I am God Chapter 193: : Fairy Treasure

The performance in the capital is over, and the goblin troupe is about to leave the city of the gods.

Many members of the performance troupe gathered in front of the hotel, while packing their things and loading the trailer, they were excitedly talking about the grand occasion of the previous performance.

The tall and thin guy, the deputy head of the goblin troupe, asked the goblin, “Master, where are we going next?”

The goblin Simila raised her hand: “Of course I want to go to more cities, more and more.”

“We’re going to go to every city in Heinsay and let everyone know us.”

The fairy’s words made everyone in the hotel applaud.

The giant raised his hand and clapped his hands: “Good!”

The little ghost grabbed the hood of the car and put one hand to his mouth and shouted: “Long live the goblin show troupe.”

The thin tall man also laughed and said: “Master, let’s go to every corner of Xiyin Sai together.”

Having a somewhat childish head of the troupe also makes the entire performance troupe full of vigor.


“I agreed to visit every city, no one can be absent.”

Simila put her hands on her hips and said seriously to everyone.

The tall and thin guy happened to be standing in front of the group leader, facing Simila’s serious eyes, he also nodded seriously.

“Of course.”

“It’s done.”

“We will go to every city together and have a show in every city.”

A trailer truck convoy with the name of the Goblin Troupe printed on it is very eye-catching.

There were even children chasing the convoy of the goblin troupe on the road, shouting loudly.

“The goblin troupe, look at the goblin troupe.”

“Are they leaving?”

“Will you come back?”

The goblin opened the window of the carriage and looked outside. The masked goblin immediately caused cheers.

The children pointed at her and shouted: “It’s the fairy sister.”

The goblin also waved at them: “I will definitely come back when I have the chance. When you grow up, you can also go to other cities to watch our performances!”

The city gate.

The Truth Sage Lan En stood in front of the doorway, waiting for the elf’s convoy.

Looking at the bustling goblin troupe passing by, the truth sage Lan En couldn’t help but sigh at the popularity of goblins.

The sage of truth, Lan En, walked forward to the car where the fairy Simila was, and said in a low voice.

“Dear Messenger of God, can you come down and see me?”

“I am Lan En of the Temple of Truth.”

Simira the Fairy opened the door and stepped down from it.

She walked into the entrance hole and looked at Lan En, and recognized that this was the three-leaf man who had previously fought against the villain in the bottle and the plague of blood.

She waved her hands again and again: “I am not the envoy of God, nor Lord Sheila.”

“I am Simila.”

In the eyes of the Sanye people, the goblin is the messenger of the **** and the spokesperson of the god.

But it’s different for most elves, they are just carefree creatures inhabiting the kingdom of gods, and gods never need them to convey any will.

Lan nodded: “Master Simila from the kingdom of gods, why did you come to the world of mortals and the city of gods?”

The fairy Simila looked at Lan En defensively: “I can’t tell you.”

When she said this, she revealed that she came to the mortal world with a mission.

But Lan En probably guessed it too.

The fairy Simila came to the world of mortals, probably not because of the will of God Sai.

Then it can only be the will of the emissary on the right side of the throne and the guardian of the kingdom of gods, Sheila.

Lan En’s teacher is Sang De’an, the first mortal who has entered the kingdom of fairies.

He probably knows some goblin characters, this is a group of innocent children.

Even if.

This is a great goblin with great power, and their age can even be traced back to the epic age.

“Master Simila!”

“I didn’t mean to inquire about the great mission you shouldered, but I just want to ask you a few other questions, and I hope you can give me guidance and confusion.”

Lan En’s voice is very sincere: “These few questions may be related to the existence and future of the entire Heinsay.”

The goblin muttered: “You people, why do you like to ask questions so much?”

Lan En smiled: “Of course, the question is not for nothing.”

“I know that Lord Simila’s performance troupe has been touring various cities to promote the Festival of Wishes.”

“Whether I have the answer or not, I will help you to decree and spread this festival everywhere.”

The goblin was so excited that she almost jumped up, and leaned forward with a slight bounce under her feet: “Really?”

The corners of Lan En’s mouth raised slightly, and the innocent goblin was seen through from the very beginning.

