House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 613: Grandpa’s little Yang Xi (1/4)

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Yang Chonggui always arrived at Jiangcheng at more than 8pm, but their clothes, including the young couple Yang Qing, although they had worn the new clothes they originally bought for the Spring Festival, they still looked a little out of style with the city. , Walking in the station, they still caused a lot of people to watch.

Especially the local specialties of the two sacks picked by Yang Qing, just like the old men in the countryside go into the city, and the passengers who see the road are avoiding them, fearing that they will hit them.

Unfortunately, passers-by travellers did not follow them to the end, otherwise, seeing the elders in their eyes getting a million-dollar Tiger off-road vehicle, I do n’t know if they will shock their glasses.

Regardless of the eyes of others, after waiting for a long time, he finally received his parents safely. Yang Yi took a sigh of relief and immediately grabbed their luggage as soon as they came up. Even the younger brother-in-law took the baggage. A “heavy duty” took place.

“Hum!” Yang Chonggui didn’t say anything when she saw Yang Yi’s filial piety. He was very satisfied, but he hummed his nose very reservedly.

“Have you eaten dinner?” Yang Yi was worried that it was too late. Everyone was still hungry. You have to know that it takes more than an hour to get home from the station in Binhai District.

“Kyoko in the car bought food and ate more than five o’clock.” Dong Yue’e saw his son in a good mood and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, we are not hungry now.”

Then go home and have a rest. While talking, Yang Yi takes them to the parking place.

“Brother, did you change the car again?” Yang Qing was a little surprised to see Yang Yi’s “new favorite”.

Although Yang Qing is now a car owner, Yang Yi gave him a new car as a wedding gift when he got married. But this domineering tiger with a big leaky side, a huge and burly body, and full of muscular tough lines are definitely the favorite of men who advocate power. Yang Qing couldn’t help but touch it.

Yang Yi was busy putting luggage in the trunk and responded casually: “Well, the previous car was a bit conspicuous and easy to be recognized. You also know your sister-in-law ’s identity, so I bought another car and garage. There are spares here, you also need a car in Jiangcheng, you can pick one to drive. “

“Brother, I think this car is too fierce! It looks like a tank!” Yang Qing was surprised.

“Like a tank?” Speaking of which, the silent Yang Chonggui next to him couldn’t help but sneered and sneered, “Kingko, you haven’t seen the tank, I told you, I just casually A tank was brought in and collided with this car, Tiezi, and he could knock it flat! “

Yang Qing did n’t dare to talk back, only to whisper to Yang Yi when she got on the bus: “It ’s like he has driven a tank.”

Yang Qing ’s vomiting made Yang Yi cry and laugh, and he secretly said: “It ’s not like it seems, the old man may have really opened it, although it may be an old tank for us …”

Of course, he will not tell Yang Qing about this.


Compared to the bumpy wolf, the tiger is much more stable when driving. On the way home, some tired Zheng Shuyi dozed off against Yang Qing.

Yang Yi was driving while talking to Yang Chonggui in the passenger seat and the mother in the back seat, chatting one after another about their current situation and Yang Huan ’s learning situation.

“Dad, do you think the current city is different from the city you were there at that time?” Yang Yi saw that Yang Chonggui had been looking out the window of the car, and he used words vaguely. Asked.

“Many cars, many people, many buildings, and more impetuous.” Yang Chonggui said slowly after a while.

Be concise!

“That’s true, after all, the times are changing.” Yang Yi didn’t know how to tell his dad. Both of them are not chatting people, they can only sigh gently.

“Tiezi, Huanhuan, where does she live now? Or do you live there?” Dong Yue’e has a lot of concerns to ask Yang Yi.

“She usually lives in school, and I have a house over there. Now let her live so that she can go to school.” Yang Yi smiled, “But aren’t you here today? Huanhuan played two of them first God, I ’m still with Murphy at home now, waiting for you to settle down and go back to school. ”

“It’s still important to study, you should let her go back.” Dong Yue’e said frowning.

