Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 440: Void tattoo

Not every cultivator in the Cloud River Realm has tattoos, because there are not many tattooists in the entire Kyushu who can tattoo spiritual tattoos on cultivators.

This requires extremely high attainments in the way of spiritual patterns, and also requires extremely exquisite tattooing techniques. Furthermore, even if there is such a tattoo artist willing to take action, the materials required are also of high value.

The tattoo is based on the spirit pattern, there are many types, offensive, defensive, auxiliary…

For Lu Ye, he doesn’t need aggressiveness and defensiveness, because he has sharpness and defensiveness, and he doesn’t need much support. He can activate a lot of auxiliary spirit patterns by himself.

But there is a kind of auxiliary spirit pattern that he has coveted for a long time.

So as soon as Mrs. Yun said that, he replied, “Void!”

The Void Spirit Pattern is what he learned from books, not from the talent tree. Before he even thought about it, the spirit pattern was born. His biggest use for the Void Spirit Pattern is to arrange a teleportation array, and the distance of the teleportation. Limited, the experience is not good.

The function of the Void Spirit Pattern is not only used to arrange the teleportation array, it also has many wonderful uses.

For example, with the void spirit pattern as the core, some special spiritual tools are refined, so that they have the function of storage, such as storage rings, storage bracelets… and so on.

The most commonly used storage tool for monks is the storage bag. The storage bag is sewn with a special kind of animal skin. That kind of special monster can be kept in captivity. The value of the bag is not great, basically every monk has one or two. .

Storage bags have very limited storage space. Compared with storage rings, storage bracelets, or some other storage tools, they are completely incomparable!

However, the storage ring and the storage bracelet are of high value. Lu Ye has only seen one storage ring on the hand of his own headmaster, and even Senior Sister Shuiyuan doesn’t have this thing, which shows that it is rare.

But there is no storage bag on the water mandarin duck. Lu Ye was curious about it. He didn’t know how the second sister stored things. After asking her about this, Lu Ye realized that the means of storage is not only the storage bag. And storage ring, you can also use the spirit pattern.

With the void spirit pattern as the core, tattoo tattoos on the monk’s body, so that a storage space can be formed, and there is no need to carry a storage bag.

The biggest advantage of this storage method is that when the mind moves, the things in the storage space can be taken out immediately, unlike the storage bag, you need to reach in and grab it.

And the storage space of this tattoo is much larger than the storage bag.

Lu Ye doesn’t want to have dozens of storage bags hanging from his body like last time.

Listening to Lu Ye’s words, Mrs. Yun nodded and said, “You are a spirit tattoo artist, so it is appropriate to choose Void, then Void.”

Walking into the small room where he had been tattooed for the first time, according to Mrs. Yun’s instructions, Lu Ye sat aside, then stretched out his right hand, revealing the back of his hand.

Mrs. Yun also took a seat next to her, and then she took out needles of different lengths and thicknesses, and then took out a bottle of amber animal blood.

“The way of tattooing is actually very interesting. When your spiritual attainment meets the requirements in the future, I can teach you if you want to learn it. With such a craft in your body, you will no longer be short of resources for your practice in the future, wherever you go. Everyone will be sought after.” As Madam Yun said, she opened the bottle of animal blood, took a needle and put it into the bottle, dipped it in the animal blood and stabbed it on the back of Lu Ye’s hand.

A bee-like sting came.

Every time the needle fell, Mrs. Yun had to re-dip the beast blood. Lu Ye didn’t know what kind of monster blood this beast blood was, but the last time he got the flying wing tattoo here, he also used the beast’s blood. bloody.

From this point of view, the way of tattooing requires some special materials. This kind of animal blood that can pierce the tattoos in the void must be very valuable.

Mrs. Yun’s movements were fast and slow. When she was fast, her hands danced with afterimages, and a dense tingling sensation was constantly coming from the back of Lu Ye’s hands. When she was slow, her movements were meticulous.

Lu Ye quietly felt the passage of time.

When Mrs. Yun planted the Void Thorn on Mingxin Peak, the Lingxi battlefield was turbulent again.

After Lu Yiye, one of the three disasters in Lingxi, was promoted to Yunhe, and his name disappeared from the Lingxi Ranking, only half a day later, the name of a Jade Blood Sect disciple appeared on the Lingxi Ranking.

Flower Charity! Tianjiu cultivation base.

This name is undoubtedly unfamiliar to the monks in the Lingxi battlefield, because few people have heard of her before.

The reason why she has attracted attention is mainly because she was born in the Jade Blood Sect, and she is from the same sect as Lu Yiye!

But soon, more eyes were on her.

Just because of rumors, this woman is a medical practitioner.

The number of medical practitioners on the Lingxi list is very small, basically after fifty people, only a few people, because even if the medical practitioners also train in other schools, their strength will not be too strong, so naturally there is no way to impact too much. high ranking.

If it’s just like that, that’s fine, the key is that this woman’s way of playing the list is exactly the same as that of Lu Yiye!