Lan En smiled and said, “Of course it is true, Lord Simila.”

“I have already applied to His Majesty the King, and His Majesty the King has also agreed.”

“It won’t be long before the order to make the Day of Wishing a legal holiday will be promulgated in every city.”

“Prayer Day is a good festival, a festival that belongs to children as well as parents.”

“It should be passed on forever.”

The goblin was very happy and said to Lan En.


“You can ask me any questions you have, and Lady Simila will definitely be able to guide you.”

He originally wanted to ask a lot about the kingdom of gods, but in the end he opened his mouth and thought for a long time before giving up these plans.

“Master Simila!”

“What is the villain in the bottle? Why can he become a myth?”

The goblin actually doesn’t know much, all she knows is what she can see from the God’s Cup.

“He is a magical prop with serial number 2, and his name is Anhofus, the villain in a bottle.”

Lan immediately noticed the key: “Serial number 2?”

Lane owns the miracle item Wings of Harnessing the Wind, and the serial number on it has been changing all the time. At this moment, he suddenly understood the reason.

It turns out that the change is not only due to the addition of other miracle props, but the birth of other props will also be counted.

However, he even thought that the villain in the bottle was included in the magical props.

This is because it is not a natural life, it is thought to be manufactured?

Or other reasons?

Lan En sighed: “It turned out to be the existence of serial number 2, no wonder it has such a powerful power?”

The goblin nodded: “It has four special powers.”

The goblin held her head high, frowning and thinking hard.

“The first type should be the unstable mythical form and incomplete immortality derived from the power of wisdom.”

“The second is the light of original sin, which can transform people into a ghost state and plunder their blood of wisdom and power.”

“The third is the door of truth, which can store knowledge as a power.”

“The fourth is equivalent exchange, which can conclude contracts with all mortals through the power of the spirit world.”

The goblin stopped here: “That’s all I remember.”

Lan En bowed and said, “It’s already a lot, Lord Simila.”

Although Lan En didn’t directly get the key reason why the villain in the bottle was able to plunder the mythical blood of other lives without being backlashed, but getting so much known information is already very good.

Combined with the various materials they collected before, all the power drawings of the villain in the bottle were revealed in front of them at once.

Especially that first sentence.

The words about the unstable mythical form and incomplete immortality of the villain in the bottle are very interesting.

Let the imagination run wild.

The sage of truth, Lan En, thought to himself: “Is there something wrong with the mythical form of the villain in the bottle? So that’s why it can’t and dare not leave the holy mountain?”

“Does it have a weakness?”

However, how to discover the deeper secret of this weakness, and how to target this weakness, he hasn’t figured it out yet.

Lan then asked the second question: “Then what is the plague of blood, Stuun?”

“Why can he have such a powerful force and a nearly immortal form?”

Lan’s exploration of power from the fourth level up was not smooth, although he had already demonstrated the perfect mythical form.

But it is the only one that can wantonly **** the blood of myth like the villain in the bottle.

Besides, even the ancient divine arts such as the gift of power, most people can only accept the gift once.

Even if there are the most rumors in history, it is only heard that someone has accepted it three times, and the side effects are very serious.

The birth of the villain in a bottle and the disasters it brought have always brought enormous pressure to everyone in Xiyin Sai and him.

Since there is no way to obtain the power to match and kill the villain in the bottle for the time being, is it possible to use other powers to deal with and strike the villain in the bottle?

Don’t overthink it.

The name of Blood Plague Stuen immediately appeared in Lan En, the Sage of Truth.

A person who has a feud with the villain in the bottle and does not have much malice towards mortals.

Especially before Stoun blocked the fatal blow of the villain in the bottle for Lan En, which made Lan En feel very good about him.

He thinks.

Perhaps it is possible to form some kind of alliance with the plague of blood, Stoun, to jointly deal with Anhofus, the villain in the bottle.

Blood Plague Stuen’s name had been heard by Lan En a long time ago, but he didn’t pay much attention to it before, thinking that at most he was just a weird third-level curse-seal priest.

