I am God Chapter 113: : The throne of Dragon King is about to be replaced

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The transformation of Helfas City is approaching the advanced stage.

However, after the transformation, fewer people stayed in the city, and many people moved to the surrounding towns, along with many ordinary buildings and facilities within them.

As a result, those towns turned into a ring-shaped bustling city.

Outside the city of Helfas is a high wall, and the original city gate has been turned into a sealed steel gate. Looking up from the town outside the city, the dark high wall looks like a monster. Wrap the inside tightly.

Every day, no matter it is day or night, there will always be various loud sounds of gold and iron coming from inside the high wall.

“Dong dong dong!”


That was when the dragon professionals and demon hunters were conducting final inspections and repairs on the city. If you could get over the high wall, you could see that the buildings inside had become more concise and neat.

Spacious streets, neat street lights, iron towers, square and tall houses with flat roofs.

There are also square squares divided into squares, each of which is planted with a huge “fire tree” and a strange tree with a few red leaves growing on the top.

At first glance, it looks like a small forest.

Actually, those are the Evil Eye Fire Tree and the Biphasic Demonic Insect.

The “Fire Tree” itself is a huge energy source that continuously releases firepower. The black steel furnace connected under the “Fire Tree” was originally used to refine black iron, but recently most of this firepower has been directed to Every corner of the city serves as an energy source to transform the city.

Of course, it is also used for heating, cooking, etc.

It must be said that for the Land of the Full Moon and the entire dragon world, this is truly an incredible “city of divine secrets.”

Unfortunately, this city of the future will leave here soon.

Built from the ground up.

It is destined not to belong to the world.

Central Library.

The bookshelves moved automatically in a cycle. Helfas stood at the deepest part of those bookshelves and talked to the night light, while also looking at the “Helfas City Structural Map” on the wall.

Night Light: “The floating power system is based on several Evil Eye Fire Trees as its core, combined with similar powers such as Biphasic Demonic Insects and Lava Insects. It can now basically cover the entire city, but it is still It has not been tested. After all, once the floating power system is used, the entire city will lose weight. If we are not careful, it will cause a very terrible disaster. Even if we have reinforced and renovated all the buildings and made preparations in each residential area, after all, Not verified yet.”

Helfas nodded: “Then find an opportunity to verify it and make preparations in all aspects so as not to cause disasters and casualties due to accidents.”

Nightlight continued: “The path to advance the sealed objects of Filter Mirror Demon – Bright Mirror Shield – Cloud Umbrella has been explored and perfected. The Basset family has already cultivated many filter mirror demons before. , have all been brought here by us now, and several of them have been upgraded by us to become bright mirror shields, but the number is still not enough, and it is difficult to protect the entire city.”

“You also know that the cultivation and advancement of sealed artifacts cannot be accomplished in decades.”

This is indeed the case. If a third-level sealed artifact is cultivated from the first level, a demon hunter family will need to cultivate and span more than three hundred years.

The stories, family history, and relays passed down from generation to generation are enough to write a masterpiece full of time and epic feeling.

But of course many things cannot be calculated like this. Many sealed objects have already been accumulated when they were sealed, and they are not really starting from scratch.

Helfas said: “Get ready first. Later I will mobilize some Sky Path professionals to control these sealed objects. There should be no problem by then.”

Nightlight: “Are the professionals of Sky Path in the Birdman World?”

Nightlight already knows about the world of Birdman, but it still knows nothing about the professional weather fortune teller of Sky Path.

Herfas: “You will know when the time comes.”

Nightlight nodded: “Then prepare to equip the Sky Umbrella first!”

Helfas asked: “In terms of living and living, the sky is still a little different after all. My plan is that in the future Helfas City will become a common city and connection hub between the bird world and the dragon world. These The issue definitely needs to be considered.”

Nightlight said: “We have already considered it, don’t worry!”

Herfas asked again: “What about the Ladder Tower?”

Nightlight said: “Already preparing.”

As for the Ladder Tower, that is another thing.

It is not the end of raising the city of Helfas to the Sky Ladder. It is just a hub connecting the two worlds. What is more important next is how to send things and people to Helfas in the Sky Ladder. Go inside Helfas City, and how to transport things down from Helfas City in the Sky Ladder.

