Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 410: Three Disasters in Lingxi

Just as he was thinking this way, another message from the battlefield imprint came. Lu Ye checked and found out that it was from the Second Senior Sister.

“If you have time, go to the Qingdi City resident.”

Lu Ye quickly replied: “Is there something wrong?”

“Someone wants to see you.”

Lu Ye felt a little strange.

If I’m not mistaken, Qingdi City should be a second-rank sect in Bingzhou, its overall strength is only slightly inferior to those first-rank sects, and it is almost the same as the current Danxin sect.

It’s just that Lu Ye has never dealt with people in Qingdi City, and he doesn’t know why the second senior sister let him go to Qingdi City.

Second Senior Sister didn’t make it clear, and Lu Ye didn’t ask in detail, because if Shui Yuan really wanted to make it clear, she would definitely tell him.

“Got it.”

After replying, Lu Ye took out a ten-point map to check, and found that his current position was not too far from the Qingdi City garrison, so if the imperial weapon flew over, it would not take half a day.

It’s just… Turning his head and looking back, streamers of light behind him pursued him like maggots on tarsal bones, and the cultivators on the side of Wanmo Ridge were relentless in their pursuit.

In this case, it is not good to fly directly to Qingdi City.

I have to find a way to get rid of the eyeliners following my ass.

If you really want to get rid of them, Lu Ye also has a way. Under the constant urging of the flying spirit pattern, even the sword cultivators who are good at speed can’t catch up.

Make up your mind, and just about to do something like this, Yiyi who was standing behind Lu Ye suddenly let out an exclamation. Hu Po, who had been squatting on Lu Ye’s shoulders, also stared at Lu Ye’s shoulders. Her four paws firmly grasped Lu Ye’s clothes to prevent herself from being thrown off.

Despite the sudden change, Lu Ye did not panic in the slightest. He immediately looked around and saw no sign of someone sneaking up on him. On the contrary, it was the Wanmo Ridge monks who followed behind him. Shouting and planting towards the slope, the scene is extremely gratifying…

Is it forbidden?

This thought immediately popped into Lu Ye’s mind.

If there is an air ban in this area, then the flying spiritual weapon will indeed be uncontrollable if it passes by above.

But the spiritual power in the body is also imprisoned, this is not just the effect of air ban!

It’s not forbidden air, is it forbidden spirit?

It’s not right either, the affected area is too large, and the pure spirit prohibition cannot do this kind of thing.

In a split second, many thoughts ran through Lu Ye’s mind.

Before he figured out what was going on, the imprisoned spiritual power resumed its operation. Lu Ye quickly activated the spiritual power, and the figure that had fallen diagonally downward flew up again.

“Lu Ye, I’m afraid Yuan Magnetic Whistle is coming!” Yiyi’s voice came from behind.

With her reminder, Lu Ye finally came to his senses.

Since he stirred up the situation in the inner circle and led the allied forces of the Haotian Alliance to capture the garrison of one or two hundred sects in Wanmo Ridge, some rumors about the three disasters on the Lingxi battlefield spread to his ears.

The so-called three disasters on the Lingxi battlefield refer to the Lingxi sky thunder, Yuan magnetism whistling, and Yiye lowering his eyebrows.

It is not easy for thunder to sound on the Lingxi battlefield, but if there is a thunder, it often means that the insect tide is coming. It is the busiest time for all monks. You have to fight the bug swarm near the station wholeheartedly.

The Yuan Magnetic Howl is another disaster, which is more difficult to prevent than the bug swarm.

Every few years or even ten years or so on the Lingxi battlefield, there will be a whistling riot in the Yuan magnetic force field.

Lu Ye is no stranger to Yuan Magnetic Force Field. In the mine of Xieyue Valley, Lu Ye used the Yuan Magnetic Force Field to kill Manager Yang as a mortal, and embarked on the road of cultivation. .

The Yuan magnetic force field deep in the mine is not strong, at most it is an invisible force field bred by some Yuan magnetic ore, but Guanshi Yang is unable to use any spiritual power over there, and finally he is confused Lu Ye beheaded.

What if you magnify that meta-magnetic force field by a thousand times, or even ten thousand times?

What if that kind of force field roared past and swept the entire Lingxi battlefield?

This is the truth about howling Yuan Magnetic in the Three Disasters.

At this time, the entire Lingxi battlefield is filled with the Yuan magnetic force field, and the aura of heaven and earth in such a huge Lingxi battlefield is solidified, and even the spiritual power in the monks’ bodies is difficult to activate.

At this time, monks can’t even mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies, not to mention breathing out the spiritual energy of the world.

On the Lingxi battlefield in this period, all the monks can rely on is their own physique!

This is undoubtedly a great disaster for monks who rely on spiritual power to fight.

But correspondingly, this is the spring of physical cultivators, and military cultivators also have a little room to play. As for the weak physical body of the law cultivators and ghost cultivators… they usually hide in the resident and tremble.

There are signs of Yuan Magnetic whistling, just like just now, when such signs appear, the entire Lingxi battlefield will soon be enveloped by the frenzied Yuan Magnetic force field.

