Hidden Assassin: November summary

Summary of the whole book of hidden killings

I woke up yesterday afternoon. It’s about 16,000 words for an all-night time code. After finishing the hidden killing, I should be very tired but woke up after sleeping for an hour. I can’t sleep. This is my first novel. It took two years and two million words. Many authors I know have already opened several books and wrote several times the amount of words that I have written. Still a little bit tangled, especially after the seventh volume, a little bit of what I wanted to write out. Now that it is finally over, the feeling in my heart is hard to say clearly.

Let’s start at the end, slowly, and say as much as you can, and when you’re done, you may be able to sleep.

First, the ending was not perfect—it was far from the picture I had imagined in my mind, but it was not unfinished, it was not so bad.

I wrote a book without an outline—no written outline—this matter has been mentioned to people more than once, so sometimes when I write something that is different from what some people have predicted, it will not be When they accept it, they will say, I must have rushed to end, or hurriedly in one way or another, wrote some extraneous branches, something that shouldn’t be there. This has been said since a long time ago, Liu Zheng died. At the time I probably said that I had nothing to write about. I killed people indiscriminately and mentioned the plot. When the tumor broke up, I said that I wanted to finish the whole article in a hurry. The end of the seventh volume is the most controversial, and the summary of the seventh volume is me. Speaking of the scenes in my mind at the beginning, it only reaches Jia Ming Zai Hai, some people say that my eighth volume is to make up the word count to make money. At the end, I said that I was making a temporary intention, because there are still many things that have not been explained…

In fact, it is these things. The outline has always been very clear, and in terms of details, how to step on people and how to cause gangbang, I always start thinking about it when I start writing.

Well, complaining, it’s actually complaining. Some people say that I am a writer who writes purely for myself and will not be moved by readers at all. Sometimes I pretend to say that I am indeed like this. Actually it is not. I am actually very susceptible to comments. I have made fine-tuning in many sections. The reason why I did not change the plot is because I know that once I am revised, I will be finished.

The ending of Hidden Killing was imagined many times, although it was not optimal in execution. Where is the problem? It is because some fighting scenes that should belong to Jia Mingguang have been eliminated. In fact, it has something to do with my mentality and positioning since the eighth volume.

The eighth volume of Hidden Killing is a sublimation of the plot of the first seven volumes. Well, I know that sublimation is a commendatory term. I use it as if I am selling melons, but in terms of positioning, it is a sublimation of the first seven volumes. Whether the eighth volume is successful or not, whether it has improved over the previous seven volumes, it is difficult for me to make an accurate understanding, because the eighth volume and the first seven volumes are in two different forms. Some people don’t even need the sublimation of the eighth volume. They only need the first seven volumes—or the ease and warmth of the first six volumes to relax. For example, some people think that I’m looking for it in the eighth volume. I don’t feel like the first seven volumes. Is it a failure? Some people say that in the eighth volume, Hidden Killing really rises to a level, and taste and demand are not high or low. The only difference is that the positioning I made is suitable for whom.

The first seven volumes of Hidden Killing are pure things. We can laugh heartlessly when we see that thing, even if it doesn’t need too thick bedding and foundation. They are relaxed and warm, but the eighth volume is dependent on the first seven volumes. Without the first seven volumes, the eighth volume does not exist. I try to constantly arouse people’s emotions in the eighth volume. When you look back, you must combine the memories of the first seven volumes to make these things meaningful.

I think about what I’m mainly writing about: Lingjing’s life in Vienna, Lingjing’s reaction to the truth when she returned home, what she said to Julian, “I really want to see him”, “He is “My man”, breathing pain, rustling “we are all fools”, Yahan’s best winter, Kaoru’s “cherry blossoms”, Heidi’s crying. Basically stop here.

Look, these are sentimental plots, but they are **, they are the light that can condense the plot of the entire book, do they have no meaning to write? Make up the word count? No, but it’s not a successful performance. I have no bottom. No matter how many people blamed on August Fire, I can say that I did a good job, but I have no confidence in the success of these plots. The subscription has not dropped, but I don’t know if it is the inertia of the past or I really expressed this. Many people who read at the starting point do not need this kind of reflection. Therefore, I am not sure how many audiences there are.

There is a plot that is popular, Jiaming’s reunion with Lingjing and Shasha, but I failed. Although it seems to be unsatisfactory now, I actually failed. It is completely different from the reunion I imagined. From the very beginning, I understood that I am a small person. I kept trying to challenge the big scene and I kept failing. The dangerous city on the sea, the Scarlet Carnival, the hunt for the earl, and even the reunion, all failed, and the only one tends to succeed. Yes, it’s just August fire.

