High Energy QR Code: 15. Night tryst

“Lawrence, you seem to be going out a lot recently?”

Xing Ye, who was about to walk out of the gate, stopped and looked back at Duke Garcia, the nobleman was staring at him firmly.

Of course you have to go out, otherwise how will the Queen’s favorite man contact him.

Through observation these days, Xing Ye determined that the defense of the Duke’s Mansion is like an iron barrel, watertight, not even a queen’s eyeliner. In this case, even if the manipulator wants to contact him, it is not easy. To give the enemy a chance. Xing Ye had to use shopping as an excuse to wander the streets every day.

“I’ve never seen such a bustling city,” Xing Ye replied, “Your Excellency will return to the fief in a few days, right? Before that, I hope to take a good look at the imperial city, after all, next time I don’t know when it will come.”

“I returned to the fief to deal with this year’s spring plowing,” Duke Garcia said, “I have official business in the imperial city, and only the spring plowing and harvest festival will return to the fief every year. You don’t have to worry, I will come again. “

Is that so? It seems that Duke Garcia is not only a great nobleman, but also concurrently in charge of state affairs. He is a nobleman with real power, and his strength should not be underestimated.

“Just go and have a look.” Xing Ye tried his best to imitate the expressions of people in small places yearning for the big city.

Garcia shook his head helplessly: “You killed the head of the royal bodyguard half a month ago on the queen’s birthday, the imperial city is always the queen’s territory, if you were caught on the street, even I would be a little embarrassed. “

“I’m strong.” Xing Ye grabbed the hilt of his sword.

“I didn’t mean that… hey…” Duke Garcia took out a pocket watch from his pocket and handed it to Xing Ye, “This is a token given to the Garcia family by the queen 480 years ago, with the queen’s seal on it, I will lend it to you for the time being, if you are in danger, show your pocket watch, most people dare not hurt you.”

“Thank you, Duke.” Xing Ye took the pocket watch unceremoniously. The Queen is 500 years old this year, and 480 years old is probably the period of her blackening. The pocket watch is obviously a mission item, so of course he wants to take it.

“If you encounter something you want to buy, you can put it in the name of the Garcia family, and let the store come to the house to pay the bill tomorrow.” Duke Garcia instructed again.

“I have nothing to buy.” Xing Ye flatly refused, and went out with a pocket watch.

This stubborn girl… Garcia shook her head, and sent Walker Knight to follow Xing Ye secretly, just keep him safe and don’t bother her.

Xing Ye is naturally aware that someone is following him, and he doesn’t care. To be precise, this is in his favor.

He carefully observed the pocket watch, and determined that the pocket watch was not like a mirror, it had no soul in it, it was just a prop.

Although it is a pocket watch, it is already broken. The hour and minute hands are frozen at 6:06, no matter how you adjust it, it does not move, which seems to imply the Queen’s unchanging appearance.

Putting away the important props, Xing Ye walked to the agreed place with the male pet as planned.

Every time he goes out, he will do something to attract the attention of the royal guards, and deliberately let the male pet know his whereabouts. After fishing for a few days, Xing Ye was sure that the male pet would find a way to go out of the palace to meet him today.

Walker Knight’s stalking was an accident, but it’s not bad, maybe there will be better results.

Arriving at the agreed dark alley with no one around, and noticing that Walker Knight was hiding in a corner, Xing Ye deliberately waited for the male pet in a position where Walker could only see a little bit.

After a while, the male pet appeared. He was extremely handsome, not like a handsome boy, but as handsome as a soldier, and his ability in a certain aspect was particularly good.

“I didn’t expect you to dare to swagger in the street, aren’t you afraid of being caught and lynched by the guards?” The male pet approached Xing Ye and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

“Fortunately, I have confidence in my own strength.” Xing Ye also said in a low voice, “We celebrities don’t whisper, are you here to help me get close to the queen? You are the queen’s bedside person. It is easy for people to enter the palace.”

“How do you know?” the male pet asked in surprise.

Xing Ye smiled: “I also know that you want to tell me that you have no malicious intentions, but that you are fed up with serving a five-hundred-year-old woman. You can’t resist the identity arranged by the game, and you must fulfill the obligations of a male favorite.” , and suicide is not allowed. Two companions are dead, I am so powerful, you just want to leave this world now, at least don’t endure the queen who is possessed by the devil, so you choose to cooperate with me, right?”

“You, you, you… how could…” The male pet took two steps back, and found that there was a wall behind him, and he couldn’t escape at all.

“Don’t be too surprised, asking you to enter the urn is the only way you can think of now, it’s not difficult to guess.” Xing Ye said confidently, “And the fact that you dedicated yourself to the queen should also be true, so it will be more convincing to deceive Half-truth and half-false is the highest level of deception.”

The male favorite felt as if he had been stripped naked by Xing Ye, without any secrets, he was too shocked to speak.