After all, before the Blood Plague, Stuen had been chasing and killing believers of the “God of Knowledge”.

But after he saw the blood plague last time, it was completely different.

He discovered that the other party was not using wisdom and power at all, and he was able to fight with the villain in a bottle. This made the Temple of Truth and the sage Lan En’s evaluation of the blood plague so high that it was unbelievable Degree.

The goblin still remembers the first few on the Cup of God very clearly: “He is a life item with serial number 1, and he possesses the power of trolls and life.”

“But when I saw his information, its form hadn’t completely evolved, so many parts of its power were vague.”

The goblin rubbed the back of her head with her hand, looking dazed.

When the sage of truth saw her like this, he was also a little anxious.

I’m afraid she missed some key information.

“He has the power to transform blood energy, and he can transform the vitality of other creatures into his own vitality. Before the vitality is exhausted, he will be in an immortal state.”

“He can also use blood to convert vampires and control them, but I remember that this kind of power has disadvantages.”


“He can also turn into other life forms. This ability is called a life template?”

Intermittently, the goblin finally finished speaking.

Lan nodded: “Sure enough, it is the power of Sally, the mother of life and the king of giant monsters.”

Lan En had been guessing before, but this time it was completely confirmed.

Lan En said to himself: “And it still exists with serial number 1? Doesn’t it mean that it is stronger than the villain in a bottle?”

The fairy Simila shook her head: “That’s not how the sequence is calculated. The order of the props engraved on the Cup of God is arranged according to the amount of divine blood.”

“The amount of divine blood does not completely represent the division of strength.”

Lan En was very excited, as if he saw the dawn of dealing with the villain in the bottle.

“But this at least proves that Anhofus, the blood plague, has the potential to surpass the villain in a bottle.”


The goblin stared at Lan En with big watery eyes, clearly telling him.

“I’m just a goblin, don’t ask me such complicated questions.”

At this moment, the fairy Simila suddenly remembered something.

She suddenly had an expression of enlightenment, pointed at Lan En and said.



“I remember now, are you the student Sandean often mentioned?”

Lan En: “Huh?”

After some chaotic conversations, Lan En knew that his teacher, Sunderan, had become the administrator of the Great Fairy Library after his death.

Lan En sighed a little: “It seems that the teacher has a good ending.”

The goblin held his head high and held his chest high: “After all, I am your elder.”

Lan En looked at this childish goblin and felt a little funny: “Master Simila is of course my elder. If you are free next time, you can come to the island of mist to have a look.”

“It is also a very beautiful and beautiful place, and there are many very interesting things.”

Seeing that Lan En finished asking the question, the goblin turned and left and returned to the trailer.

The convoy started again, passed through the gate and headed out of the city.

The goblin stood on the open carriage door, waving at Lane.



Lan bowed to her: “Goodbye, Lord Simila.”

When the convoy left the gate, the imprudent goblin remembered something again, turned around and shouted at Lan En: “That’s right! Prayer Day!”

Of course, Lan En knew what the goblin meant, so he gestured to the goblin from a distance.


The promulgation of the kingdom’s decree only made the name of the prayer festival appear in front of the common people in various cities.

Many cities in the Kingdom of Xiyinsi are still at a loss for this strange festival and name, because they have never had the custom of this festival before.

“Prayer Day?” Someone looked at the notice and didn’t know why.

“I’ve never heard of it!” Others whispered among themselves.

“It’s inexplicable.” The workshop owner was even more dissatisfied when he heard that this day must be a holiday.

And the trip of the goblin show troupe.

Still going on.

It is they who make the customs of the Wishing Festival and the fairy tales of wish fulfillment truly penetrate into the hearts of every city.

She passed on the wishes of the Festival of Wishes and the blessings of the goblins to every city, and to children one after another.

Stan City: “We are the goblin troupe, the No. 1 troupe in Heinsay.”

Anjo City: “I am a wish-fulfilling fairy. Although today is not a wishing day, I can still grant one of your wishes.”

Sailer City: “I heard that this is the place where the Wishing Festival was born, so our goblin troupe came here today.”

During their travels and adventures, the goblin begins to lose track of time.

