I Am a Magic Sword Chapter 129: I want a sentence

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Seventeen did not take off his clothes, and fell directly on the bed, not wanting to move.

He didn’t return to the barracks today, but stayed overnight in the city lord’s mansion. He just rejected Zhao Wei, so it’s hard to reject him a second time.

Because Seventeen could tell, City Lord Zhao was a little dissatisfied with him, even though he hid it deeply.

To be stationed in Qingfeng City, it is really difficult for him to completely offend the city lord!

After lying on the bed for about a quarter of an hour, he heard someone approaching his door, followed by a slight knock on the door.

Opening the door, it was Zhao Kerr who was crying with rain.

“Why?” Zhao Keer wiped her tears and whispered, “Commander Chen, I am not very demanding, even if you can be your concubine, why don’t you agree to your father?”

“We are not suitable!” Seventeen lowered his head and said.

Zhao Kerr suddenly grabbed Seventeen’s big hand and said: “This is not a reason, you are perfunctory me!”

“Please, Commander Chen, you have it!” Zhao Keer looked at Seventeen with expectation, “I will be very good and obedient… Daddy asks someone to teach me something , I have learned very well, I will take care of you, and I promise you will be satisfied, okay!”

There is a different temptation in her voice.

Seventeen turned his head too far to face Kerr. He held his breath and did not dare to smell the fragrance on her body.

He was afraid that he would feel soft.

“You like me, don’t you?”

“I don’t know!”

Seventeen has always been very confident in his concentration, but today, he feels that he is on the verge of losing control.

This feeling is very strange. Seventeen is very resistant and very eager…

“Commander Chen, if you don’t promise me, I will hate you forever, believe it or not?” Kerr’s tone was threatening.

Seventeen can clearly feel her anger and unwillingness.

“Do you know?” Zhao Kerr lowered her voice and said, “If you don’t want me, Daddy will definitely give me to others!”


Seventeen responded, but felt uncomfortable.

After Zhao Kerr’s reminder, he instantly understood that everything at the banquet just now was probably Zhao Wei, an old fox acting.

It’s not that Seventeen is too stupid, but that Zhao Wei’s acting is too good and too real!

Suddenly he didn’t react.

Speaking of which, Zhao Wei only uses his adopted daughter as a tool for making friends with the powerful.

And he is exactly what Zhao Wei wants to make friends with.

“My last sister was given to an old man, and that old man’s granddaughter is older than her!” Zhao Keer whispered, choked up, “I don’t want to be like her!”

Seventeen’s heart was torn by an irresistible force.

Zhao Keer leaned her head on Seventeen’s chest, and then hugged him tightly, as if to squeeze him into her body.

“I admit that I played a little bit careful, but I really like you, you are the best man I have ever seen!” Zhao Kerr cried, “Please, commander Zhao, keep me, It’s just one sentence from you.”

Be careful, skip the seventeenth, he can understand.

Helping her is indeed just a sentence.

As long as he mentions Zhao Wei, maybe he will offer Kerr.

Seventeen could not say this sentence.

Seventeen in this life, only four promises have been made to one person!

Four promises, the last three, he has done it now.

He didn’t cry anymore, he broke his name, he didn’t die, he lived well.

But there is another promise, which has not been fulfilled.

He is not strong enough!

This promise sometimes makes him breathless, and now he has no way to make a promise to another woman.


Seventeen gritted her teeth, gently pushed Zhao Kerr away, and slowly closed the door in her desperate gaze.

The girl lay in front of his door and sobbed softly. After a long time, she got up from the ground until her footsteps were getting farther and farther, and until she disappeared, Seventeen breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Hao sighed softly: “Why bother, what about marrying her?”

“I don’t know when I will die…I can’t take care of her!”

“You have a problem with your thinking, have you never heard that sentence?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t care about forever, you just need to have it…” Chen Hao as a life mentor enlightened, “To put it bluntly, it means marrying first, and then talking about it, let’s talk about it when I’m happy, and what about him?”

“In my opinion, marrying her is a promise!”


Chen Hao is completely convinced!

Do people with strong willpower have such an axis?

If only he could exchange skills!

He desperately needs full-level mouth-cannon skills!

The kind that can say that the dead are alive, and can make Seventeen crippled.

In the following days, Seventeen was almost busy practicing, training, and preparing to defend Qingfeng City. The city walls need to be repaired, the defense needs to be adjusted, rolling stones, rolling logs, fierce fire oil…

Ten days have passed like this, but Seventeen still can’t forget the desperate look in Zhao Ke’er that night.

General Wang Yongbo stayed behind closed doors. He hadn’t even climbed the walls of Qingfeng City, and the Black Iron Army had not appeared around Qingfeng City.

Seventeen is irritated, and he is in desperate need of a battle.

Perhaps only a great battle can make him temporarily forget all his troubles!

And Seventeen’s men have obviously felt his irritable mood recently, all of them trembling, for fear of angering the leader, even Meng Fei, who behaves a little carelessly, is extremely careful in doing things.

On this day, Seventeen stood alone on the city wall, looking at the mountains in the distance. Only when looking into the distance could Seventeen’s mood calm down a bit.

In the wind, his scarlet cloak was swayed from side to side.

He likes scarlet.

Far away, there were footsteps coming, getting closer, he turned his head, and it was Jiang Jiankai who came.

“I said, brother, have you seen Fatty Zhao’s beautiful adopted daughter recently?” Jiang Jiankai asked directly when he came up.

“What’s the matter?” Seventeen heard his dissatisfaction with City Lord Zhao.

He has a good relationship with Jiang Jiankai. After all, he has done wicked things together, killed people together, grabbed money together, and is about to fight together.

Jiang Jiankai scolded the city lord in front of him. Every time Seventeen heard it, he actually felt a little comfortable, which proved that the other party regarded himself as his own.

“That Fatty Zhao is not a thing!” Jiang Jiankai gritted his teeth and said, “He seems to have given his adopted daughter to Wang Yongbo!”

“Are you saying this? It’s the brother that you saw first! The fat guy definitely thinks that holding Wang Yongbo’s thigh is more promising than holding your thigh… So he ran to send his daughter to favor Wang Yongbo!” Jiang Jiankai viciously He spat and said, “He is an old thing with no eyes, how can Wang Yongbo be compared with your brother? When Wang Yongbo was sixteen, he didn’t know where to play in the mud!”

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