High Energy QR Code: 1. QR code

In the mourning hall on a quiet night in late autumn, Xing Ye stood beside the transparent coffin, with five fingers clasped firmly on the edge of the coffin, his entire right hand was blue from the cold, but he didn’t feel it.

He stared at the face in the coffin, which looked exactly like Xing Ye, a little softer than the usual cold and rigid him.

Looking from the heart, Xing Shuo is just like his appearance, a gentle and tolerant person.

He is Xing Ye’s younger brother, five years younger than Xing Ye. He is only twenty-four this year, but he is already lying in this cold coffin, and in the empty mourning hall, only Xing Ye is the only one keeping watch at night.

Since their parents passed away unexpectedly nine years ago, Xing Shuo and Xing Ye have depended on each other for life, and they are each other’s only family members.

And now, Xing Shuo has also left him.

When he heard the news of Xing Shuo’s death, Xing Ye, who was abroad, couldn’t believe that his young and healthy brother passed away like this.

He immediately handed over the work in hand to his subordinates. After returning to China, he asked to investigate the cause of Xing Shuo’s death as the only relative of the deceased. But both the police and the hospital gave only one answer—sudden cardiac death.

Xing Shuo is currently preparing his master’s thesis at Peking University, spending every day in the library, and has never had any grudges with anyone. The forensic doctor’s comprehensive autopsy report also ruled out drug factors, and the cause of death was indeed acute myocardial infarction.

“Many people who die suddenly are usually very healthy and have no abnormalities. Mr. Xing Ye, I understand your feelings, but the cause of Xing Shuo’s death is indeed a disease, and there is no human factor.”

The police’s answer echoed in Xing Ye’s mind. He stretched out his frozen hand to gently touch Xing Shuo’s face. .

Xing Ye turned his face away and looked up at the stars outside the window, afraid that his tears would fall on his brother’s body.

From now on, he is alone.

The stars never know the misery of the world, no matter how sad the human beings are, they are still bright. Xing Ye felt dazzled after watching for a while, wrapped up his valuable coat and sat on the chair prepared in the mourning hall.

The sound of the autumn wind blowing up fallen leaves made Xing Ye, who had not closed his eyes for three days, feel heavy and gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, I vaguely recalled the last meeting with Xing Shuo. At that time, Xing Ye was about to go abroad, and Xing Shuo stopped him with his mobile phone: “Brother…”

Xing Ye who was standing in front of the door looked back at him.

Xing Shuo’s phone screen was on, and he smiled as usual: “Bon voyage.”

“I hope that when I come back, your master’s thesis has already passed.” Xing Ye, as always, maintained a dignified and powerful image in front of his younger brother, and left in a hurry after telling him about his studies.

This time, heaven and man are separated from now on.

A gust of cold wind blew by, Xing Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and the watch showed that it was 01:30.

He rarely dreamed, and when he did, he could not remember the contents. But the dream just now seemed to reappear, and every little move of Xing Shuo in the dream was vividly remembered.

In the dream, Xing Shuo’s left hand was gently scratching the line of his trousers. Xing Ye, who was in a hurry to go out, didn’t notice it, and it reappeared in his sleep at this time.

Since he was a child, when Xing Shuo wanted to discuss something with him but dared not speak up, he would make such small gestures.

At that time, Xing Shuo didn’t want to say goodbye to me, but had something to say, but I was in a hurry to leave, and he hesitated, so he didn’t mention it. Xing Ye thought to himself, recalling every scene carefully.

He is wearing a dark gray sweater and black slacks. He is scratching the trouser line with his left hand and holding his mobile phone in his right hand. The screen of the mobile phone is on. The picture is…

A black and white QR code!

Recalling this scene, Xing Ye realized that at that time Xing Shuo clicked on the QR code picture on his phone to discuss something with him.

He was immediately thrown in the briefcase in the corner at random, took out the notebook that recorded important work on weekdays, and took out the commonly used signature pen from his pocket, and traced the QR code in his memory bit by bit.

Xing Ye has a simple drawing foundation. The page of the notebook is a small square grid. As long as the corresponding grid is blackened according to the proportion, the QR code can be restored.

Xing Ye has an excellent memory since he was a child, and he even enrolled in a shorthand class in college, even if he can’t reach the level of photographic memory, it is almost the same.

Painting the last stroke carefully, Xing Ye closed his eyes and thought about it for a while. After confirming that the QR code he drew was consistent with the one in his memory, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on it to scan the QR code.

With a “beep”, a black and white page that has never been seen before appears on the screen of the mobile phone. There is a dialog box in the interface: Player Xing Shuo invites you to participate in the game of challenging fate. Do you accept? yes/no

Xing Shuo was still playing mobile games during the critical period of preparing his master’s thesis? Unlikely, and he wouldn’t discuss a game with me.

The so-called “game that challenges fate” must not be a simple game, and it has a deeper meaning. But if you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get a tiger’s cub. Xing Ye clicked “Yes” without any hesitation.

