Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 1383: Transaction

Walking through various shops all the way, Lu Ye just waited and watched, which really opened up a lot of eyes.

Although Kyushu was promoted to a large-scale realm a few years ago, it can be considered to be in line with the starry sky, but after all, it is just the beginning, and many things need to be gradually familiarized with.

For example, various prices in the starry sky… Kyushu monks have no understanding, and these things are not recorded in Xiyuan Pavilion of the villain.

If Lu Ye wants to buy or sell something here, he must first understand the price level here, lest he will suffer a loss without knowing it.

After shopping around for nearly a day, Lu Ye probably has some understanding of the prices here.

I also saw some things that interested him. For example, in a shop specializing in the sale of starships, he fell in love with a small starship for one person, and the price was also the cheapest among all starships. But even the cheapest one costs 20,000 spirit jades, and other larger star boats cost more than 100,000 to 200,000 spirit jades.

Not something he could afford at all.

He used to think that he was quite rich, because he didn’t have to worry about his practice, and the spirit jade in his hand was enough for him to practice for a long time, but he found out that he was really poor when he arrived in Vientiane Sea.

For monks, no amount of Lingyu is enough. A day later, Lu Ye stood in front of the largest tower in the center of Vientiane Island. This is the symbol of Wanhai Island and the headquarters of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce!

With all kinds of experience in Lingxi Battlefield and Yunhe Battlefield, Lu Ye naturally knew that if he really wanted to buy something, he had to come to this kind of place. The things sold here might be more expensive than those outside. But the quality is guaranteed. Of course, he didn’t come to buy anything this time.

When Shi Shiran entered, the interior decoration of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce was magnificent and spacious, and it was easy for people to feel awe of this behemoth.

This is also a common method used by merchants, so that the customers who come in can feel their own powerful heritage for the first time. In this way, no matter what business they do next, it will be much smoother.

Someone received him, and he didn’t ask too many questions. He just led Lu Ye to a private room, served tea, and then retreated.

Since Lu Ye has come, he will settle down, sip the fragrant tea, and wait quietly. The main reason is that he has experienced this scene many times in Kyushu. Although the venues and cultivation levels are different, the pattern is the same.

Sure enough, a moment later, a smiling head of the chamber of commerce came to inquire about Lu Ye’s business.

Lu Ye silently took out the Panshan knife and placed it in front of the chief who claimed to be Cao Xiang.

Cao Xiang smiled slightly, said offended, then held the Panshan Knife in both hands, and slowly pulled it out to look at it, after a glance, he was concerned, and said gently: “Fellow Daoist, are you going to repair this knife?”

A person like him who has dealt with outsiders all the year round has already developed a pair of extraordinary eyes for discerning people, so he can naturally see the details of Lu Ye Bingxiu.

Bingxiu took out his Lingbao, which was definitely not for sale, and with the obvious cracks on the Panshan knife, he immediately had an insight into Lu Ye’s intentions.

“What’s the price?” Lu Ye asked.

Cao Xiang didn’t answer immediately, but felt the Panshan Knife silently, and said after a while: “This knife is tough. Although I can’t see what minerals were added during refining, I think it has been recast once. , and some precious materials were added in the process of recasting, so it is not difficult to repair this knife, there are excellent refiners in the chamber of commerce who can completely repair these cracks, so let’s price it at two thousand spirit jade.”

Although Lu Ye knew that the other party’s asking price would not be too cheap, he was still secretly speechless.

However, I have to admit that this Cao Xiang’s eyesight is still very good. When the Panshan Knife was recast last time, some precious materials were indeed added.

The surface was calm, and he said lightly: “The unit price of Lingbao is less than 10,000 yuan. Leisurely Lingbao only needs two to three thousand Lingyu, and even better ones are only about 5,000. I just want to repair it. Thousand, is it too much?”

With the information obtained the day before, Lu Ye has some understanding of the price of Lingbao. As he said, Lingbao can be bought for only two or three thousand Lingyu. This is also a price that Constellation Realm can afford.

Cao Xiang smiled slightly: “Fellow Daoist also said that this is repairing. For Bingxiu, a suitable spiritual treasure is very important, but if it is used, how much strength can it display?”

This is the truth. It is estimated that people have seen this and dared to ask such a high price.

Finger lightly on the table, Lu Ye said: “There is no restriction in my knife, it is just a simple repair, the difficulty should not be high.”

Cao Xiang was slightly stunned: “There is no restriction?”

“You can feel it!” Lu Ye raised his hand to signal.

Cao Xiang really didn’t know, although he felt the Panshan Dao just now, he didn’t investigate too carefully in front of Lu Ye, the master.

Now, after hearing what Lu Ye said, I hurriedly investigated it carefully, and found that there is no restriction inside the long knife, but pure tenacity.

