Hidden Assassin: Section 233 Mafia

So talk about the Mafia.

This form of illegal organization originated in Sicily, Italy and Corsica, France. By the turn of the twentieth century and the twenty-first century, it has undoubtedly become the most famous synonym for the underworld in the world. Benjakuza, the triad of Hong Kong, China, the world’s gangster organization with the same name as the Colombian drug lord, and the family-based mafia flowed into the United States in the early twentieth century, and then developed to the most powerful scale, although it reached the twenty In the 1970s and 1980s, some forces were dismantled by the FBI, but to this day, it still maintains considerable power and influence, operating a series of businesses including smuggling, drug trafficking, human snakes, assassination, and garbage collection.

Today, with New York as the center, there are dozens of mafia, large and small, in the United States, among which the five most famous families are the Gambino family, the Buiano family, the Kolob family, and the Genovese The Cypriot family and the Lucches family, among them, the Gambino family is the most powerful. The entire history of the American Mafia, whether it is hitting others or being hit by others, has left their distinctive traces, such as the first from Italy. The ancient Mafia family became the first leader of the American Mafia, nicknamed Joseph Joe Banana. Bernano was later taken by Carlo. Gambino was defeated, and this Carlo. Gambino is actually the prototype of the protagonist in the movie “The Godfather”.

Compared with Gambino, the Salier family is not strong. Although the two sides have conflicts that are difficult to resolve due to many problems, they are not the number one enemy. As the first family of the Mafia for a long time, Gambino has the ability to suppress Salier, but at the same time he has to face many other challenges. Under the rule of checks and balances, he has never been able to truly destroy Salier’s family. However, since I am a weak person, I usually seek self-protection, but every time the new godfather of the Gambino family takes office, he has to be in a hurry and nervous for a long time.

For example, recently, John. After Damico took over everything from the Gambino family and became the surrogate godfather, the Salier family began to get in touch everywhere, getting close and expressing attitudes with all quarters, in order to give advance warning to the Gambino family: “I There are still friends of, if you want to move me, others may not agree, so don’t go crazy.”

After so many years of dealing with each other, everyone understands, John. Damico is a smiling tiger. Under the principle of the supremacy of interests, he loves peace. At the same time, he is the best at using this kind of appearance to confuse others, and get rid of all opponents.

The party held at Salier Manor tonight is actually for this reason.

“I remember… the last time there was such a banquet, it was…” As she walked through the brightly lit road, Marilyn shook the long blonde hair on her head, recalling what happened years ago. By his side, Jia Ming was the first to say the answer: “1992, right?”


“Gaudi was in jail that year, and Gaudi took his place.”

“Well, yes, that year Heidi passed the seven-year-old birth. In fact, everyone was relieved, John. The surname is very high-profile. During that time, when he was an enemy, everyone was afraid to be his enemy. But he was too high-profile. He always accepted interviews and humiliated the political axe department. Later, the testimony of Bull Shami sent him to prison… Heidi may not remember it. Before that, we were all followed by a group of people when we went out. I hate going out. I learned Chinese, traveled to China for a month, and lived in Yanjing…” Marilyn thought while she was not impressed by the simple life during that time. When Tang Jingyao talked about Tang Jingyao, she shut up immediately. , Smiled, “Sorry.”

“Hmm, remember?”

“Remember.” Marilyn nodded, “I remember everything, but the feeling is completely gone. It’s weird, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know.” Jia Ming shook his head, “I don’t understand this aspect…”

“Publish your opinion.”

“Let’s talk about it, everyone at the previous banquet is good. If you don’t pleasing to your eyes, I will kill him in the past.” Helplessly spread his hands, “This is relatively simple.”

“You.” Marilyn sighed regretfully and smiled, “I really don’t understand a woman’s heart, sometimes like a wooden person…”

Jia Ming smiled and didn’t say anything. He was trained on the human mind, but… after all, it was just training, just killing skills… At this time the two had reached the front of the main house. It was past eight o’clock in the evening, and the guests were all there, walking around. This time, most of the people who came were some powerful triad leaders, but the guest of honor was a small part of the men and bodyguards who followed these people. People of this kind must be at least two or three times larger. Jia Ming glanced at it, thinking in his heart that if a bomb were to be planted here, he would not know what the whole New York underworld would be like.

