I am God Chapter 330: : The God of Alchemy vs. the God of Original Sin

The whole world is turned into darkness, where dreams and reality are intertwined. 2

What castle.

What a city of lights.

It all disappeared.

In the dark world, believers of the Abyss Cult stood out one by one, revealing their true colors;

This is not the power Hingis should have.

Olan was floating in the air, sitting in the air as if there was no gravity. .

And the terrible monster below stood before the opening of the abyss, looking up at him. 1

“I haven’t seen it before!”

“The power of the gate of myth, the power of the gate of original sin.”

“He can communicate the connection between the two worlds.”

“You can’t escape from here.”

“Either kill me, or I’ll beat you and take everything from you.”

Hingis seems to be showing off, showing off everything he has.

Even if it’s not his strength, but just borrowed strength, he seems to regard it as his own.

Olan stretched out his hand, and a silver metal lantern appeared in his hand.

The flame tornado rushed out, and a huge shadow appeared behind it; the fire light illuminated the darkness, and the eyes of the lamp spirit looked down on the fallen people on the earth.

Olan stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground.

The spirit of the lamp spit out a pillar of flame, and directly swept towards Hingis and the followers of the Abyss Cult on the dark land.


The sound of flames blowing out was accompanied by howling wind, which was extremely ear-piercing.

But the deformed monster on the ground stretched out six arms, and a layer of gems crystallized into a canopy on top of the head, completely isolating the power of the Oran Lantern.

And all the believers of the Abyss Cult also performed their own magic.

They surround Hingis, resisting the erosion of the power of the lamp spirit.

Olan then activated the flame, and the color of the flame sprayed out by the lamp spirit also changed, getting darker and darker.

I saw that the canopy of gem crystals was irresistible and melted little by little.

But at this time, Hingis suddenly let go of the protection, and opened his mouth directly.

He took a breath.

He actually swallowed the flames spit out by the lamp spirit directly into his stomach, and even burped.

Hingis looked at Oran proudly: “Don’t play these little tricks, come on!”

“Show me your true strength.”

“Your power once surpassed the limit of mortals, the power of the ancient apostle.”

Hingis moved forward on all fours like a monstrous lizard. 1

Stones protrude from the darkness under their feet. This should be the power of a powerful person, but it was taken away by Hingis.

He went faster and faster and climbed higher and higher.

Soon approached where Oran was.

“Come on!”

“Use your strength, let me see the power of Elena’s heart.”

As Hingis spoke, there was a look of longing in his eyes.

A long time ago.

He began to yearn for that power.

Maybe not after he was given up by the Alchemy God, but before that.

When he was young.

Seeing Oran use the power beyond the limits of mortals, the desire for that power has been deeply buried in his heart.

A monster more than ten meters high collided like a mountain of meat, and he was covered in flames, dragging hundreds of meters of fire marks wherever he passed.

He did not summon the genie.

He himself is like a lamp spirit.

But it is stronger than the lamp spirit and has more changes.

Looking at the world wrapped in darkness, Oran finally made up his mind.

It stretched out its hand and pressed it on its heart. 1

The multicolored rays of light burst apart, and Olan’s figure continued to swell; it directly transformed from a puppet as tall as a man into a 100-meter metal giant.


Olan swung out a punch and directly hit Hingis.

The monster, which was so huge just now, appeared extremely small in front of the metal giant.

Hingis was sent flying with one punch and fell below. 1

It became a pool of rotten meat.

He rushed for a long time, and returned to the original place in an instant.

He yelled for a long time, but he couldn’t match the opponent’s punch.

But from the mass of rotten meat, Hingis’ head stuck out and yelled at Oran.

“You can’t kill me, you can’t kill me.”

“I have the seed of greed from the abyss, and I cannot be killed.”

He was extremely annoyed, but the more he was like this, the more he yearned for Oran’s power. 4

The more he wants to get Elena’s heart.

Hingis said.

I saw that the body that had turned into rotten flesh continued to recover, and gradually turned into its original appearance.

