I am God Chapter 141: : I want to leave this universe

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The first dragon-men were born and then became extinct.

Anisha watched the dragons she had created die in droves, in miserable and helpless ways.

This world that was so beautiful and peaceful to the witch was indescribably terrifying to them. In a blink of an eye to the witch, the newly born dragons disappeared, like a flash in the pan.

They even arranged a settlement place for these dragon people in advance and prepared some things, but they didn’t have time to use them all.

At this moment, their tens of millions of years of expectations were shattered in an instant.

In front of the towering tomb mountain.

The witches stood in a row, and you could see disappointment on their faces.


The failure of such a long period of hard work in an instant is a blow that is unimaginable for anyone.

But the witches seem to have an iron heart and a perseverance that cannot be destroyed.

“Must adjust again.”

“You can’t make adjustments casually, you have to find the right method and the problem.”

“Let’s open a world in a vat!”

“This is the only way.”

During their conversation, they spoke lightly.

“Let’s do it again!”

No matter what kind of setbacks they encounter, all they can say is to do it again. Understatement contains terrifying strength and determination.

The other witches turned and left, but Anissa was still standing in front of the mountain.

The dragons buried under the graves could not choose their own birth, nor could they choose their own death. No one would even know that they had been born in the future.

At this moment, the image of the lizard dying outside the vessel suddenly appeared in front of her again.

At this time, the witches looked at her and shouted to her.


“Stop watching, do it again.”

Anissa followed again.

The huge glass jar is placed on the gate of the earth, which is the cave.

The seemingly incredible act of creating life became a reality under the power of the glass jar. The crystal wall shrouded the earth outside, and the glass jar contained a simulated world that was exactly the same as the outside.

The dragon man finally made it successfully.


With the sound of the glass tank opening, foam rushed into the world.

The dragons in the glass jar disappeared into thin air, while the dragons in reality were born one by one in the white sweep and ushered in a new life.

The witches happily scattered them into the world, waiting for them to thrive in this land.

Of course Anissa is there too.

She watched the dragons leave the glass tank and run into the distance, just like the lizard she once let go and finally rushed into the jungle.

But at this moment, Anissa could no longer be happy.

She could see that the lizard was just moving from one container to another, and these dragon people were just moving from one glass jar to another.

They still cannot choose their own birth, nor can they decide their future.

Anisha asked the Earth Witch on the side: “What are we doing over and over again, working hard, reincarnating, and doing all this across the long years to usher in?”

Myrtle prayed devoutly and told Anissa: “When the power of life becomes perfect, the Creator will truly come to this world.”

Anissa has learned the power of destiny.

So when the being who holds destiny truly enters this world, what will everything become?


After the birth of the Dragon Man.

The witches decided to create another race this time, and also tried to deduce the model of the life authority.

In addition to the established procedures in the vat world, another arranged existence will be thrown in to achieve the goal through off-site factors.

The glass jar is opened.

The wingless birdman appeared, and at the same time the being who called himself the Prisoner Bird appeared.

The witches promised him the position of the real king of the sky, but he had already left the glass tank, but he refused to leave the platform holding the glass tank.

“The King of the Sky?”

“I already am, can’t you see?”

Anisa looked at the “prison bird” standing in the center of the empty platform, shouting to the surroundings.


“My kingdom in the sky, my people, and my priests, didn’t they all come out with me?”

Birdman created an ice sculpture throne and sat on it.

“Listen, they are cheering for me.”

“How enthusiastic, they are all there.”

“Can’t you hear it?”

This farce silenced all the witches.

Anisa looked at the “prison bird” and said: “He is crazy.”

But she heard the “prison bird” shout again: “I won’t go out. There is also a cage outside. There are cages everywhere. I won’t go out.”

The other party even looked at them witches and laughed: “You are also in the glass jar, so are you.”

The witches are about to enter their next slumber, waiting for the civilization of dragons and birdmen to develop to a certain extent.

On the Tower of Babel.

Anisa lay on the steps looking at the world of stars.

The tower soul on the side appeared but did not speak, just stayed by her side quietly.

Various images kept popping up in her mind, including the scene when she was a child looking out at the Tower of Babel, the moment when the lizard walked out of the vessel, and the moment when the lizard species she created was exterminated by the dragon beast.

She saw the dragon man running into the distance, and also saw the prison bird imprisoning itself on the ice sculpture throne.

But in the end, the scene was frozen when she was staring at the candlestick throne that dominated life.

She seemed to be talking to herself, or to the soul of the Tower of Babel beside her.

