I am God Chapter 129: : Divine props and spell-sealed colossi

A side hall of the Sky Temple.

There are no statues here, nor are there priests’ altars.

The center of the hall is empty, and in the middle of the wall hangs a famous work by Heinsay – Blood of King Quan, which is engraved with the picture of the wise king Laidlich granting wisdom and power to the sons of the first king, the dome The murals in the village use new colored pottery paintings.

This place is more like a conference hall, with long chairs close to the wall, and priests from various temples are sitting on them and chatting with each other.

They all wore priest’s burqas, and their brand marks also showed which of the nine temples they came from.

A group of people took advantage of the fact that the chief priest of the Sky Temple, Sang De’an, had not yet arrived, so they spoke very casually, and even made insulting remarks.

“There is actually a method on how to become a third-level priest. Where did he come from?” A spiritual priest from the Temple of Iron was full of doubts.

“It’s impossible, he created it himself!” The priest who spoke was full of ridicule.

“I knew he still had reservations, and the things he gave us back then were not perfect.” Someone stood up angrily, as if his things had been stolen by Sunderan.

“You humble slave, you have hidden everything that the gods have given us. It belongs to Heinsay, and it is something given to us by saints and living beings.” Emotions were aroused, and the people present suddenly He uttered evil words.

“I don’t understand why Saint Stan chose such a person to be his successor.” Someone sighed.

At this time, footsteps came from the corridor outside, so the sound in the side hall gradually became smaller.

Everyone looked at the door.

Several servants of the gods opened the door, and Sang De’an’s figure appeared in front of them. He was wearing a sacred burqa with nine ritual marks, looking sacred and dignified.


The brand of slavery on the neck makes people feel uncomfortable no matter how they look at it.

Sang De’an stopped at the door and looked at everyone.

No matter how disdainful it was, everyone present stood up and saluted Sang De’an.

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Sander’an’s mouth, and he turned his head towards the seat of the highest priest.

“I do have the method of how to become a third-level curse-seal priest, but this is not the power given to me by saints and angels.”


“It is the strength I found myself, and the future I explored.”

“I’m not going to hand over my things to you greedy and selfish fat bugs.”

As he walked, he spoke.

“Actually, you don’t have to pretend to be here.”

“I know what you are thinking, and I heard what you just said.”

“We are enemies. We have had many conflicts. I have tried my best to suppress you, and you have killed people I cherish.”


“There is really no need for us to pretend to be the same people here.”

“We hate each other so much, but we can’t kill each other directly. It’s really disgusting to get together.”

He spoke more and more smoothly, and the hatred in his words was undoubtedly revealed.

The people present were also stunned. Everyone knew that this was the truth, but no one dared to say it directly.

Isn’t this blatantly tearing off the fig leaf between them, and showing the infighting and ugliness among the priests to the public?

Sang De’an ignored it, and he directly started to talk about the reason why he invited other people this time.

“We hate each other so much, but I still invite you this time.”


“Recently, I gradually figured out one thing.”

“Saint Stan asked me to bring the power of dreams and creation to the kingdom of Hinnsay. He hoped that I would bring this power to all the three leaf people, but not to you.”


“People like you are not worthy of the power bestowed by God.”

“The sun of the new era cannot tolerate you fat worms in the dark gully.”

The group of priests couldn’t bear it anymore, they walked down from their seats, or pointed at Sunderan and yelled.

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

“Sunderan? Are you crazy?”

“You slave of unknown origin, a humble person who claims to be the heir to the will of the saints, what right do you have to reprimand those of us with noble blood.”

The crowd suddenly became restless, and everyone stood up immediately.

They couldn’t believe it, and stared at Sunderan.

How dare he, how dare he say that?

Sang De’an sat directly on the seat of the chief priest, and looked at the stunned temple priests sitting on both sides of his hands.

The contemptuous smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and his eyes became sharper a little bit.

“What kind of dare is this? I can be bolder.”

“Don’t you guys want the power of Tier 3?”

“That’s it.”

“Come and feel it!”

