Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 1052: Bug

The cloud of insects in the distance hovered in the air for a while, lost sight of Lu Ye, and then hibernated again.

Lu Ye’s expression was solemn.

He had just returned to Kyushu before, immersed in the joy of returning to his hometown, and didn’t pay much attention to it. At this moment, he finally saw some unusual places.

The most intuitive thing is the change from the original.

Liyuan is a huge plain, and it can also be regarded as a strategic buffer for Wanmo Ridge in Bingzhou. There are no people here, but since it is a plain, it is naturally full of vitality.

At least, the last time Lu Ye came with Nian Yuexian, overlooking from a high altitude, Liyuan was green and rippling.

But today’s Liyuan, there is no green color, it is full of desolation, without any vitality.

Combined with the insect cloud he saw just now, Lu Ye still doesn’t understand the root of all this.

In the place where the Zerg race passed, not a single blade of grass grew, and all life was wiped out.

There is a lot of information in the battlefield imprint, which was passed by Yiyi just now. Lu Ye continued to investigate, and the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

He did not expect that such a major event would happen during the two years when he was not in Kyushu.

The swarm of insects swept across the land of Kyushu!

The scale and intensity of the insect swarm this time is the most ferocious and terrifying since the history of Kyushu.

Every piece of land and every corner of Kyushu has been invaded by Zerg.

The last time the sea of ​​fog swarm broke out, many sects with a radius of thousands of miles spent a lot of effort to extinguish the swarm, but the scale of the swarm was limited after all, and the impact was not great.

But this time the situation is completely different, this is no longer a bug infestation, but a bug disaster.

Not only is the number huge, but among the various Zerg races, there are a large number of existences comparable to the Divine Sea Realm.

The insect plague broke out just two years ago, almost when Lu Ye left Kyushu.

The origin is a major earthquake that swept across Kyushu.

The whole world was in turmoil. Bottomless cracks appeared in various parts of Kyushu, and overnight, Kyushu became a paradise for Zerg.

Affected by the plague of insects, the disputes between the two camps of the Haotian League Wanmo Ridge have subsided a lot, and now basically all the monks are fighting against the insects.

The cultivators clearly understood that whether it was the Haotian League or the Wanmo Ridge, they were human races after all, but the Zerg race was a different kind. In such a crisis, the grievances of the same race can be put aside first, and the extermination of the alien race is the top priority.

According to Yiyi, these Zergs come from deep underground, they were not visible in the past, and they were not known to people. After all, monks will not go deep underground, because of the interference of the Yuan magnetic field, the deeper they go underground , the more powerful the spiritual power is suppressed.

So the deep underground has always been a restricted area for monks.

But after the earthquake that swept across the entire Kyushu, ground fissures appeared one after another, and the Zerg from the ground emerged.

These insect races have been multiplying for an unknown number of years. There are so many types and a huge number. Although the Kyushu monks have been fighting insects bravely this year, they still can’t kill them all.

There is no way to exterminate the nest.

Insect nests are hidden deep in the ground, and it is extremely difficult to find them. There have been strong people in the Divine Sea Realm who have traveled in groups, but they have also failed to return, because the further they go down, the greater the number of insect races. Because the more you are suppressed, and in that environment, once a battle breaks out, it will be endless. Unless you make a contribution with one blow, it will be impossible to accomplish anything.

This is a catastrophe.

But for Kyushu monks, it is also a gluttonous feast.

Because the Zerg Killers can gain military exploits.

Lu Ye checked his combat achievements and found that he had gained several hundred points.

For Kyushu monks, meritorious service and military exploits are two things that run through a lifetime of practice, especially the latter is extremely important and can be exchanged for spiritual lottery for practice.

On weekdays, there are not many ways for everyone to obtain military exploits. The military exploits of the state guards are basically issued through monthly salaries, and the amount is fixed, unless they perform some tasks.

But now killing the insects can gain military exploits, how convenient it is.

This has led to a phenomenon, the number of monks in the Yunhe battlefield has been greatly reduced!

Basically, those who are a little bit ambitious and have a little background in the Yunhe realm will leave the Yunhe battlefield and return to Kyushu to kill the insects. In today’s Yunhe battlefield, there are basically no monks above the fifth level of Yunhe.

They all ran back to Kyushu.

They can’t deal with Zergs that are too powerful, but the biggest advantage of Zergs is their quantity. There are powerful Zergs, but compared to the overall number, they are really not worth mentioning.

So as long as your luck is not too bad, you can get something if you turn around anywhere.

Not to mention the monks in the real lake realm. In the past two years, many monks in Kyushu have fallen, but which one survived is not full of harvest. , but now it is not needed. If you have no military achievements, go to kill the Zerg, and you will be able to kill it for a while.

Don’t talk about others, let’s take the members of the Ding Jiu team as an example. Over the past two years, the overall cultivation of the team has improved significantly.