“When I was a child, I longed for the world outside the tower. You don’t know how happy I was when I rushed out of the tower, but I don’t know when that happiness disappeared.”

“Why was I so sad when the lizard couldn’t go out? I still remember that sad feeling, it was just a lizard?”

“Why do I feel so envious when I look at the throne of the Lord of Life? What am I envious of her for?”

“The prison bird said that we are also in a glass jar. He was right, but who doesn’t live in a glass jar? There is no way to change this.”

On the stairs, Anissa’s two arms supported her graceful curves.

She tilted her head and looked at the tower soul beside her.

“Are people always dissatisfied?”

“I long for a bigger world, but after coming to the bigger world, I want to have a broader world. What if I go outside?”

“Isn’t it extremely stupid to pursue infinite things with your limited self and drown yourself in endless desires?”

“It seems like that crazy ‘prison bird’ may have made the right choice.”

“We should be more content, right?”


That being said.

But Anissa was extremely sad, just like when she was a child, the sadness when the lizard died had never left her chest.

Over the course of fifty million years, she unknowingly became extremely disappointed with the land and world that she longed for so much when she was a child.

Tahun: “I don’t understand the big principles you said, but I still want to get out.”

Anissa: “Why do you want to leave this world, even if you will be captured by the dominant **** after you leave?”

Tahun said: “Of course I do, I want to see the outside, even for a moment.”

Anisa: “How about just a moment?”

Anissa looked at the world of stars, wondering how much time had passed.

She suddenly said to the tower soul: “Then let’s go together!”

Tahun was shocked: “Didn’t you say this was a stupid act?”

Anisha: “Yes, I feel a little stupid.”

Then Anisa said the same thing as Ta: “But, I still want to go out.”

Tahun: “Are you tired of this world too?”

She said: “I don’t know what I am tired of.”

Tahun: “Then why are you doing this?”

Anisha: “Just think I’m crazy too.”

Anisa stretched out her hand and faced the stars: “Don’t you remember, I am also a being who has no desire for God but has achieved immortality. He has been reincarnated for eight million years, and I was born fifty million years ago. ”

Tahun didn’t ask any more questions, he just said something.

“Then let’s leave together!”

The Tower of Babel and its guardians reached an agreement and decided to “escape” together and leave this world.

When the other witches are asleep.

She wakes up alone.

Go through the long road, open the door to the entrance of the earth maze, and walk all the way up the earth temple.

When she reached the altar at the top, she suddenly heard a crisp sound.


She looked back.

I discovered that my statue on the altar at the top of the temple was broken.

The altar is surrounded by statues of seven of their witches, but only six are still intact at the moment.

But she just took a look and left here.

It was as if he had left behind his past, his noble identity as a witch, and his great mission to create the world.


She pushed open the Temple of Life at the top of the Tower of Babel.

She was different from other witches. She used the things in the temple to find the source of the change without any fear. She believed that the Supreme God would not do unnecessary things, and since the power was revealed in This must be related to this world.

Finally, she found it.

It took tens of thousands of years.

It was a mythical pillar that fell from the Kingdom of Creation God, and it happened to fall into the Kingdom of Gods inside the crystal wall. However, the power of this mythical pillar was not fully activated at this time, and she also The power of the pillars was never fully understood.

It took another nearly ten thousand years.

She slowly found the most primitive way to create new professionals, and she used this power many times on the mountain that entangled the world.

Then, she stood the pillar on the tomb mountain where the first dragon people were buried, and began to conduct experiments.

This time.

She wants to create a new witch.

The power of this mythical pillar also has great convenience in making witches, which reduces a lot of difficulty.

However, at this time, she and Babel Soul were still a little confused. They had indeed made up their minds and found the thread that left the world, the mythical pillar from the Kingdom of Creation.

But they are still not sure what to do next and how to leave this world.

They can only continue to explore the power and origin of the pillars, and at the same time enhance their own strength. Anissa’s original plan was to create three witches in succession, so that they would have four witches on their side. .

Four versus six, even though they are at a disadvantage, it is not completely one-sided.

Coupled with the mythical pillars and the Tower of Babel, as well as the world power controlled by the four witches, they have a great chance of breaking this cage.

But this is the first time.

Their plan had a problem that shocked them to the point of going blank.

That was not only beyond their expectations, but also beyond their imagination.

She did successfully create a new preparatory witch, but she never expected that the witch would summon a black-haired man from inside the pillar.

When the black-haired and black-eyed being walked out of the mythical pillar, she was first stunned, then excited, showing her true identity and strength and roaring at the top of her lungs.