“It ’s okay, just a day or two, she goes back to school by herself during the day.”

Talking like this, an hour actually passed quickly, and finally, Yang Yi and they have returned to the villa.

Although Yang Yi knew that they lived in a villa, although they didn’t see clearly at night, when they got home, Yang Qing and Zheng Shuyi couldn’t help but stare. The luxury of this villa seems a bit beyond their imagination.

“Brother Tiezi, this entire yard is yours?” Zheng Shuyi asked in the car.

If this is the case, it ’s too exaggerated. The courtyards of the most wealthy people in Zhengjia Village are not so large, and the lawn is too wide. They can turn over and use them to grow vegetables. Self-sufficient …

“Well, what do you think? Is it okay?” Yang Yi stopped the car, pulled the handbrake, and asked with a smile.

“Very beautiful …”

Murphy and Yang Huan have already greeted the door before their emotions are over.

Probably smelling the smell of a stranger, the buns that have long ran out have been around the car, turning around. Of course, Yang Yi got off the car, and he still shook his tail, but he didn’t relax his vigilance.

“Is this the dog brought back by the Dapo family? They have grown so big!” Yang Qing said to Yang Yi.

“Buns, yourself, don’t offend!” Yang Yi glared at the buns.

It seems to understand Yang Yi’s words. The bun’s eyes softened and his tail swayed briskly, leaning in to sniff the comer’s breath one by one.

However, everyone ignores it at this time.

“Dad, Mom, you have worked hard in the car.”

Before Murphy finished greeting, Dong Yue’e looked at the big-bellied daughter-in-law and said with a frown, “It ’s okay, it ’s okay, you go back to the house, it ’s cold outside, do n’t freeze.”

She also held Murphy affectionately and urged her into the room indiscriminately.

Yang Huan, beside him, was poorly left out.

“Where is Little Yang Xi?” Yang Chonggui frowned when he found that his baby granddaughter was not there.

Yang Huan quickly explained: “Xi Xi was also waiting for you to come back, but she was so sleepy that she fell asleep half an hour ago.”

It’s already ten o’clock. Xixi usually goes to bed at nine o’clock. She can’t hold it until nine thirty.

It is indeed too late. Yang Chonggui actually took a train for a day, but they were also tired and tired. Yang Yi took them to settle down and took a shower, and everyone rested early.


The next day, Yang Yi came back from running, Yang Chonggui had got up, and the old man had been in the wind and rain for decades, and it was the same today. He practiced punching in the yard early in the morning, and Yang Qing did not dare to slack off. .

Yang Yi just went for a run. Yang Chonggui was not satisfied with Yang Yi ’s amount of exercise. He also called Yang Yi to come and compare with Yang Qing.

The courtyard was busy, Xi Xi finally got up, Murphy dressed her, and the girl could not wait to run downstairs.

“Grandpa!” Xia Xi’s crisp voice came from far away.

Yang Chonggui turned his head and saw, facing the bright sunshine in the winter morning, a smiling girl ran out from the door of the villa, and the wrinkled face of Grandfather could n’t be serious anymore, it was also blooming Smiled.

“Little Yang Xi, you are also awake.” Yang Chonggui hugged the little guy lovingly and said, “I grew up again and weighed a lot.”

“Grandpa, Grandpa! I was waiting for you last night, but I did n’t see Baba ’s car. Then, I did n’t know how to fall asleep …” Xi Xi hugged Grandpa ’s neck and grunted her small mouth. Said.

It seems that she cares more, she could have seen Grandpa yesterday!

“It doesn’t matter, Grandpa knows.” Yang Chonggui nodded happily.

“That grandpa, do you want me?” After the girl expressed her emotions that she really wanted grandpa, she blinked her eyes and asked expectantly.

“Think, of course I think.” Yang Chonggui couldn’t help but smile. The usual rigidity and face-saving is the same as changing a person.

“Grandpa, you don’t even come to see me …”

In the morning, Xi Xi twitter’s voice began the prelude to a happy and happy day.

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