Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 1110: In-depth

The Pioneer Battalion entered the insect path, invincible.

At this depth, the interference of the Yuan Magnetic Force Field is very weak, almost negligible. In addition, the smearing of insect blood can block the erosion of the Yuan Magnetic Field, and naturally it will not affect the strength of the monks.

Based on the strength of Long Bai and Pang Zhen, even Zergs of the worm level can be killed instantly! Not to mention, most of the Zergs encountered on the way forward are Zergs below the Divine Sea Realm.

The queue continued to move forward, and 90% of the members of the Pioneer Battalion seemed to be doing nothing, because only the first group of people had the opportunity to show their fists.

But everyone knows that this is only temporary.

The worm path is long, and the further you go down, the more restricted your cultivation will be. In addition, you have to preserve your own strength, so it’s not easy for Long Bai and Pang Zhen to always stand in front.

After a certain period of time, someone will replace them and let them rest.

After an hour, a person suddenly shouted “Where is Lu Yiye?”

“Here we come” Lu Ye swayed and counted ahead


When you came to the source of the sound, with the flickering light of the torch, you could see a big and round body repairer on the side of the insect path, holding a praying mantis Zerg with his hand, and his whole body was full of spiritual power. No matter how the Zerg struggled, they couldn’t get rid of his shackles. This is a Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm, and it is also the first Zerg that meets the requirements as the team advances so far.

If Lu Ye wants to control the Zerg, it is naturally impossible to choose the target at will. He must always choose the Divine Sea Realm. Only in this way can the future plans be guaranteed. The Pioneer Camp should have learned through different channels that Lu Ye has the ability to control the Zerg, so when Lu Ye rushed over, one after another divine thoughts searched from the front and the rear, wanting to know what he would do. What kind of means to use.

Lu Ye raised his hand and tapped on the forehead of the praying mantis zerg, and said to Yuexian through the sound transmission of his spiritual thoughts: “Sister Nian, please trouble me to mobilize the soul to attack, help

Tear apart the soul defense of the Zerg.

Although he can do this himself, he has never practiced the secret art of soul after all, and his soul power is not as strong as that of Nian Yuexian. It is easier and faster for Nian Yuexian to tear the Zerg’s soul defense.

Nian Yuexian immediately mobilized the power of the soul, and the Mantis Zerg was hit, neighing incessantly, and struggling more and more, but they were held down by the Wanmo Ridge Body Cultivator, unable to resist at all.

Lu Ye’s spiritual thoughts surged, and he clearly felt that the Zerg in front of him didn’t have much resistance, so he easily planted the soul control pattern in its mind. The Mantis Zerg settled down instantly.

The body repairer noticed something, and said in surprise, “It’s all right.” Lu Ye raised his forehead: “Okay, fellow Taoist, please let it go.”

Ti Xiu let go of the Zerg according to his words, and found that it no longer resisted, and was amazed at the time, “It’s amazing”


Cultivators of the beast-controlling school may also be able to take over the Zerg race, but it is absolutely impossible to understate it like this, and it requires a very complicated process, accompanied by a great chance of failure.

But Lu Ye took a few breaths of time back and forth, and a Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm was actually controlled.

He does not understand how this is done.

“Is your secret technique useful to humans?” Ti Xiu asked a very sensitive question.

Lu Ye felt that the ears around him were all stiffened. Such a secret technique is weird and unpredictable. If it is useful to the human race, it will be too terrifying.

Lu Ye said: “The higher the spiritual intelligence, the stronger the power of the soul, and the more difficult it is to control. It is basically useless to the human race, so it can only be used on these insect races with defective spiritual intelligence.” It is actually useful, otherwise Dao Shisan didn’t know how to control envoys at the beginning.

But in this environment, how could Lu Ye give a disturbing answer

I don’t know if the body repairer believed it, but after slightly raising his forehead, he turned his head and chased forward.

Lu Ye and Nian Yuexian also kept up with the pace, but there was an extra Mantis Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm in the team, and they moved forward together with teeth and claws. As they continued to advance deeper, more and more Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm were captured alive, and then enslaved by Lu Ye using soul control.

Three days later, there were already dozens of Zergs in the team. Rumbling rushed forward with the queue, and Lu Ye sat on the back of one of the Zergs. Nian Yuexian is sitting on the back of another Zerg next to him

The leisurely appearance of the two of them didn’t look like they were counterattacking the Zerg Great Secret Realm, but instead they looked like they were going on an outing in the wild, which attracted the attention of many vanguard camp experts. A group of people who took the lead, such as Long Bai and Pang Zhen, have been replaced. This kind of replacement has been carried out for several rounds. The cooperation between the cultivation bases is extremely tacit, especially these people are all monks above the seventh level , Sometimes there is no need to speak at all, just a simple eye contact, a body language, and each other can know what is in their hearts.

Now the leader is the head teacher and several other physical and military cultivators. At this depth, the suppression of the monk’s strength by the Yuan magnetic force field has become obvious, but because the worm blood was smeared in advance, it is still possible. within the acceptable range.