Two years…

This timing is very coincidental, and Lu Ye couldn’t help thinking about it.

What made him even more concerned was that on the way back to Kyushu, he vaguely saw many Zerg figures on a certain piece of floating land, but at that time he only had a glimpse, and he couldn’t be sure that what he saw was Zerg.

But if it is really the Zerg that gathered on a floating land, do they have anything to do with this bug disaster

Unable to confirm.

The team of Ding Jiu is indeed led by the third senior brother Xiao Xinghe. Right now they are stationed in a city, guarding the safety of the city together with other monks.

There is no way to do this. Pest plagues are sweeping across Kyushu. No matter how powerful the sects are, they have the capital to protect themselves.

But the city where many mortal lives gather will not work, and the nearby sects must deploy manpower to assist in the defense. There are not many people available, so they can only ask Haotian City for help.

Ding Jiu’s team was sent out under such circumstances. The team traveled to more than half of the Bingzhou in two years, and they are currently in the seventh city they are responsible for assisting in defense.

“The Great Era of Rebirth”

Through the many messages from Yiyi, Lu Ye roughly understood the current situation in Kyushu.

“Take care of yourselves, I’ll go back to Haotian City first, and then I’ll look for you.” Lu Ye sent a message.

“Yeah, you have to be careful.” Yiyi replied.

On the wall of Red River City, Yiyi finished the summons, showing a relieved smile.

It’s great that Lu Ye is back

Beside her, everyone from Team Ding Nine gathered, listening to Yiyi’s recitation of Lu Ye’s words, Xiao Xinghe laughed heartily, “Young Junior Brother is back, I should congratulate you with insect blood, everyone, come with me and kill some insects.”

“Senior brother has an order, and the younger brother will follow the scene” Li Baxian rose up from a long body.

A moment later, under the leadership of Xiao Xinghe, everyone in the team rushed out of the city and killed the generals.

Above Liyuan, Lu Ye activated the Thousand Faces Spirit Rune to change his appearance, and changed the color of the Chilong battle suit to white, put away the Panshan knife, and hung the sword gourd on his waist.

In an instant, the sword cultivator of Yushu Linfeng was born

After all, this is the territory of Wanmo Ridge. It is a bit troublesome to act with his original appearance. Although he has been promoted to Shenhai now, there are many people stronger than him in the vast Kyushu. Already invincible.

It can be less troublesome, so naturally try to be as low-key as possible.

Set up a sword light and sweep it forward.

Walking along the way, from time to time, you can meet scattered Zergs. Many Zergs are quite good.

This is the case in the deserted and uninhabited Liyuan. One can imagine what it would be like in a place where people gather.

Going forward for an hour, the combat achievements have increased by several hundred points.

This made him sigh with emotion. Although the environment in Kyushu is harsh, it is much easier for monks to obtain military exploits than before. Of course, the risk is relatively high.

But this is the way of practice. If you want to get something, you have to pay and take risks.

Many of the Zergs he killed along the way were from the Real Lake Realm, but he didn’t meet the Zergs from the Divine Sea Realm, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any.

Just like the mosquito-like Zerg he encountered at first, a single Zerg is nothing, but once it gathers into a cloud of insects, even he has to stay away.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation of spiritual power coming from one direction, Lu Ye turned his head to look, and saw several monks running desperately in that direction, followed by a praying mantis zerg.

The monks you will meet in this kind of place are naturally Wanmo Ridge.

In the past, Lu Ye probably wouldn’t care about these people’s life and death. The confrontation between the camps meant that he and the people from Wanmo Ridge would only become enemies.

But the blood refining world and his party made him feel a lot.

The biggest feeling is that the monks of the two camps can coexist peacefully, and they can also unite for one goal.

He has inherited the favors of many seniors in the blood refinement world, half of them were born in Wanmo Ridge.

Of course, this is related to the special situation of the blood refining world, and even more related to the state of mind of the seniors. To their grievances and grievances in youth can be wiped away with a smile.

Before leaving, many old seniors gave him their own tokens, saying that if someone under his sect bullied him, he would show them to his disciples and grandchildren, but looking at it from another angle Well, those seniors didn’t mean to ask Lu Ye to lend a hand when their disciples and grandchildren were in danger

It’s just that some things are hard to say clearly.

They have seen Lu Ye’s ability before, and they know that as long as Lu Ye is given enough time, he will definitely be able to reach their heights, and even surpass them.

At that time, who is his opponent in Kyushu?

The different tokens are trust and an invisible entrustment.

The trip to the blood refinement world caused some subtle changes in Lu Ye’s state of mind. When he saw the monks in Wanmo Ridge before, his first thought was **** them.

But now it won’t.

Who knows if there are any descendants of those elders among the cultivators in Wanmo Ridge, although the chances are very small.

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