Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 116: What the hell?

In the face of this fierce sword, Lu Ye did not dodge or evade, and slashed at the young man fiercely!

A fiery red light flashed across the blade, and the long blade seemed to be on fire.

Seeing that Lu Ye was so vicious at first sight, the young man was obviously taken aback, and he quickly changed his tactics and used his sword to block.

There was a bang, and the moment the swords intersected, the long sword almost flew out of his hand, and the boy was beaten back and forth by the force.

His eyes were even more shocked, but before he could do anything, the long knife in Lu Ye’s hand had already fallen down like a storm.

Ever since he walked out of Qingyun Mountain, as long as the conditions allow, Lu Ye will insist on practicing the sword for more than two hours a day. This kind of training may not allow him to master any too mysterious sword skills and skills, but it can give him a solid foundation. become more solid.

Coupled with the experience accumulated over the past few days, Lu Ye is no longer the stunned young man who just walked out of Qingyun Mountain.

He has gradually formed his own fighting style, which is vicious and fierce, because he has the guardian spirit pattern to rely on. If the young man hadn’t hurriedly changed his moves to block his first strike, that one strike could The opponent is split in half.

The prudence of the young man made him walk around before the gate of hell, but that’s all…

The sound of bang bang kept coming out. Every time the knife fell, the boy would take three steps back. Under the impact of the powerful force, the tiger’s mouth began to crack.

He wailed inwardly. Where did this madman come from? He was so aggressive when fighting, and he was also a fourth-level cultivator, so his strength was much worse than this madman. .

When the opponent strikes the sword, the energy of qi and blood all over his body is full of energy, which makes him involuntarily have the illusion that the guy in front of him is like a beast running out of a cage, wanting to choose someone to devour.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that two junior brothers were flanking from behind. As long as he persisted for a few breaths, he would be able to join forces with these two junior brothers to besiege each other.

As he stepped back, he reached out and touched his storage bag. He just took out a magic talisman from the storage bag and was about to play it when he heard a crackling sound…

The young man was startled. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that his long sword was broken, and the broken blade flew out obliquely, and then his body became numb, and he froze in place.

The field of vision began to fall, and the last thing that came into view was a half-familiar body.

Is that my body? The young man’s consciousness was annihilated.

When the blood splattered, there was Amber’s tiger roar from the right, followed by a terrified roar. There was a cracking sound on the left, and the enemy hiding in the dark shot another arrow at Lu Ye.

However, the arrow missed the target. It should be the death of the young man that made the attacker confused.

He was not the only one who was confused, there were also two cultivators who had rushed to Lu Ye not far behind.

There are a total of five monks guarding this mountain peak in Tai Luozong, one at the fourth level, two at the third level, and two at the second level.

This configuration is not too strong, but this is the rear of Tailuo Sect, so there is no need to have a very strong lineup. If the mountain in front is not lost, the monks of Qingyu Mountain cannot reach here. This kind of The location is also the safest.

The reason why I keep someone here to protect me is just in case.

This originally foolproof arrangement was broken by the arrival of Lu Ye.

The two Tailuo Sect cultivators who had already rushed behind Lu Ye had been splashed with cold water in the winter, and their bodies were cold.

They watched as their fourth-level senior brother was slashed in two by an uninvited guest in just five breaths, and their shock and panic suddenly climbed to the extreme.

This caused them to suddenly stop in unison at a position less than three feet away from Lu Ye.

Lu Ye turned around, the long knife pointed diagonally at the ground, and blood dripped from the blade.

Stepping on the ground with both feet, a pit appeared on the spot, and in a few steps, he killed the two terrified Tai Luozong cultivators.

At the juncture of life and death, the two finally burst out their potential, and they all rushed towards Lu Ye.

Ding ding dang dang dang, the two three-layer monks all leaned back, and the empty door opened wide.

The gap in cultivation made them unable to block Lu Ye a few knives even if they joined forces.

The long knife attached to the spiritual force pulled out a fiery red light in front of him. This knife even saved the sharp spiritual pattern.

When the screams sounded, the chests of the two people who were hit with the knife smashed open, and there was a faint burnt smell from the wounds. One fell to the ground, and the other stumbled back.

Lu Ye took a step forward and stabbed the cultivator who fell to the ground with a knife in the heart.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an arrow shot towards him. He raised the knife and slashed the arrow.

When he was about to deal with the still alive third-layer monk, the other party had already thrown his head on the ground, and Lu Ye’s previous knife had smashed his heart…

The terrifying scream came from the side, Lu Ye turned his head to look, and saw Amber biting the neck of a female cultivator, blood spurting from his mouth, the female cultivator was holding a bow in Amber’s hand. He struggled and slapped under his body, but he couldn’t shake Amber in the slightest.

This female cultivator has only two levels of cultivation. She was the one who hid in a tree and shot arrows at Lu Ye. When Amber and Lu Ye separated, she came straight here. If there was only one Amber, there might be nothing to do with her. , After all, people are hiding in the trees, but Yiyi is different.

Yiyi appeared directly behind the female pushed her down with a hard push.

During this period of time with Lu Ye, Amber was delicious and delicious every day. I don’t know how much Yun Lingdan consumed. Now its strength has greatly improved compared to the original. Cooperating with Yiyi, I can easily win this two. Layers.

Ignoring the female cultivator, Lu Ye looked aside.

There were two who attacked him with arrows just now, one was bitten by Amber, and there was another.

However, when Lu Ye looked around, he realized that this guy had already run a dozen feet away.

Lu Ye raised his knife and was about to chase, but suddenly remembered something, raised his hand to face the man’s back, and the fiery red spiritual energy in his palm began to gather.

The pure spiritual power constructed a fat fire quail, which fluttered its wings and flew forward like an arrow from a string.

In the blink of an eye, the fire quail rubbed the fleeing monk’s body into a big tree, and the fire burned.

I didn’t hit…

Lu Ye raised his brows, and there was a surge of spiritual energy in his palm. This time, he adjusted his direction slightly.

The second fire quail flew out and hit the man’s back with a loud bang. The man fell to the ground as if struck by lightning. Sound, the power attached to this Red Lotus Chongxiao Jue is very good.

A little red light flew out from there and fell into the back of Lu Ye’s hand.

Lu Ye looked around, frowning: “What?”

This battle was inexplicable. He just took the wrong code from the opponent, and the opponent killed him mercilessly, without asking which side he belonged to.

The other party was rude, and Lu Ye naturally wouldn’t. It wasn’t until he had cut down the people that he was sure that these guys belonged to the Wanmoling camp, and it seemed that they were right.

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