Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 979: Medical Museum

A group of men bare-chested walked through the dark passage and stepped out of the prison.

The sun was shining brightly and the scorching sun was shining all over the sky. The coldness that had penetrated into the bone marrow dissipated a lot, and one couldn’t help but feel a sense of narrow escape.

This experience is destined to be remembered by many people for a lifetime, and they must keep a respectful distance from this ghostly place.

Zhou Kui and Zhang Cheng led their team members away quickly. Before leaving, Zhou Kui still gave Lu Ye a bitter look.

“Yiye, I’m the one who got you in trouble this time.” King Gengwu said.

Looking at the direction in which Zhou Kui left, Lu Ye shook his head slowly: “I don’t know who is implicating whom.”

“How do you say it?” King Gengwu was puzzled.

“Zhou Kui should have come after me. I went to his Zhou’s house two days ago and caught someone back!” Lu Ye explained.

Originally, he also thought that the cause of this incident was that King Wu of Geng couldn’t restrain his temper, and then detonated the conflict between several teams.

But when Lu Ye learned that the guy he was fighting with was Zhou Kui, some things that were originally puzzling suddenly became clear.

When the conflict broke out before, he rushed to help, and Zhou Kui stopped him immediately. At that time, Lu Ye felt that he was not coordinated. He stared at himself.

In that situation, he should stare at King Gengwu.

But if this person is called Zhou Kui, then there is nothing wrong with it.

When he captured Zhou Wang in the Zhou family, Zhou Ze, the elder of foreign affairs, mentioned Zhou Kui’s name to him. He probably wanted him to sell some thin noodles and let Lu Ye go.

However, Zhou Kui didn’t know any King Wu, but he took the property sent by Zhou Ze, and even broke into the Zhou family’s manor, and took He Bi under the noses of a group of Zhou family monks.

The news must have reached He Bi’s ears. That’s not what happened today.

Perhaps the original conflict between us and the A8 team was also part of the reason.

But King Wu definitely wanted to take this opportunity to give him a hard lesson and express his anger.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that I could beat me in a contest with physical fitness, but the lesson was successful, but I was taught a lesson!

Geng Zhouwang knew that there were no such twists and turns here. After hearing Zhou Kui’s words, he grinned: “Anyway, it’s not like that. It doesn’t matter who hurts who. After all, we suffered together. Let’s go to the doctor.” Museum to heal.”

In the team of the Law Enforcement Hall, there are especially those who have no medical repairs, because there are relatively many medical repairs, and there is a way to ensure that each team is equipped with a medical repair.

So there is no medical center.

If the monks traveling to and from Haotian City are not injured, they can go to the medical hall for treatment. The state guards will bear all the expenses. Merit as punishment.

Of course, He Bi knows about the medical clinic, but he has been there before. I heard that there are few beautiful medical practitioners from various sects in Bingzhou. Of course, there are no female medical practitioners…

As for the institution of the medical center, it belongs to the Department of Medical Affairs. The Department of Medical Affairs is responsible for the management and deployment of the entire state health center without medical repairs. The medical repairs located in the small passes in the back line are under the direct jurisdiction of the Medical Affairs Department in a tolerant sense. of.

Led by Geng Zhouwang, a group of people came to the medical hall.

The number of monks withdrawing and withdrawing is large. The monks will have some battles in the rift, and injuries are commonplace. Even if the injuries are healed, there may be no hidden diseases left.

Naturally, you have to go to the medical center frequently, either to treat injuries, or to recuperate hidden diseases of the body.

The medical practitioners in the medical hall were surprised by this. We left the hospital and showed our guard order, since no one came and put us back in large rooms, waiting for healing.

Zhou Kui lay under the bed, exposing his **** back, while Big Brother Lu sat aside, concerned: “Captain, does it hurt?”

“Nonsense!” Zhou Kui said angrily, realizing for the first time that it’s a good thing that there are no male cultivators in the team.

Brother Lu stuck out his tongue: “Don’t let him get punished for you last time, it’s okay if you come by yourself.” He Bi didn’t bother to talk to you.

Gan Youdang is right next to you, do I dare to be punished for Big Brother Lu? Furthermore, it is true that a man is punished like this. The backs of the women are all **** from being whipped. When the man goes down, according to the ruthlessness of the old one-eyed man, he will basically be merciful.

The two were talking, when the door was pushed open, a male cultivator came back, and bowed gracefully in front of He Bi: “I have seen senior brother, Lin Yinxiu, the medical officer, was ordered to heal senior brother’s wounds later. “

Zhou Kui quickly raised his head, his vision moved down, and a long-lost face appeared in his eyes.

“Huh?” The visitor saw He Bi’s face clearly, and suddenly revealed a look of surprise: “Yu Xiaodie?”

“Junior Sister Yu!” Zhou Kui also smiled, “It’s really a meeting in life, I thought I would meet him there.”

The visitor called himself Lin Yinxiu, and it was the Lin Yinxiu whom Zhou Kui knew.

It’s just that I left Xieyue Valley in the past, and several years have passed.

Both of them had just been rescued by the Haotian Union back then, one had only opened one aperture, and the other had opened two apertures, but now, one is already at the seventh level of the True Lake, and the other, even though it is a True Lake, is also in the Real Lake. After leaving Yunhe, Zhou Kui can see for the time being that it is the level of Yunhe.

