House Management Chapter 2864: Wills, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Yufang Youshu!

Bao Jiayin took out the file bag from the safe, followed by walking out of the room and outside.

Some people at the scene went in with her, and some stood at the door waiting. When Bao Jiayin came out, the crowd dispersed, letting go.

Bao Jiayin came outside and walked in front of a middle-aged woman. This woman is a director of the notary office. When she first came to the company, she met twice and introduced each other.

The director’s name is Yuan Lan, the one who called.

“Director Yuan, this is the file that Mr. Zhang gave me. I haven’t opened it yet.” Bao Jiayin said.

“Then ask Lawyer Bao to go over it first…” Director Yuan made a please gesture to Bao Jiayin, and then beckoned to a notary next to him.

The notary’s hand held a briefcase. After she came over, Yuan Lan said again: “Here is the notary certificate left on our side. Attorney Bao can read the document in his hand. Proofread this copy. We will announce it on the spot after the two copies are completely consistent.”

“Okay.” Bao Jiayin nodded, then opened the file bag in his hand and took out the files inside.

Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie, Zhang Yu’s parents and others are all standing opposite. They all want to see the content on the notarization.

But right now, some notaries have stepped forward to maintain order, let them sit on the sofa first, and wait for Bao Jiayin to confirm the notarization.

Bao Jiayin immediately read the document in her hand, and her face changed drastically after not reading much. Everyone was staring at her, and found that Bao Jiayin’s expression changed, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

At this moment, Bao Jiayin’s body shivered a little apart from the change in her face. She is a lawyer, how could she not see that the notarized certificate in her hand is a will at all.

Zhang Yu divided all the property under his name and left it to his relatives. If the person is still alive, how could he do this?

“Zhang Yu…what the **** happened to him…that day, he was mysterious…Could it be that he knew that he would die, so he made a will in advance…” Bao Jiayin thought Whispered.

Soon, she unconsciously thought of her and Zhang Yu bit by bit.

The two people first met because they treated Xia Yuechan, but there was no intersection. The real acquaintance was all because the neighbor introduced Zhang Yu to his mother and let the two go on a blind date.

From the fake love of the two to the acquaintance of the two, it is simply a farce. However, this farce became more and more fierce, and even caused the two to have a super friendship relationship. The most terrible thing was that he was still with this man with Xia Yuechan.

Thinking of these bits and pieces, Bao Jiayin’s eyes are red. She tried her best to restrain her emotions, and kept saying in her heart: “He won’t die…he will never die…he must be alive…but he hasn’t come back yet…”

After a while, she saw the last page of the notarization. Regarding the following content, she is a little bit unclear.

Yuan Lan waited by the side. After Bao Jiayin saw the last page, three minutes later, she said: “Lawyer Bao, have you finished reading it?”

Bao Jiayin nodded, and said in a choked voice: “I’m finished.”

Yuan Lan immediately reached out to the notary next to him, and the notary took out a document bag from the briefcase.

Yuan Lan took the document bag and handed it to Bao Jiayin, saying: “Lawyer Bao, please check this notarization again to see if the two copies are consistent.”

“Okay.” Bao Jiayin nodded and took the portfolio.

The documents in her hand were handed to Yuan Lan for Yuan Lan to look at. Open the portfolio by yourself and take out the files inside to watch.

The contents of the two notarizations are exactly the same, with Zhang Yu’s signature, handprint and seal on them.

After reading it, Bao Jiayin said: “The two notarizations are exactly the same.”

“That’s fine, then our notary office will now officially announce Mr. Zhang Yu’s notarization!” Yuan Lan said seriously.

As soon as I heard it was announced, Yang Ying and others all stood up and came to the opposite side of Yuan Lan.

They all seemed very nervous, and they really didn’t know what exactly was the content of the notarization that Zhang Yu left after he left.

Yuan Lan took the notarized certificate and said loudly: “Now it is up to me to read out the notarized certificate of Mr. Zhang Yu, the chairman of the group, I am Zhang Yu…”

Next, she read the contents of the notarized certificate exactly. This is a gift notarization, and the main content is nothing more than Zhang Yu’s property distribution.

Zhang Yu left all the bank deposits under his name to his parents. The real estate under his own name is left to Yang Ying. The shares of Wudang Group under his own name were divided into four shares, giving 10% to Xia Yuechan, 10% to Yang Ying, 9% to Fang Tong, and 9% to Luo Chen.

After Yuan Lan finished reading, he added: “This is the notary granted by Mr. Zhang Yu at our notary office. Now I have read out to all parties in accordance with Mr. Zhang Yu’s intention. And I can guarantee that this The notarization is true and valid.”

“This…” “What’s going on?” “What does Xiao Yu mean?” “Brother Zhang Yu… why did he do this… Isn’t he coming back…” “Zhang Yu… …”……

All the people present were all dumbfounded.

Because everyone can hear what kind of gift this is, it is clearly the distribution of Zhang Yu’s family property.

How old is Zhang Yu? At this time, all his property is going to be sold out. What is this?

“Director Yuan, when did my son do the notarization? Where is he now?” Zhang Yu’s father was anxious.

He wasn’t because his son gave him more or less, but he was worried about his son’s situation.

“Mr. Zhang came to our notary office today last month and did the notarization. His request is that if the notarization is not revoked within one month, it will be announced by our notary office. As for Mr. Zhang We don’t know where.” Yuan Lan said truthfully.

“Xiao Yu… What does Xiao Yu mean… He gave us all his property… Then what would he do…” Zhang Yu’s mother said eagerly.

“I don’t want his shares…I want Brother Zhang Yu…” The little girl Fang Tong couldn’t help crying.

Xiao Jiejie’s face was cold at this moment. At this moment, she finally understood why the notary office didn’t call her. Because the notarization has the names of the women around him, and it has nothing to do with her.

“Zhang Yu… are you dead… or where are you… before you left… didn’t you think of me at all… Or, I am in your mind, just It doesn’t matter at all, what you covet is my father’s property…why…why…” Xiao Jiejie’s heart was bleeding, she said painfully in her heart.

“The notarization has been announced, and this notarization has legal effects. Our notary office is entrusted by Mr. Zhang Yu to not only announce but also supervise the implementation. Therefore, our notary office will join with lawyer Bao, and The relevant departments distribute the property under Mr. Zhang Yu’s name!” Yuan Lan said solemnly again.

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