Even the rotten meat spread out and directly ate several surrounding Abyss Cultists.

“The chief priest?”

“What are you doing?”

“He’s crazy, he’s crazy.”

“I am a believer in the abyss, please let me go.”

The abyss believers who just opened the gate of the abyss for Xingis fled from Xingis in horror,

Hingis said.

“I am the representative of the abyss, the chief priest.”

“Everything about you is mine, and your strength is mine.”

“I summoned you, and I gave you a place to stay, the lost dog.” 3

“Now, it’s time for you to contribute to me.”

He swallowed twenty or thirty powerful people one after another in an instant.

Hingis’s terrifying appearance has become even more terrifying.

He turned into a terrible meat mountain.

Horrible human faces grew out of the meat mountain, and they were the ones he swallowed just now.

Hingis’ strength became stronger, but he didn’t feel the slightest joy.

He stared fixedly at the metal giant rushing towards him, and let out a loud roar.

“In the name of the God of Original Sin!”

“Summon the Demon of the Abyss.”

As soon as the words came out, the entrance to the abyss under the feet was completely opened.

In the terrible darkness, thousands of abyssal monsters crawled out from the bottom and came towards the upper human world.

The black mud surged, and the overwhelming rotting monsters rushed out.

The terrifying Burning Heart Demon, Mire Demon, and Rotten Winged Demon floated up, throwing themselves at the metal giant regardless of life or death.

The metal giant raised its foot and was about to step on Hingis into a ball of flesh again. A rotten Winged Demon threw itself directly into its face, forcing it to reach out and grab the Winged Demon. Squeeze to death.

Flames gushed out from the ground, and one after another the skeleton monsters with flames rising from their skulls climbed up and led the legion to attack the metal giant.

There are many Tier 3 monsters among them.

Olan had no choice but to activate a symbolic power of the fourth-order apostle again.

“Psychic field!”

Behind it, metal puppets stood up continuously, turning into an entire army.


Although he summoned a large number of metal puppets, their spiritual power spread to the surroundings, and the spiritual power field that should have been formed did not form.

Olan was stunned for a moment: “Why?”

Hingis laughed out loud, as if this was the effect he wanted to see.

The scene he had been waiting for.

“This is the place of original sin.”

“It is the gate of original sin invading the realm of reality formation.”

“Even if you are an apostle, all your mental power fields will be invalidated here.”

“No matter how many puppets you summon, can you summon more puppets than the demons of the abyss?”

Hingis was guarded by thousands of abyss monsters in the center. Before he fell into the abyss, he already felt the power and supremacy of being the king of the abyss.

“The God of Alchemy is stingy in rewarding his followers. I believe in him devoutly, but he doesn’t give me the chance to become his apostle.” 1

“But look!”

“How generous the God of Original Sin is.” 12

Several bone demons with a height of more than 30 meters fought with the metal giant with weapons and shields in their hands.

Thousands of mobs gathered into a mountain and climbed towards the metal giant.


Even if you can’t use the mental power field, even many large-scale magic spells are banned.

Eleanor’s Magic Gold God’s Grace Puppet is used for both defense and frontal attack.

It is also the top of many **** puppets.

The metal giant didn’t seem to get tired, it kept killing many monsters, and then rushed to Hingis.

Hingis fought it for only three rounds before he was trampled to a pulp by its foot.


The black light condensed, and the flesh paste began to heal again, and the metal giant that Oran turned into stomped down again.



Kick after kick, as if to trample Hingis into ashes.

Keep stepping him into the endless darkness, and merge with the darkness.

At the same time.

The metal giant kept waving its hands, smashing, smashing, and hammering the monsters that rushed towards it like moths to a flame.

“Boom boom boom!”

The whole dark space seemed to be trembling as the feet kept stepping.


Each time the Great Elder Hingis died, he would be resurrected. 2

There is a seed in his body faintly, and a black shadow is emitting light.

Maintaining his origin.

