In the end, he set the book aside for the throne.

The blazing flames on the flaming star scorched the book, but it couldn’t hurt the book at all. A special force shrouded and protected it.

The Lord of Purgatory stood up, and chains stretched out from under the throne, whipping the huge spirit bodies and monsters like whips.

The roaring and wailing screams in the sea of ​​flames below became even louder. The Lord of Purgatory is the tyrant in this terrifying prison.

“The curse comes from the darkest emotions in the human heart, from the dark side of the wisdom species.”

The Lord of Purgatory issued an order as the master.

“O spirits who have had the darkest, most depraved, filthiest experiences!”

“Follow my will and come before me.”

Under the densely intertwined chains, one after another beings who fell into purgatory were brought before the Lord of Purgatory.

They twisted in fear and screamed in despair.

One picture after another emerged from their consciousness, and their sins were revealed one by one in front of the Lord of Purgatory.

Among these people, some people once killed people during the famine and divided them into food.

Some people used to be soldiers or bandits of the royal court, and they made food of the same kind. The scene is disgusting.

There is a man who eats hearts and hearts as a nobleman, and it is rumored that he can keep his youthful appearance by doing so.

Under the smelting of the Lord of Purgatory, these people were twisted into a ball amidst howling.


Converged into a terrible source of curse.

It was a pale, skinny shadow like a corpse.

It stood quietly behind the Throne of Purgatory, exuding an abominable and frightening aura.

It doesn’t look like a living person, or a living being at all, because it’s a curse.

This shadow is still very weak, but it will gradually become stronger; as long as the sin and evil of the world do not stop, it will continue to grow.

Divine props Purgatory

Serial number 19

Purgatory was born from the original black mud of the mythical substance. It was created by Senge, the priest of the abyss cult, who cast embryos through the purgatory ceremony and sacrificed tens of thousands of creatures; A large number of abyssal monsters are refined into the core will, which takes over the darkness of all spirits and enters the dream world.

Ability 1 The source of the curse: Purgatory was born with the help of the mythical material, the original black mud, and the Lord of Purgatory refined it into a source of curses; the formation of curses comes from the darkest things in the human heart, and it also curses the darkest things in the heart The more people die under the curse, the stronger the curse will be, and all the cursed will fall into purgatory.

Curse of Corpse Eaters: People who eat corpses of the same kind will be cursed. They can gain power from the curse, and will also be controlled by the curse, eventually falling into purgatory inevitably.

Ability 2 Dark Exile: Purgatory and the abyss have the same origin, and they also have a natural hatred; anyone can open the gate of purgatory and exile the existence belonging to the abyss into purgatory, and the lord of purgatory will make him feel To the real despair, which is a prison that never stops burning with the fire of purgatory, from which no one can escape.

Ability 3 Oath of Race: Purgatory originates from the original black mud, also inherits the oath of the abyss species, and is bound by the oath of the crown of wisdom; at the same time, it can also be used as the dark side of all spirits, borrowing the power of the dream world .

Ability 4 Purgatory Kingdom: Purgatory failed to become a myth, the Lord of Purgatory has not fully integrated into the core of Purgatory, and the kingdom has not yet fully formed

The current form of the Lord of Purgatory is somewhat similar to that of Elena before.

Controlling this powerful prop through the core of purgatory, but has not been fully integrated into the core of this prop.

Before Purgatory failed to become a myth, he did not dare to fully integrate into the core of Purgatory.

Otherwise, at that moment, he would be completely swallowed by Nayu’s chaos and madness.

The Lord of Purgatory sits on the throne, overlooking the mortal world.

A haughty and merciless voice came from the depths of the dream world.

“Let’s indulge!”

“Let’s fall!”

“Sink into darkness!”

“Dark people struggling in the mud of the world, purgatory is your only destination.”

Behind the Lord of Purgatory, the Cursed Phantasm, the Ghoul-Eater, twisted and squirmed, roaring hungrily from its belly.

The roar is like thunder, and you can feel the hunger in its belly, waiting to devour those who are cursed.


The weather has entered early winter.

But I don’t know why, the moon eclipse city has been cloudy and rainy recently, and the weather is extremely cold.

Rain at this time is much more annoying than snow.

