Hidden Blade Chapter 139: You are not worthy of him

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the campfire is still burning in the camp where tens of thousands of troops are stationed in the Senluo Temple.

A figure quickly escaped from the largest camp and landed in the snow outside the camp at an alarming speed.

He looked back at the deep camp covered by heavy snow, then sighed.

The snow is too heavy, the weather is a bit cold, and he also feels a bit cold.

He tightened his clothes tightly and let out a sigh of nothingness. He finally settled at that time and took a step towards the direction of Dayuan Mountain.

What he didn’t know was that in a certain camp in the camp, the black-clothed monk who closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes at that time. He turned his head to look at a certain place, and there was the veil of the camp, and he could not see anything in theory. But surprisingly, his gaze seemed to be able to see through the Zeng curtain some things that ordinary people couldn’t see.

So he kept staring at that place like this, and he didn’t shake anything for a long time.

Aman and Heishan beside him also noticed the monk’s change. They looked at each other, and both saw deep doubts in each other’s eyes. Aman’s mind was simple, without so many worries, he looked at the black-clothed monk for the first time and asked: “Hall Master, what’s the matter?”

The monk was taken aback for a moment, as if he had just recovered from a certain trance state, otherwise, he still stopped his gaze in a certain direction for a few breaths before turning his head to look at Aman.

A hard smile appeared on his pale face, and then he said: “It’s nothing.”

With Aman’s mind, where would he think about the truth and falsehood of the monk’s words, he nodded stupidly, and then stopped saying more. But Black Mountain beside him frowned, his fingers hidden under his sleeves flicked quickly, and then asked: “Is anyone here?”

The monk smiled, and took a look at Hei Shan with interest. Under that gaze, Hei Shan shrank his head subconsciously, seeming a little afraid.

“Can’t figure it out?” the monk asked.

Hei Shan understood that his careful thoughts could not hide from the monk’s eyes, so after a short silence, he finally said: “Forget it, but it’s not true.”

“Want to know who he is?” The monk seemed to be in a much better mood, and he squinted at Black Mountain at that time and asked again.

Heishan is naturally smart. He guessed a little bit after thinking. He suddenly changed his face and looked at the monk and said: “It’s him? If he meets your majesty, then your majesty…”

He was interrupted by the monk before he finished speaking. The monk shook his head again and said, “I can’t persuade him. Who else do you think can move her? Unless that person comes back to life…”

Black Mountain’s face changed suddenly, and he instantly realized who the man in the monk’s mouth was referring to, but after the brief horror, he let out a long sigh of relief—the dead cannot survive. Here, this is the rule, the rule of the sky.

What he didn’t know was that all of his changes in his expression fell into the monk’s eyes at that time, and the monk’s eyes were squinted. He stared at Black Mountain, his tone of voice suddenly became low: “You seem to be afraid of Yu’er changing his mind, don’t you?”

Hei Shan was shocked again, he subconsciously looked at the monk, his eyes suddenly met with him, the monk seemed ordinary, but actually wrapped his sharp eyes

Kuang made him shiver, and quickly lowered his head, and said in a low voice: “The subordinates never think like this, everything is up to the palace master.”

The monk didn’t comment on what he said. He took a deep look at Heishan, and then retracted his gaze. Then he sighed and said, “It’s getting late, let’s go and rest. Tomorrow…it’s mountain climbing. The day.”


Xu Han, who was out of the camp, walked in the wind and snow.

He is going back to Great Abyss Mountain. His body is almost integrated with the night, but the light in his eyes is extremely bright, seeming to be the only light in this long night.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something. His steps stopped abruptly, and then just less than ten feet away from him, two figures suddenly jumped from both sides, almost at the same time. Got there.

Xu Han was taken aback for a moment and fixed his eyes on the two of them, but they were all wrapped in black robes, making it difficult for him to see what they looked like.

Xu Han quickly recovered from the sudden emergence of the two of them, and he asked with deep eyes: “Where are the two sacred, what are you looking for?”

The two who came did not answer Xu Han’s question at the first time. Instead, they looked at each other one after another, seeming to be extremely surprised at the appearance of each other.

“Who are you?” This question came out of the two black-robed men’s mouths at almost the same time, one man and one woman, one sinking and the other lightening.

The look in Xu Han’s eyes suddenly became weird. He looked at the two figures with interest and asked: “Aren’t these two fellow travelers?”

Both of them shook their heads.

The look on Xu Han’s face became more and more weird: “Since the two don’t know each other, they have found each other, so what do you want to do one by one, or do you want to go together?”

When Xu Han said this, the look on his face was extremely relaxed, but the sword intent and blood energy in his body surged wildly. As long as the two of them made the slightest overstepping move, he would not hesitate. The outrageous shot.

