High Energy QR Code Chapter 191: Paperman

Although it is known that the village head is also trying to break free from the control of the mountain god, it does not mean that he is in the same position as the player. Several people looked at the village chief cautiously. Cao Qian, who had the strongest combat power, clenched her fists and was ready to fight.

Only Xing Ye was not in a hurry, he said to the village chief: “When did you come?”

“Ahem,” the village chief coughed twice, “I’ve been listening to the movement of the Cao family, let alone four people, even if a bird flies in, I’ll know. I’ll know as soon as you come in, But I didn’t dare to get close, I just watched you from outside the window, and I came in after you found the doll.”

He glanced at Cao Qian and said: “Sure enough, you are the only one who can find the doll. If possible, I don’t want Hei Hei to be a sacrifice, but there is no way. This is the last mountain **** sacrifice. People from the Cao family Must go.”

The village chief’s feet fell on the ground without making any sound. His body was very light, as if he had no weight. Xing Ye listened carefully, but did not hear his breathing.

Yesterday, Xing Ye met the village head during the day. At that time, he was still like a person, but now he is like a piece of paper.

Xing Ye asked: “Didn’t the living corpses in the black mist embarrass you, a paper doll?”

The village head laughed twice: “They are all corpses with their brains dried out, and they don’t have eyes.”

“So that’s how it is,” Xing Ye said looking at the village chief, “I don’t know how you did it, but the reason why you can hide from the black mist and prevent us from noticing your existence is because you are just A piece of paper, right?”

Frightened by his words, Miss Qian jumped behind Cao Heihei, only showing half of her face and one eye secretly looking at the village chief.

Xing Ye continued: “You help my father, that is, when Yang Dazhuang became a paper man, he changed the outer skin first, and said that he would change the bones after a few days. This means that the paper man’s skin and bones can be separated Yes, I don’t know if paper figures like Li Datou and the others are okay, but the paper figures you make are fine. The paper skin without bones will become very light and lose vital signs. The black mist should not be able to identify your identity, so it doesn’t matter. Day or night, you can act.”

The village chief looked at Xing Ye and said, “How do you know the steps I take to turn a living person into a paper one? Xiaomao, you are such a smart kid, much smarter than I imagined, but unfortunately you are going to die. “

In the dark night, the village head, who was so thin that only a layer of skin remained, said that several people were going to die. It looked very much like a horror movie, and Miss Qian was scared to death.

But Xing Ye and Cao Qian were very calm. Cao Qian took Qian Da Niu’s hand and said to the village chief: “I believe that paper can’t leave the bone for too long, and any ability will have a time limit. There are four of us , why do you think you can defeat us?”

The village chief sighed quietly, and said to Cao Qian: “Hei Hei, you are so upright, you can see it when you look at Xiao Mao.”

He drooped his eyelids and glanced at Yang Xiaomao.

Xing Ye said: “The action of the paper skin is indeed time-sensitive, but I think it should not be a big problem for an hour or two. I still remember that after my mother died, a dozen or so people suddenly rushed out near the village head’s house. He is a big man, it seems that the village chief has a helper.”

“Hehehe, Xiao Mao is really smart.” The village head laughed.

He raised his hand and patted it lightly twice. There was a slight “crash clatter” sound in the air, and he saw a dozen cardboard figures slowly walking out behind the village chief.

Cao Qian’s reaction speed was extremely fast. She smashed the window with her fist, and wanted to lead everyone to escape through the window.

It’s all silent, only when the breeze blows, it will make a little sound.

The black mist did not appear, and it did not respond to these cardboard men.

The village head said: “I am also for the good of the village. If I kill the mountain god, the mountain **** village will be liberated, and everyone will be able to leave the village and live a normal life.”

Xing Ye said: “Do you think you cardboard people can live a normal life in the outside world?”

The village chief sighed softly: “If you don’t tell me, I won’t tell you, and everyone will be fine as a resident of the closed mountain village?”

Xing Ye said to the village chief: “Many items in the village show that the village was controlled by the mountain **** in the 1970s or 1980s. At that time, technology was not yet developed. You may not know how far the era will develop in 50 years. Well, closing a village for 50 years is a major event, the media will publicize it, and you will be taken away for blood tests, and the identity of the paper figurines cannot be concealed at all.”

After all, it is the thinking of the 1970s and 1980s. The villagers of Shanshen Village do not understand what the Internet age is.

The village head only thought that Xing Ye was joking, and waved lightly, and a few cardboard figures floated over with knives.

Cao Qian stretched out her hands to grab them, and found that the bodies of these paper mans were actually very soft. She punched down like a bed sheet blown away by the wind. to Paperman.

She took out the “surgeon’s scalpel” from her waist. Before leaving the village party secretary’s house, for safety’s sake, Xing Ye drew a lot of QR codes for everyone to carry with them for self-defense.

She slashed at the paper figurine, leaving only a faint mark on the paper figurine.

“Surgeon’s scalpel” is a QR code for props that Cao Qian found in the surgical amputation operating room. The small scalpel has indestructible power, restraining all flesh and blood creatures, even hard bones. It can also be cut, the only disadvantage is that it is short and needs to be used in close combat. But this knife can’t hurt the papermen now, which proves that these papermen are no longer flesh and blood creatures.

