Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 281: Dungeon

As a ghost cultivator, fighting people head-on has never been Chu Qing’s forte, and if she wasn’t forced to do so this time, she wouldn’t have appeared at the very beginning.

She had joined forces with Qiaoyun and Ruoyan to besiege Lu Ye before. She knew how powerful and terrifying this young man was, so she would spare her if the other party said anything to stop him. Chu Qing didn’t feel that the other party was talking wildly. , the other party really has such capital.

But she never expected that she didn’t even take a knife from the other party.

There is no skill in that knife, it is simply the suppression of speed and strength…

The terrifying pressure suddenly disappeared, Chu Qing was not happy because of it, but was horrified, and the fiery red streamer flowed in front of her eyes again.

This knife came from the bottom up, the raised blade slammed into her double swords, the tiger’s mouth burst, her arms went numb, and the two short swords flew out in response.

Knelt down on the ground, Chu Qing, who had lost her spiritual weapon, raised her eyes and saw the young man in front of him stabbed straight into her heart.

This is the third knife!

If you block this knife, will the other party really let him go?

The thought popped into my head involuntarily.

She suddenly felt that she was ridiculous. When she found this young man in the valley, she saw the opportunity to avenge the first snow Let Fenghuayuan suffer countless casualties.

Until this moment, at the juncture of life and death, she still expects the mercy of the enemy?

It turns out that I am not as fearless as I imagined! In the face of death, you still want to live.

A dagger appeared in her hand out of thin air. She didn’t dodge the knife because she couldn’t dodge it, but this was her chance. She had a treasure armor to protect her. The enemy could not kill her with this knife. That is the death of the enemy.

The dagger in his hand flashed an aura, and he cut it towards Lu Ye’s neck.

The dagger was fixed on the side of Lu Ye’s neck, but Chu Qing seemed to have lost all her strength and could no longer move an inch. The pupils of her pair of eyes shrank suddenly.

She slowly lowered her head and saw that the slightly thick, not sharp long knife pierced through her armor and penetrated her body.

At the moment when the long knife pierced her body, thousands of long thorns suddenly appeared, piercing her body with many holes.

“Who doesn’t want to live?”

Lu Ye spoke lightly and slowly drew out the Panshan Knife.

Chu Qing’s body fell to the ground, her eyes quickly dissipating.

Yeah, who doesn’t want to live? On the top of the golden light, that fifth-layer boy just wanted to live, but there were so many people who wanted him to die. Maybe they had never met each other, and there was never any hatred between them… What is the purpose of this kindness and resentment? What?

“Roar!” The roar of the giant armor came from the side.

Lu Ye threw away the blood on the Panshan knife, looked up, and saw that the giant armor over there was resisting Ruoyan’s attack, pushing her to a desperate situation step by step. I don’t know where he was thrown. The giant armor’s whole body was boiling with blood, blood red blood and khaki spiritual power blended. Although Ruoyan’s blade was sharp, it was difficult to cause any substantial damage to him at most. Just some flesh wounds.

Ruoyan should have been punched by the giant armor, because the left shoulder blade collapsed, and the whole arm fell limply.

She was fighting back, but in vain.

When the giant armor grabbed her long knife, ignoring the cut wound on her hand, and fiercely dragged her to him, it was all over.

The big foot of the giant armor kicked Ruoyan’s petite body, directly kicking her out, and she was in mid-air, the blood spurting out of Ruoyan’s mouth was mixed with pieces of internal organs.

Falling to the ground, Ruoyan had lost the strength to move, and the giant armor kicked her half of her life directly, and she didn’t know how many bones were broken.

Watching the battle of the giant armor, it is the most intuitive and violent, shocking heartstrings.

Giant Armor threw off the long knife in his hand, strode forward, bent down, clasped Ruoyan’s head with his big hand, lifted Ruoyan, who was panting and gossamer, stared at her, and sprayed in his mouth and nose Out of the rolling heat wave, it is like a beast that chooses and devours people.

Ruoyan’s lips squirmed, as if she wanted to say something, but the surging blood made her only make a grunting sound.

The giant armor clasped her head and smashed her to the ground, causing a pool of blood to splatter on the ground.

“Roar!” he roared up to the sky.

The vengeance has been avenged!

When Ji Yan led a group of people from Shenyin Palace to this place, the battle was over. The death of these twenty people led by Chu Qing meant the complete destruction of the Wanmoling camp.

Perhaps there are still some fish that slipped through the net and hid, but that’s not a big deal. If you encounter them and solve them easily, as for deliberately going to them… it doesn’t make much sense.

Lu Ye was sitting on a step, breaking the restriction of the storage bag. The giant armor sat beside him and shared the jerky with Amber.

Ji Yan stepped forward, a little hesitant to speak.

“What’s wrong with Brother Ji?” Lu Ye asked actively.