The shadow of the cursed spirit appeared beside Sang De’an, and the powerful spiritual coercion directly shrouded the palace, and several priests who lacked strength were even directly knocked down to the ground.

Sang De’an, who was sitting on the main seat, clapped his hands, and immediately saw that the doors and windows were automatically closed.

In an instant, the entire side hall turned into darkness, leaving only Sunderan and them.

The light and shadow of the cursed spirit illuminated half of Sunder’an’s side face, revealing cold eyes and killing intent.

The more low-key and peaceful a person is, the more decisive and unstoppable they are when they make decisions and explode.

Sang De’an is like this at the moment.

It was only then that everyone really felt that something was wrong. It seemed that the humble slave in front of him was really going to do something to them.

And they also discovered at the same time that the people present were the leaders of the forces who attacked Sang De’an before, and they were all Sang De’an’s enemies.

The leader among them is the current patriarch of the Tito family.

None of the other priests, such as the Temple of Tao and the Temple of Ice, came, obviously they were not invited.

They just thought that the other party was late, but now it seems that all Sunderan can invite are his sworn enemies, just to catch them all.

“This lunatic really wants to attack us.”

“You can’t sit still.”

“Kill him and rush out.”

More than a dozen second-level priests of the spiritual world shot at Sang De’an at the same time, and each weapon was controlled by spiritual power to attack him sitting on the chief seat.

But as soon as the curse-sealed spirit raised his hand, a spiritual barrier completely blocked the opponent’s attack.

The spirit power activated by spiritual power is completely different from that of the second level.

Sang De’an showed a confident look on his face: “The form of the cursed spirit mud.”

In an instant, the imprint of the magic law in the body of the curse-sealed spirit erupted with earthy gray light.

The turbulent mud poured down from a high place, covering the entire room.

Everyone was instantly engulfed in mud and swallowed.

The second-level priests of the spirit world need rituals to use their strongest power. At this moment, when they compete with the third-level priests of the curse seal, they show the difference between heaven and earth.

Sang De’an watched these disgusting and disgusting enemies in the past struggling in the mud, without the slightest pity in his eyes.

“Let me go!”

“Sang Dean, what are you doing?”

“Do you know what the consequences of doing this are? You broke the rules, we are the noblest people in the kingdom.”

“You can’t do anything to us, we are the vassals of King Henir, and we are the pillars of the kingdom.”

Sang Dean smiled, without any scruples.

“The previous me really couldn’t do anything, because I was a part of you.”

“But now, it’s different.”

“Starting today, I am no longer the head priest of the Sky Temple.”

He has no burden now, so he is too lazy to talk about the rules with these people.

Sang De’an vented all his hatred and hatred for so many years. He is not a scheming person, and he can’t play the so-called politics and tactics.

What he can do is to punish these people in his own way.

“So I don’t need to talk about rules with people like you, because we have never been the same.”

“You plotted against me again and again, framed me again and again, and shot those around me, killing my followers.”

“Do you think I’ve forgotten everything?”


“I keep it all in my heart.”

“You dirty and ugly fat bugs, all of you are going to die!”

Sunderan produced a matryoshka doll from the sleeve of his burqa.

With a wave of his gloves, the dolls were untied one by one, and they floated in front of him.

The spirit of the seal killed these priests one by one in front of him.


The mythical blood was extracted from their bodies.

Mythical blood cannot be used if it is not a voluntary gift of power. Mythical blood with a curse is like poison.

But Sang De’an didn’t want to use their mythical blood to merge into himself at all. He took away their mythical blood, integrated their power into the matryoshka pottery doll and made it into a cursed pottery puppet. .

The people present were completely frightened and collapsed by this horrible and **** scene.

It never occurred to them that the slave who usually only likes to bury in the pile of books and doesn’t talk much is so determined and ruthless at this moment.

They wailed and cried loudly, begging Sandean to let him go.

“Leave me alone!”

“I was wrong, Sanderan, I was really wrong.”

“We will not fight against you again.”

Some people even shouted: “Why don’t you use such a powerful power in advance? How dare we fight against you.”

The blood of the myth turned into a stream of light and fell into the pottery puppet. The imprint of the magic law that had already been engraved in the pottery puppet lit up, and the original dead thing became alive.