The Ladder Tower is something built for this purpose.

All in all, it seems that there are countless things to do.

Once many things begin, they cannot end in a few years or decades, or even over a period of more than a hundred years.

But watching everything gradually change in my eyes.

Very interesting too.


In these twelve years.

The construction of Helfas City has reached the end from the late stage.

Walking in the city, you can see that the tops of tall iron towers have mirrors that shine into the sky. The tallest iron towers surrounding the city center are inlaid with several pieces that can condense the light into columns. Mirror shield.

On top of a building, the Bronze Dragon King Saren and Night Lantern were present.

Helfas raised an umbrella into the sky from the Central Library, only to see the umbrella gradually float up, and then the figure continued to expand, the transparent film stretched out, swimming like the skirt of a jellyfish Over the city sky.

Along with it, there is also huge smoke gas.

The giant umbrella is also affecting other objects on the tower. You can see that the mirrors on the tower are also releasing huge amounts of smoke gas, integrating with the giant umbrella.

The giant umbrella continued to expand, and finally faintly covered the sky.

That is the so-called “Umbrella in the Sky”.

The huge thing composed of the filter mirror demon, the bright mirror shield and the cloud umbrella covers the city like a layer of filter light film.

What’s even more strange is that they also created clouds. Watching the short clouds floating above the head, a strange feeling poured into my heart.

They can protect the city from intrusion, filter or concentrate light to affect the temperature in the city, and may also have some other uses in the future.

Helfas created the city’s “simulated sky system”, then looked at the night light and said.

“Let’s start testing the floating power system!”

After the night lights were arranged, I immediately saw the evil eye fire trees in various squares moving.

The huge fire tree began to melt and turned into **** of crimson flame energy, which then penetrated from the ground little by little and completely entered the interior of the black steel furnace.

The Biphasic Demonic Insect also followed and got into it, and the lava insects also started to move at the bottom of the city.

Their power is intertwined with the network of black steel furnaces and spreads to every corner of the city.


Helfas held the sealed book and closed his eyes.

His consciousness connected to the entire city in an instant, and the city came to life.

He could feel the black steel furnace beating like his own heart, the flames and electricity rushing through his veins like blood, the metallic ground being his flesh and skin, and the buildings and facilities being his organs. .

The black iron dragons living in the city are like the working cells that maintain the city.

As Helfas expected, this city is the new life template of the Sealed Book, another movable body. He can control everything in this city with a single thought.

He held the sealed book and inspired the city.

The Bronze Dragon King Saren also stood beside Helfas, witnessing with his own eyes how he controlled the city.

“This is the real city of life.”

“Metals are flesh and blood, machines are organs.”

He seemed to have some realization.

At this moment, everyone in the entire city of Helfas was on standby.

They live in that square and high-rise house. No one appears on the street. They fix their bodies or the straps on their clothes to something, and the same goes for other things in the house. , seems to be making some kind of preparation for what’s next.

Soon, their preparation was put to the test.

They felt their bodies floating up, and the shoes, fallen hair, and dust on the ground beside them also rose up.

This experience makes people feel a strong sense of unease, but it is also very novel.


“It’s really floating.”

“How amazing!”

“It doesn’t feel very dangerous, does it?”

“That’s so scary.”

Everyone exclaimed. The family in the room clung to the seats that fixed themselves, and the craftsmen in the workshop clung to the steel pipes beside them.

After exclaiming, they observed this phenomenon with some excitement and excitement, experiencing the feeling of their bodies floating.

But they didn’t know what kind of catastrophic scene would be caused by the sudden loss of gravity if they were not prepared.

They may be thrown into the sky and then fall down on the road, or they may be bumped around the room in flesh and blood, or they may be smashed into a ball of rotten flesh by something floating from elsewhere.

However, it seems that the preparations for the night light are still going well.

And in the “Ring City” outside.

It actually doesn’t have an official name yet, but many people already call it that.

After years of mining, the rich iron ore underground has been completely exhausted. However, these towns no longer rely on iron ore for their livelihoods. They have various other systematic sealed artifacts. , even without Helfas City itself, it can still have a strong foundation and the ability to produce resources.