And watched the other person go away.

She didn’t know why, but she became so excited and impatient, as if the most important thing in her life was gone.

She shouted in all directions like crazy, as if she had lost the whole world.


She was sealed in this mythical pillar.

However, after calming down, she thought about many things and recalled the ancient myths her mother had told her.

She began to become less anxious, and she seemed to have found a better answer than her previous plan.

Stand under the pillars of myth.

Anisa began to use the power of the witch to pay attention to the black-haired man who broke into the world, and the tower soul entered the kingdom of gods from time to time and appeared beside her, but even if this tower is close to the seventh-level true **** It would not be very easy for the mythical props to break the seal and bring her out, and it might even trigger a more troublesome chain reaction.

Tower Soul: “Not only are you unable to escape from the Xiinsai world, but you are also having trouble escaping from this pillar.”

Anisa looked at the world: “Don’t worry, this restraint is only temporary. A black-haired man has come to this world. Is there anything more incredible than this?”

Tahun: “So what, he came with the mission of the Creator, but we want to escape from this world of Yinsai.”

Anisha shook her head: “No, it’s not that simple.”

She withdrew her gaze and looked up at the mythical pillar behind her.

“You know, that inscription was born at the beginning of ancient mythology.”

“The Lord of Life built the pyramid temple, and the first-generation God-King of Wisdom recorded some of the images in the Creator’s mind in that temple. You must know that at that time, all living things had not appeared, and dreams had not been derived. What really existed in the world There are only two masters, life and wisdom.”

Tahun: “What do you mean?”

Anisa: “If nothing was born, where did the inscription on the pillar come from?”

The tower soul looked up high: “You mean?”

Anisa: “Perhaps it is a place deeper than the stars and farther than the end of the universe.”

Tahun: “Where is that place?”

Anisha: “Have you ever thought about where the Creator came from?”

Tahun was so surprised that he didn’t dare to say anything, nor did he dare to continue this topic.

And Anissa lowered her head, and then looked at the scene in the world.

She watched the black-haired man come into this world in a daze. He walked on the earth without knowing anything. He was chased by weirdos and ran away, eventually becoming the forerunner to seal the weirdness.

He built a house, took in some homeless people, and eventually became the leader of the tribe.

He followed the changes in the environment and drifted with the tide. He was pushed by the waves of the times and came to a position that belonged to him.

And finally.

He also died in this position.

Tahun: “His behavior is really strange.”

Anisa: “Why is it strange?”

Tahun: “He seems to be born knowing what is right and what is wrong, but he doesn’t know why he feels that way; he can die for what he thinks is right. It seems that he is a He is a great person who is persistent and has the desire of a god, but I just feel strange.”

Anisa stared at the black-haired man lying on the stone tablet in the human world, and then continued what the tower soul said.

“It’s like a doll with a preset personality from birth. He moves in the direction he thinks is right and does what he thinks is right, but he misses the initial stage of personality formation.”

“Those things he felt were right never really belonged to him.”

“He can say many words that even the ancient gods cannot say, but those truths are not his own, they are just what others told him, or they belong to the person he used to be.”

Tahun suddenly realized: “Yes, that’s what it feels like.”

Anisa suddenly remembered a legend: “The couple who pulls the thread of fate?”

Tahun: “This is his true destiny.”

The tower soul and Anissa were under the pillar, watching the “couple on the string of fate” penetrate the kingdom of the gods after his death.

At this point, he has not stopped yet, and is still heading deeper into the kingdom of the gods.

The tower soul was pleasantly surprised: “There is really something wrong with this black-haired man. It seems that there is a force pulling him to leave the world of Xiinsai. Can we use this power to leave this world?”

But Anissa showed no expression of joy at Tower Soul’s proposal. She just said: “Take another look.”

The black-haired man finally stabilized himself with the help of Zhizhu’s power and came near Zhizhu, while Anissa and Tower Soul hid.

Anisa looked at the black-haired man, she still had some questions she couldn’t figure out.

Why was she so excited when she saw the other person appearing? When she saw him, she seemed to have gained the whole world, and when she watched him go away, she seemed to have lost the whole world.

She has never been like this.

“He may have a very mysterious origin and a very powerful background.”

“But what does that have to do with me?”

“Why should I be so excited about him?”

She stared quietly as the black-haired man died and was reborn. Time passed by, and finally one day, the black-haired man was about to face death again.

His life is the same as his last.

He originally wanted to be a carefree passer-by, but once again he was pushed to the forefront of civilization by the trend of the times.

