Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 455: Ambush

Latest website: In the Nine Realms Map, seeing the nine streamers attacking and killing him one after another, the monk surnamed Sun hurriedly sacrificed his spiritual weapon, which was a long stick!

With the long stick in his hand, this man even plucked and slashed the nine pieces of imperial artifact that had attacked in front of him, but the long stick was buzzing and the hands holding the long stick were shaking , the anger on his face was replaced by horror, and he immediately realized that he had met an incredible guy!

Originally, he saw that Lu Ye was only at the second-layer Yunhe, but he didn’t take it seriously, but after such a fight, he realized that the strength of this second-layer Yunhe was far beyond his imagination.

Cloud River Realm is a realm with a huge gap in cultivation. Some people are promoted to Yunhe with 240 orifices, and some people are promoted to Yunhe with 360 orifices. The same level of cultivation in this realm can be The strength that is exerted is often very different. .

Sects surnamed Sun and other people were only five-ranked sects, and none of them were promoted to Yunhe with three hundred and sixty orifices. The best one was that burly man, with three hundred and one The cultivation base of the twelve orifices has been promoted to Yunhe, and the monk surnamed Sun is even worse. In the Lingxi realm level, he has only reached the limit of two hundred and ninety orifices, and it is difficult to open new spiritual orifices.

On the Yunhe battlefield, there were a lot of cultivators like him, but there were very few cultivators like Lu Ye who were promoted with 360 orifices.

Not to mention that Lu Ye was once the top of the Lingxi rankings. He was blessed by Heavenly Secret four times, and he was blessed by Heavenly Secret when he was promoted to Yunhe!

Not a rival!

As soon as the confrontation occurred, the thought came to the mind of the monk surnamed Sun.

Only this side blocked the attack of the nine imperial weapons. The figure hit by the huge force retreated again and again. Before he could stand firm, Lu Ye had already slaughtered in front of him, and the fiery red sword light flashed across , the long knife fell.

This knife was held up by the long stick of the spiritual weapon in the hands of the monk surnamed Sun, but it also slashed his body short, and the huge force almost made his long stick fly out of his hand.

Without any time to breathe, the fiery red light of the sword continued to flash down, one by one, like a violent storm.

After the Panshan Knife was promoted to a mid-grade spiritual weapon, it was undoubtedly easier for Lu Ye to use it.

The monk surnamed Sun gritted his teeth to resist, holding a long stick in both hands in front of him, the clanging sound was incessant, sparks splashed, and his stature kept shrinking.

Suddenly there was a knife, Lu Ye didn’t slash, but stabbed straight out. Although the cultivator Sun saw the knife and wanted to resist it, his arms were already numb from the shock, how could he be able to stop it.

The long knife pierced the shoulders of the monk surnamed Sun and came out through the body, and the monk surnamed Sun let out a miserable cry.

At the same time as Lu Ye drew his sword, he kicked out, kicked the person in front of him and flew out, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Without chasing him, Lu Ye stood there, his long knife pointed at the ground, his brows furrowed.

A little weak!

He thought it was a tough battle, and at worst it was a close fight. However, when he really fought, he realized that this cultivator Sun was much worse than himself in terms of strength and reaction speed. .

It is clear in my heart that when the person in front of him is promoted to Yunhe, the number of enlightenment will never exceed 300, otherwise a Yunhe fourth-layer realm will not be able to perform so unbearably.

“Fellow Daoist!” The monk surnamed Sun fell to the ground, stood up in embarrassment, pulled a distance from Lu Ye in horror, and asked in a panic, “Are you the helper that Shen Xiaoxiao invited? If so, please ask fellow Daoists to surround me with my life, and I and the other brothers and sisters will leave this place immediately, and I will never commit any crimes in the future!”

Lu Ye didn’t say anything, just raised his hand and revealed his battlefield mark to him!

The monk surnamed Sun turned pale.

Lu Yeming understands that the opponent is from the Wanmoling camp.

If the other party is from the Haotian League, Lu Ye really doesn’t know whether to kill or not. After all, he has received a lot of help from the Haotian League’s sects on the Lingxi battlefield. Since he belongs to Wanmoling, there is no problem. .

Blessed by Feng Xing, an afterimage was dragged behind him, and in a split second, Lu Ye slaughtered in front of the monk surnamed Sun, slashed down with a savage knife, and slashed the man flying out, in mid-air, with a Blood spilled, and screams sounded.

Before he landed, Lu Ye took another knife, and the screams stopped abruptly.

With two thuds, the head and headless body fell to the ground, and the ground was dyed red with blood.

“Yiyi!” Lu Ye retracted his knife and shouted softly.

In the next instant, there was a force of repulsion from all around, and in a blink of an eye, a person had appeared in the room of the monk surnamed Sun, and there was a corpse next to him.

Lu Ye bent down and put away the storage bags of the Jade Jue and the other party.

The four opponents have already killed one person first, and there is still a burly man, a fellow formation cultivator, and a Ruan Qingzhu.

How to kill is a problem. Now there is no way to easily sneak into these people’s rooms. Even if they are led out to attack, they can only kill one more person at most, leaving two people.

Among these people, Junior Brother Cheng should be the best to kill. Since he is a formation cultivator, he must spend a lot of time on the formation path. His own strength may not be very strong. The most difficult to kill should be the burly man. Prosperity is clearly an individual cultivation.