However, they can still survive even if they leave Helfas City, but their affection and dependence on this city are unimaginable.

Especially since this city has built high walls, everyone says that it will enter the divine realm in the sky.


This urgent feeling has become more intense.

No one is willing to leave this city, and no one does not want to follow this city to the divine realm in the sky.

As long as people in the ringed city raise their heads and see the walls and the city, they will always make such comments.

“When will it ascend to heaven?”

“It should be soon!”

“It’s been more than thirty years.”

“Climbing up secretly, can I follow the Black King to the God’s Domain?”

“It’s not that simple.”

Looking at the monster-like city wall, you will know that you can just think about climbing up secretly.

At this time, the people in the ring city noticed the changes within the high wall. A huge sky umbrella covered the entire city, and there were even clouds floating inside the wall.

Soon after, the fire trees in the city disappeared.

Then, the entire city of Helfas made a terrifying sound, as if a monster was roaring, accompanied by a violent buzzing sound.

The earth trembled, and the water in the moat outside the city continued to splash and stir.

More and more people gathered on the other side of the river. Looking at the city where all the movement came from, some were at a loss, and some seemed to have guessed something.

“The city is floating, floating.” Those who had guessed something, staring intently at Helfas City, finally found what they wanted to find. The city floated a lot higher, and they revealed It was indeed such an expression, but he couldn’t help but stumble in shock as he spoke.

“No way!” At this time, almost the entire ringed city ran to the other side of the river, crowded together and looking at the other side of the moat, tiptoeing and pointing at the other end.

“Is this great city really going to fly into the sky? Can we still see it in the future?” There was disappointment in their eyes because they could not go up, but there was also expectation and excitement because they saw An unprecedented scene has arrived.

“You are leaving now, is this too sudden?” Across a river, the city of Helfas over there has begun to lift off the ground, even if it is very slow, but everyone is very excited.

But the whole process didn’t last long.

Helfas City only rose a few meters and fell back down again.

Everyone was confused and some looked at each other in confusion.

“Is this a failure?” Some people were a little frustrated and some were in disbelief.

“How is it possible? This should be a preview.” But more people seemed to understand something.

“No wonder it’s so sudden.” Everyone suddenly realized.

“But it looks like it should be soon.” The preview has already started, so it should be almost time for the official departure.

“God’s Realm, God’s Realm is right in front of you, the sky is right in front of you.” Someone was kneeling on the ground and shouting wildly, like a crazy believer.

“Find a place to climb up. I want to leave with you.” Some young people whispered, and some were really eager to try.

Top of the Central Library.

Helfas closed his eyes and quietly felt the situation in every corner of the city, as if he was feeling whether there was any problem with his body after a strenuous exercise.

I have to say that there are indeed some problems.

For example, the structure of the entire city is not strong enough and perfect, and it looks a bit bloated, like a fat man who weighs 800 pounds and is covered with fat. It sounded like it was about to collapse at any moment.

As for the muscles (black steel), it is not that easy to exercise for a while. You can only strengthen them step by step later, and finally turn into a strong and strong man.

But for the current stage, it is enough to ascend into the Sky Ladder.

Helfas opened his eyes, told Night Light what to adjust next, and finally set a date.

“That’s it.”

“Get ready to lift it to the sky!”


Although the preview was successful and the date for the official ascent to the Sky Ladder was determined, Helfas was still a little worried.

What bothered him was naturally the sacrifices. He didn’t know if what he had prepared was enough.

He wrote about the ritual sacrifice of the Sky Staircase,

“Dead objects and ordinary people do not need to sacrifice or pay a price.”

“Transcendents, sealed objects and extraordinary items must all be sacrificed.”

It seems that it is quite strict on beings with power.

Maybe this is also equivalent to a tax law where the rich pay more taxes and the poor don’t pay at all?

However, things that are difficult to implement in reality have been implemented in the Ladder of the Sky. Even if you want to pass this tax on to ordinary people, there is no way. Where do they get the extraordinary power and extraordinary items.

