I am God Chapter 136: :The fifth witch meeting

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The Court of Order.

A large number of scepter clan chiefs, code nobles and sword knights at all levels gathered here, but of course not all of them came. There are also people who don’t like this kind of meeting and don’t like to live in heaven or on earth. travel.

In this world where power is concentrated, not everyone is keen on the center of power, but you can’t escape the influence of order.

The entire Court of Heaven has been extremely busy recently. All the dragon kings have conveyed their will to build the city of the kingdom of the gods.

To build the city of the Kingdom of Gods, people from the Kingdom of Gods are naturally needed, and this burden falls on the Court of Order.

“About the plan to create people of the Kingdom of God?”

“Is the real man from heaven about to appear?”

“What kind of real heavenly beings? If this plan is feasible, it can turn all mortals into citizens of the kingdom of God, then everyone will be heavenly beings.”

“Someone should go first and someone should come last.”

“Using the genetic rules of the original human path, we erase the original marks in the divine blood bit by bit, and finally create a special organ that can be grafted into a mortal body and will not backfire as long as it is not activated, and will be inherited with the blood. ?”

“How is this possible?”

“It is possible. If so, the career system will undergo huge changes in the future.”

“The professional system will not change much. There are now two ways to become a professional. One is to enter a specific weird seal into one’s body, and the other is to pass the bloodline gift of the fourth-level racial bloodline master. Now it is just Find a new way to become a professional, the route will be the same after that, and the accumulation over thousands of years can still be used.”

After confirming that it was feasible, the Court of Order discussed it again.

“Even if it is possible to modify the information in the blood of myth through genetic means, how long will it take to succeed?”

“It is indeed possible, but it is definitely not something that ordinary professionals can do. We, a group of mortal professionals, have the ability to modify ordinary bloodlines, but with mythical blood, this is not a concept at all. .”

“Besides, if there are too many species of life, there will be problems, right?”

“How to manage professionals who will not die but will only enter reincarnation has become a big problem at present. If there are more, how to formulate and maintain order?”

The Court of Order discussed endlessly, with some supporting and others opposing.

However, the plan has been decided by the dragon kings, which means it has become a foregone conclusion.

No matter how many years it takes, this plan to create the people of the kingdom of God must find a way to continue until the day they are born.


Helfas watched the discussion in the Court of Order for a while, listened to the thoughts and suggestions of everyone present, and then left quietly.

There are all the problems mentioned by these people, some of which even Helfas doesn’t know how to solve at the moment. However, the plan of the people of the Kingdom of God must be implemented, because only the mortals on this earth can take this step. Really own the future.

So even if everyone in the Court of Order objects, the Dragon Kings will enforce it.

He left the city of Helfas.

Riding the ladder all the way down from the iron tower, he looked at the earth in the iron carriage passing through the clouds. As far as he could see, there were cities and villages lined with roads.

Snail cars move in swarms on the roads, huge trees stand in villages and towns, and winged dragons fly beneath the clouds.


Unconsciously, the Ladder Tower reached the bottom, and a large number of people walked out of it, and he was one of them.

Helfas walked into the Black Iron City. The Black Iron City has now become a transit hub city that relies entirely on the ladder tower nearby, as well as a so-called holy land of faith and an ancient city of civilization.

Although it is still important, it has long lost its former prosperity and glory.

Helfas passed through the huge iron gate in the canyon and heard pilgrims and travelers from afar talking about the city, its past and glory, and its current decline.

Traveler: “The Black Iron City has declined, it can no longer compare to other famous cities!”

Pilgrim: “This is a holy land, how could it decline? It is the first city in history.”

Traveller: “But what I said…”

Helfas heard the pilgrims say angrily: “You guys have long forgotten where you came from and have no sense of awe. This is the birthplace of our ancestors and civilization.”

He listened to the angry shouts of the pilgrims and saw the travelers’ repeated apologies.

The residents of Black Iron City also gathered around. After hearing the reason for the dispute, they all glared at the traveler. How could they allow outsiders to talk about this city like this? In the end, the traveler could only flee in embarrassment.

Helfas just watched quietly, he could understand people’s feelings towards this city.