Joining Yiyi and Amber should be able to entangle one person for a moment, then he will kill two of them in the shortest possible time!

Unfortunately, some of the formations he had set up in this spiritual land have been destroyed. Otherwise, with the power of the formations, it would not be a problem to defeat three with one enemy.

With a vague plan in mind, Lu Ye quietly pushed open the door and stepped out, while Amber stayed in the room.

Just now everything was going well, so the death of the monk surnamed Sun didn’t alarm anyone.

Under the urging of the hidden spirit pattern, Lu Ye, like a ghost, quietly came to the door of the strong man’s room.

Since this person is the most difficult to kill, then start with this person. As long as this person can be dealt with, the remaining two are not a problem. Otherwise, if this person joins forces with other people, the situation will only get worse.

Ok, Lu Ye was about to urge the big array Yujue on his hands to make some movement, in order to attract the enemy to run out to investigate, but he heard a rumbling sound coming from outside the big formation.

Looking up, I saw a familiar figure standing in the sky, who was it if it wasn’t Shen Xiaoxiao?

This fellow is not recovering from the wound in the cave, and somehow came here, looking at his expression, he is still a little anxious.

The movement just now was caused by her attacking the defense formation.

Lu Ye took advantage of the situation to mobilize the Jade Jue of the Great Array to close the entire Great Defense Array.

Besides the big formation, after Shen Xiaoxiao made his move, he watched as the protective formation covering the entire spiritual ground suddenly dissipated quickly, and the spiritual ground originally covered by the formation was also clearly presented in his field of vision.

She recuperated in a cave before, but when she woke up, Lu Ye was nowhere to be seen. She originally thought that the other party had left her alone, but after thinking about it, it was unlikely. If Lu Ye really didn’t want to care about her, he would But there is no need to save her, and she guarded her for three days.

Recalling the previous conversation with Lu Ye, Shen Xiaoyao vaguely sensed Lu Ye’s intentions, and he didn’t care about his own injury, so he hurried to Lingdi to investigate.

She doesn’t know if things are as she guessed. If they are, then Lu Ye may come to the spiritual land, but Lu Ye is only a Yunhe first-level realm, and his strength is low. If you miss it, you will be captured.

That’s why she attacked the defense formation and wanted to test it out. No matter what, she and Lu Ye signed a natural opportunity for an offensive and defensive alliance.

However, something that shocked her happened. She just hit it casually, and the protective formation was gone!

I didn’t see any signs of fighting, let alone Ye Liu’s figure…

Shen Kitten secretly said that it was bad and had to leave quickly.

But the movement was so loud that it had already alarmed the three people in the spiritual place.

The door was quickly opened, and three figures rushed out.

The next moment, the burly man’s blood exploded, and he turned around and threw a punch.

When a knife flashed by, an arm flew out and blood spurted.

Lu Ye, who had hidden his figure, appeared, holding a Panshan knife, his eyes were lowered, and the burly man stepped back a few steps, covering his broken arm with his hands, his eyes full of disbelief.

I didn’t expect that someone would stand at the door of his room and ambushed him. If it weren’t for his strong perception, this knife would be enough to kill him on the spot.

About this, and also had an arm cut off.

“Ye Liu!”

Shen Kitten, who was still injured, and Ruan Qingzhu, who saw this scene, exclaimed together.

The younger brother Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. He was about to jump at Lu Ye in a flash, but Xiao Xiaoxiao had already jumped at him quickly and intercepted him.

In terms of strength, Shen Xiaoxiao is undoubtedly stronger than this junior brother Cheng. If this woman hadn’t lied, she was also a strong person who once appeared on the Lingxi Ranking. But at this moment, her injuries have not healed, and her strength has been reduced. After a fight, some of them are not opponents of the formation cultivator Cheng.

At this time, Lu Ye held the Panshan Saber, and the fiery red blade light wrapped the burly man in one after another, pressing him step by step.

If the opponent is intact, this battle may be a bit difficult. The burly man Yunhe’s fifth-layer cultivation base is much stronger than that of the monk surnamed Sun.

But he was cut off by Lu The great circle of spiritual power is difficult to maintain, and his strength is greatly damaged. In the face of Lu Ye’s stormy long sword, he can only dodge portion.

On the other side, Amber has emerged from the room of the monk surnamed Sun, showing his true body, fiercely attacking Ruan Qingzhu, Yiyi did not show up for a while, secretly looking for an opportunity to give Ruan Qingzhu a fatal blow.

When the screams sounded, blood splattered, and even if the burly man tried his best to drum up his spiritual power and blood, he couldn’t resist Lu Ye’s slashing. In just a moment, he was hit with a dozen knives, knives and knives. Knife flesh and blood rolled.

Junior Brother Cheng and Ruan Qingzhu were both horrified. Originally, the latter would have no problem playing against Amber, but at the moment they were so restless that it was difficult to get rid of Amber’s entanglement.

I never thought that in her eyes, Ye Liu, who was only a formation cultivator, and whose cultivation was only at the first level of Yunhe, would be such a ferocious character!

And, what about Senior Brother Sun? Why is there no trace of him!

All kinds of doubts and horrors lingered in Ruan Qingzhu’s heart. For a time, she only felt that she stepped into an abyss and fell uncontrollably.

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