After the failure of the reunion, I actually didn’t arrange a big fight for Jia Mingguang in the reservation. Oh, let’s go back and say, it is actually there. What is the scheduled tenth volume? I like to read articles about Resident Evil or Wasteland. I watched the vampire film “Eye Thirty” during the period when Jia Ming wrote very smoothly, so I imagined, if Jia Ming was in a closed place. The town was originally traveling with Lingjing and Shasha, but the vampire Niu B coaxed and plunged the town into dead silence. People were turned into puppets. Jia Ming was holding a knife to protect Lingjing and Sha Sha, what will happen?

I planned to use a whole volume to create something like this. It doesn’t need to express anything or promote any plot. It’s just because I like Jia Ming’s image and character very much now. After being placed in an environment, the whole story describes fighting and killing. You can fantasize about the August fire, you can fantasize about Jian Suyan’s posture, splitting people, demolishing houses, cutting melons and vegetables, and flying heads. Haha, I’m very excited to think about it, but I really need to write down the control and description skills needed. I don’t know if it can be made in ten years time for you to see.

In short, for various reasons, this idea was abandoned.

Talk about Baoshu and Su Yan.

I told people a long time ago that during the period when the diary was boring, I conceived to open a new book. At that time, an idea appeared with the hidden killing. I made a choice between the two ideas. , And finally chose hidden kill. Another idea is “Treasure Tree Ah Treasure Tree” which describes the natural evolutionary.

What should be the picture of this book? An innocent child is holding a box and standing under the eaves when it rains. There is a monster in the box. The child walks with her every day. It is strange to see the child walking in the city holding the box, but no People know the truth. The child’s living conditions are not good. He has great power, but he does not use this power to grab things that do not belong to him. He has been living happily and happily, and he is standing under the eaves with his fellow monsters. Half of his body was wet, and behind it was a high-class coffee shop. Through the glass windows, the people inside were almost two worlds with him. He would also be envious, but he would not be lost. He would not feel that he was better than anyone else. Picture.

Jian Suyan is the monster in his box, and of course the ugly duckling will become a white swan in the end. The prince kissed the frog, and the frog became a princess. Therefore, when I introduced the concept of a natural evolver into Hidden Killer, one day, the true body of him and Jian Suyan will inevitably appear.

The power level of natural evolution is really far from the level of the Hidden Killing World, so if they want to show up without disrupting the balance, I can only put it at the end. A shocking appearance, a glimpse. Then leave and never show up again. The ending was figured out a long time ago, and it is like this. I also left a foreshadowing a long time ago. For example, Jian Suyan appeared for the first time. She knew Jia Ming, why didn’t she go to Jia Ming to trouble? No one can guess what Jian Suyan said. Haha, “So you saw my prototype.” Because she felt that she was an impersonator, she was embarrassed when she faced Jia Ming… And Hiroki Yumura said that she offended Jian Suyan and couldn’t carry it all over Japan. It was also because of Xie Baoshu, who was behind her. Baoshu carried the atomic bomb and ran to Japan to throw it. The two had a fight, and then Baoshu won, but Kimura convinced him that natural evolution should not say that he is a human being.

What else should be explained in the ending? In fact, the explanation is over. Everyone has their own destiny, and this destiny is perfect to some extent. As for whether Dongfang Wan and Jia Ming have sex, I really don’t know. Both writing methods seem to be good and both. No, Heidi snatched Jiaming at the end. I don’t know about this. Is Kaoru secretly with Jiaming? I do not know either. If you want me to make a promise, I will tell you: They are finally living in happiness. For them who have experienced separation, they are now extremely happy.

If you want to see Jiaming overthrow everyone clearly, and then you will see it as a perfect ending, that’s impossible. It’s not that this might not happen, but I don’t know how to write. My only ability is So much, how is the harem in urban novels self-consistent? How many chapters did I use to conquer Yahan mm? I tried my best, and it’s enough to write to this level. If you clearly overthrow everyone in such a chaotic situation, how can I guarantee that you will feel that Jia Ming is not really bothered? For example, in the last few photos, why did the descriptions of Heidi, Marilyn, and Kelly end after Heidi’s crying, the most brilliant episode? Jia Ming turned between the three women in one afternoon. No one refused. I wrote every word of him. What do you think of him? It’s not that Jiaming is bothered and not, but I’m not strong enough to write in detail, maybe it will make you feel illusion, so I skip it, because Heidi is crying. This is the central tear-jerking plot, which has been written out, ok.

The article cannot be written to death. This ending, only in terms of closing the line, is already in place

At the beginning of the eighth volume, the plot center was basically not focused on fighting. I went to Japan and Europe to consolidate the clues of the characters. Some people thought that Omori was dead in the hands of Baoshu, why he died so quickly, In fact, in the final analysis, I did not set the concept of large ss.