No matter how you argue, this city is indeed what the traveler said. Although Black Iron City is still famous around the world, it is no longer important.

For civilization, its symbolic significance has long been greater than its actual significance.

Its development has been somewhat stagnant. Not only has it not moved forward for a long time, it has even gone backwards.

In the past, it became a holy place of refuge because all powers were banned here. It was the paradise and homeland that all dragon people yearned for. When the era of extraordinary power continues to move forward, it is now shackled because of this banned power, unable to One step further.

Helfas walked all the way to the bottom of the avenue, and what appeared in front of him was a high wall.

The huge hole in the ground was surrounded by a wall a long time ago, but now the former wall has been demolished and rebuilt countless times, and now it has become unattainable.

At least when Helfas came here in the past, he could climb over without anyone paying attention. Now it is impossible to get in without using extraordinary power.

Heranfas directly used his spiritual power to fly over and sat on the wall.

He sat on it and looked down. He could faintly see the outline of the temple at the bottom. He circled the entire city. The power of the life species could not be exerted here at all, so he could not see any extraordinary facilities and buildings, let alone Forget about Life Workshop.

He suddenly spoke.

“It begins because of you, and it is bound by you.”

“You have been abandoned by the times.”

“Black Iron City!”

“Other cities can fly into the sky one after another and enter the kingdom of the gods in the future, but it is a little difficult for you.”

“It is really difficult to transform you into an extraordinary city in the place where you landed. There is no point in rebuilding you in another place.”

Black Iron City did not respond, but Helfas continued to speak.

He fell from the high wall and walked around the edge of the huge cave of the Earth Gate, as if talking to an old friend.

“There is no way, life will always move forward, it is not bad for you to stay and witness everything we have done.”

But as he spoke, Helfas became quiet.

He suddenly wanted to come back for a walk, but after passing the first stop.


He didn’t know where to go.

When Anissa was still in this world, he always wanted to go back to the Land of the Full Moon. Now that Anissa has been expelled to the Kingdom of the Gods by the Witch Council, she is no longer allowed to intervene in everything here.

He was walking in the land of the full moon, but he didn’t know what to look at.

He left many traces in the Land of the Full Moon, but most of them have been erased by time. The remaining traces are basically in this city, and you can see them all in one glance.

He circled around the big hole, looking for the place where he first came here. He looked down and seemed to want to plan the route for his first climb here.

However, he could vaguely find it when he came here last time. This time, he didn’t know who had smoothed the edge of the Earth Gate.

It looked nice and smooth, but Helfas could no longer find out how he got down.

And this time.

A figure had already walked up the stairs, the official road built later by the Gate of the Earth.

The other party watched a person quietly walking on the edge of the Gate of the Earth, peering into the depths. Although the other person’s figure had become much shorter and more immature, she still recognized him at a glance.

Shouted: “Herfas!”

Helfas, who had turned into a child again, turned around and saw a purple-haired girl standing there, but the girl also had eyes that transcended her age, as if she had just returned from reincarnation just like him. .

He was stunned for a moment, and then he understood something.

“You’re back.”

“Well, I’m back.”

The two people said hello, just like meeting friends who said goodbye to each other yesterday by chance on the road and saying good morning to each other.

At this moment.

Thousands of years have passed since the last time we said goodbye.


The fifth witches’ meeting began quietly. Because the Tower of Babel was abducted by Anissa, this time the witches’ meeting was temporarily held in a special place.

That place is on the moon, the moon station of the last era.

This place is far away from the crystal wall and far away from the human world, but compared to the two, it can be said to be very close to them.

It seems that you can reach the stars with your hand, and you can enter the human world by jumping down.

Between the stars and the earth.

The witch sitting in the first place looked at everyone and then spoke.

“I declare!”

“The fifth witch meeting has officially begun, now everyone can speak freely.”

There are figures sitting on the table of the Witch Council, each one representing a giant **** overseeing the world.

In order, they are Earth Witch Myrtle, Star Witch Silver, Destruction Witch Lotte, Sky Witch Lillian, Moon Witch Aya, Void Witch Bess, and the last one is Purple.