The outside world is wet, and the fireplace inside the Qi Lawyers’ Union is burning with flames; in addition, the people in the hall are coming and going, and the voices are constantly talking, but it seems very hot.

There is no real lawyer Qi in the lobby, and the union has invited many young and beautiful girls to receive and copy the documents.

Even the waiters are young and tall, and they look taller and richer.

The girls and teens also receive brief training on how to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Generally, only when the final contract is to be concluded will the contract lawyer really come forward.

The contract lawyer will write down the contract documents, then check the contract documents with the signer, and finally declare the contract under the witness of God and the spirit of the code.

Long, the temporary acting president of the Qi Lawyers Association, is discussing with his senior Keaton in the president’s room at the moment.

Keton is also a student of Sukob, but he is a round older than Long. Both of them are more talented; When you are less than twenty years old, you are already at the second level.

But Long respected Keaton very much in his heart, but he still spoke as usual.

Not long after sitting down, Long complained to Keaton.

“Are we witch spirits who seek the truth, or are we businessmen and bureaucrats who care about everything!”

“Every day is occupied by all kinds of trivial matters, and I don’t have time to study magic.”

Hearing Long’s complaint, Keaton immediately spoke to this impetuous junior as a senior.


“I think that even if you don’t become a contract lawyer, you will complain about the trouble of studying magic every day.”

He spoke humorously with a serious expression.

“You will.”

“Ah! So troublesome!”

“Why is there no magic technique that can directly learn all the knowledge at once?”

“The kind that can not only put knowledge into my mind, but also help me fully understand it, and bring forth new ideas.”

Long heard what Keaton said, and suddenly felt guilty.

This word.

It’s really like what I said.

Did I say it before?

What Keaton said made Long only mumble, not daring to complain loudly.

Keaton continued: “If we really only want to do research behind closed doors, then we would have stayed in the wasteland.”

“We chose to leave because we wanted to do something with the teacher.”

“Apply what we have learned.”

Keaton has recently become a judge in the B&R District of Eclipse City. He is Sukob’s initial attempt to be a judge, and he can be regarded as a representative figure.

On the surface, it seems that he is a more beautiful judge than Long, and he often goes to various **** of the aristocratic class.

Since the time of the mother of all snakes, the snake people, their love of dancing seems to be engraved deep in their souls. They have used dance to sacrifice to the gods since ancient times, and now they can use dance to perform various social activities.

Katon recalled his recent life, and he felt that it was more fulfilling and meaningful than before on the wasteland.

“I think it’s good now. Recently, my contract spirit has become stronger and stronger. Maybe I will be able to break through in a few years.”

“At that time, I must try it out, what kind of power is the law that the teacher said.”

“Compared to the days in the wasteland, I prefer to do some practical things.”

“Moreover, witch spirits will have more choices in the future. Those who don’t like dealing with people and only like to study can choose the path of pure scroll witch spirits; those who like to come out and do some practical things to reflect their value can choose lawyer Qi road.”

“It’s always good to have more options.”

“Is it.”


Both Long and Keaton are still at the second level, and they are both exploring the path of Lawyer Qi, trying to condense the power of their laws.

Lawyer Qi’s law is the truth page of Wu Ling, but it focuses on one key point.

Long was in a trance, as if he was thinking about what he said, or thinking about the power of the law.

He patted Long on the shoulder: “Long, it seems that you really don’t like Lawyer Qi’s path. I can help you talk to the teacher and let him let you go back to the wasteland.”

“Like I said, now we have more options.”

Long woke up immediately and waved to Keaton.

“Don’t don’t.”

“I didn’t say I want to go back, don’t tell the teacher.”

Looking at the corner of Keaton’s raised mouth, Long understood that Keaton said that on purpose.

“I’m just a little confused and don’t know what I want to do.”

But Keaton expressed his recent thoughts: “If you feel confused, you can choose a place to be a judge for a period of time, which may give you a deeper understanding of the significance of the path chosen by lawyers and teachers.”

Long looked at what Keaton said and asked him.

“Keaton, it seems that you are a good judge?”

“Do you like this career very much?”

Keaton nodded: “It’s a bit of a preliminary understanding. Pass the law to bring those who have committed crimes to justice, and give justice to those who have been victimized.”

“I feel that what I do every day is very meaningful, even no worse than learning new magic.”