Bombs…missiles…the weapons of mass destruction were rotated in their minds, before entering the hall, a few people who knew Marilyn came over, and after a greeting, Marilyn spoke with them expertly… ………


“Last month Wesley made a modified military Hummer, which has strong horsepower and consumes one liter of fuel per kilometer on average…”

“I guess the only purpose of that car is to transport oil tanks…”

“Hals is going to invest in charity, and he is going to open a children’s adoption home.”

“I heard that he used to kill people without blinking, the children slaughterhouse? Haha…”

The Mafia party at the end of the 20th century has long lost the gloomy black and white film atmosphere of “The Godfather”. In the bright lights and smooth music, most of the people around you talk about money-related topics. Of course, if you listen carefully, you can occasionally hear some underground news that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, but no one talks about Gambino, and no John. Damico. After all, this is not a formal underworld rally. Regarding the relationship between Gambino and Salier, no one will make an official statement. However, it is also one of everyone’s consensus that the two families should not be involved in an all-out war.

Standing next to Marilyn for a while, I heard that she was talking with people, but it was all about the garbage recycling business. Among the things run by the Mafia, it is relatively legal to manage a garbage disposal site. In New York, most of these things are monopolized by the Mafia, and occasionally people are even killed for picking up **** in New York. This is also true. In Pingyue, Marilyn, who was extremely meek in front of Jiaming, showed a calm and thoughtful attitude at this time, maintaining the proper manners, and coping with it just right. After listening to them chatting for a while, Jiaming made a gesture to go to Heidi. Marilyn apologized, ended the small chat, and immediately caught up.

“Uh, sorry…”

“Don’t worry about me.” Jiaming smiled, “I mean it.”

“You are my guest.”

Jia Ming shrugged: “I thought I should be the master.”

“Yes, as long as you like it.”

“Stupid woman…”

Marilyn was by her side, and soon someone came over to say hello. After all, she was so fond of her master, not to mention that it was more than enough. Salier may be weaker than Gambino, but she is also one of the mafia who do well. A woman in such a family who has lived alone for many years and possesses both Eastern demure and Western surname, even if she has a daughter, she is undoubtedly the best candidate for marriage.

She wants to follow, Jia Ming has to walk around slowly, he is not interested in the banquet itself, and the background of the participants in the banquet can not make him any emotions-no matter whether it is awe or disdain . After a while, Marilyn was dealing with a new wave of greeters. Jia Ming sat down on a chair next to him, and Joseph came over with a wine glass: “How do you feel about New York?”

“It’s noisy.”

“Yes, sometimes I feel the same way.” Joseph smiled, “So, I heard that you had some accidents when you went out this morning?”


“I think this is normal. According to statistics, there is a crime in New York every eight seconds…Oh, Charles, long time no see, how is life in the West Bank…” As he was talking, a long-haired man also He came over and sat down. Joseph said hello, and the man smiled: “Los Angeles business is not good ~ IndoMTL.com~ The Spaniards are becoming more and more arrogant. A few blacks were on the street for no reason. They were shot because they don’t like black people entering their territory. At present, the wind is very tight. It’s almost Christmas. With the incident of John Damico, it seems that I am coming back at the right time… Oh, this is… …”

“Marilyn and Heidi’s friends, Gu Jiaming from China, Jia Ming, this is Charles, we usually call him the prince.”

“Hello, I’m Marilyn’s cousin.” Came over and shook hands with Jia Ming. Then Charles and Joseph chatted about the Gambino family. After a while, I saw Marilyn’s father from a distance. Victor walked through the banquet hall and was approaching here. Joseph and Charles were the two main leaders of the Salier family. They wanted to come to discuss business affairs. Jia Ming got up and was about to leave before he walked a few steps. He ran out and took his hand. It was Heidi.

“Finally found you, I thought you and Mommy would not be coming.” While waving to Joseph and the others, she pulled Jia Ming and sneakily ran towards the side door of the hall, “I Take you to see good things.”

(To be continued)

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