Lu Ye’s position is always at the front, but not at the very front. As the road deepened, the number of Divine Sea Realm Zerg in the team increased, but correspondingly, the speed of advancement slowed down. As a matter of course, the further you go down, the stronger the suppressing force of the Yuan Magnetic Force Field, and you will naturally be more cautious when advancing.

Because of the need to capture the Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm alive, it often takes a lot of time.

For example, the pioneer battalions in the other eight continents do not have this problem. They have only one purpose on the way forward, to kill

Kill all the Zerg you encounter, killing them all.

So in terms of advancing speed alone, Bingzhou is undoubtedly the slowest. This has been verified in the communication between Pang Zhenlongbai and the principals in other states.

The big worm met a few, and now they are all under Lu Ye’s command

Member. On the eighth day after going deep into the insect path, Pang Zhen suddenly rushed to Lu Ye from the rear of the team, and asked with concern, “Can you still resist?

Although Lu Ye’s method of using the Zerg race is amazing, in the eyes of normal people, such a method cannot be unlimited. Logically speaking, every time one more Zerg race is used, Lu Ye’s damage will be affected. Speed ​​will add a load. Especially as Lu Ye said in the Great Council before that the limit should be around one or two hundred.

Now, there are more than two hundred Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm under his demons. That’s why Pang Zhen asked this question.


Lu Ye pondered for a while, and said, “It’s almost there.

Although they can continue to control the envoys, it is no longer necessary. More than 200 Divine Sea Realm Zerg are enough to carry out the next plan, and more are just icing on the cake.

Pang Zhen raised his forehead and sent an order to the front, “When you meet the Zerg in the Divine Sea Realm again, you don’t need to be captured alive, and you will be killed without mercy”

At this depth, everyone’s strength is almost suppressed to only 60%, and the continuous fighting will consume a lot of energy. Undoubtedly more convenient and effective. You must know that the counterattack against the Zerg Great Secret Realm is divided into three stages. The first stage is actually the easiest to achieve, and the most dangerous is the early stage of the second stage. “


The Vanguard Battalion naturally wants to maintain their own strength as much as possible. The cultivators of the Vanguard Battalion in front got the order, and the speed of advancement suddenly accelerated a lot. Another day later, a faint light came from the front, and in an instant, everyone knew that the end of the worm path was coming, and the source of the light was where the portal was.

Sure enough, when the queue advanced to the source of light, a huge oval portal appeared in everyone’s field of vision. The portal was like a mirror of a lake. come out

Many monks looked at the portal, and they all understood that stepping through this portal is the great secret realm of the Zerg Race, which is the source of the insect disaster in Kyushu.

The first step has been taken, and the next step is to see the progress of the second step. If everything goes well, the catastrophe that has lasted for several years can be resolved. “Rest in place, hurry up and recover your spiritual power” Long Bai shouted, and ordered a few more people to stand guard in front of the gate, killing insects as soon as they were seen.

The Nine Continents need to act in unison. Although the Nine Pioneer Battalions are already in place in front of the nine gates and can enter the Zerg Great Secret Realm at any time, the army from the Nine Continents has not yet arrived.

When the Pioneer Battalion went deep into the worm path, teams from all over Kyushu had already penetrated from the location of the ground fissure, and then converged at different positions in the worm path, continuing to advance.

However, because there is a pioneer battalion clearing the way, the pressure they face is much less, and they only need to deal with the scattered Zerg encountered on the side road. Today’s Kyushu army is trekking in the depths of the wormway. It can be said that the Kyushu monks can be seen everywhere in the wormway. They may be scattered in different forks, but the ultimate goal is only one. Once in place, the Pioneer Battalion will enter the Zerg Great Secret Realm, otherwise there will be no successors, even if the Pioneer Battalion is all at the seventh level, it will be difficult to do anything.

When the vanguard battalion is resting Lu Ye is busy.

He needs to bind a certain number of Explosive Fire Spirit Stones to all the Zergs who control them, otherwise it will be difficult for these Zergs alone to cause large-scale commotion.

It’s different if you have the Explosive Fire Spirit Stone. This thing is easy to explode, and it can cause powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and the Zerg are extremely sensitive to spiritual power fluctuations. Once the Explosive Fire Spirit Stone bursts, it will definitely cause Zerg attention. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Pioneer Battalion can enter the Zerg Great Secret Realm and quickly build a line of defense.

He is not the only one who is busy with this matter, there are other people to assist, all assigned in advance.

It took nearly an hour to arrange everything properly.


Lu Ye made a final check to make sure there was nothing missing, and then came to the head teacher and Pang Zhen: “The disciples are ready.

Pang Zhen said, “Then the next thing will be left to you, but you must be careful and give priority to ensuring your own safety. The head teacher also urged: “If you can’t do something, return as soon as possible. “Disciple understands.” Lu Ye said solemnly.

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