High Energy QR Code: 9. Entering the city

Even Xing Ye didn’t expect that the mirror would have such a reaction. After being exposed by others, would ordinary people not run away but go into that person’s arms instead?

He grabbed the handle and pulled the mirror out, thinking that it was quite strong.

As soon as I opened the mirror to speak, I saw that the mirror was full of red light and the words “Ah! Bugs” were added.

The red light… is it blushing? Drilling into the bosom is afraid of bugs?

Compared to being exposed by him, are bugs more terrifying?

Xing Ye couldn’t laugh or cry, it was the first time he felt like he had lost. In fact, he still has a lot of doubts that he needs to get answers from the mirror, but seeing how chaotic the mirror looks, he can’t continue to ask questions.

If you continue to ask, it feels like the mirror will explode on the spot…

The story already has some clues here, Xing Ye sticks the mirror to his arms, wraps himself tightly with the cloak, and tries to avoid contact with the bugs as much as possible.

In fact, he is more anxious than anyone else. For Xing Ye, winning is just a by-product of this game, and investigating the cause of his brother’s death is the most important thing right now. Whether it is the words of the older maid or the identity of the mirror, it means that this game is not actually dead, so why did the younger brother Xing Shuo die so strangely?

Xing Ye urgently needs to know the mirror’s true identity. If they are from the same world, he wants to see what the mirror’s current physical condition is, so that he can deduce whether his brother is really dead.

But now…

Don’t be impatient, be calm. Xing Ye secretly warned himself.

He can encounter bug-level props just by participating in a novice world, which is obviously abnormal. Black and White Rubik’s Cube has the ability to see through people’s hearts and has great malice. Maybe his encounter with sperm is the result of Black and White Rubik’s Cube. Once he loses his sense of composure, he will be controlled by malice.

Like countless times in the past, Xing Ye gritted his teeth and forced himself to endure despite being in a desperate situation.

He is not strong, and because of this, he must pretend to be strong, so as to deter his opponents.

Xing Ye can’t sleep, but he needs sleep. He put the mirror on his heart, closed his eyes and silently counted the heartbeats. If he couldn’t fall asleep for one or two hundred times, then he could count the heartbeats for one or two thousand times.

Under such compulsion, Xing Ye’s breathing finally calmed down when his heartbeat reached about 3,000 times, and he barely fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Xing Ye saw in the tavern a recruitment message for a cargo team bound for the Imperial City.

“Because I encountered robbers on the road, I temporarily hired adventurers as bodyguards…”

Xing Ye can’t understand the words of this world, and he only knows the recruitment information by listening to others read it.

Narrator: “Claire decided to help the mirror, so she had to go to the imperial city. This convoy was delivering a birthday gift for the queen, and following the convoy can sneak into the palace.”

Very well, the opponent even thought of a way to sneak into the palace for him.

His behavior of subduing Earl Luca with his bare hands let his opponent know that his force value is not low. Even if there are two obstructive fat lumps hanging on his chest, it still does not affect his combat effectiveness. In this case, becoming a convoy guard is the best way.

At the same time, it can also make the opponent stare at him, so that it is convenient to find Xing Ye’s whereabouts.

But this also exposed that the opponent’s range of action would not exceed the imperial city or palace, and they had to wait for Claire to reach their own sphere of influence before they could act.

Wandering outside like this can actually solve the two opponents, and he has roughly guessed what the remaining two endings are. But he now needs more information, as well as identifying the remaining manipulators and preventing them from achieving their personal character’s ending.

Thinking of this, Xing Ye tore off the recruitment information, and took the package to find the person in charge of the cargo team.

The person in charge is a knight, and he looks very capable. He glanced at Xing Ye’s face and said distrustfully, “You are too beautiful for a man.”

Xing Ye really doesn’t know what he looks like in the eyes of people in this world. Anyway, everyone says he is good-looking.

“Strength has nothing to do with appearance,” Xing Ye said, “I need a job.”

“Then try it.” Cavalier Captain pointed to a strong man in the cargo team, “You don’t have to beat him, as long as you can survive for a while, you are lucky, we are short of people now.”

Xing Ye walked up to the strong man, and the man smiled contemptuously when he saw him: “I will try not to slap you in the face, little boy.”

Am I white? Xing Ye walked up to the strong man while thinking, and kicked his knee with a flying kick.

The art of catching the enemy learned by Xing Ye pays attention to quickness, precision and ruthlessness, and strives to subdue the opponent in the shortest time, instead of fighting head-on with the opponent’s strength and winning with dexterity. When his parents taught him the art of catching enemies, they specially invited a veteran to be his coach. Later, Xing Ye had several actual combat experiences, and his skills were not bad.

This strong man is of the strength type. Judging from his muscle mass, it can be seen that his speed and agility are slightly inferior.

He has an arrogant personality and is easily provoked. An attack on his lower body may make him attack forward indiscriminately in anger.