The moment his finger touched the screen, Xing Ye was surprised to find that his arm turned black and white, and it was no longer three-dimensional and spatial, but a flat pattern.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Ye’s whole body and even the entire space he was in turned into a flat image. After a while, he came from the mourning hall to a space with only black and white.

The entire space seems to have no boundaries, and it seems that there is only an activity area of ​​less than ten square meters. The black and white squares are crowded together to create a space that is very uncomfortable for the eyes. to the end.

However, the area where Xing Ye can move is very small. He tried to go to the end of black and white, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

“Welcome to the two-dimensional world, the three-dimensional intelligent creature Xing Ye.” A black and white third-order Rubik’s Cube flew out of nowhere and floated in the air. It had no mouth, but it could make a sound towards Xing Ye. A voice resembling his younger brother Xing Shuo echoed in the space.

Xing Ye looked at the black and white Rubik’s Cube quietly, without panic, surprise or question.

“It’s very calm.” The nine squares on the left side of the black and white Rubik’s Cube rotated 90 degrees, “heartbeat 68, blood pressure 75-116, you are really not scared, not pretending to be calm.”

“Since it’s here, it’s safe.” Xing Ye said slowly.

“Then you can’t even have curiosity, can you?” The black and white Rubik’s Cube quickly turned around, “There are many people who don’t feel fear, but they also have other emotions, excitement, surprise, delusion… a lot A lot, not like you.”

“It’s probably because I’m ashamed now, and I’m not interested in anything. This space is indeed beyond my understanding of the real world, but so what?” Can Xing Shuo be brought back to life? Xing Ye secretly said in his heart.

“Oh? Really?” The black and white Rubik’s Cube stopped turning, and the pattern fixed in front of Xing Ye’s eyes was like a mouth smiling maliciously, “I still observed that you are trying your best to suppress something called Is the emotion of ‘sadness’ because of this person?”

The black and white wall began to change, slowly turning into a face, which was Xing Shuo outlined with black lines.

Xing Ye took a deep breath and kept his voice calm: “I only entered this world after scanning the QR code in his mobile phone.”

He did not ask whether Xing Shuo’s death was related to this weird black-and-white space. Xing Ye knew very well that he should not show his weaknesses during negotiations, so as to avoid being caught by the other party and manipulate his emotions.

He doesn’t know anything about this world now, so he must keep as calm as possible so that he can observe, collect, and analyze with a normal heart.

The black and white Rubik’s Cube circled around Xing Ye a few times, and the front pattern kept showing Xing Ye’s body data, heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration, and mood swings. Xing Ye watched it blankly, not for its detection ability Moved.

“He’s really a watertight person.” Black and White Rubik’s voice stopped turning around after saying this, and his voice changed from a refreshing male voice similar to a college student’s to Xing Ye’s mature and deep bass.

“Player Xing Ye, number X8205, scan the personal information of player Xing Shuo with number S7903 to enter the QR code world, please choose the camp according to the regulations.” While the black and white Rubik’s Cube was speaking, two options appeared on its front:

A. A person favored by fate

B. People who fight against fate

Xing Ye didn’t choose immediately, he was still confused about this, but asked: “Don’t you guys give an explanation to the newcomers here? Don’t players have the right to know?”

“As a human being, do you have the right to choose your parents? Do you have the right to choose whether you are a man or a woman when you live in this world? At the end of your life, do you have the right to control death?” Black and White Rubik’s Cube said in a sinister voice with Xing Ye Said, “You clicked on the option to participate in the game on your mobile phone, just like a baby falling to the ground, even if the road ahead is full of thorns, you must go on?”

“That’s right.” Xing Ye nodded, “When I entered this space, I should have thought that this is beyond the scope of human cognition and is not bound by existing laws and morals.”

He looked up at the two options for a while, but couldn’t see the clue from the content. In a literal sense, it should be relatively easy to be favored by fate.

Unfortunately, since he was born, he has never been favored by fate.

Xing Ye’s mind flashed the quiet face of his younger brother in the coffin: “Choose B.”

“Once selected, you cannot repent, are you sure?” Black and White Rubik’s Cube asked.

“Sure.” Xing Ye said without hesitation.

A line of words appears on the black Rubik’s Cube:

Player X8205 joins the fateful camp

Faction Fixed Attribute: Lucky Value 1%

Personal initial skills: Impression Eye, Repainting Pen (generated according to the player’s initial attributes, not unlocked)

Personal initial points: 100

Initial World: Rewrite the Ending

This line of words quickly turned into a black and white QR code, and the QR code appeared on Xing Ye’s phone at the same time.

At this time, Xing Ye realized that the body of his silver-gray mobile phone had become half black and half white, and the camps were as clear as Chu He Han.

“Friendly reminder, the lucky value of option A is 99%,” Black and White Rubik’s Cube said, “If you roll the dice to compare the size, people from the obedient camp will throw 6 points 99 times out of 100, while those from the rebellious camp There is only one chance, and fate will favor His family forever, so you won’t regret it later?”

“There is no need to regret it. Since you have chosen, you must go on with the determination not to hit the south wall and not look back.”

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