One by one, the priests present all became the cursed pottery puppets made by Sand’an.

Sang De’an created the second magic item in this world.

The first one is the sacred boat created by the messenger of God, Sheila, from which Sand’an’s idea came from.

Only the combination of the power of the third level and the imprint of the magic law can create such a strange thing.

Such a powerful force makes people irresistible at all, and the danger is so powerful that it fascinates people, so it appears extremely terrifying and infiltrating.

“It’s over.”

Under the power of the spirit of the curse seal, more than a dozen second-level priests of the spirit world were killed in an instant.

Matryoshka dolls are put on one after another, and finally merged into one doll.

The curse-printed pottery puppet is constantly growing in size while transforming between clay figurines, pottery figurines, and stone figurines.


It was finalized into a stone colossus with a size of more than 30 meters.

The soaring stone colossus broke through the roof of the temple, and even the stone of the temple was swallowed up by it and became a part of the body.

The colossus leaped out of it and headed down the mountain.

Such fierce fighting and movements erupted from the Sky Temple, of course, also attracted the attention of the God Servant City, and the royal court guards immediately blocked the God Servant City.

However, they did not expect that the head priest of the Sky Temple and the curse-sealed colossus under his control were oncoming.

Sang De’an led Haru to stand on the shoulders of the giant statue, and walked down from the Sky Temple step by step.

Although the huge size can’t be compared with the former Luhe monster, it is still extremely terrifying.

Everyone in the Sky Temple and the God’s Servant City looked at the giant statue in astonishment. The crowds on the streets of the God’s Servant City surged, and the crowd ran wildly into the corner screaming in horror.

Even the royal guards on the city wall backed away in fright, no one dared to stop him.

Immediately afterwards, King Henir in the palace was also alarmed.

King Henir came to Sunder’an under the protection of the priests of the guards. He looked at the cursed giant statue in shock, and then looked at Sunder’an.

“My high priest, what happened?”

Sang De’an still respects this king very much.

“Great King of Sinnsay, I am leaving.”

King Henir suddenly understood something, he sighed: “Why is this necessary?”

Sang Dean bowed and saluted: “So, I let you down.”

“A person like me is not suitable to be a servant priest of the Sky Temple.”

“Let alone.”

“The sky priest who became the head of the priests.”

He looked at King Henir: “I have failed your trust and entrustment, please forgive me.”

“However, I have already brought the power of the ritual to Hince, and I donated it to this kingdom without any privacy. You don’t need me anymore.”

“Next, I’m going to do what I really should do.”

King Henir still wanted to keep him, but Sang De’an did not respond.

The colossus descended step by step from the mountain, and finally walked along the edge of the holy lake towards the vast land in the distance.

Shoulders of Colossus.

The child asked Sunderan: “Sir Sunderan, where are we going?”

Sang Dean told him: “I want to build a place that belongs to us, a sacred temple of knowledge and truth, a paradise of truth regardless of identity, bloodline, or origin.”

“The power of the priest is no longer a place that a certain family, a certain person, or every kingdom can control.”


“All people are proud of having more knowledge. They explore the path of power and strength, and they search for the secrets of this world.”

After listening, the child’s eyes were full of yearning and curiosity: “What is the name of that place?”

Sang De’an also smiled: “Maybe it’s called some kind of academy, maybe it’s called some kind of castle, maybe it’s called some kind of tower.”

“Any name.”

“His essence will not change, it is a place to impart knowledge and ideals.”

Sang Dean finally understood.

He is a scholar, a person who spreads the ideals and ideas of the saints.

It was impossible for him to associate with those nobles and dignitaries from the very beginning.

He turned his head and looked towards the blurred holy mountain behind him.


“I shouldn’t have been here in the first place.”

He finally broke free and set foot on his own path.

In front of the royal palace in the City of Servants, King Henir looked at the giant statue at the end of the sky, as well as Sang De’an who was going away.

His eyes moved slightly, and he asked the attendant beside him, “Did I do something wrong?”

The attendant knelt on the ground, not daring to answer at all.

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