That is the seed of greed of the evil **** of original sin.

As for the end of the power that Oran has explored so far, there is no way to destroy this kind of thing.

And Hingis scattered with dead flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood continued to devour the surrounding abyssal monsters, and finally gathered together.

His size became bigger and bigger.


He turned into a mountain of meat about the height of a metal giant.

Furthermore, the flesh and blood spattered on the metal giant’s body is also constantly wriggling and proliferating.

Wait until Olan reacts.

Roshan actually surrounded him and entangled him.

The metal giant immediately began to retreat, trying to tear apart the growing flesh and blood that entangled its body.

But no matter how you tear it, you can’t completely peel it off.

At this time, Hingis, who had turned into a mountain of meat, overwhelmed him and entangled the metal giant.

No matter how the metal giant smashed him, his flesh and blood spattered.

He didn’t let go.

A head emerged from the mountain of meat.

Looking greedily at the metal giant entangled by him.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

“Heart of Elena!”

“It’s mine too.”

The other metal puppets caught in the siege of the abyss army also rushed over, trying to rescue Oran.

But those monsters desperately stopped them.

Moreover, more and more monsters emerged from the abyss.

There seems to be no end.

Hingis died countless times, was crushed into meat paste by Oran again and again, and Hingis was struggling in pain.

Finally gained the upper hand, and the head appeared next to the ear of the metal giant.

Said viciously.

“I will take everything from you.”

“I am the original sin of greed, I am the future king of the abyss.”

The current threshold of the king of the abyss is the fourth level, but part of it has been integrated into the abyss, and he has mastered part of the authority of the mythical props of the abyss, and his actual power is far beyond the ordinary fourth level. 4

It’s just that their bodies cannot leave the abyss and are bound by the abyss oath.

Olan was also a little anxious at this time, and it couldn’t understand.

“What the **** is this?”

“Why can’t you kill me?” 1

The puppet Oran can be considered a well-informed and powerful person, but it has never seen such a strange power.

He didn’t know that the king of the abyss couldn’t be killed like this.

Although Hingis is still far from the king of the abyss, he temporarily has some bonuses and attributes in this dark place.

Olan struggled out with one hand, hitting the “bump” that Hingis squeezed out from the meat mountain. 1

It is the head of Hingis.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, but Hingis’ head had retracted before that.


It came out from the other end again.

Hingis laughed wildly when he saw that Oran was getting anxious. 1

“It’s useless, it’s useless.” 3


“This is the power given to me by the God of Original Sin, and you can’t do anything about it.”

“As I said, you can’t kill me.”


Roshan entangled the metal giant little by little.


Swallowed it completely, completely wrapped in the meat mountain.

The metal giant struggled desperately, tearing apart its flesh and blood, but in the end it still couldn’t escape.

Although Oran possesses the power of the fourth level with the help of Elena’s heart.


After all, it is not a real Tier 4, and there is no systematic way to use the power of Tier 4, and there is no divine technique of the level of divine grace.

The dark power covered the metal giant, constantly eroding towards its interior.

The Ravenous Seed of Hingis is taking and eroding its power.

During this process, spirits collide with each other.

Olan finally saw what the power hidden in Hingis was.

One picture after another flows by.

It saw a huge black egg with a broken shell, and that was the abyss.

The abyss is divided into seven layers, and each layer corresponds to the power of original sin.

The power of Hingis corresponds to the third layer, and in this dark place, the power of the third layer of the abyss can be extracted almost infinitely.

“The seed of greed.”

“Abyss King preliminaries.”

Olan finally saw through the essence of the great elder Hingis. He is the seed of the king of the abyss chosen by the evil **** of original sin.

The power of the Seed of Greed continued to penetrate into Oran’s body, following Hingis’ desire to seize its power.

The power to take Elena’s heart.

During the process of being devoured, the shell of the metal giant melted layer by layer.

Together with the metal body of the puppet Oran, its two legs were also directly dissolved.