She challenged from the bottom of the Lingxi Ranking. All the monks in Wanmoling who were in front of her did not escape, and she challenged them one by one.

The result made the Wanmoling party angry!

All the experts on the Lingxi Ranking list challenged by her died!

A scene from four months ago reappears.

Four months ago, Lu Yiye hit the list and slaughtered the top of the Wanmoling powerhouse to the bottom of the sky, which once led to a significant increase in the proportion of the Haotian League monks on the Lingxi list.

Four months later, it happened again.

How similar the history is.

And he was a Jade Blood Sect disciple both times.

A mere medical practitioner, who gave her such courage? How could she act so recklessly?

For a time, the Wanmoling monks who were ranked in front of Huaci were all filled with righteous indignation.

Can’t they beat Lu Yiye’s fellow, and can’t they beat a medical practitioner? No matter what, this woman named Huaci can’t be allowed to be so presumptuous any more, otherwise Wan Moling’s face will really be lost.

However, a scene that terrified them appeared. The ranking of the woman named Huaci rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the names of the strong men in Wanmoling disappeared one by one.

To date, no one has even figured out how the woman killed her.

It was because Lu Yiye brought a pet pet, and the roar of the pet pet was so captivating that those who fought against him couldn’t even admit defeat.

What means does Hua Ci have to make those strong men in Wanmoling die without a word?

The Jade Blood Sect, what kind of immortal sect is this? The enchanting characters are coming out one after another!


On Mingxin Peak, Mrs. Yun had already left, and even a spirit tattoo artist like her looked a little tired after giving Lu Ye a void tattoo.

After all, the void spirit pattern is much more complicated than the general spirit pattern. In the end, the bottle of unknown animal blood has been used cleanly.

In the room, Lu Ye was deeply immersed and could clearly feel the storage space on the back of his hand.

This storage space built with the void spirit pattern as the core is much larger than the space of the storage bag, and it is conservatively estimated that it is more than twenty times that of the storage bag.

This time, you don’t have to worry about anything that won’t fit, Lu Ye can even put the Panshan Knife directly in it.

He had always held the Iwayama sword in his hand before, because if he put it in the storage bag, he would need to take out the Iwayama sword if he encountered the enemy. Not only was it inconvenient, but he might also miss some opportunities to kill the enemy .

There is no such concern now. The storage space itself is on the back of his hand. With a thought, everything inside can be easily taken out.

However, for Lu Ye, it is a habit to have the Panshan Knife in hand.

Going out of the room, led by the maid, went all the way to the outside world, and did not see Mrs. Yun again.

When he was outside, his spiritual power was activated, and Lu Ye rose into the sky.

I have just been promoted to Yunhe, and I have to familiarize myself with many things. Lu Ye decided to start with Yukongfei, which is also the easiest thing.

For other monks, this kind of thing may take a few days to get used to, and one has to be careful when trying to avoid falling from the sky.

But Lu Ye doesn’t have this concern anymore. Although he has never flown in the sky before, he has activated the flying wing spirit pattern more than once, so he still has some experience in flying.

After an hour, he was able to fly smoothly in the sky.

After another hour, when flying in the sky, I can also make various flexible movements.

Lu Ye didn’t return to Shouzheng Peak until evening.

At the dinner table, Shui Yuan said, “Little Junior Brother, it’s time for you to choose your own Lingfeng.”

“Huh?” Lu Ye was puzzled.

Shui Yuan explained: “There are hundreds of Lingfeng Peaks in Ao Mountain. When they were at their peak, the disciples on each Lingfeng came and went like waves. After 30 years of decline, only me and the old man were left to guard the Shouzheng Peak, because This is the core spiritual peak of this sect. Over the years, Mrs. Yun has only occupied a Mingxin peak. Now that you have been promoted to Yunhe, you can have a spiritual peak of your own. The sect is developing well now, and you will be promoted to Yunhe in the future. There should be more and more people in the river, but you can’t all live on the Shouzheng Peak. It’s not that I want to drive you It’s just that in this generation, you are the fifth senior brother in name, but the actual senior brother, except for the giant Outside Jia, you are the second to be promoted to Yunhe, so you need to set an example for other disciples.”

Lu Ye nodded: “Understood, I’ll go look for it later.”

Shuiyuan gave him another chopstick dish.

Full of food and drink, Lu Ye walked out of the house and rose into the sky.

When flying in the sky during the day, he circled the top of Ao Mountain many times and saw the remaining depressed buildings on the Lingfeng Mountains, vaguely seeing the scenery of the Jade Blood Sect at its peak.

At the moment, in addition to Shouzheng Peak, Mingxin Peak is home to Madam Yun, and other spiritual peaks can be selected at will.

“Yiyi, which one do you like?” Lu Ye asked.

Yiyi floated beside him, looked left and right, reached out and pointed: “This!”

“That’s it.” Lu Ye didn’t have any special needs, as long as he could live there.

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