Except for the two witches who have not yet been born, and Anessa who has defected, all the other witches have arrived.

After the initial communication, the various projects that will be revived this time have been basically determined, and the tasks have been listed one by one. Different witches will be responsible for promoting them next.

“Goal 1: Complete further transformation of the next few worlds.”

“Goal 2: After completing further transformation, complete the templates of mermaids, tree men, dwarves, and tentacle monsters in turn, and manufacture and release them.”

“Goal 3: Bring Anissa back.”

“Goal 4: Further complete the overall upgrading plan of the world.”


Looking at it this way, the witches’ meeting that I originally thought was just an ordinary work meeting, and the witches who control the world are just a group of beings busy with work and tasks.

After determining the main tasks, the witches also discussed each task one by one.

During the whole process, Zi Ben, who was attending a witch meeting for the first time, remained silent. She didn’t know what to say.

However, when talking about the plan to upgrade the world as a whole, other witches mentioned that in order to upgrade the world, the entire world must be transformed into a transcendent one, and she suddenly remembered something.

She spoke.

“As far as I know.”

“The human world is currently carrying out a project for the people of the Kingdom of God. This plan is to give mortals a kind of extraordinary life organ, so that mortals will have extraordinary genetic characteristics and also have the right to become a living species independently.”

“However, we are currently encountering many problems. It is very difficult to create a blank divine blood organ that will not backfire. If I want it to be stably inherited and activated stably, it is difficult even for me. Yes, and I can no longer interfere in human affairs.”


“If the world as a whole needs to be upgraded, the upgrade of mortals is also necessary, right? In this case, is it necessary to proceed with this plan?”

Witches cannot easily interfere in human affairs without the approval of the entire parliament.

So now that it was brought up at the meeting, other people began to think about it. Compared to Zi, other witches are naturally more experienced and knowledgeable.

Destruction Witch: “This seems to be a method imitated from the previous era, but since this is the case, it means that it should be feasible; as civilization develops later, this will also be necessary.”

The Witch of Nothingness: “It shouldn’t be a problem, a glass jar can do it.”

Sky Witch: “The path of the original people does not have a specific race, and they do not need a specific ethnic group. The power of inheritance is necessary for every ethnic group. They can also transform each ethnic group into their own path; this It can be said to be a world-in-a-cylinder simulation for the original path, and they already have the authority once.”

The Moon Witch raised a hand somewhat formally: “I agree.”

The Star Witch is even more silent than Zi. She only said one word during the entire meeting: “Agree.”

I heard that all the witches present felt that this plan for the people of the Kingdom of God was useful, and felt that it could upgrade the world faster and promote civilization.

The earth witch Myrtle, who was sitting in the first place, thought for a moment and made a formal decision.

“Then it’s decided to allow the opening of a glass jar for this plan and the original path.”

But when she said this, she changed her words.


“We must investigate before doing this.”


The Earth Witch went to many places.

She returned to the dragon world belonging to the giant earth god, and also took a look at the current situation of the dragon people that she had created bit by bit with her own hands. Although she had scanned everything here through the authority of the witch before, that perspective was different from her own. There is a big difference in experiencing it personally.

Going to the Golden City, I witnessed the Gate to the World and the Order of the Seventy-Two Pillars of the Gods, the endless flow of the Snail Trade Road, and the Snail Monster Shopping Town that shook like a mountain.

He saw the City of Life with giant trees standing there, Helfas City and the Bronze City floating on the Ladder of the Sky. He stood under the Ladder of the Sky and witnessed the iron carriages traveling to and from the sky and the overwhelming dragons.

She went to meet the dragon kings of the past dynasties and looked at the cities they built respectively.

“This is the power of civilization.”

“Changed the world and reversed the rules.”

Since the country she once lived in has been destroyed and reborn again and again, she finally witnessed the people on that land escaping from the world in the floating city.

She has not seen such a grand event for a long, long time.

“But everything comes from the gift of the supreme god. Only then can we have the color of life and the light of wisdom shine.”

Moved, she prayed in the temple of life.

She looked up at the statue of the master of life. After tens of millions of years, she seemed to be the same blind prophetess who served the gods in the temple. She was grateful for everything the gods had given her and the world.