Yan Hebi wanted to help, but was pushed away by the paper man. The target of these people was Xing Ye and others.

Miss Qian tremblingly opened the bracelet and wanted to use the QR code, but someone grabbed her hand and couldn’t click the QR code at all, she was so frightened that she almost cried out.

Only Xing Ye was not afraid in the face of danger, and said to the village chief: “I also want to kill the mountain god.”

“Really?” The village chief raised his eyelids, “Then go to hell, your blood will become a weapon to kill the mountain god.”

“I just don’t think you can kill the mountain **** with this method,” Xing Ye said calmly after being caught by a few paper figurines, “Why do you think that the blood of a few sacrifices can kill the mountain god?” Kill the mountain god? We don’t even know what the mountain **** is, have you seen it?”

While speaking, Xing Ye pressed **** the mirror hanging on his chest to prevent Lu Mingze from transferring to the mirror in the room and using “Overwhelming Country and Alluring City”.

There are too many people here, and “Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City” can’t control everyone at all. Instead, it will expose Lu Mingze’s ability to transfer consciousness in front of others.

The swan crystal in Cao Qian’s pocket yelled a few times, but the village chief and others didn’t respond at all. Linlin’s “idling” and “self-deception” couldn’t control these paper men.

Xing Ye is always observing the movements of these paper men, and once they have the intention of killing, he will use “Kuafu Chasing the Sun” to stop time. This is the trump card. It can only be stopped for one minute within 24 hours. It cannot be used until the critical moment. Xing Ye still wants to negotiate with the village chief.

The village chief waved his hand, and the paper figurines became thin and long, binding them like straw ropes. Cao Qian, who was the strongest, was tied the hardest.

The paper figurine snatched the cloth strip from Xing Ye and handed it to the village chief. The village chief took the cloth strip and looked at it. Xing Ye asked, “Are you literate? Can you understand it?”

Village Chief: “Hehehe, of course we know each other. Aunt Cao taught me some things back then.”

The Aunt Cao he was talking about was Grandma Cao.

“Oh, then look at what is written on the last piece of rag.” Xing Ye said.

Just now they only read the first few pieces of cloth, and discussed it. These village chiefs should have heard it, but the last one, because of its special content, Xing Ye decided to read it last. Entered the room.

“Of course I know, hehe, what is this?” Turning on the light, the village chief was almost terrified when he saw the contents of the last piece of cloth.

“That, I don’t know too well,” Xing Ye said, “I guess only the Cao family can understand it.”

“Fortunately, Hei Hei has not been killed yet.” The village chief put the piece of cloth in front of Cao Qian and asked, “Hei Hei, what is written on it?”

Cao Qian took a glance, and saw that the cloth was densely embroidered with letters, which should be Chinese pinyin, not even English. Does the village chief not know Chinese pinyin?

“I know,” Cao Qian said leisurely, “but you will kill me too, why should I tell you?”

“This” the village chief blows up like a balloon for a while, and then flattens it for a while, looking very embarrassed, “The sacrifices can’t all be paper figurines mixed blood, at least three real living people, there is really no way to use it Someone else took your place.”

People: “”

This village head is really honest, he can’t even lie, he doesn’t know the Chinese pinyin, and he wants to bring the paper people into the modern society, it’s too naive.

Xing Ye said: “Well, we won’t embarrass you. Tell us first why the blood of the sacrifice can kill the mountain god? How do you know this?”

Yang Xiaomao’s small face was full of heroism at this time: “I am not afraid of death. If we all die, we can end this sacrificial activity. I don’t mind. But we must die clearly, and we must not Death in vain!”

Cao Heihei also said: “I’m not afraid of death either. Grandma’s wish is to allow people from Shanshen Village to go out. In order to fulfill grandma’s wish, I am willing to die.”

Seeing that the two bosses had spoken, Miss Qian also echoed, “I’m timid and quite afraid of death, but no one seems to ask my opinion. At least die to understand.”

Looking at the resolute faces of the children, the village chief sighed and said, “This must have started decades ago.”

“It’s okay, the mountain **** festival is still one day and one night away, so it’s too late.” Yan Hebi said.

It’s better to talk a little longer, when it comes to the fact that the cardboard man can’t hold up and must be put back into the bones.

The village head glared at Yan Hebi, ordered the paper man to hold down Li Datou, recalled and said: “More than forty years ago, during the third mountain **** sacrifice, I was among the sacrifices. I, the brother of the village party secretary, Boss Qin, and another child were sacrificed. Since the sacrificial process was not perfect at that time, there were only two guards from the second mountain **** sacrifice, and they sent me up the mountain.

“I was very scared, and asked the guard if I would be selected, but the guard’s eyes became straight, as if he couldn’t hear us at all, he just wanted to send us into a cave.

“I escaped several times and the guards caught me back, so I kept trying to kill the guards.”

Hearing this, Xing Ye asked: “Isn’t the paper man immortal? How did you kill the guard?”

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