Layers of black silk thread entangled upwards, wrapping around Oran’s heart.

In this abyss, the seven original sins are under the power of greed.

Elena’s heart, which could not be separated in the first place, was closely connected with Alan.

It was pulled out unexpectedly.


A hole opened in Oran’s heart, and the heart came out of it.

The black silk thread was cautious, as if afraid of breaking the heart.

At this time.

The head of Hingis also appeared inside Roshan, in front of the puppet Oran.

He greedily looked at Elena’s heart, and said impatiently.



“Fourth-order divine favor, I finally got it.”

In Hingis’ view, this stone is the power of the fourth level, the gate of longevity.

It was also the beginning of his taking everything.

Hingis opened his mouth and bit the stone.



Hingis’ mind was completely on Elena’s heart, and he didn’t pay attention to the puppet being digested and dissolved at all.

He didn’t notice that Elena’s heart left Oran’s body.

This puppet is also undergoing wonderful changes. 1

In an empty heart.

A broken enchantment is emitting light, and something is changing inside.

On the verge of death, when the consciousness is about to completely fall into darkness.

Olan seemed to faintly see a figure appearing behind him.

A girl wearing a wreath came to its ear and whispered to it. 6


“My strength will protect you.”

Olan suddenly remembered what happened a long time ago.

Golden sandy beaches and white towers.


Colorful flowering tree.

The beautiful fairy in the forest pushed the wheelchair and said to herself happily.

“Since it is eroding you, can you change your heart?”

Olan, the puppet lying in a wheelchair, said: “Dig it out and I will die.”

Saint Rafael corrected: “You are a puppet, so it is broken.”

The doll does not answer.

Seeing the puppet like this, the fairy in the forest made a joke on purpose.

“Give it a try, for example, change to a wooden heart, I think it’s very good.”


“We fairies grow out of trees.”

The light condensed, and a wooden heart condensed out from the puppet’s chest. 4

“Drum boom!”


In the blink of an eye, it transformed from wood into a living heart of flesh and blood. 1

This is.

Miracle. 2

Colorful lights burst out from around the body of the puppet Oran.

Unprepared by Hingis, this force directly tore Roshan apart, allowing Oran to escape from it.

Olan flew in mid-air while looking down at his chest. 1

His heart started beating, making a rhythmic beating sound.

Flesh and flesh continue to affect the surroundings along the heart.

The blood vessels, muscles, and skin are constantly being restructured, and the corroded metal is constantly falling off.

Olan stretched out his hand, and the metal hand was gradually turning into a fleshy palm.

Glittering skin, and layered palm lines.

Olan immediately understood what was happening.

“Not only the enchantment, but you also left something in my heart.” 8

The puppet Oran got rid of Elena’s metallization, and under the blessing of the miracle technique, it returned to its original appearance. 11

He changed from a puppet to a human again.

The puppet Oran raised his head. He never thought that he would be able to find his former self one day.

“Thank you.” 1

“San Rafael.” 5


And the other side.

Hingis looked at Oran in disbelief: “What?”

Hingis did not expect this change, and was dumbfounded.

The puppet suddenly ran away without knowing what power it had.

Even more shocking.

The puppet turned into a real person.

Hingis’ head emerged from the meat mountain, and the huge meat mountain jumped up like a ball, flying thousands of meters away. 1

I want to forcefully keep Oran again.

“Let me stay!”

However, Oran directly avoided it. He had suffered such a big loss just now, and now he knew that this thing could not be killed head-on.

You can only find other ways.

Roshan fell from a height and hit the ground full of bones.


Bones splashed, and large pieces of monsters were crushed into dust.

Hingis still wants to continue the chase.

In this dark and sealed area, where else can Oran escape?


Suddenly he felt very bad.

A strong, full feeling came from the body. 1


Roshan trembled violently, and he opened his mouth to gag.

He wanted to spit out something, but he couldn’t.

And the heart of Elena who had just swallowed in his body was completely activated at this moment because he felt the crisis.