“Thank you, Lord of life, for your great power to allow the era of life to take root and sprout, and for your power to shape this world into shape.”

“Thank you, Creator, for giving the intelligent species a future and letting them go to the stars; it is also you who gave us this era, giving us new life and a path.”

She clasped her hands together, lowered her head and closed her eyes.

“May you arrive here across time, and the world will become what you expect.”

“May the powers of the gods gather together.”

“Welcome to your true return.”

Time flies and eras change.

There are not many people who really remember the oldest supreme god, and even fewer of them can be called pious rather than reverent. Perhaps she can be regarded as one.

She has witnessed the desolation of the world, seen the melee of gods, and seen birth and death in just an instant.

After years passed by, the only thing that could guide her forward was God’s guidance.


She came to Helfas and looked at him.

Helfas was talking to the messengers in his mansion. Suddenly he raised his head and stared into the distance.

“Get out of here first.”

He waved his hand and made the envoys retreat.

The meeting between the people outside the table and the messenger on the table ends here.

He stood up and opened the door under the guidance of his mental strength. He saw that the dark and long passage outside was now infinitely stretched, extending into the darkness of the kingdom of the gods.

In the dark corridor.

He witnessed a plainly dressed woman walking along. She was wearing a veil that covered her entire head and shoulders. The veil was draped along her shoulders and fluttered slightly as she walked.

Her steps were slow but steady. Looking carefully, she even had cloth wrapped around her eyes.

She seems to have been a blind girl for a long time, but she does not regard it as a disability, because it is a symbol of her identity and the glory of being chosen by the gods.

She stepped from the darkness of the kingdom of gods into the corridor of reality.

Raised his head and faced Helfas.

Herfas immediately asked: “Who are you?”

Although he didn’t know who the other party was, he was quite sure that she must be a believer, and the aura of piety seemed to emanate from every aspect of her body.

He has seen what fanatic believers look like, but he is certain that no matter how fanatical and devout a believer is, they are not as firm as the one in front of him in his heart for God.

She said: “I just went to see the black-haired people of this era in the world. I have to say that there are many talented people who have come to this world with the mission of the Supreme God. Thank you for bringing their glory to the world again.” Bring this land.”

She gave a slight greeting: “I am Myrtle, the witch of the earth, the eye of the giant god, and the servant of the Lord of Life.”

Tell the truth.

The other party is among all the witches Helfas has seen, one of them who best fits the image of a witch in his eyes. This is a person who follows the giant **** of the earth and believes in the shadow of the demon **** who creates life and can destroy eras. believers.

Helfas understood: “Your Highness Myrter came to me, what’s the matter?”

The other party told Helfas: “With the permission of the Witch Council, you can conduct a reincarnation life deduction in a vat and use it for your plan for the people of the Kingdom of God.”

Herfas was a little surprised: “We are very grateful to the Witch Council for its help.”

For him, this can be said to have solved a big trouble. It can be said that most of the problems in the city of the kingdom of gods have been solved.

However, after telling the good news, the other party looked at Helfas: “Do you have faith?”

The other party’s eyes covered with cloth looked at Helfas, as if they wanted to see directly into Helfas’s heart. Perhaps this was the reason why she came here.

Come and see a black-haired man who came to this world with supreme will and mission. He is proof of his favor and love for this world.

Helfas hesitated for a moment, and he could only say: “I may not have found it yet. ~IndoMTL.com~ Earth Witch: “It doesn’t matter, you will find it eventually. ”

Herfas: “I found faith?”

The Earth Witch nodded: “The Supreme God and Destiny have already arranged everything. You and I are just following their great vision. Don’t you feel the glory and great mission you bear? ”

“You come to this world wearing the glory of the Supreme God, and you will eventually embark on the great pilgrimage with their expectations, and welcome their return on the other side of the years.”

“If you can do all this, you will become an existence that can rival or even surpass the saints.”


After pronouncing Helfas’s name, she repeated it in another language.

“Black-haired man!”

After speaking, the other party left a mark badge for using the world in a vat on Helfas’ table.

Then he left. (End of chapter)

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