I am God Chapter 139: : The Secret of Immortality of the Summer Family

In the sea of ​​sunflowers in the land bestowed by the gods, little fairies are holding their dream eggs and flying to high places.

Before they entered the kingdom of fairies, the sun cast its rays on them.

Among the rays of light, they are free to choose from various divine marks.

“I want to become a silver fairy. I like shiny silver, just like the moon.” Some fairies are relatively simple. country.

“I became a sugar, noodle, and fog fairy.” Some fairies want more, of course, this is also related to their own talents. more and more.

“I want to become a fire elf, the warmest place in my dream realm will never be cold.” The elf holding a lantern shouted.

The birth of a new brand of divine art also gave birth to a batch of new great elves.

Most of these goblins have chosen the new brand of divine art in the cup of gods. They all like some fresh and trendy things, which are more popular.

And at this moment.

Yin Shen was reading a book in the goblin library, and a few goblins in the corner were secretly looking at him, but they didn’t dare to come over.

Sheila, the messenger of the gods, stood beside the gods, looking sideways at the changing fairy kingdom outside from the window.

With a happy expression on her face, she looked at the goblins expectantly.

If the gods were not around, she would go to congratulate them now, and be surrounded by those goblins playing together.

The new Dream Egg merged into the Fairy Kingdom, and immediately opened up a large area outside the Fairy Kingdom.

Sheila was a little anxious, and she could be seen shaking her shoulders nervously.

Finally, she spoke in a low voice.


“Let’s go and have a look at them! The dream realm just created is really interesting.”

Yin Shen finally put down the silk book in his hand: “Go out and have a look!”

Sheila couldn’t wait a long time ago: “Yeah! Okay!”

As soon as the silk scroll in God’s hand was released, it fluttered and flew towards the dense grid on the wall.

Then, stuff it into one of the grids at a height of tens of meters.

The two walked out of the giant tower-like building, stepped onto a small boat on the river, and followed the current towards the distance.

Among the newly born dream realms in the kingdom of fairies, some are a piece of silver, reflecting the light of the moon.

Some of them burn huge bonfires, and the sound of sparks bursting can be heard in the silence, which is warm and full of celebration atmosphere.

A group of goblins sang around the campfire and danced hand in hand.

Sheila was also pulled over by the goblins, laughing happily together.

Sheila led the goblins and turned to look at God with a smile on her face.

Yin Shen stood not far from the bonfire and watched them quietly.

Some Dreamlands are more interesting. Sugar is made into huge cotton candy clouds floating in the sky, noodles are turned into waterfalls and hang from high places, and water is sprayed from lakes to form fog.

The elf of the dream egg must be a fairy full of imagination.

Its dream domain has attracted more fairies.

Looking up, you can see little fairies floating in the air, chasing those cotton candy clouds to eat.


“Wow! Delicious!”

In the kingdom of fairies, each fairy has its own dream realm, and the whole kingdom of fairies is a country where the dream realms of all fairies are put together.

But fairies don’t have obvious sense of territory. Sometimes they play around and can’t even find their own home.

So here, it is difficult to see the situation where the goblins are guarding one side.

And most of the things in these territories were sacrificed by the Sanye people.

Every sacrifice and reciting the fairy’s real name, summoning the egg of the dream is a process of opening the channel of the dream world.

Although the goblins will return these things to the priests, they will also leave a part in their own dream domain to improve and strengthen their own dream domain.

This is also the foundation and source of the expansion of the Fairy Kingdom.

During the Great Fairy Ceremony this time, there have been many changes and interesting things in the Fairy Kingdom.

At the same time, it also represents that God Yin has completely opened the path of the third-level priest.

Sheila looked at the growing and perfect fairy kingdom, as well as the miraculous power of various gods.

“The era of third-order power has arrived.”

“So, when will Tier 4 come?”

She muttered to herself expectantly.


And on the other side.

The Temple of the Mists and the Truth.

The newly rebuilt Haru ritual workshop on the cliff welcomed a visitor at dusk.

The one who came was a student who had just entered the Temple of Truth this year. He knocked on the door of Haru’s Ritual Workshop and waited quietly outside the door.

At this point in time, Haru is the only one in the workshop.

It is precisely because of this that he chose this time to come.

The door opened, and the tall Haru looked at the visitor who was a head shorter than him.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, the visitor saluted respectfully and spoke.

“Master Haru!”

“I would like you to accept me as a student.”

All the entrants to the Temple of Truth call themselves students, and every remaining graduate scholar can also be called a teacher.

But what can truly be called a teacher-student relationship is not as simple as this.

The real student and teacher should be the relationship between Santito and Sun Dean, or between Sun Dean and Haru.

Also known as inheritance.

This is the kind of student the visitor wants to be.

Haru sized up the other party and said with a smile.

“I do have a few students, but they are not just my students, they are also qualified to enter my ritual workshop to become assistant spiritual priests.”

“You should be a student entering this year, right?”

“As a beginner, I haven’t even learned the basics yet, what can you do to help me by entering my workshop?”

“You should finish the course of the spiritual priest first, and then come after you become a spiritual priest!”

Speaking of these words, it is already an obvious rejection.

The student was polite, and he took out a thing tightly wrapped in cloth from under the burqa.

“This is my gift to you.”

Haru is a little funny, he is a student of Sunderan, a priest who grew up in the Sky Temple since he was a child.

When he was a child, he was surrounded by those high and powerful people, and when he was a teenager and an adult, he was surrounded by the best priest geniuses. Such a background and background made him have never seen anything.

“I don’t accept your gifts, let alone accept them as students.”

“Didn’t you listen to the sage of truth in your first lesson? The most powerful part of a person is his wisdom.”

“I choose students in the same way. You must have wisdom and unique ideas beyond ordinary people.”

He couldn’t help chuckling: “Not”

“Send me a gift.”

The student lowered his head and held the cloth bag high.

He still persisted and said: “Master Haru, you can open it and have a look.”

“Just open it and take a look, I will leave right now and never bother you again.”

Haru hesitated for a moment, but took it anyway.

He opened the cloth bag, and inside was a set of braided bone plates. The style obviously did not belong to the era of the Henir dynasty.

And on the first bone plate, there is a line of words engraved impressively.

Secret of Immortality

Haru was stunned for a moment, even though he was well-informed, his complexion changed instantly.

What can be called the secret technique of eternal life is nothing other than the blasphemous technique used by the Samo family, a blood descendant of the royal family.

He turned his head quickly and looked at the student in front of him with serious eyes.

“Who are you?”

The young man stood up and met Haru’s eyes quietly. It was only then that Haru noticed that the other party’s stable temperament was obviously different from ordinary people, and it could even be said to be noble.

“Master Haru.”

“My name is Anhofus.”

It means a child born in the dark river.

It can also be said that he is the son of King Anhuo.

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