Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 207: Visit

I checked intermittently. Two days later, Lu Ye finished checking all the burning leaves, and obtained four new spirit patterns. The others were all connected spirit patterns.

Rizhao, this spirit pattern is the most bizarre spirit pattern, and after it is constructed, it can burst into a strong light…

Lu Ye tried it and almost blinded himself.

The effect of this spirit pattern reminded him of Luo Ji, who was born in Wuya Island. This guy once used a technique called Baizhuo. That technique had no power, but just burst out with strong light. Ye suffered a loss the first time he fought against him.

The effect of sunlight is similar to that of the white burning technique, but the burst of light is stronger.

This spirit pattern is said to be useful, but it’s not very useful. It’s useless. In fact, it’s still useful. It depends on how you use it.

Reinforced version has the effect of reinforcement. Lu Ye compared the spiritual patterns in his Panshan knife and found that the spiritual patterns on the reinforced blade are 70 to 80% similar to the solid version. They should come from the same source. It is somewhat similar in nature to Yushu, but its role is different.

The guardian spirit pattern can build a protective layer to resist external damage. It can make the blessed object stronger. Lu Ye tried it on himself. It is firmer, but the sequelae are also obvious. After the spirit pattern dissipates, the flesh and blood that has changed will feel sore.

Lu Ye felt that this thing was not blessed on the flesh, but on the spiritual tool.

Fengxing, blessed himself, his body became lighter and he ran faster.

There is a kind of magic talisman, which is the Fengxing talisman. When Lu Ye was chased by Dong Shuye for the first time, he used two Fengxings. After tasting the sweetness, he kept a few Fengxings in his storage bag.

In the face of some powerful enemies, if you can’t beat them, you can only run, and there is no doubt that you can run faster with the Fengxing Spirit Talisman.

However, the talismans are foreign objects after all. Now that there are popular spirit patterns, those talismans can be dealt with. It can be said that this spirit pattern is the most valuable spirit pattern that Lu Ye obtained this time.

Heavy pressure, this spiritual pattern will produce an invisible force field, which will make everything in the force field heavy. Lu Ye also tried it. In this heavy pressure position, he felt that he was burdened with Hundreds of pounds of weight.

Although with his cultivation, a few hundred kilograms of heavy objects are nothing, but if he is at war with the enemy, suddenly there is such a burden on the enemy, it will inevitably interfere with the enemy’s fighting rhythm, waiting for the enemy to adjust. When he came over, the pressure disappeared again, causing secondary disturbances.

Rizhao, Guben, Fengxing, Heavy pressure, including Fengrui, Yushou, Gathering and Bloody, Lu Ye now has as many as eight spirit patterns.

As before, the newly mastered spirit patterns will not directly improve his strength and cultivation realm, but if he can use these spirit patterns at the right time, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Lu Ye gradually realized the terror of the spirit pattern masters, because unlike other schools, the spirit pattern masters can activate one after another in the battle, which leads to the extremely strange and changeable fighting style of the spirit pattern masters. Once you can’t keep up with the fighting rhythm of the psychic masters, you will die slowly.

He has only mastered the eight spirit patterns now, and he can already simulate the fighting styles of various combinations of spirit patterns in his mind. What about eighteen, twenty-eight, or even eighty?

Spiritual pattern masters are indeed fearful!

All of his spirit patterns came from the talent tree, which gave him the capital to build spirit patterns at will, which caused a problem.

He is aware of the eight spirit patterns he masters and even those connecting spirit patterns, but he doesn’t know why. He can urge, and he knows what effect it will have after urging, but he doesn’t know anything about the rest.

Time to visit Mrs. Yun.

The last time I went to Mrs. Yun’s place, Mrs. Yun also let Lu Ye go to her place when she had time. She should be optimistic about Lu Ye’s potential to become a spirit pattern master, but Lu Ye will later participate in the Lingxi defense battle. In a hurry to improve the cultivation base, there has been no time to pass.

After I came back, I was reorganizing the station, so I ran out of time.

At that time, Lu Ye didn’t know what Mrs. Yun’s identity was, but only felt that her relationship with the head teacher was unclear.

After asking Senior Sister Shuiyuan, I learned of a rather complicated emotional entanglement. All in all, the head teacher is ashamed of Mrs. Yun, and Mrs. Yun did not like seeing the head teacher because of this, but the two had a deep relationship in their early years. It’s impossible to cut it off in one fell swoop.

That’s why Mrs. Yun lived in a spiritual peak of the Jade Blood Sect’s main sect. She didn’t communicate with the headmaster on weekdays, and only lived alone. Shui Yuan often went to Mrs. Yun’s place to talk to her.

Simply put, these two belong to the kind of separation stage where the relationship has been broken but they are reluctant to let go, but the separation time is a bit long and is calculated in years. According to Shuiyuan, they It’s been this way for decades.

But Shui Yuan highly respects Mrs. Yun, because Mrs. Yun is an amazing spirit tattoo artist. If you rank the powerful spirit tattoo artists in Kyushu, Mrs. Yun should be able to occupy the top 20 position. This is still decades ago.

In the past few decades, Mrs. Yun has lived a simple life. Except for the older generation who knew Mrs. Yun, the entire Kyushu has almost forgotten such a woman who was once amazing and talented.

