I am God Chapter 113: : Deformed desert worm

On the side of the underground river, the Moon Demon Fern suddenly shook violently.


The Moon Demon Fern opened the cone, and spit out something like vomiting. A figure in the darkness drew an arc and fell from above, and fell into the underground river with a plop.

Stantito swam out of the river and climbed onto the bank to look at the Moon Fern.


He wiped the water from his face, rubbed his eyes and couldn’t help laughing.

There is a feeling of escaping from the sky, and at the same time, I feel funny about the way I escaped.

He used illusion to trick the Moon Fern little by little, making it gradually regard the stone bowl as itself, and then let it expel itself as a foreign object.

Moon Fern is still seriously guarding the task of imprisoning the “Stone Bowl”, while the real Standito escapes in the form of a foreign object.

Not long after he left quickly, he turned back immediately.

He dug out a fist-sized joint from the fleshy vine of the Moon Demon Fern, preparing to use it as a medium for performing illusions.

He feels that this thing is much more powerful than the Cup of the Sun.

Although the Moon Demon Fern twisted its vines to show an uncomfortable posture, there was no master to control it, and in the end it let Standito dig a piece of “meat” from it.

Along the way, Santito held onto the casting medium carefully.

However, the expected enemies and battles did not appear at all, and there was no one in the passage that was supposed to be heavily guarded and guarded.

Stantito also found a lot of hastily discarded weapons and things in the passage, which indicated that the guarding guards ran away in a panic.

He picked up a bone gun and stone hammer: “What happened?”

“Is Henir’s army coming?”

This idea first appeared in his mind. The most likely thing that could make the guards of the Samo Kingdom escape in such a haste was that the army of the Henir Dynasty had already arrived at Anjo. All.

Going further, he discovered something unusual.

At the exit, he saw several corpses.

In other words, he couldn’t tell whether it was a corpse or a pile of rotten flesh. All kinds of unreasonable organs grew out of this pile of rotten flesh. Bone hands and insect feet joined together. The bone armor and insect shell are spliced ​​together.

Even after he pried the rotten flesh with a bone gun, on the other side he found three hideous heads of different sizes, with bone armor falling off and **** flesh.

This stuff is really disgusting.


Stantito considered himself a well-informed person, but he had never seen such an existence.

“What kind of monster is this?”

“No, this is the Sanye people?”

“He is the guard of King Summer’s Court.”

He noticed the remaining bone armor on the neck of one of the heads, which was engraved with the brand of a royal guard.

He hurried his steps and ran towards the exit.

The light from the sun came in from the exit a little bit, making Santito somewhat uncomfortable in staying in the darkness.

He stepped out of the darkness with squinted eyes, and looked outside at Huo An’s Capital.


Then what greeted him was a huge boulder falling from the sky, which just happened to smash a building tens of meters away from him, and gravel and smoke rushed towards him.

There are also terrifying rays criss-crossing like a grid and sweeping from all directions, accompanied by shrill and desperate screams.

The eyes gradually adapted to the strong light, and the vision gradually became clearer.

He saw a city that was gradually being destroyed, and there were corpses strewn all over the streets.

The horrific giant beast raged in the city. It twisted and swung its body, destroying buildings one after another, and smashing boulders of all sizes by its tentacles.

There are hundreds of eyeballs on its body, all of them are turning around now, shooting out round after round of rays.

As long as the ray hits the person, it will instantly turn into the rotten flesh that Santito just saw.

Groups of clover people deformed into terrifying monsters, and then died miserably,

It’s not the war scene Henir fought at all as he imagined, it’s more like a natural disaster, or what those screaming and desperate people shouted.

This is God’s punishment from Sai.

The people of Samo Kingdom have never seen such a terrible thing. The desert worm was once their proud patron saint and the cornerstone power of the kingdom, but at this moment it has become the **** of death who harvests life and brings disaster.

“Desert Worm?”

“How did it become like this?”

Countless people fled along the street to the distance, and Santito also rushed down, avoiding the distortion rays and approaching the desert worm that had swollen to the point where it was completely unrecognizable.