After working in the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce for so many years, this is the first time Cao Xiang has encountered such a thing. It is unavoidable that it is strange. What is the long knife without restraint used for? It’s not easy to ask too much, it’s a private matter after all, there are tens of thousands of monks, each with their own strange hobbies or characteristics, and it’s not something he can casually inquire about.

“If there is no restriction, it will be much easier to repair. In this way, in terms of price, I will lower the price by two hundred spirit jades for fellow daoists, and only charge one thousand and eight!”

“One thousand!” Lu Ye looked at him calmly.

Cao Xiang laughed: “Fellow Daoist, our Vientiane Chamber of Commerce has rules for all kinds of transactions, so we don’t want to haggle like outsiders.”

Lu Ye said leisurely: “This is the first time I have come to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, and there will inevitably be some troubles in the future. If it is convenient, we can exchange a note mark. If there is anything to trade, I will find you directly.”

Cao Xiang quickly took out the note and handed it to Lu Ye, smiling happily: “Then thank you for your kindness.”

Lu Ye also took out his own notes.

After the interaction between the two parties, Cao Xiang gritted his teeth: “One thousand and five, fellow daoist, this is the lowest price I can decide. If it is lower, this business will not be possible.”

Lu Ye knew that what he said was definitely not the truth, but since he was doing business, he naturally wanted to make some money for him, and the price might not be able to be kept down.

Nodding: “Yes!”

“Fellow Daoist!” Cao Xiang showed a grateful expression, no matter whether it is true or not, he has done a good job.

After that, he took out a special weighing instrument, recorded the weight and length of the Panshan knife in front of Lu Ye, and recorded the various characteristics of the Panshan knife in detail with his spiritual sense, before handing it to Lu Ye: “This is a receipt You can come to the Chamber of Commerce to pick up the knife in ten days, and you can just issue this jade slip at that time.”

Lu Ye nodded, carefully put away the jade slips, and handed over 1,500 spirit jades to him.

I have to say that what the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce does is very standardized, and it can win the trust of customers.

Cao Xiang saw that Lu Ye should have something else to trade, so he tentatively asked, “Do you have any orders, Fellow Daoist?”

“Your chamber of commerce, do you do intelligence trading?”

Cao Xiang nodded with a smile: “Naturally, what kind of information do you want to find out?”

Lu Ye nodded: “I want to inquire about the specific location of a galaxy.”

Cao Xiang said: “If you want to inquire about the location of the galaxy, you need a thousand spiritual jades.” Lu Ye’s eyelids twitched.

“I’m sure I can give you an answer?” Lu Ye asked cautiously, don’t get a satisfactory answer after paying for his Lingyu, that would be too bad.

“Basically speaking, the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce has the position of the galaxies in this star field. Of course, some exceptions are not ruled out. After all, the starry sky is vast, and there are always some remote places. If this is the case, then only three hundred spirit jades will be charged as a deposit, and fellow daoists will pay the rest after the investigation is clear.”

It makes sense.

Lu Ye reported the word yuluo, and Cao Xiang asked how the word yuluo was written, obviously because he was afraid of the accent.

“Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment.” Cao Xiang left after saying this, presumably to investigate this information.

After a stick of incense, Cao Xiang came back with a bit of embarrassment on his face: “Friend Daoist, the situation is like this, I asked the colleague in charge of this information to help check it out,

There is no record about the Yuluo Galaxy. If you are not in a hurry, fellow daoists,

The Chamber of Commerce can find someone to inquire about it, and there should be some clues. “

“No rush!”

Lingyu came, and it was considered a deposit.

Sooner or later, Tang Jun will use the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce to inquire about information about the Yuluo Galaxy, but Lu Ye will not save Lingyu because of this. Jun reported that with complete trust, if the old guy inquired about the location of Yuluo, and finally left himself and ran away alone, he would have nothing to do with him, so he would rather spend this thousand Lingyu than pin his hopes on others body.

Standing up and heading towards the layman, he suddenly remembered something: “Can you find me a copy of the prices of various fire-attributed materials in your chamber of commerce?” Cao Xiang was taken and then nodded: “No problem.”

A moment later, Lu Ye walked out of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce with a jade slip.

This time, his own assets have shrunk by nearly 10%!

Besides, Lu Ye had a hunch that the remaining Lingyu might not be able to keep it, because the thing he was about to buy was the big one!

The fuel reserves of the talent tree are somewhat insufficient!

He hasn’t replenished the fuel of the talent tree for a long time. Since he was promoted to Xingxiu, every practice has consumed the fuel of the talent tree, and the consumption rate is much faster than before Xingxiu.

This is also normal. Before Xingxiu practiced, he mostly focused on stealing secrets and refining spirit pills, but after Xingxiu, he wanted to refine the power in Lingyu. The consumption of the talent tree is not large, because a lot of impurities have already been removed in the process of absorbing and refining the spirit jade.

But many times, in order to recover himself faster, he chose to swallow the spirit jade and the star beast’s demon pill…

This method consumes a lot of talent tree fuel.

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