Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 650: Zerg Squad

Based on the power of the divine soul, the complex and complex charm divine patterns are presented in Lu Ye’s eyes.

Taking the collision of each other’s sights as the entry point, the power of the Divine Rune began to bloom, impacting the low-level intelligence of the Zerg in front of him, and planting a brand in its mind.

The fox demon can enslave the giant armor at a glance, which is due to her talent.

Lu Ye is far from being able to achieve this level, but under the impact of the charm of the gods, the mind of the spider zerg is also instantly lost. Fall first.

Lu Ye has a very strange feeling at this moment…

Although he had already learned the various types of this divine pattern from the huge information contained in the leaves of the talent tree, this was the first time he had used the enchanting divine pattern.

He could feel the inner resistance and struggle of the spider worms, as if the consciousness of one person and one worm had entered an invisible battlefield at this moment, and they were fighting each other.

In this state, whether it is him or the spider zerg, the control over his body is greatly reduced.

Lu Ye secretly rejoiced that he had chosen a single Zerg, otherwise in this form, if other Zerg attacked him, he might not have time to react.

It also gave him some vigilance.

The charm of the divine pattern is strange and unpredictable, but when using it, you must ensure your own safety, ensure that you will not be disturbed by external forces, or have a helper guarding you.

Zerg’s intelligence is generally not high.

If Lu Ye’s current enchantment pattern is used to deal with monks of the same strength, it can only shock the opponent’s mind at most, but it is a real killer for the Zerg.

The struggle and resistance of the spider worms only lasted for less than five breaths, and the defense of the mind was completely broken through.

The feeling of exhaustion and weakness swept over once again, making Lu Ye’s eyelids a little heavy. The charm of the divine pattern consumes more of the power of the soul than the sharp spirit pattern!

He breathed lightly and looked up at the spider zerg in front of him.

The opponent’s raised forelimbs have been lowered, and even if Lu Ye is standing in front of it at the moment, it does not have any hostility.

And Lu Ye can clearly perceive the brand in the body of the Zerg, and through that brand, he can even give some simple orders to the spider Zerg.

The mind moved slightly, and under the control of Lu Ye, the spider zerg began to move.

After trying for a while, Lu Ye had a spectrum in his heart.

Although because of the brand, I can now give some orders to the spider zerg, and the other party will not resist, but this guy’s intelligence is flawed after all, so the execution is not too precise, such as making it a golden rooster independent It is impossible to do such a posture.

But Lu Ye was already satisfied.

With such a Zerg, your situation will be much safer in the future.

He turned over and jumped onto the back of the spider zerg, urging the concealment and breath-holding spirit patterns, and his figure disappeared. Then, under the control of Lu Ye, the spider zerg quickly crawled in one direction.

In a short time, the spider zerg entered a zone where more than a dozen zerg were scattered, quietly watching the strength of these zerg, Lu Ye controlled the spider zerg to move towards the strongest one.

This is a Zerg whose size is no less than that of a spider Zerg. From the perspective of breath alone, their strength should be almost the same.

The other party was not prepared for the approach of the spider zerg, so when the spider zerg suddenly attacked, the zerg didn’t react at all.

Lu Ye was a little surprised by the way the spider worms fought. The order he gave to his temporary mount was to kill the opponent. How to kill them all depended on the on-the-spot performance of the spider zerg.

A mass of cobweb suddenly spewed out from the mouthparts of the spider zerg, enveloping the enemy solidly, and then the spider zerg rushed forward, raising the two forelimbs high, falling heavily, constantly poking the opponent’s body One hole after another, green blood flowed, and the neighing sound after being injured was rapid. The Zerg still wanted to resist, but under the cobwebs, there was no room for resistance.

After struggling for only a moment, he fell into a pool of blood, and his vitality dissipated.

From beginning to end, Lu Ye just sat on the spider’s back to watch the play.

A little golden light floated out from the dead Zerg corpse and landed on the back of Lu Ye’s hand.

This makes him happy.

The reason why I didn’t help me just now was because I didn’t need it, and I wanted to do a test to see if I didn’t help myself, and I could get the war credits after killing the Zerg.

It turned out to be achievable.

Strictly speaking, Lu Ye is now equivalent to a monk of the beast-controlling school, and the spider worms are his demon beasts.

For the monks of the beast-controlling school, killing the enemy under the command of the envoys is naturally equivalent to the display of their own abilities, and they must also be able to obtain military exploits.

Although the battle that broke out here was short and fast, it also attracted the attention of other Zerg, but most Zerg just looked up and glanced like this, although they wondered why their companions would kill each other, but they could not think of it. too much.