A steel hand protruded from the meat mountain. The five fingers of that hand were slender, and it looked full of strength.


A sharp blade pierced out of Roshan’s body, spun around and cut Roshan into countless pieces of meat.

Hingis let out a scream of pain.


A metal giant cut open Hingis’ flesh and stepped out.

The existence that came out this time is completely different from the metal giant that Oran turned into. 1

The metal giant Oran turns into is like a giant doll.

But the one in front of you.

It seems to be covered with a layer of armor, with a metal spear in its hand. 8

It is like a knight.

A **** warrior.

The piece of meat was reassembled, and Hingis stared blankly at the other party: “Who are you?”

The metal giant in front of him was full of murderous looks, and he had the temperament of an ancient hero and warrior, which was not found in an alchemist. 1

But Hingis reacted immediately, and the stone he was going to use to become the King of Greed escaped.

He yelled in exasperation.


“I’m going to eat you, you’re mine.”

“My strength.”

But before he could attack the metal giant.

The metal giant moves.

Step forward and swing the gun.

The spear swept across, and all the monsters in a radius of hundreds of meters were directly reduced to dust. 2

The air became quiet for a moment, and the layers of abyssal monsters were also frightened. This was not beheading one by one, but directly evaporating.


Its figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared immediately. 1

“Not good!”

“Where did you go?”

Hingis immediately turned around to look for the other party.

Then look up.

I saw the other party falling from the sky, shooting meteors with guns.

The valkyrie-like metal giant spoke a language that Hingis had never heard before: “The gun of heavy pressure!” 12


Under the strong pressure, Hingis and everything hundreds of meters around were directly smashed into dust.

The other party’s every move has the beauty of dancing.

There is also a sense of strength.


Even so, Hingis still did not die.

The shadow of the Seed of Greed twisted, drawing power from the darkness, trying to restore Hingis.

Hingis was terrified. He didn’t understand how the stone could become like this.

Why is this guy so scary.

It is not at the same level as Oran before.

He can only comfort himself, using the power of greed bestowed upon him by the God of Original Sin.

“Can’t kill me!”

“I am immortal here.”

“You can’t kill me either.”

However, at this time, the Titan-like magic metal structure was not as overwhelmed by his strong resilience as Oran.

The metal giant raised the gun in his hand high, and the silver light flowed from the tip of the gun.

“God’s favor!”

“Gun of Destruction!” 3

The true fourth-order divine art, the secret art of the Temple of Truth inherited from ancient times, has reappeared in the world. 1

The light of the gun shot across thousands of meters, directly tearing Roshan through a huge hole that was extremely terrifying.

It stabbed directly at the seed of greed itself.

The metal giant spear picked up and directly stabbed the black shadow in Hingis’ body.

The severe pain that penetrated the source and the soul made Hingis feel more pain than before.


Hingis was more fearful than pain. 4

Fear is at its peak.

Hingis’ scalp seemed to burst open.

“How is that possible?”

The seed of greed that was integrated into the depths of his origin was pierced directly, and the black shadow was like a long snake that was pierced. 1

It will be picked out directly from Hingis’ body.

If there is no power given to him by the evil **** of original sin, Hingis will really die.

At the same time.

Because Xingis really suffered a fundamental fatal injury, this piece of dark land temporarily formed by reality, with Xingis as the hub, invaded with the power of the Abyss Original Sin Gate.

It also directly cracked a gap.

The moonlight outside shone in, and there was the sound of fighting in the city of lights.

Just when Hingis and Oran thought it was all over.

In the endless darkness, a voice echoed throughout the space suddenly came out.

“Lady Elena!”

“They can’t help you, why don’t you let me fulfill your last wish!” 6

A terrifying giant hand stretched out from the darkness.

Catch Elena’s heart.

The boundary between reality and fantasy was broken, and the order of the dream world and the human world was chaotic. Oran, who had been flying high to avoid Hingis’ observation, was directly thrown into the turbulence.