Cimira is completely immersed in the happy days with her partner.

She is no longer just to complete the task of Lord Xila, but just to travel with her companions.


I want to continue this journey forever.

Let this happy time extend indefinitely, let it never end.

It’s just that Simila, the goblin, didn’t realize that after so many years, she still hasn’t changed, but the people around her have gradually changed from youth to middle age.

As for middle-aged people, they start to age a little bit.

She traveled tirelessly through one city after another, but the members of the goblin troupe gradually became exhausted during the long and endless journey.

The years and time of more than ten years, to Simila, it was like a short outing, a sound sleep lying in the sea of ​​sunflowers.

But this is not the case at all for the Sanye people.

This day.

They walked to the city that was planning to hold a grand performance but left because of a royal decree——Sun City, which is also the second largest city in the south after Volcano City.


The entire goblin troupe received an unprecedented welcome, and people came to greet them before they entered the city.

They once again presented a wonderful performance, and even people from many surrounding cities came here specially just to watch the performance of the goblin troupe.

Everyone was empty, and countless people cheered.

After the performance, backstage the goblin was still full of energy as usual.

She laughed and danced, sharing her happiness with her companions.

“Our new show is a big hit next time”

When Simila the Fairy talked about her repertoire, she became radiant when she talked about the children.

She never seemed to know sorrow, let alone what tiredness is.

In the background, the members of the goblin troupe sitting on boxes and stools looked at the goblin Simila with smiles.

Their leader is like this, bringing joy to the children and happiness to them.


No matter how happy and happy the journey is, there will always be a day when it ends and parting.

The goblin was talking endlessly by herself, but she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why don’t you talk anymore? It’s different from before!”

The little wit stood up, and he said to the goblin seriously: “Master, leader.”

The goblin turned around and looked at the little ghost suspiciously.

When he talks to goblins, he laughs and plays, but rarely is he so serious.

“Little smart.”

“What’s wrong?”

The little wit was a little embarrassed, and he bowed to the goblin Simila.

“Master Head.”

“I’m here to say goodbye to you, I’m leaving the goblin troupe.”

The goblin was at a loss after hearing this, and didn’t react for a long time.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why are you saying goodbye all of a sudden?”

“Is it because of something unhappy?”

Little Witty shook his head: “That’s not the case, Master Leader.”

“The days in the Goblin Performing Troupe were the happiest days in my life.”

“The leader is the best leader I have ever met.”

The little witty looked at the leader, his eyes were full of maturity.

It was only then that the goblin faintly realized that Little Witling was no longer the boy who had just left his hometown to find a life when she first met them.

He spent his youthful years in the Goblin Performing Troupe, and became mature and stable.

“But I’m a little tired, I don’t want to wander anymore.”

“Although the days of traveling are very happy, I also want to live another life.”

“I met a girl I like in Sun City, I want to stay here.”

The goblin is a little lost: “Huh?”

“That’s right!”

The little witty looked at the hiding and hesitating giant behind him, and spoke for him.

“Master Head.”

“There is also a giant, he also wants to say goodbye to you.”

The fairy Simila became anxious: “What happened to the giant?”

The giant stood up and opened his mouth for a long time in a stupid manner, but he couldn’t utter a complete sentence.

In the end, it was the little wit who helped him finish the sentence.

“His relatives in his hometown wrote to ask him to go back. He is actually older than us and not in good health.”

“He is no longer suitable for the life of the performance troupe, but he has been embarrassed to say it before.”

The giant stood up, not daring to look directly into the leader’s eyes.

“Master Head.”


The goblin already knew that there is a difference between human beings before, and it is very likely that they will never see each other again after a farewell.

But she never thought that one day she would be separated from the little ghost and the giant.

The little wit, the tall and thin guy, and the giant were his companions who traveled together at the beginning.

She also always thought that she could be eternal companions with the three of them.

Go on a happy journey that will never end, just like the summer when they first met.

The goblin Simila looked at the giant and the little ghost, and said while holding back her tears.


“Don’t tell me you’re sorry, you’re not wrong.”

“I’m just a little bit reluctant to part with you, and I didn’t expect the separation to come so quickly.”