If Lu Ye wants to learn the way of spirit patterns, visiting Mrs. Yun is undoubtedly the best place.

Let’s go out of the training room, return to this sect via the Tianji Temple, and find Senior Sister Shuiyuan who is researching new recipes.

“Are you going to visit Mrs. Yun?”

“Yes, I want to learn something about the spirit pattern with Mrs. Yun.”

“That’s right. You have the inheritance of a spirit pattern master. Mrs. Yun is a member of the spiritual pattern. It’s best for her to guide you. Then what are you asking me for? Do you want me to take you there?”

“That’s not necessary, it’s not far away, I can go by myself, but since it’s a visit, I can’t go there empty-handed. I think I should bring something…”

Shuiyu pursed his lips and chuckled: “If you bring something, go to Yuehu Lake to catch a few blood red trout. Mrs. Yun likes to eat it, but because she has a bad face, she comes to catch it in person, so I bring her every time I go. Also, don’t teach in front of your wife, otherwise the consequences will be serious.”

At the peak of the Jade Blood Sect, there were dozens of spiritual peaks, occupying a very large area. However, because of the decline of talents in recent decades, even the guardian formation has gradually withdrawn, so the dozens of Lingfeng are still considered the Jade Blood Sect. The property, in fact, the Jade Blood Sect has not been taken care of, and the buildings of the past are still left on the Lingfeng, and the glory of the sect in the past can be vaguely seen from the dilapidated buildings.

Nowadays, the only people who are popular in the Jade Blood Sect are Shouzheng Peak in the center and Mingxin Peak where Madam Yun lives.

Moon Lake is located between Shouzheng Peak and Cuizhu Peak.

With the guidance of the second senior sister, Lu Ye was about to rush towards Yuehu Lake, when Amber ran over, his big head arched over Lu Ye, and he hummed.

Tiger is lonely!

Recently, Lu Ye has been busy and dizzy, and Yiyi is also busy, but Yiyi doesn’t show up at the station very often. She spends more time in the sect because she is learning magic with the headmaster.

As a result, Amber is often lonely.

Now it is Lu Ye’s beast pet, and they have been together for such a long time, and they are naturally very close to Lu Ye. Just after hearing the conversation between Lu Ye and Shui Yuan, he knew it was time for him to appear.

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, Amber, as a beast pet, is very conscious.

I don’t know if it’s because of the bond with Amber, Lu Ye now has a vague insight into its thoughts. Although it is not as bizarre as Yiyi’s ability to understand what it says, it is still inseparable. ten.

“Let’s go together then!” Lu Ye patted its big head and turned over on the tiger’s back.

Amber suddenly regained his spirits, carrying Lu Ye and rushing towards the Moon Lake.

A short while later, a half-moon-shaped lake appeared in the field of vision. Lu Ye had been here before. In the past, when Li Baxian was in the Jade Blood Sect, he occasionally brought him to fish.

Lu Ye felt quite speechless. If he wanted to eat fish, he could just go down and catch it, whatever he wanted.

Li Baxian said that there is fun in it.

If Li Baxian wasn’t there, Lu Ye naturally wouldn’t waste time. He took off his clothes, plunged into the lake, and caught a few plump red trout in no time.

After disembarking, get dressed and ride Amber all the way to Mingxin Peak.

When they reached the top of the peak, they turned over and got off the back of the tiger. Standing in front of Mrs. Yun’s residence, Lu Ye respectfully saluted: “Disciple Lu Ye is here to visit.”

“Come in.” Mrs. Yun’s voice came from inside immediately.

Lu Ye gave Amber a wink, told it to stay here and wait for him, and then fed it a few elixir, and then walked in with a few blood red trout.

In the hall last time, Mrs. Yun stood there quietly, and Lu Ye saluted: “I have seen Mrs. Yun.”

Mrs. Yun looked at the gift in his hand and said with a smile, “That girl Shui Yuan asked you to bring it?”

“Second Senior Sister said that Madam likes to eat this kind of fish, so the disciple grabbed a few at will.”

“I have a heart.” Mrs. Yun waved her hand, and a girl who looked like a maid stepped forward, smiled at Lu Ye, and took the blood red trout from him.

Lu Ye nodded, a little curious in his heart. When he came last time, he had never seen this maid, so it seems that Mrs. Yun is not living alone, and there is still someone serving her.

However, this maid feels very But Lu Ye can’t tell what the strangeness is.

“Sit down.” When Mrs. Yun took her seat, she greeted Lu Ye.

“Don’t dare, just stand up.”

Mrs. Yun did not force him, and asked, “Why are you here this time?”

“The disciple wants to learn the way of the spirit pattern with the wife.”

“Yes, as long as it’s not that old immortal who asked you to come here.” Mrs. Yun readily responded.

The old immortality in her mouth must be talking about teaching, but Lu Yequan didn’t hear it and didn’t dare to say a word.

“You told me last time that you can build those spirit patterns, but you don’t know anything about other knowledge except those four spirit patterns?”


Mrs. Yun understands: “It seems that the inheritance you got is really incomplete, or it is that kind of enlightenment.”

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