But the facts proved that Xu Han was really thinking a little bit more. After hearing the words, the two looked at each other, and then one of them stepped back and said: “Girl, please.”

The other black-robed man was taken aback for a while, but still agreed to what the other party said, so she stepped forward and walked to Xu Han’s. Without any muddle-headedness, she put down her head. The hood showed the face that was as beautiful as a picturesque, though it was not used for powder.

Xu Han recognized that face. In fact, the name of that face was often mentioned by people, especially after Chu Qiuli drank enough.

“Ran Yanluo didn’t help her sister to prepare for tomorrow’s battle at this time, how could he have the heart to find it?” Xu Han didn’t show much surprise at the appearance of the other party, but asked with a little smile.

The person who came, that is, Ran Qingyi, had a calm face, and there was a touch of coldness that was hard to detect by ordinary people in the calmness. She stared at Xu Han, and after a while, she said, “Is Chu Qiuli on the mountain, right?”

“Big Brother Chu is indeed on Dayuan Mountain at this moment.” Xu Han naturally had no need to lie. He nodded and responded truthfully. At the end, he joked with great ease: “If Ran Yanluo wants to see Brother Chu, he can talk to him later. I went up the mountain together, anyway, Big Brother Chu also missed it hard these days.”

Xu Han’s joke is obviously not funny. At least Ran Qingyi’s expression on her face has not changed the slightest after hearing this. She continued to say in a cold voice: “Chu Qiuli was Lin Shou, Mu Yushan and Yuangui back then. Long forced to continue his life, and his cultivation of the sky has already been in vain. However, he is clearly an immortal, but he has gone astray. Nowadays, he is neither human nor ghost. It is estimated that even a holy soldier is not an opponent.”

Anyone can hear Ran Qingyi’s dissatisfaction with Chu Qiuli in these words, and the ridicule and disdain of the package are even more eloquent.

But Xu Han always smiled, not anxious or annoyed, and even asked with great interest: “Ran Yanluo said yes, my brother Chu is just unbelievable and a bad guy. Who asks him, how old is it? As long as he can do it, he will be able to cope with it. Now it’s alright. I don’t know how to drink if I don’t know how to cultivate.”

“That’s all. The point is that his wine is really not good, and he likes to talk nonsense when he drinks too much. Being a Ran Qingyi and another junior sister makes my ears irritated.”

Xu Han’s word came in, but Chu Qiuli came back and said that it was endless. But some people in this world are actually very strange. There are people or things in their hearts that they can scold, but others can’t scold them.

Probably because of such a strange psychology, Ran Qingyi frowned when he heard Xu Han’s words, and there was a vague surging of evil spirits in his eyes as bright as a mirror lake.

“Since Chu Qiuli is so unbearable in your heart, and there is no cultivation base that can help you, why don’t you tie him and send him to my place~ IndoMTL.com~ Ran Qingyi said at that time , In the seemingly casual tone, there is an eagerness to get Xu Han’s approval.

The smile on Xu Han’s face was even worse. He shook his head in distress, and said, “That’s not good. Brother Chu has such a bad temper. Just trouble me by myself. How can I add irritation to Ran Yanluo? What?”

At this time, Ran Qingyi finally heard it and understood. Xu Han made it clear that he was going to embarrass her, and what he said was nothing but a false statement. The suffocation between her eyebrows became heavier again, and the murderous intent began to flow from her body, and her tone became colder again: “Xu Han! Chu Qiuli treats you as sincerely, since you have gone astray. , Why drag him to be buried with you?”

Ran Qingyi’s attitude caused Xu Han to gradually reduce the smile on his face. He stared at Ran Qingyi with deep eyes, and his tone was no longer as relaxed as before, or with a slight taste of jokes. He said in a deep voice, “Ran Yanluo is so sure that his path is not astray? Or do you really think that you have won this game?”

Ran Qingyi laughed instead of anger when he heard this.

“If we won’t win, why would you risk sneaking into the camp today to meet your Majesty? You know better than anyone how can you stop your majesty’s holy army with those stinky fish and shrimps on the Great Abyss Mountain? You say, Chu Qiuli, your friends will not worry about their lives, but you have to go your own way. Isn’t this just trying to drag them to bury you with you?”

Xu Han sighed at that time, and he shook his head, as if he was a little disappointed at that time.

“Brother Chu has always been thinking about you. He understands your difficulties and what you want. I thought you were childhood sweethearts, but now it’s nothing more than good luck.”

“When I saw you today, I just understood that you never understood him. In other words…”

“You are not worthy of him.”

:. :

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