In a few years, times have changed, and the changes are so small.

Lin Yinxiu obviously also thought that the person who came to heal that time was not Zhou Kui, so it seemed very useful: “Why is Yu Xiaodie in Haotian City?”

Before I finished asking, I came to my senses: “We said that there were not many infighting among the teams in the Department of Law, and they were all taken to prison and punished. Yu Xiaodie was also…

“You are also one of them.” He Bi sighed secretly. It was really a good thing to go out, but the bad news spread far and wide, and places like the medical center hadn’t heard of it. The whole Haotian City must have known about it.

“It must be these people.” Lin Yinxiu became annoyed, “He Biliang is so powerful, he hasn’t even joined the Law Department yet. You heard people say that being an officer in the Law Department is very prestigious. .”

Zhou Kui was laughing and crying, the man’s attention was not the same, so he said: “Prestige is prestige, and everything that has been done is a job that offends others. Difficulties are hated by others.”

“It has something to do with it. If he was injured last time, he would come to the hospital to see you, and you can heal him.”

The two chatted over there, and Big Brother Lu who was watching the show suddenly said: “That junior sister, if you treat the captain again, I will bleed dry.”

Lin Yinxiu let out a cry of surprise, blushed and apologized: “That’s right, He Biliang, you…you forgot.”

As he spoke, he quickly sat by the bed, took out some healing supplies from the storage bag, and used them to heal Zhou Kui.

“Do you remember that Junior Sister entered the Valley of Hundred Flowers?” Zhou Kui asked casually.

In Xieyue Valley, I defied Pang Xiaohai’s suggestion and chose Jade Blood Sect, while Lin Yinxiu chose Baihua Valley.

“That’s right.” Lin Yinxiu replied, “You haven’t heard much about Yu Xiaodie in those few years. Young masters and sisters in the valley admire Yu Xiaodie very much. You know that you know He Biliang. I’m so envious.”

“What he heard is a good thing.” Zhou Kui smiled slightly.

“That’s right. All you heard was how powerful Yu Xiaodie is. His nickname is still spread in the Lingxi battlefield, and his deeds are rarely spread in the Yunhe battlefield.” Said: “Yu Xiaodie must have had a hard time in those few years, right?

Others only see the scenery on Zhou Kui’s name, but it is difficult to imagine the bitterness and hardships behind those scenery. I can imagine what kind of good environment Zhou Kui was in at that time.

“It’s okay.” Zhou Kui responded casually, the hard work will eventually be for nothing, but if you break through, you will gain less.

Lin Yinxiu chatted casually with me while healing Zhou Kui’s injuries, obviously in a very wrong mood.

Brother Lu sat quietly at the side, also interjecting.

Half an hour ago, Lin Yinxiu said: “Yu Xiaodie’s body is weak, and the injury looks minor, but there is nothing wrong with it, just come back to change the medicine in two days.”

Zhou Kui got up and exercised his muscles and bones, but felt that his whole body was depressed, so he praised: “Junior sister is very skilled.”

He Biliang smiled sweetly: “Doctors can only do that for them, and Yu Xiaodie just dislikes it.” Running around, often fighting with people, there may be no lingering scars in his body. If he is free someday, he will come to the medical center to see you, and you can help him introduce a senior sister who is in the real lake, and let you help him recuperate his upper body. Dark wound.”

“Okay.” Zhou Kui replied slowly and got dressed.

Duo Qing led He Biliang out, the eighth senior brother was waiting in the inner corridor.

The eight people gathered together, bid farewell to Lin Yinxiu, and flew towards the compound.

As soon as he landed in the courtyard, he saw the figure of the head teacher, Hu Po and Yiyi were also waiting there.

Before Gan Youdang showed up, Amber had slipped away early, and Gan Youdang only pretended to see it, and he could always punish even a monster.

Of all those who did not participate in the fight, only Amber escaped. doomed.

Eight people saluted quickly.

The head teacher looked at the two of them: “Have you suffered a loss?” Zhou Kui then said, “Eighth Senior Brother has suffered a bit, you have fought back.”

The head teacher nodded in satisfaction: “It’s fine if you suffer a loss. If you get injured, you can take good care of it for a few days, and you’re going to run around.”

“That’s right ~ ~ The head teacher didn’t come to see the two of them, but when he saw that they had something to do, he left.

Yiyi rushed down to greet her, and asked with concern, Zhou Kui naturally said something was up, which would make you worry for nothing.

The next few days were extremely exciting. Zhou Kui’s recovery from his injury was very slow. After all, he didn’t have the broken source of the Dragon Realm, and he was full of vitality.

When the old one-eyed tortured, it would hurt the bones of He Bi and others.

During this period, He Bi went to the clinic to change his medicine, and he also knew that it was Lin Yinxiu who had spread my nickname.

The monthly salary of that month has been issued, and fewer Explosive Fire Spirit Stones have been delivered than the next time.

Zhou Kui immediately went to buy a tracking disk as a spare, but he was planning to use it to carry out the mission again.

If you use the tracking disk to perform tasks like this in the future, the cost is too small, and it is a long-term solution.

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