“I feel that I am maintaining the order of a place and become a symbol of justice and fairness in the B&R district.”


“I press the book of witch spirits that has become a law code, and every time I feel that it is extra heavy.”

“I have a responsibility on my shoulders, which binds me and makes me feel a lot of pressure; but it also makes me feel very fulfilled and makes me feel that I am really alive.”

Long nodded: “If the teacher won’t let me be the president of the trade union, I will definitely try to be a judge.”

Keton asked Long: “The teacher has become more mysterious recently, and I can’t even find him.”

His teacher, Su Kebu, was busy building a school recently, so Long became the temporary acting president of the Deed Union.

In this day and age.

Ordinary aristocratic families hire tutors to train the next generation.

There is no such thing as a school in the Ten Thousand Snake King’s Court.

The existence of the school is the academy system passed down from the White Tower Alchemy Alliance in the Land of the Rising Sun,

The temples in each city of Suinhall will also recruit apprentices for systematic training, which are only used to train priests.

Sukob’s Lunar Eclipse Lawyer School is somewhat similar to this,

After all, Lawyer Qi is, in a sense, a kind of priest in this era.

Long said: “Teacher, he went to the Ten Thousand Snakes Court to look for those gifted children and young people.”

“After he comes back, the school should start to be established. By then, we probably will all go to the school to get a teacher’s position.”

Long collapsed on the chair, his whole body revealed an expression that I was going to despair, I was going to be exhausted to death.


“I’ll probably be even busier then.”

I’m tired of being alive.

Katon got up at this time, picked up the clothes at the door, put them on, and put on his hat.

He looked at Long at the door: “Are you busy now?”

Long was stunned for a moment: “It’s okay.”

“Recently, I have been busy with the trade union. Fortunately, I am smart. I don’t need Lawyer Qi to do many things. If I invite some people to learn for a few days, they will be able to do the same as us.”

“Look now, everything about the trade union is on the right track.”

“The only problem is that there are too few lawyers. After the teacher’s school is completed and there are more lawyers, the union can expand to more and more cities.”

Keaton smiled: “Since you’re not busy, come and do something for me!”

Long suddenly regretted it, he really wanted to say that he is very busy now.

But at Keaton’s urging, they could only go out with him.


The B&R district of Eclipse City.

This is a bustling commercial area. Most of the people who live here are middle- and lower-class businessmen, as well as workers, hawkers, coolies, coachmen and other occupations.

It can be regarded as a district in Lunar Eclipse City, but because of the prosperous business, various cases often break out.

Under the prosperity, there are always all kinds of darkness.

All kinds of robberies, thefts, and murders often break out here,

Long and Keaton walked the streets together, and it was raining lightly outside; Long followed behind with an oilcloth umbrella, like Keaton’s little follower.

The two had just reached an alley when someone shouted.

“Master Keaton!”



Katon walked towards him. It was a man without three fingers.

There was a well-known gang in the B&R district before, specializing in extortion in this area; the man was one of the victims, and his brother also died under the gang.

After Keaton finished recording the other party’s words, he said to the other party.

“Very good.”

“The evidence you provided has completely proved their guilt.”

The man was very reconciled, but helpless: “But he knows that you are in charge of this case, and he has already run away after hearing your name.”

“There are no people left, how can we judge him?”

What the man was talking about was the leader of that gang. After his incident got serious and got in front of Keaton, the gang leader knew that he was finished.

People like Keaton cannot be dealt with by threats or bribes. He can only run away.

Keton told him: “Don’t worry.”

“I have applied for a wanted warrant, and the spirit of the code will lock his location.”

“If he is in Eclipse City, the sheriff will definitely catch him. If he escapes to other cities, we will also notify the sheriff of other cities.”

The man doesn’t know what the spirit of the code is, but he knows that this is a powerful person in front of him, so it must be a magical power that he doesn’t understand.

This is why he dared to testify.

Next, Long followed behind Keaton.

Some are case inquiries and evidence collection.

Some were relatively minor disputes; Keaton also came to deal with disputes that were not worth going to court at all.

It took Keaton a long time to mediate these disputes; a high and powerful person had to spend a lot of time to mediate.

Long did not expect that Keaton did this kind of thing all day long.

“Do you do this every day?”

“Shouldn’t the judge sit in the trial court and just read the trial result according to the code?”