There is no longer something that Jiaming needs to defeat. I like the character of Mimori very much. I will pay tribute to the paranoia, because there are many things I can’t do. Even if you are paranoid about destroying the world, if you can work hard, I will respect it. Of course, in order to live, I will definitely stand on the opposite side of you. I originally wanted to arrange a dialogue for them, but after thinking about it, dialogue is optional. Misaki’s character was already shown in the conversation between him and his father. He was already in prison.

I have conceived many times in the last chapter. If it is placed in a movie scene, the robber rushes out, the surroundings are chaotic, the camera is zoomed, and we see the entire city. We see the past and the future, time goes by, and then the camera is suppressed. The noisy voices around came up again. Dongfang Road said to the robbers: “You caught the wrong person.” The screen turned black and the robbers shouted, and then the sound of guns being loaded, and then there was silence. We could learn from the surroundings. Knowing in the murmur is still in a scene where chaos and tension are combined. Finally, Jia Ming sighed outside the screen: “You really caught the wrong person…” At the end of the movie, the lights came on. Finally ended.

What I imagine is this scene, why is this sentence, because from the beginning to the end of the hidden killing, his pretending to be B and pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger are based on the purpose of this sentence and this chapter, probably again It’s enough to lift a corner of this book to remind you of some stories.

There are hurried problems. Although everything is being exhibited according to the set clues, it is undeniable that I have caused great fatigue when I write here. I tried to advance the plot, no matter what, subconsciously or whatever it was, it was urging me to do so. There must be a hasty problem, but it is not to the point of being unfinished, and even if my mentality improves, I think it is impossible for me to change this and join some fights? dialogue? Lengthen the space? No need, let’s stop here.

Speaking of trivial things from the beginning, it seems that there is nothing left. The first seven volumes are probably finished before, and the eighth volume to the end is basically here. Oh, there is something that everyone is very concerned about. In the future, there will be a postscript to the hidden killing. I guess it will be tens of thousands of words. Let’s look at the father and mother in a few years or ten years from the perspective of Taotao. This group of people , There are already some ideas, but in a short time, I should not be able to write, but there is such a plan.

Invisible killing this book, I give myself sixty points.

Then is the next book. There are many ideas. At the moment, a project with urban supernatural powers is tentatively decided. It is an idea of ​​”Treasure Tree, Treasure Tree”, the story of a baby-faced otaku as a natural evolutionary, although It is also relatively pure, but it is not consistent with Xie Baoshu’s completely lawful and kind personality. Regarding the ability of natural evolvers, he still adheres to a warm urban route, interspersed with funny and messy pretending to be pigs and tigers, and fighting with the world’s abilities as much as possible. Still keep the style of hidden killing.

Then… there is one thing I really want to say…

There is always a picture in my mind. When I was in elementary school, in a two-story earth teaching building, the classroom was very simple and the glass was a little bit broken. The sky was dark, and it seemed bright when the light was turned on. After the heavy rain, I can see the water droplets on the wires between the buildings. A bird fell on the wires and the wind blew in through the windows. The whole world is as clear as water.

I have never seen such a clear picture again.

It may be that the eyesight has deteriorated, or the heart has become complicated. If this is used as a symbol, I have always wanted to express it and integrate it into any thing. That is the ultimate I want to portray. .

How to say it, I never think that online literature is a portrayal technique of whispering traditional literature. I hate the concept of division. No matter what the carrier is, the meaning of literature lies in expression. There is never any difference between online literature and traditional literature.

Well, I am still a literary youth.

You can disagree with me~IndoMTL.com~ I am not pure, I can’t stick to it, and I will compromise and retreat, but as long as I can stick to it, I still hope to stick to something and stick to it as much as possible. Someone asked me how much money hidden killing helped me make. In fact, it is not much, especially if the update is faster, the income will of course rise. Someone told me that you force yourself to type 61 million characters every day, regardless of the quality. Go out all, anyway, guaranteeing the word count is enough. I can’t do it now, maybe one day I can do it, but before that, I have to struggle a bit.

For the readers who can accompany and kill here, I must say thank you, really thank you. The plot of the seventh volume is the most tangled part of me. After the breakup, the subscription declined, and I also made preparations for further decline in subscriptions. However, after the seventh volume, although there are some abusers and noisy ones, the subscriptions increased. , This proves that I have at least insisted on some things, so I can walk more intense and dangerous stages. I actually insist on entertainment and fun. I am less resistant to some plots than ordinary people. Seeing the Green Riding Hood plot may make me feel depressed for a few days. I don’t eat well. I will immediately give up any book by the author when I see the heroine I like being killed. The principle of writing a book is just like when Hidden Killer started writing, I hope to write a book that can entertain myself and everyone at the same time.

Thank you again for the hidden killings. Basically, we can say… See you in the next book.

After writing these, you can probably rest assured

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