Olan opened his mouth wide and stared at the giant hand falling from his side, not caring about him as an ant passing by.

Stretch straight towards the metal giant.

In front of the giant hand, he is not even a bug.

The huge metal giant can only be regarded as a toy in front of this hand.

The tide of monsters surging in the darkness also stopped in an instant, lying on the ground neatly, no one dared to move.

Even Hingis, who had turned into a mountain of meat, didn’t dare to make any moves at this moment.


The knight-like metal giant did not flinch in the face of such a terrifying sight. 1

The spear in its hand turned into a metal long knife, and hundreds of weapons emerged from behind, each with a divine spell attached. 9

This is its full form.

Hundreds of weapons with magical spells bombarded that hand together, turning into streamers of light.

But the hand didn’t budge at all.


Suppressed all streamers.

Even the metal giant was defeated in the blink of an eye under the cover of the palm, turning into a stone again.


Even Oran immediately understood what kind of existence it was.


“No, it should be the master of the abyss.”

“The Cthulhu of Original Sin.”

His mood suddenly fell into the ice cave. It was not the first time he faced the gods, but the previous few times he was just following behind the messengers of the gods.

When looking face to face, the gods seem only mysterious and ancient.

And now, for the first time, he saw what the power of a **** looked like.


Beyond everything.

The difference between stars and dust is vividly reflected,

Just when the evil **** of original sin was about to take Elena’s heart into his palm,

In the dark.

Thousands of lights are lit up, and the cups of endless desires converge into a sea of ​​silver.

The door of mythology stood up from the sea of ​​silver flowers, and climbed towards the endless sky until the top of the door could not be seen by the extreme eye.

A distorted and invisible stalwart figure stood at the end of the void, holding up a lamp.

The light annihilated the entire world, forcing back the palm protruding from the darkness.

Olan exclaimed: “God of Alchemy?”

Hingis was even more frightened: “God of Alchemy?”

And the moment the two called out their names, they also felt the approach of death.

This is the battle of the gods. 2

It is a godly battle that cannot be approached by mortals, cannot interfere, and will die even if you take a look at it.

Whether it’s Oran or Hingis.

At this moment, they are frightened and run wildly.

All are rushing towards the tearing exit in the darkness, where the moonlight falls.

At this moment, Hingis is like a bereaved dog. The appearance of the Alchemy God has completely broken some of his original small thoughts.

“It turns out that the **** of alchemy and desire has always known.”

“It turns out that He has been paying attention to me.” 2

“So He knows everything!”

He was roaring in his heart, roaring in fear.

He thought that what he did was done without anyone noticing, but he didn’t know that he was always under the eyes of the gods. 1

Everything he wants to do is God’s tacit approval.

He is not only a **** used by the evil **** of original sin to extend into the world to execute the plan, but also a double **** used by the **** of alchemy and desire to promote the reform of the Land of the Rising Sun. 6

Thinking about it, Hingis couldn’t help but shudder.


The two gods seemed to be fighting again, and the power burst out directly piercing the darkness, causing violent fluctuations in the dream world, which is inaccessible to mortals.

The dark land that was temporarily condensed by the original sin gate collapsed completely.

Hingis and Oran couldn’t even see how each other fought, just like ordinary people in a natural disaster who couldn’t see clearly how the disaster was born.

Olan in the high place was in flight and was thrown into the turbulent current above. 1

And Hingis fell into the darkness like a mountain, falling directly into the world.

In the dream world.

The God of Alchemy and Desire standing in front of the mythical gate with a lamp looked at the other end.

“You crossed the line.” 4

In the dark.

The evil **** of original sin finally showed his figure.

The door of original sin burst open.

Above the flesh and blood stars, behind the long table of bones sat a man.

He folded his hands and fingers in front of him, and sat on the long back chair in a very relaxed posture. 7

It doesn’t look like it just had a confrontation with someone.

It’s more like inviting the other party to sit down and play a game of chess.

“Don’t you just want to use my hand to clean up these people?”