“I’m asking for something.” Ji Yan nodded, “That’s right, this time my Shenyin Palace is actually headed by Senior Brother Gu Shenyang…”

Slowly, Lu Ye figured out what he asked him to do.

Gu Shenyang, as the resident envoy of Shenyin Palace, has both strength and prestige, but when his luck was not good, he was captured by Xianyuanwei when he entered Xianyuan City.

Usually when this kind of thing happens, you can only consider yourself unlucky. In the past, some people tried to rescue those monks who were captured, but the final result proved that it was not feasible at all.

Because the dungeon seems to be the center of Xianyuan City, there are many Xianyuan guards guarding there, and many of them are at the commander level. It is not something that the monks in the Lingxi realm can handle, even if the number of people is too large.

Originally, Shenyin Palace didn’t want to save people, but Lu Ye got a token from the girl in the red dress before, which gave them hope.

Only then did Lu Ye understand that at the beginning, Haotian League and Wanmoling had about the same number of people, why they were at a disadvantage when they confronted. It turned out that Ji Yan was not the guardian of the Shenyin Palace. .

As for saving people from the dungeon, Lu Ye never thought about this. After all, the monks who were taken into the dungeon had nothing to do with him, but after listening to Ji Yan’s words, he vaguely felt that this plan might work. .

He worked hard to help the girl in the red dress get the dumplings back, but the other party only gave a token that was not very useful, which is really unreasonable.

If that token could enter the dungeon, that would be a different story.

Take out the token from the storage bag and throw it to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan took it, very pleased, and thanked him continuously.

He immediately led a group of monks from Shenyin Palace to the dungeon, preparing to rescue Gu Shenyang quickly.

In less than an hour, the people from Shenyin Palace ran back in dismay, and the number of people was still smaller.

Lu Ye looked at them with a puzzled look, wondering what happened to them.

Ji Yan said with a bitter face, “Brother Yi Ye, you may need to take action in person in this matter.”

“This token doesn’t work?”

If the token doesn’t work, then neither can he.

“It’s not about the token. Before, I asked my disciples to go to the dungeon with an order, but the Xian Yuanwei over there said that they had stolen the token, and several disciples were taken down on the spot. If they didn’t hold the token The disciple who saw the opportunity quickly threw the token back, I am afraid this token will also be lost.”

Lu Ye knows why there are fewer people in Shenyin Palace. It turned out that he ran over and was captured by Xianyuanwei.

Fortunately, the people in Shenyin Palace also tried out some information. The token is useful. The key is that the person holding the order is wrong, which makes Xianyuanwei feel that they have stolen the token.

This point was also confirmed by Ji Yan on the way back. When Lu Ye met Xianyuanwei before, the token flickered, and those patrolling Xianyuanwei didn’t dare to make trouble, but now he has someone take it Going to find those patrolling Xianyuan guards with the token is useless.

Thinking about it, Ji Yan felt that it was still possible to solve the matter only if Lu Ye personally stepped in, so he ran back to find him.

Lu Ye didn’t expect things to be like this. Now that I think about it, the woman in the red dress gave him the token, that is, she got her approval. Only he or the giant armor can use it, and others can use it. Does not function as a token.

“Then I’ll go there myself, but there’s no guarantee it’s possible.”

Lu Ye stood up.

Ji Yan was grateful: “Whether it is successful or not, the whole Shenyin Palace will definitely remember the great kindness of Daoyou Ye.”

“Let’s go.” Lu Ye gestured, he didn’t know where the dungeon was, and he had never been there.

Ji Yan immediately leads the way.

After half an hour, a few people came to a corner of the city. There was a building in front of it, and a large round plaque with the word prison was hung above it. This should be the dungeon of Xianyuan City.

There are dozens of Xianyuan guards standing outside the dungeon, and there are also small teams patrolling nearby. It can be seen that the defense is extremely strong.

Lu Ye looked at it for a while, and realized that this is not a place that can be forced by brute force. It is still possible to see the Xianyuan guards guarding outside. God knows how many Xianyuan guards are in the dungeon.

“I’m going.” Lu Ye said and walked forward Amber squatted on his shoulder, biting the token in his mouth.

The giant armor stepped to keep up, and Lu Ye turned his head to look at him.

“Together.” Ju Jia said.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, don’t force it if it’s unavoidable.” Ji Yan’s voice came from behind.

Going all the way, and soon came to the dungeon, the Xianyuanwei standing here only glanced at Lu Ye and ignored them.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yan, who has been worried all the time, is relieved. The matter is exactly as he thought. Only Lu Ye and the giant armor are useful for the token. chase.

Going straight to the door of the dungeon, a Xianyuan guard suddenly blocked the way.

The flesh and blood of the giant armor began to wriggle, and Lu Ye’s fingers were on the handle of the knife. Because this Xianyuanwei is very powerful, and the aura of his body is much stronger than Fengyuechan, this is probably a cloud. The spirit of the river.

If this is a move, the two of them will not be opponents when they join forces.

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