Lu Ye was only thankful that there were signs of this natural disaster, otherwise, if this happened unprepared, many monks flying around in the sky would fall to their deaths.

As for Yiye Lowbrow in the Three Disasters, Lu Ye felt that Wanmo Ridge was slandering him…

So when he heard this kind of joke at the time, he just laughed it off and didn’t pay much attention to it.

Yiyi is a spirit body, and she has a very obvious feeling for the Yuan magnetic force field, so she must be aware of it earlier than Lu Ye.

“Back to Amber.” Lu Ye said quickly.

When the Yuan magnetic force field flooded the battlefield, the influence on the monks was that their spiritual power could not be stimulated, but it had a greater impact on Yiyi. If she didn’t hide in Huber’s body, she would most likely dissipate directly.

“Yeah.” After Yiyi finished speaking, she disappeared immediately.

“Amber, show your real body!”

Hu Po responded with a low growl, jumped from Lu Ye’s shoulder to behind her, and stood in Yiyi’s position just now.

Lu Ye took the opportunity to lower the altitude, and only flew close to the ground less than five feet away. In this way, even if the situation just now happened again, he would not fall to his death.

As a monk, if you really fall to your death from a height, that is the most tragic way to die.

Just finished working here, Lu Ye once again felt that the spiritual power in his body was imprisoned and unable to use it, and he directly fell from a height of five feet with a man and a tiger.

Standing up hastily, the spiritual power recovered, and continued to move forward with the imperial weapon.

After so many times, the Yuan magnetic force field really filled the entire Lingxi battlefield. In an instant, the spiritual power of all the monks could not be stimulated, and the spiritual energy of the world became solidified. They are self-defeating.

The only thing the monks can use right now is the various functions attached to the battlefield imprint. After all, this is something related to the secret of heaven, and even the Yuan magnetic force field cannot affect it.

Lu Ye had already rolled over and rode on Hu Po’s back, all the way away, the monks from Wanmo Ridge who were chasing after him looked on helplessly, but there was nothing they could do.

Right now, Lu Ye has only one thought, it is a wise decision to take Amber with her this trip.

Otherwise, he would have to run by himself now, the scene is unimaginable.

When the whistling Yuan Magnetic covered the battlefield of Lingxi, the Wanmo Ridge side suddenly realized that this was an opportunity!

A chance to kill Lu Yiye!

Since he was promoted to Tianba, he has become very difficult to deal with. Now he is the number one in Lingxi, and he has been baptized by the heavenly secret reward again, and he has become stronger than before.

There are fewer people on the Wanmo Ridge and they can’t kill him. If there are too many people, they can’t catch him. There is nothing good to do with him.

But now that the spiritual power is imprisoned, everyone can only rely on their own physique. If Lu Yiye can be besieged in a certain place at this time, dozens of random people can kill him!

If you want to understand this point, the monks who have been suffering for a long time in Wanmo Ridge almost look up to the sky and cheer, God open your eyes!

But soon, the cultivators at Wanmo Ridge realized a new problem.

That is, Lu Yiye has a mount!

The white tiger that can shock the enemy’s mind with the sound of the tiger’s roar!

To be honest, monks like to take captive mounts when their cultivation base is low, because when their cultivation base is low, mounts can not only be used to ride on the road, but also a very good helper when fighting with enemies.

But monks have reached the eighth level, and after they can fly with the imperial weapon, they basically don’t want to subdue any mounts. If they can fly themselves, what kind of mounts do they need? The speed at which they grow is gradually eliminated.

So if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Lu Yiye, you need to have enough mounts, at least you can keep up with others.

Fortunately, there is also a school of controlling beasts. The monks of this school specialize in fighting with beasts.

When Lu Ye was on the list, he met a guy who brought four monsters into battle, but Lu Ye killed him and the beast on the spot. The source of food for Lu Ye and Hu Po to replenish their bodies.

For a while, monks from the beast-controlling sect became popular in the major Wanmo Ridge resident camps, and some monster cultivator sects dispatched many bird-like monsters to come out. According to the location where Lu Ye last appeared , heaven and earth, searching for his trace.

Be sure to find his trace before the end of the whistling of the magnetic field, and then kill the grass and roots!

At this Lu Ye has already rushed to the Qingdi City station on Amber.

Originally, the imperial weapon only needed half a day’s journey, but it took two days to run on the amber. This is the result of the faster pace after the strength of the amber has increased. If it was before, this distance would have to be four or five Genius will do.

The world is full of dust.

The protective formation in the Qingdi City garrison has been eliminated due to the whistling of the Yuan magnetism. All the monks have returned to the garrison and are ready to fight. After all, no one knows if an enemy will take the opportunity to attack.

The figure riding a white tiger had just appeared outside the Qingdi City resident, and was discovered by the monks of Qingdi City, and was quickly sent out.

When Lu Ye walked to the outskirts of the station, a monk stepped forward and said, “Is it a fellow Daoist leaf of the Jade Blood Sect?”


Lu Ye replied.

The monk stretched out his hand to signal: “Friend Yiye, please!”

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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