All the while, the manipulators stayed behind the scenes, never seeing what their opponents looked like. In their view, it is impossible for their own side, which has already taken advantage, to lose.

It wasn’t until he actually met Xing Ye that the male favorite understood what the word “powerful” meant.

Strength is that even if the opponent is unarmed and at a disadvantage, he can still use a look and a smile to make people frightened.

“Then why did I, who knew everything, meet you late at night?” Xing Ye asked with a smile.

“No, I don’t know.”

The male pet wanted to run away, but was grabbed by Xing Ye, who grabbed him by the collar and changed the direction. From the male pet to the wall, Xing Ye was forced to the wall and couldn’t move.

And Xing Ye’s turn just happened to shift from a position Walker couldn’t see to a position he could see.

After turning over, Xing Ye unbuttoned the cloak, and the cloak slipped off, revealing the women’s clothing inside.

“What are you going to do?” the male pet asked in horror.

Is the executor crazy if he shows off his women’s clothing in public?

Xing Ye grabbed the male pet’s collar and forcibly pulled his head down. From Walker’s perspective, it looked like he was about to kiss.

Seeing that Walker couldn’t bear it any longer, he jumped out from the corner, grabbed the male favorite and punched and kicked him. Xing Ye put on his cloak calmly and patted Walker on the shoulder: “Don’t hit.”

“What’s going on!” Knight Walker grabbed the bruised and swollen male favorite, “Isn’t this person the queen’s servant? Why is he here? And your clothes, your breasts…”

“I was discovered by you.” Xing Ye said lightly, “It’s my fault, you take us to plead guilty to the Duke.”

“No, I didn’t, I will keep it a secret for you, I…” Knight Walker said incoherently.

“No, I did something wrong and I should be punished.” Xing Ye neatly **** the male pet, gagged his mouth and handed him to Walker. When the shocked Walker knight reacted, the male pet Chong has been tightly grasped by him.

Looking like he was caught doing something wrong, Xing Ye didn’t listen to Knight Walker’s explanation at all, and led the two back to the Duke’s mansion, and woke everyone up when Walker couldn’t explain.

Duke Garcia, who dressed elegantly even if he was woken up in his sleep, looked angrily at the three kneeling on the ground: “Say, what’s going on?”

“I…” Knight Walker looked innocent, how did things turn out like this? He just wanted to prevent the Queen’s servant from bullying Lawrence, and he never thought of exposing Lawrence’s identity!

“It’s my fault,” Xing Ye admitted without haste, and took out a note from his pocket, “On the queen’s birthday, I fell in love with the servant at first sight in the palace, and he didn’t hate me either. , the trustee gave me a note and asked me to meet at night.”

The rest of the knights looked inexplicable: “Why does Lawrence like the valet? Isn’t he a man?”

Garcia hurriedly asked the others to step down, leaving only Walker, Xing Ye and the valet, and he asked angrily: “Why do you fall in love with the queen, this inferior male favorite? No, how could you let other people Know your identity?”

“Please Duke Garcia execute me and this person.” Xing Ye bowed his head.

When the servant heard Xing Ye’s words, he was so anxious that he struggled frantically. He couldn’t let Xing Ye lead the ending of “The Queen’s Servant had an affair with a female knight of Duke Garcia’s mansion and was secretly executed by the Duke”. In this way, Xing Ye won completely!

“Don’t struggle, we have to take responsibility for what we do wrong.” Xing Ye said, knocking out the servant in a leisurely manner, and then looked at Duke Garcia with a heroic expression.

Garcia was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped up. After letting Walker Knight, who was completely confused about the situation, go out, he said to Xing Ye: “Lawrence, do you think I will believe your lame lie? Tell me the truth!”

Xing Ye smiled, knelt on one knee with his right hand in front of his chest, and said in an admiring tone: “As expected of the Duke, I thought that if you believed me, it would be fine to die like this.”

“How could I be deceived, you are not that kind of superficial woman.” Duke Garcia looked at Xing Ye and said, “You can kill the chief guard of the royal family with one blow in the duel field, how could you look at such a good-for-nothing woman?” man.”

Garcia also kicked the valet while speaking.

“Your Excellency, can I trust you?” Xing Ye raised his head and asked.

“Of course.” Garcia looked deeply at Xing Ye.

“That’s right, besides a great person like you, who else can I trust?” Xing Ye said solemnly, “My lord, my mother raised me as a boy. There is an important reason. In the year I was born, the ripples of the river outside my house formed a line of words, ‘This girl can kill the queen’.”

Garcia was taken aback.

“I thought it was a joke, until I saw the queen in the palace that day, my blood boiled. The sense of mission hidden in my blood told me that I was born to get rid of the queen.” Xing Ye recalled The script I wrote before, memorized the lines proficiently, “The reason why I seduced the valet in a disdainful way is to let him take me into the palace, assassinate the queen, so that the devil will never harm this world again!”

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