“Let the fallen people return to the abyss, wouldn’t the world be clean?”

“Without me.”

“How do you promote the transformation of the world, without darkness, how do you set off the light and greatness of God?” 9

Xiao replied in a teasing way.

It was his first contact with the God of Alchemy and Desire, as if he wanted to know what kind of person he was.

Eva: “That’s not what I said, you shouldn’t reach for something you shouldn’t reach for.” oo-┈www.bkxs.n�?

Xiao: “What is something that shouldn’t be reached?” 15


“The great **** of alchemy and desire.” 1

Iva didn’t answer Xiao’s words at all, and after blocking Xiao’s hand protruding into the world, he left directly. 2

The silver flower sea and the mythical gate disappeared into the void together.

Before the long table of bones.

Xiao held a small ceramic doll in his hand and threw it on the table.

The puppet, which was motionless just now, immediately came to life.

“Is it over so soon?”

“I thought there was going to be a fight?”

Xiao: “So He is God, you are just a doll.”

The conflict between the two myths is over.

No one mentioned the **** named Hingis, as if this person never existed. 5


In the city of lights.

The battle to seize the city, which began in the evening and continued until dark, has finally come to an end.

The city of lights has been breached, and the main facilities of the streets in the city are occupied by the Legion of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance.

A large number of alchemy family members and soldiers began to flee towards the west.

And this time.

A mountain of meat suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the city.

The ongoing war in the city came to an end immediately, and many snake people looked over here. 1

Whether it’s from the City of Lights or from the White Tower Alchemy Alliance.

At this moment, a question mark appeared in my mind.

What is that?

At the moment, Hingis is not in the mood of Lantern City at all. Compared with the fall of Lantern City, he is in more trouble.

“It’s over!”

“The God of Alchemy knows me, and God Iva knows that I have betrayed Him.”

“What will He do to me?”

“How will He punish me?”

Hingis was exposed, and he was terrified.

Hingis twisted his head, and his entire upper body squeezed out of Roshan. He wanted to take back his strength and return from the form of a monster like Roshan to the form of an ordinary snake man.

He has changed like this many times before, and he is very familiar with it.

No matter what, first find a way to escape from the land of the rising sun and escape from the kingdom of the alchemy god.

He has such a huge power, where can’t he go?


This time he suddenly discovered that he couldn’t change back.

“What happened?”

“Why can’t I get it back?”

Hingis panicked completely.

At this time, the feeling of wanting to vomit after eating came up again.


Hingis has used the devouring power of the Seed of Greed several times, and has his own insights and understanding of this power: “Could it be that he died too many times and swallowed too much power in the dark place. “5

When I devoured it, I felt very happy. The power that I can’t kill under the power of the abyss is fascinating.

But at this moment, the backlash came up.

Hingis wanted to spit out part of the devouring power to clear away the devouring power that was eroding his own origin, but he couldn’t spit it out.

He felt that his body was becoming more and more rigid, and his strength became more and more uncontrollable.

“What to do?”

“What’s going on?”

He can only pray to the evil **** of original sin.

Roshan squirmed and crushed a wall.

It directly crushed the castle building.

Then, Hingis found a slate inscribed with the name of the God of Original Sin from the ruins of the old castle.

He began to pray devoutly, begging for a response from the evil **** of the abyss.

“The great darkness of all souls, mastering the flesh and stars of the seven abysses, devouring the **** of original sin.”

“Your most faithful servant, I request you” 3


Hingis called out to the gods over and over again.

I want to communicate the power of the abyss, I want to communicate the will of the abyss.

But as the spokesperson of the abyss, he didn’t get any response at this moment.

Hingis was dumbfounded.

There are only two possibilities in this situation, either there is a problem with the abyss and the God of Original Sin, or the God of Original Sin has abandoned him.

Obviously it cannot be the former, because he was abandoned by the God of Original Sin.


“This is impossible!”

“I am the agent of the God of Original Sin, how could the abyss not answer my call.”