It wasn’t until the spider zerg killed another zerg that the remaining zerg realized something was wrong.

Although they are not highly intelligent and act only by instinct, at least they can perceive the danger.

From their standpoint, my comrade should be crazy. Although I don’t know why it attacks the comrade, if it is not stopped, everyone will die.

So after the spider killed the second Zerg, the surrounding Zerg gathered around.

With the spider on his back, Lu Ye couldn’t sit still.

He originally saw that his temporary mount had killed a Zerg, and the other Zerg had no response, and he felt that he could sit back and enjoy the success, and let this temporary mount kill all the Zerg in this area.

But now it seems that, after all, I think it is too beautiful.

The figure was revealed, the Panshan sword was unsheathed, and while Lu Ye rushed out, he gave the spider zerg a simple instruction: kill them all!

In order to save the consumption of the power of his own soul, Lu Ye did not activate the divine rune this time, but the Zerg with the strongest range has died, and most of the rest are only equivalent to the Yunhe realm. As far as Lu Ye is concerned, it is not difficult to kill.

Let’s lean less, and the battle subsides.

Lu Ye dodged back to the back of the spider and sat upright, hiding himself.

There was a rustling movement in the ear, but the nearby Zerg felt the movement of the battle here, and were attracted to investigate the situation.

But all they can see are the Zerg corpses all over the ground, and a spider Zerg standing alone on the battlefield.

How could the low intelligence of the Zerg think that this spider Zerg had been enslaved and turned into a traitor, without seeing any abnormality, and the noisy scene gradually quieted down, and began to eat the corpses of those of the same clan.

At this time, the spider zerg had left the battlefield under the control of Lu Ye.

He is not in a hurry to obtain more military exploits. The so-called sharpening knives does not cut firewood by mistake. There is only one Zerg under his command. If there are more, the efficiency of obtaining combat exploits will be higher, and the fault tolerance rate will also be higher. bigger.

At that time, you will be able to kill the insects while moving in the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Lu Ye didn’t know how many Zerg he could enslave with his current soul strength, but he could feel that there was a limit to this kind of thing.

Because after he enslaved the spider zerg, there was an inexplicable burden in his soul. The strength of this burden was directly related to the strength of the enslaved zerg.

In other words, the stronger the Zerg, the less he can enslave.

This is to be expected. At the beginning, in the Fox Immortal Valley, the number of monks that the fox demon could enslave was limited. Otherwise, she would not have to go to the raging giant ape every once in a while.

If she can really be enslaved indefinitely, she can keep accumulating the strength of her subordinates until a violent giant ape can’t compete, and then take revenge.

The fox demon can enslave nearly a hundred cultivators, which is because of her unique talent. Lu Ye thinks that she can’t do it to her level.

In Xianyuan City, most of the Zerg acted in groups, and there were very few Zerg left alone, and even fewer Zerg who were left alone could comply with Lu Ye’s demands.

And these Zerg are basically fixed in a certain area, unless they are chasing the enemy, they rarely leave the area where they are chasing.

The spider zerg enslaved by Lu Ye is undoubtedly an outlier crawling through the streets alone.

Fortunately, this loneliness did not last long, but after half an hour, it had a companion by its side.

It is the kind of Zerg that has a very keen sense of smell and looks like a hound. Although this hound Zerg is much smaller than the spider Zerg, its strength is not weak at all.

When Lu Ye enslaved the spider zerg, he took some risks, but it was much safer to enslave the hound zerg.

The spider web bound the opponent to the same place, and Lu Ye only needed to show up and look at it, activate the charm of the gods, and plant a brand in its mind.

As time passed, the team continued to grow. After half a day, the spider zerg had six more companions. Except for the first hound zerg, the rest of the zerg all had different shapes and claws.

During this period, he also experienced some battles, which allowed Lu Ye to gain a lot of military exploits.

Lu Ye felt that the seven Zerg had reached their limits, and the burden on their minds was very heavy. It was impossible to enslave more, and if they forcibly stopped, they would only cause some damage to their souls.

The use of the Charm Divine Mark on his Soul Power is very serious. During the enslavement of these Zerg, he swallowed two more drops of Soul Cleansing Water, and then he replenished the consumed Soul Power.

Although it hurts, compared to his plan, a little effort is worth it after all, even if he fails to enter the city lord’s mansion to get more soul-washing water, the battle merits that these Zerg can get by killing the enemy alone are also worth it. enough to make up for his loss.

Now that the Zerg team has been formed, it’s time to move on to the next step.

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