Little Witty started, and many people from the Goblin Performing Troupe followed behind him.

Many of them had ideas long ago and were just never too embarrassed to bring them up.

This time Sun City’s performance was very successful, and the reputation of the Goblin Performing Troupe reached its peak.

Many people also took advantage of the trend and chose to leave.

Some people leave, and naturally others stay.

The crowd in the backstage gradually decreased. At this time, the tall and thin man stood up and came to the somewhat sad goblin.

The goblin raised her head and looked at the tall and thin man with a pouted mouth.

“Slim and tall!”

“Are you here to say goodbye to me too?”

The tall and thin man shook his head and said with a smile.


“I promised you, the leader, that I will accompany you to every city in Xiyinsi.”

“Since you have promised, then you must do it!”

The goblin Simila immediately burst into tears: “Really?”

The tall and thin guy looked at his team leader and nodded.

“Of course.”

“You are the leader of my life.”


The performance of Sun City, the final performance performed by all the partners with Simila.

It seems to be the pinnacle of the goblin troupe.

Since then, the reputation of the goblin troupe has gradually declined. Although the goblin is still there, her puppet shows are still being staged.

But she no longer recruits any members, so the number of goblin troupe is getting smaller and smaller.

Gradually from a large performance troupe, to a medium-sized performance troupe, to a small performance troupe.

But the Goblin Performing Troupe still traveled to every corner of Heinsay according to their promise.

Xinsay is very big, and it would take a very long time for ordinary people to walk around it.

Not to mention the performances of one city after another, some of these cities are very large, and some can only be called small towns.

But the goblin show did it.

The years pass away like this on the journey.

Stone Forest City.

A dilapidated trailer enters the city through the gate.

There were only two people in the car, a man wearing a goblin mask, and a dying patient.

Looking at the bustling street, the goblin turned around and said to the patient lying in the carriage.


“Look, it’s Stone Forest City.”

“Slender and tall, we are back again.”

How come the tall and thin guy has been the deputy head of the goblin troupe for many years. He married a dancer from the goblin troupe as his wife, but he has no children.

A few years ago, his wife died.

The tall and thin guy is also getting old, and he couldn’t get sick a month ago.

The goblin took him back to his hometown, but the tall thin man said.

“I have no relatives, and there is no point in returning home.”

The goblin thought for a long time, and finally said.

“Then let’s go back to Stone Forest City to have a look!”

Stone Forest City was the place where they first met, but when they returned, almost fifty years had passed since they left the last time.

The tall and thin man lifted the curtain of the carriage weakly and peeped outside.

The bustling market, the noisy children running,

“It seems that a lot has changed, but nothing has changed.”

The tall and thin guy looked at the head of the goblin who was riding a bicycle in front of him: “But you, the head, really haven’t changed at all.”

The thin and tall guy never asked about the identity of the goblin, and he never wondered why Simila hadn’t changed for so many years, and even her voice was the same as when she was young.

Such a long time has passed, and the other party is still like a little girl.

But the tall and thin man himself has stepped from a youth to middle age, and then aged.

Now is about to go to the grave.

That is the destined destination of mortals.

The goblin found the place where they had met, and the open space had turned into a house.

The goblin paid for the house.

She is going to spend the last time here with her deputy captain.

The goblin Simila smiled and said to the tall and thin man, “Look!”

“We can set up a shed here and perform as before.”

“I just don’t know if the children who watched our performances are still here now, and if they remember us.”

The goblin really built a tent outside and hung the sign of the goblin performing group.

There are two hours of performances every day, and they are free.

Many children around will come to watch regularly, and many people in the city know that there is a small performance troupe in this place.

A performance troupe with only two people.

It’s just that no one in the city thinks that they are a real goblin troupe, and they all think that they are just borrowing this once prominent and brilliant name.

An ordinary night.

There is no heavy rain and thunder, let alone strong wind, frost and snow.

The tall and thin guy woke up in a daze from his stupor, calling Simila’s name.

Simila hurriedly opened the door and walked in, looking at the tall and thin man lying on the bed.

She suddenly understood something, and suddenly leaned against the wall.