The desert worm roared in pain again, and the faces of Xiyin Sai people appeared on its body, and various figures were reflected in the densely packed eyeballs.

Stantito heard the voice of Princess Saliman: “End!”

“It’s over, don’t continue.”

The mad king’s face also appeared: “Henir!”

“Kill Henir, absolutely not let him go.”

“The kingdom is ours, and Heinsay is ours.”

Among the legendary blood of wisdom and power devoured by giant monsters, the two people with the strongest blood and will are King Samo and Princess Saliman, and the influence of the two alone on the desert worm is the strongest.

But the most terrifying thing among them is the will of the priests of the kingdom’s priests who were devoured after a large number of painful tortures.

“His Royal Highness Saliman?

“There is still a king?”

“What the **** happened?”

Stantito looked at the faces and the familiar voice.

Although he didn’t know what happened, he knew that all these changes must be related to the king and Princess Saliman.

Looking at the city being ravaged by giant monsters, he felt that he should do something.

But first.

He had to figure out how the desert worm came to be like this.


The will of the desert worm is filled with the desire to kill and devour, and it keeps attacking the place where the crowd is most dense,

Thousands of people were driven to the distance, they were completely terrified, they just wanted to stay away from the terrifying monster.

Fleeing for their lives in a panic, they were finally trapped under the city wall.

This is a dead place.

They cannot climb the walls, they cannot escape.

They can only rely on the dead corners of the building to hide their bodies, avoiding the ray that brings death and curse round after round.

After a round of distortion light, except for the crowd on the avenue, most of them survived by relying on buildings to hide.

But with the approach of the desert worm, they finally had only one dead end.

Looking at the three leaf people who turned into monsters and died one by one on the street, and witnessed their horrific death, the other people hiding in the building completely collapsed.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die like this!”

“Why do we suffer from such a curse.”

“This is the wrath of the gods, and the Ruhe giant is punishing us instead of the gods.”

“My king!”

“What did you do? Why did the city of Huoan suffer such divine punishment.”

There were many nobles in the crowd, and they recognized the figure of the mad king in the face that kept emerging from the troll.

At this time, the figure who had been chasing the desert worm from a distance finally arrived.

Stantito jumped up from a roof, stepped on the desert worm, and put his hand on its eyeball.

“The Realm of Divine Magic and Illusion.”

Holding the stem of the Moon Demon Fern in his hand, he tried his best to unfold an illusory fantasy world.

Layers of dream light spread out, penetrating along the desert worm’s eyeballs, and the illusion performed by the moon magic fern was several times stronger than his previous one.

He was imitating the epic stories recorded by the Tito family, imitating the former God’s Messenger Polo, who used illusion to temporarily pull the desert worm’s consciousness into an illusory dream.

But obviously, how could an existence like the desert worm be controlled and influenced by his illusion.

The eyeballs were still trembling violently, even hundreds of eyeballs looked at Santito at the same time, and the will of death and tyranny was unabashedly released towards him.

At the same time, a strange light surged with the shrinking pupils of the desert worm.

The next round of distortion light is about to explode.

In desperation, Santito yelled.


The movement of the desert worm stopped for a moment, a trace of humanity suddenly appeared in its crazy pupils, and it looked at Santito sadly.

The troll suddenly spoke the language of the Trilobites, using the accent familiar to Stantito.


Although Santito had already guessed something, he also showed a shocked expression when he heard this response.

“Is it really you?”

Subsequently, Santito’s Phantom Realm also succeeded.

He finally pulled the desert worm into the illusion before the distortion ray could be released.

The people of Samo Kingdom under the city wall also noticed this scene, and they immediately changed from avoiding the distorted light to running desperately.

“Stop, it stopped.”


“Run to the street, run to the outside of the city.”


Standituo tried his best to continuously penetrate into the troll’s consciousness, trying to find the existence he wanted to find.

He gradually cut off his contact with reality, and fell into a dark and empty realm of consciousness.

He also finally understood the truth he wanted to know, and what happened before.

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