Hingis didn’t believe in such a thing at all, and couldn’t accept it.

“I’m going to try again.”

“I’m going to try again”

Hingis’ heart was completely confused.



No matter how much he shouted, there was no response.

After a long time.

Hingis put down the slate, and the “bump” protruding from the meat mountain showed a dull expression at the moment.

He looked at the slate again, then looked up again.


He felt a nameless anger welling up in his heart.

Once upon a time, the God of Original Sin told him that he was abandoned by the God of Alchemy, so he chose to fall into the abyss.

And now, is the God of Original Sin also giving up on him?

Hingis shouted frantically, roaring loudly.


“The God of Original Sin!”

“You promised me, you promised me!” 6

Hingis finally understood.

Whether it is the evil **** of original sin or the **** of alchemy, he is just a pawn, a clown.

The God of Alchemy did not choose him, and the Cthulhu God of Original Sin also did not choose him. 1

He felt that his body was getting stiffer and stiffer, the power of flesh and blood began to wither and shrink, and the so much mythical blood he had swallowed began to gather instinctively to get rid of the impurities in his body.

His consciousness is getting weaker and weaker, and more and more confused.

“You promised me.”

“I am”

“King of the Abyss!” 1

“I am the doomed king of greed.”

The roar disturbed the entire city of lights and could be heard in all directions.

More and more people rushed towards this side, but when they saw the mountain of meat, they were all frightened and speechless.

They heard Roshan’s desperate cry, hissing in pain.

“You heartless bastards.”

“Damn God.”

In fear, resentment and despair, he suddenly saw the statue of the **** in the distance.

A giant statue more than 100 meters high.

The famous Iva statue in the City of Lights.

“You are using me, you are all using me.”

“I just want what I deserve, what’s wrong with me?”3

“I have paid so much, why can’t I get what I want, that is what I deserve, what I deserve.” 2

“Why do you abandon me!”

“Why do you abandon me!”

In a rage, Roshan rushed towards the giant statue of God Naiva.

Roshan moved across the street, thousands of people fled along the way, and some people attacked Roshan like a mantis trying to block the traffic, but they were immediately swallowed by Roshan. 2

Hingis turned into a mountain of meat looks huge and clumsy, but he moves quickly.

He crossed the street and headed firmly towards the giant statue of Ivar.


He came to the end of the street.

Roshan jumped up and rushed towards the statue that had stood for hundreds of years.

This was built by the Golden Family for the gods, and it used to symbolize what they believed in.

Roshan hit the statue, blood and flesh flew across, staining the statue red.


The colossus is cracked layer by layer.


Collapsed with a crash.

And Hingis was completely swallowed by the Seed of Greed.

His figure continued to shrink from the huge meat mountain, and the mythical blood condensed into a ball, and a large number of impurities were screened out. 3

He is getting smaller and smaller.

His shell hardened and turned the color of metal.


He turned into a brass oil lamp. 10

“Plop plop plop!”


The huge boulders fell with a splash, and the brass oil lamp also fell into the river that meanders under the feet of the giant statue of Iva.

Follow the river and the rubble of the Colossus of Iva into the distance. 3

The soldiers and alchemists who were fighting in the city were stunned by this scene, thousands of people fell to their knees.

Looking at the collapsed statue in disbelief.

Especially everyone in the golden family line.

The fall of the giant statue they built for the **** also represented the end of the Golden Family.

“No!” In the Temple of Miracles, several gold family alchemists who were still struggling completely collapsed. 1

“God!” They stood on a high place, watching the mountain of meat from a distance, crying bitterly.

“Who is blaspheming?” They cursed the Roshan monster, but they didn’t know that the monster was the former Great Elder Hingis.

The members of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance looked at each other in panic and said.

“What the **** is that?”

In the city, other people are also moving quickly.

A large number of members of the Abyss Cult were summoned by Xingis, the Abyss Cult formed by Hingis.

Quickly retreated out of the city and lurked.

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