Xing Ye always took ten steps at a time when he shot. After kicking to the knee, he quickly circled from the right side to the back of the strong man, and kicked him on the waist and eyes again. At the same time, he took out the dagger that came along from Earl Luca’s mansion, pressed the strong man’s shoulder with one hand, and pressed the dagger against his neck with the other hand, a drop of blood flowed down.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, Xing Ye’s expression did not change, the dagger was pressed against the strong man’s neck, but his eyes were looking at the knight captain: “Is this okay?”

The Cavalier Captain was startled by the trick he had never seen before, and he was stunned for a second before he recovered, nodded and said: “Yes, you can put Morse down first, and we will hire you.”

“My attack only temporarily paralyzed some parts of his body, no muscles and bones were injured, and the neck was only a skin trauma, which will soon form a scar.” Xing Ye said.

The strong Morse sat on the ground clutching his neck and panting heavily with horror on his face. The point is not Xing Ye’s speed and moves, but his unhesitating aura.

He’s really going to kill me, the burly man thought in horror.

After the first battle, the people in the team were a little afraid of Xing Ye, and they were frightened by his murderous aura and did not dare to speak to him. This is exactly what Xing Ye wants, he is now… a half-daughter body, his voice is forcibly thickened, talking too much will expose him, it is better to keep a distance from people in this world as much as possible.

In order to ensure that they arrive at the imperial city within half a month, the cargo team hurried on the road after recruiting enough people. Xing Ye had his own horse, so the journey was relatively easy, but the problems such as bathing and sleeping made him feel uncomfortable.

No way, the chest can’t be thrown away.

When everyone was taking a bath by the river, Xing Ye could only bear it. It was impossible for the guards to arrange their own room for sleeping at night, and Xing Ye didn’t dare to remove the cloth strips that wrapped his chest, so he chose a corner to sleep every night.

After seven days, Xing Ye was fine and could still bear it, but the mirror couldn’t stand it, and jumped up and down in his arms every day.

Xing Ye took out the mirror in an unoccupied corner and asked him what happened. Mirror: Stinky!

Loving beauty, being afraid of bugs, and disliking the smell of not taking a bath for seven days, Xing Ye has roughly guessed that the mirror is a spoiled and stinky young master.

The family background is not too bad, I haven’t experienced any hardships, and Xing Ye is not sure if his appearance is really as good as he said, after all, everyone sees himself differently from others.

“Hold it,” Xing Ye said with rare patience, “You can’t let Claire take a bath with a group of men in an emergency.”

Mirror: So I just find a place that doesn’t smell too bad!

That’s right, the mirror didn’t jump out to make trouble, it just hugged him in his arms every day, and there were a lot of scenes.

“Overcome.” Xing Ye said without emotion, then stuffed the mirror into his arms and wrapped the cloak.

In order to ensure his position in the team, Xing Ye would be the first to strike when he encountered a small thief along the way. He often killed two or three robbers before others could react. Soon the eyes of everyone looking at him changed from estrangement to admiration. Even if he kept putting on air-conditioning, some people still approached him without fear of death.

“Lawrence, where did you learn martial arts?” Morse asked again.

Lawrence is a pseudonym Xing Ye created for himself. It is a watch brand, and it is quite easy to remember.

Morse’s face is thicker than his neck, no matter how much Xing Ye casts cold eyes at him, he will come over to him, and recently his face is always rosy.

“No one taught me, I learned it myself on my adventurous journey.” Xing Ye calls himself an adventurer, and wants to travel all over the world and challenge all difficulties. There are still many people like this in this world.

“Why do you want to be an adventurer, how hard it is…” Morse murmured, “If you want to be a knight, any church and nobleman will be willing to accept you, and I can also recommend you to me His master, Grand Duke Garcia, is a nobleman second only to the royal family.”

“Not interested.” Xing Ye walked away and closed his eyes to rest beside the tree not far from the team.

I could faintly hear words like “better than a woman” from the team, but Xing Yequan pretended not to hear them.

As Xing Ye expected, the sphere of influence of the other two opponents is within the imperial city, and they encountered only regular robbers on the way, without any strong opponents.

It was not until the gate of the imperial city that there were strict guards and long queues.

The knight captain was very surprised why there were so many people in front of the door. Before he left, he asked and came back and said, “Her Majesty dreamed that a person carrying a magic mirror would come to the imperial city. This person would bring disaster to the country. Therefore, every team entering the imperial city must be searched, lest someone hides a mirror.”

As expected, is entering the door the first hurdle?

Duke Garcia’s team was arranged by the enemy, and there is a high chance of finding him by searching in front of the door. Xing Ye thought from the opponent’s point of view, and felt that there was probably a manipulator waiting for Duke Garcia’s team in front of the door at this time.

This trick is clever enough, but it’s not thoughtful enough, they don’t seem to understand the importance of the word “level”.

It is rare for Xing Ye to take the initiative to ask the captain of the knight: “Does the team of Duke Garcia’s family still line up for inspection like these commoners and minor nobles? You knights who are loyal to the Duke still have to endure the search of these ordinary soldiers Is it?”

The knight captain originally heard that the queen ordered him to be quite quiet, but he only reacted after hearing Xing Ye’s instigation, which is not decent.

Although they were ordinary knights, it was Duke Garcia who was shamed after being searched.

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