Hidden Blade Chapter 3: To live better

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That night.

The words Liu Sheng said and the expression on his face always seemed like a nightmare, which lingered in Xu Han’s mind.

What exactly did his words mean? Xu Han said it was not true, but in the following days, intentionally or unintentionally, Xu Han could not help but secretly observe Liu Sheng.

He vaguely sensed that Liu Sheng must know something about everything in this dark room.

And he did notice something strange.

Because in training, Liu Sheng is always unsatisfactory, as always, he was punished every day, and because of the punishment he missed dinner.

Even so, he ate very little for the only breakfast and lunch.

It should be noted that although they are trapped in this dark room all day, they can train but never stop every day. For these more than ten-year-old children, the daily consumption is extremely high. Therefore, when the meal comes, almost everyone Is rushing to eat.

There is even more intrigue secretly for this.

Xu Han is not clear about the situation on the girl’s side, but these twelve boys alone, excluding him and Liu Sheng, and the remaining ten people, seem to be divided into three factions in order to grab more food.

In ordinary days, they are dissatisfied with each other, and when they are eating, they will fight each other from time to time.

The men who took care of them never stopped, instead they were somewhat happy to see it happen.

This day.

As usual, Xu Han was practising that set of fists in the room alone, and Liu Sheng, as usual, dragged his tired body into the door after suffering a hardship.

When he sat down, Xu Han stepped forward and handed him a pancake that had already been left for him.

In the ten daylight scenes after that night, Xu Han always did this.

Liu Sheng glanced at Xu Han. These days, due to Xu Han’s kindness, Liu Sheng’s attitude towards him has become better.

He took the pancake as usual, tore off a small piece and swallowed it.

Then he didn’t put the remaining biscuits back into Xu Han’s hands as before, but threw them aside at will.

Xu Han was taken aback for a moment. Although there were not many pancakes, the ten boys worked hard every day just for this small piece of pancake. Even if Liu Sheng doesn’t eat it, why throw it away.

Xu Han is a little puzzled, but he doesn’t wait for him to ask.

The children who had been lying quietly on the bed saw the pancakes flying out, and rushed towards the place where the pancakes fell like a vicious dog. They cursed and yelled endlessly, flooding the entire room.

“Hurry up and eat, the fat pigs to be slaughtered.” Liu Sheng never looked back at the boys, but said coldly with a voice that only he and Xu Han could hear.

After saying this, he didn’t look at the shocked look on Xu Han’s face at this moment, and once again, as usual, he went to sleep with his clothes.


The five days have passed.

On this day, Xu Han finally understood what Liu Sheng said.

A boy suddenly wailed while eating dinner, his face instantly turned purple, and the veins on his forehead violently, then he fell to the ground, and the food he tried to fight for was scattered in his hands. One place. His body twitched for a while, and after a few breaths, he lost his breath under everyone’s surprised gaze.

All this happened so suddenly that Xu Han hadn’t expected it at all.

When he recovered, the boy’s body was taken away by Lu Daniu, and after that, as if nothing had happened, he continued to direct everyone back to their respective rooms to rest.

The dead boy was a leader of the three forces. His death undoubtedly caused a great blow to his group. At this moment, several people are in the small room with swords and arms, and the two living leaders want to borrow This opportunity robbed that side of the manpower, but the one who lost the lead was at a loss.

Xu Han naturally has no time to take care of those people. He is more sure of his guess, Liu Sheng must know something!

When Liu Sheng walked into the room, Xu Han greeted him.

He didn’t speak, but the eagerness in his eyes had exposed the thoughts in his heart at the moment.

Liu Sheng seemed to have expected it, he nodded towards Xu Han and motioned him not to say anything.

“What the **** is going on?” Such behavior undoubtedly created a favorable environment for Xu Han and Liu Sheng, and Xu Han hurriedly got to Liu Sheng’s side and asked at that time.

Liu Sheng also took a deep look at Xu Han, seeming to be weighing whether the boy in front of him is trustworthy, but after a few breaths, he made a decision.

At the moment, he approached Xu Han’s ear and said softly: “I have been here for eight months. By now, the people in this room have changed three batches.”

“They’re all dead?” Xu Han was taken aback, turning his head in a little surprise and asked.

Liu Sheng shook his head and continued: “Not all, but most of them are dead, just as dead as the person today. A small part was taken away by them and never returned.”

“But how did they die? Is it really related to those meals?” Xu Han suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he heard this. After all, he didn’t eat less of those meals these days.

Liu Sheng shook his head again.

“I don’t know, but the person who ate the most always died first, or was taken away first.”

At this moment, Xu Han finally understood why Liu Sheng would rather get the whip but not eat more food, and practice his fists.

His face also became serious at that time, but soon he realized that something was wrong again, and he asked again: “But what is this for?”

This is an unreasonable truth. If Lu Daniu and others bought them just to kill them, then they have a much faster and more effective way than this~ IndoMTL.com~ The same, except for flowers. Going to their money will not do any good for Lu Daniu and the others.

“But what are the explanations for the children who died?” Liu Sheng was taken aback. He had to admit that Xu Han had so much truth, but he still couldn’t feel at ease about the meal.

Liu Sheng frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

“Some of the children who were taken away ate a lot, but their fists and feet were much better than those who died…” He said like this, but his tone gradually fell.

He realized that he seemed to have missed a crucial clue.

“Anyone who does not practice well will be punished. Obviously that set of martial arts is extremely important!”

“It might even be their main purpose for buying us!” Xu Han analyzed in a low voice.

He continued: “I don’t know what caused the death of those people, but if you want to leave here, you must practice the set of punches they taught.”

Speaking of this, he looked at Liu Sheng again, his voice suddenly lowered: “I want to practice my fists…”

“At least, we have to be full.”

“But…Leaving here…Who knows what they will do to us…” Liu Sheng hesitated.

“No matter what, it’s better than staying here all my life.” Xu Han interrupted Liu Sheng. At that time, his eyes were reflected in the candlelight from outside the house, flashing with a chilling glow, that was his determination.

“I want to live better.” Xu Han murmured.

“Better alive…” As if he was infected by Xu Han, Liu Sheng repeated Xu Han’s words, and a ray of light gradually appeared in his eyes.

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