He followed the right and wrong he inherited, spoke the truth he was born with, and became an “ideal” king.

He spoke firm words and did what he thought was right, but he still couldn’t hide the confusion in his eyes and the hesitation in his heart.

He kept pushing himself forward without daring to stop or slack off, but he never knew where the end point was.

Anisa couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Even if you look through hundreds of millions of years of history, it is estimated that there will be very few such absurdities.

“Is this a **** who has forgotten the past, or a mortal pretending to be a god?”

She took a step back and leaned against the pillar lazily.

In the dark.

Anisa watched quietly as the black-haired man reached the end of his life, and once again sank into the drifting life of this fateful couple.

The man who had aged to the limit came to the temple deep in the Gate of the Earth again. The man raised the oil lamp in his hand high and illuminated the relief on the door.

Look at those.

He has seen the secret of the era countless times.

He once again tried to find his past and resolve the hesitation and confusion in his heart.

You can see that he was extremely frustrated and said something.

“Even God cannot control our destiny.”

At this time, Anissa, who was leaning on the pillar, suddenly stood up with strength.


This sentence seemed to touch something deep in her heart.

Her eyes were straight and her body was motionless,

She looked at the new witch and said.

“What if God is the one who created everything, and this earth, these mountains, and the stars in the sky belong to Him?”

The black-haired man looked back into the witch’s eyes.

“I may admit the reality, but I definitely don’t think it is right in my heart.”

“I will never be at the mercy of gods and fate, even if they are aloof and almost omnipotent gods, even if they created this world.”

His black eyes seemed to be shining, and he spoke firmly like an oath.


“Our will and soul are free and above all else.”

He really thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Although, he didn’t know where his heart came from.

This moment.

Anisa, who was sealed under the pillar, suddenly took many steps forward, touching the power of the pillar, and that power turned into a big net.

And Anissa squeezed directly into the web that trapped her, causing powerful conflict fluctuations to begin to spread.

Her eyes were shining like those black eyes. She tried her best to get closer, as if she wanted to hear those words more clearly.

That sentence.

“Our will and soul are free and above all else.”


Anomaly found.

The tower soul appeared in the void: “What’s wrong?”

Anissa remained motionless until the scene in front of her ended.

But those words were still echoing in her ears, and she felt that her body was shaking, and her consciousness and all her emotions were pouring out, uncontrollably.

“So that’s it!”

Anisa’s expression was a little dazed, but gradually, a smile appeared on her cheeks, but tears seemed to be flowing down from the corners of her eyes.

She didn’t feel that she was crying, but the tears still fell unconsciously.

She looked at the tower soul, the only being who could be called a friend.


“When I was a child, I looked out from the Tower of Babel again and again, and wandered in front of the door thousands of times. I thought what I longed for was a broader world.”

“Actually, I made a mistake.”

“I am not longing for a broader world.”

“What I long for is actually freedom!”

Anisa looked at the nothingness outside through the net that bound her.

“I thought that after I walked out, I would be free. I was extremely happy at that time. Only later did I realize that I was just living in another bigger tower and was never allowed to leave. At that time, I Really disappointed.”

“I finally understood why I was so sad when that lizard died, because I felt that I was that lizard. I was not free, I had no choice, and I could not see the future.”

“I hate the creation of those animals, and I hate those dragon beasts even more. It’s not that I hate them themselves, but that I hate everything that is destined to be good.”

She finally said what she had always wanted to say but never dared to say.

“We don’t get to choose how we are born, I understand that.”

“But why, even the choice of future direction has been lost.”

She tried her best to touch the net, even if its power burned her flesh and blood.

“I looked inside from the door of the temple to see the throne of the Lord of Life. At that time, I really envied her.”

“I’m really envious.”

“Because she is not bound by fate, she is free, and even fate is willing to change for her.”

“But what about me, don’t I deserve freedom?”

She stood in the darkness.

Say: “My will and soul are free and transcend everything.”

This is all.

Including her mother, the supreme god, and even the Creator.

The tower soul was stunned.

He was a little at a loss, but he seemed to feel that some kind of huge change had occurred in Anissa.

Anisa released her grip on the net at this time: “Ta, I have decided.”

Tahun: “What was decided?”

Anisha: “I am not ready to leave this world.”

Tower Soul: “Huh?”

Anisa: “I want to leave this universe.”

Tahun looked at Anissa’s pupils at this moment, it was a look that could not be shaken or changed by anything.

That is God’s desire and obsession.

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