She covered her mouth: “No!”

“Slender and tall, don’t die.”

The tall and thin guy said with a smile: “Master Leader!”

“Are you crying?”

Cimilla lay down in front of the tall and thin man’s window, burying her head in the quilt.

“I don’t understand.”

“Our story is obviously so beautiful, our journey and adventure are obviously so interesting, our experience is obviously so happy.”

“But why am I crying?”

The tall thin man stroked the goblin’s hair as if comforting a child.

“Don’t cry.”

“How can a goblin shed tears!”

Simira raised her head: “Slender man, do you know that I’m a goblin?”

The tall and thin man smiled and said: “We have guessed it a long time ago, everyone knows it, but we just don’t talk about it.”

“Master, you are really interesting.”

“Pretending to be one, a goblin pretending to be a goblin.”

“But your acting skills are really not very good.”

The goblin Simila was upset, she said with her nose shrugged.

“I’m good at acting, I’m the head of the goblin troupe.”

“Head of the first performance troupe of Heinsay.”

The tall and thin man looked at the sad Simila, and at the various dolls on the table.

Among them was himself when he was young, but also giants and little ghosts.

“Master Head.”

“After performing for others all my life, can I have a performance of my own?”

The fairy Simila looked at the doll, and when it came to performing, she immediately cheered up.

“That’s good.”

“You must read it!”

The goblin Simila picked up the dolls and held the strings in her hand.

“This is a show just for Slender Guy.”


Simila’s voice paused: “The last performance of our goblin troupe.”

The illusion unfolded, and a scene from the past appeared on the table.

The tall and thin guy saw the encounter between himself, the little wit, the giant, and the group leader. The head of the group performed a puppet show that shocked everyone in front, and he, the little wit, and the giant dubbed behind the stage.

He saw that after the performance was over, the three of them poked their heads out from behind the tablecloth and gave thumbs up to the group leader.

There are thrilling and exciting stories of their journey along the way in the picture, and there are warm scenes of them sitting on the trailer singing songs.

While the goblin controls the dolls to perform, they also learn how to speak when they were young.

Sometimes it becomes the urn sound of a giant, sometimes it becomes the cunning of a small wit, and sometimes it has a tall and thin old man.

There are more and more of them, and the team is getting bigger and bigger.

The tall and thin man looked at this scene with deeper and deeper eyes.

His memory also returned to when he was young, he couldn’t help but want to sit up.


“It was really a lucky thing to meet the leader at that time.”

“I really want to.”

“I really want the four of us to do that free show again, our first show.”

“Four of us, four of us”

Before the words were finished, the tall and thin guy closed his eyes,

The tall and thin man’s life dreams floated up and floated towards the sky.

It fades away.

The goblin chased all the way out of the gate, watching the thin and tall man’s dream of life enter the gate of the dream world.

She yelled: “Slender, giant, little witty.”

“Although the dream is over.”

“But you are all my dreams, my fondest memories.”

“I will never forget you, I will never forget you.”

The goblin said so, but tears came out of her eyes.

Although she was very sad, she also felt very happy.

It was a good time.

Although it is short, it is unforgettable.

At this moment, she really understands that goblins do not belong to this world.

No matter how reluctant she was, she had to say goodbye to her friends in the end.

This is the destined farewell between the immortal fairy and the mortal.

A farewell called death, there is no goodbye.

She suddenly remembered the languages ​​recorded by Lord Sheila, and the myths in the city of shrines.

In the past, she didn’t understand the meaning of those words, but at this moment, she suddenly understood.

At daybreak, the fairy Simmy buried the tall and thin man.

She took off the signboard of the Goblin Performance Troupe, Simila rubbed the mottled and corroded words on it, and hugged her tightly in her arms cherishingly.

Once upon a time, the jar given by Lady Sheila was her most precious treasure.

And now.

She has another treasure,

Holding the signboard of the Goblin Performing Troupe, she flew towards the sky, flying higher and higher, getting farther and farther away from the world.

In the sky, she looked back at Stone Forest City.

Said something.


“My journey and adventure.”

“And my friends.”

Entered a light door and disappeared.

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