Keaton told Long: “It’s okay to be a judge like that, but that’s not a competent judge.”

“Besides, isn’t our journey as a judge and lawyer just beginning?”

“Everything is just getting started, and everything is being explored.”

“No one knows how to be a good judge and what a judge should do.”

“I’ll first figure out what a judge should do, and then these things can be handed over to other people. If you sit high in the court from the beginning, wouldn’t it be tantamount to being blind.”

“When I decided to be a judge, my teacher told me to do as much as I can, and then tell him what I think.”

Keton brought Long over, not really wanting Long to help.

He wanted to make Long feel a little bit about the duty of a judge.

And the changes he made to the B&R district after he became a judge.

Long felt a little awe of this senior invisibly, not only because he was older, but because of other things.

A man who looked like a security force soldier came to Keaton and said something to Keaton.

Keaton frowned and looked at Long.

“Something happened, there was a special case”

“Let’s go and take a look together!”

Long looked at Keaton: “Is the judge still going to do this?”

“Isn’t this what the sheriff should do, what should they do?”

“It’s not good for you to reach out like this, it’s beyond your function.”

Keaton told Long: “This should be an extraordinary case.”

“The sheriff in the B&R district is just an ordinary person, and this kind of case is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people’s handling.”

“As a judge of the B&R District, I am also a person in authority; since I know this danger that endangers my jurisdiction has arisen, I can’t just sit idly by.”

Long shrugged helplessly: “Your sense of responsibility is too strong.”

But then, he showed a hippie smile again: “However, I also want to go and have a look.”

“An extraordinary case is definitely more interesting than mediating disputes with you.”

Investigating an extraordinary case is indeed very attractive to a young man like Long,

However, Long also felt the charm of the judge during this trip.

Where they pass, the wicked flee.

Everyone looked at Keaton with admiration and longing, a feeling that Long could not feel in the trade union.

In addition, Long also felt that the responsibilities of judges were the same as what Keaton said; many things were still immature, and there was no clear definition of the responsibilities and powers of judges.

Keton is obviously just a judge, but if he really wants to do something, his own responsibilities and powers seem to go far beyond Long’s original concept of a judge.


The rain continued, and the two came to a cemetery.

The weather is so cold and it’s still raining, there are actually a few spectators outside the cemetery.

Apparently, something interesting happened in the cemetery.

But soon, these spectators were dispersed by the security guards, and Long and Keaton came to the cemetery without any hindrance.

This cemetery is not an ordinary cemetery. The people buried in it are generally wealthy people, because all sarcophagi are used here.

Sarcophagus like this cannot be afforded by ordinary people.

The sarcophagus is not buried in the ground, but buried on the ground; one end of the coffin is engraved with the epitaph, name and family of the deceased.

But it can be seen that one of the sarcophagi was opened.

Keaton and Long looked inside, and it was empty.

Keton asked the sheriff standing aside: “Whose body was stolen?”

The magistrate replied: “The stolen body is the daughter of a former **** attendant of the temple.”

“However, this divine attendant is long gone, and their family has begun to decline, otherwise they would not be buried here.”

“It’s only been two days since the talent died. After the people from their family came this morning, they found that the sarcophagus seemed to have been moved, and then found that the body inside was gone.”

Keton asked the other party again: “How do you judge, it must be an extraordinary case.”

The sheriff told Keaton: “The lid of this sarcophagus is very heavy, and it is absolutely impossible for one person to open it.”

But Keaton said: “There may be several people, or borrowed tools.”

The sheriff led Keaton to the other side, and he could see several holes in one corner of the sarcophagus.

Katon stuffed his hand into it for a try, and found that it fits a human finger.

It’s clear now.

Ordinary people have absolutely no way to insert a few holes in the hard stone with their fingers.

Long didn’t understand: “What are these people doing stealing corpses?”

But Keaton suddenly thought of something: “Long, have you heard any rumors?”

“Rumors about corpse eaters.”

Long: “You mean the folk rumor that one can obtain mysterious power by eating other people’s corpses?”

“This thing is fake, right? Some people believe this?”

“If power can be absorbed and obtained so easily, powerful people will not be so rare.”

Keaton looked at the sarcophagus and said standing in the rain.

“Maybe some people believe it?”

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