The result is that Helfas, who is currently the richest man in this extraordinary world, is forced to be prudent and has almost taken out the last coin in his pocket, thinking that it may not be enough.

Helfas made a list of the extraordinary items in the entire city and calculated the approximate sacrifices needed.


Recently, the mythical weirdness of the sky path has spit out clouds and mists many times, and he went to take a look at the ancient sky port condensed by clouds and mists.

Inside the skyport that day, he found more records about the ladder to the sky and the sacrificial ceremony.

In addition to judging the value of the sacrificial objects, some things that have never appeared before, are very novel and unprecedented, will receive a premium that far exceeds their own value.

This can be said to be a gratifying thing for Helfas.

At this moment.

There was a mountain of sacrifices piled up outside the Central Library. Helfas had indeed prepared a lot of things, many of which were only available in this era and had never been sacrificed before.

In an open space deep in the library, there is also something special placed.

For Helfas, this is a special sacrifice specially made by him.

A piano.

Helfas stepped forward and touched the cold and smooth surface of the black piano with his fingers. The interior of the building and his shadow were reflected on the polished mirror-like shell.

It is a very powerful sealed object and also a beautiful work of art.

“Black piano.”

[Level 3 Sealed Artifact·Black Piano]

[Ability 1: Silent Domain: The black piano can store the energy of sound. It can absorb all the sounds in the surrounding area and store it as a kind of energy, and the surrounding area will be turned into a Silent Domain zone. 】

[Ability 2 Sound Propagation: The black piano can amplify the sound of the performance to a certain extent, or spread it to a specific place very far away, and can freely control and adjust the propagation of the sound. 】

[Ability 3 Sonic Shock: Black Piano can cause powerful destructive power through the vibration of sound waves. 】

[Ability 4 Echo Map: Where there is sound transmission, a map will automatically be formed deep in the consciousness of the black piano controller after the sound waves are fed back. 】

This is definitely a unique, one-of-a-kind thing, at least for now.

It originated from the prototype civilization machine of the Kingdom of God made by Helfas, but in a sense, the two are not much related. However, the black piano’s ability and manufacturing method, Maybe it will be used by Black Iron Gantry in the future.

Nowadays, dragons that use black steel furnaces and black steel electric lamps as their extraordinary organs have appeared. These dragons are also called furnace dragons and electric lamp dragons. In the future, there may be a black piano dragon.

Most furnace dragons have their own metal smelting workshops, which accumulate firepower. Most of the current black iron production on this land comes from them.

Electric Lamp Dragon Look at the street lamps in Helfas City, and you will know what most of them do. Naturally, they save and use electricity.

However, if the black piano dragon appears again, imagine the image of sitting in front of the piano and controlling the sound energy with beautiful melodies. The originally rough and brutal dragon professional suddenly becomes elegant.

In the new era, the ancient and mysterious dragon from thousands of years ago seems to have suddenly become updated with the times and kept up with the trend of the times.

Herfas was admiring the work of art he had created, when the shadow of the night light appeared behind him.

“Lord Helfas, Lord Saren is here.”

Herfas turned his head, and the bookshelves moved away automatically to make way for him.

The Bronze Dragon King Saronn walked along the road and came to him.

Herfas: “Is something wrong?”

Salenn nodded: “There is something more important that I still want to talk to you about and listen to your opinion.”

Herfas led Saronn to the table in front of the fireplace, and the night light brought hot tea.

Salonen thought for a while and then began to speak.


“There is not much I can do anymore, and you have taught me a lot along the way.”

“After you raise the city of Helfas into the ladder of the sky, I am ready to concentrate on building my bronze city and follow you into it.”

Helfas looked at Saronn without interrupting him.

After hesitating for a while, he continued.

“Next, I want to leave the position of Dragon King.”

Helfas did not show a surprised expression, nor did he judge Saren’s idea of ​​leaving the Dragon King’s position.

He just asked: “What are your plans?”

Salenn: “Let Bahabali come, he should have almost accumulated enough, and it’s time to wake up.”

Of course he will still be the Dragon King by then, but he will be a Dragon King on the road to becoming a god.

Helfas nodded: “Bahabali!”

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