Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 84: Seeking survival

“This soldier is barely trained.”

Thor followed Dane all the way into the camp, and also carefully observed the soldiers standing guard and patrolling. Although he didn’t see anything outstanding, they were still well-behaved, which made Thor feel at ease.

Although Dane has been corrupted and assimilated by the nobles of the river valley for many years, he has occupied military fields and taken advantage of everything.

But Dane is actually not an incompetent person. If it were not for his corruption with the nobles of the river valley, Dane could be regarded as an excellent officer.

Although they had eaten nearly two-thirds of the air force, the remaining one-third of the actual soldiers were well-trained, so the soldiers Saul saw now still looked like regular troops.

But Sol soon discovered a problem.

“Are all the soldiers here? Or do the garrison have other locations?”

After all, Saul has been in the army for a long time. You can get a number by carefully observing how many people there are in an army.

There are at most six to seven thousand people in front of Thor now, which is still a bit far behind the actual 20,000 troops of the Valley Guard Corps.

Hearing what Thor asked, Dane, who was still smiling all of a sudden, suddenly turned pale and his smile froze. Although it was not a very hot day, he could not stop sweating. It flows down from the forehead.

If someone else came from the royal capital, Dane might dare to find some excuse to postpone for two days, and wait until all the strong men he had recruited to make up the numbers had arrived, then he would order troops to stand in line and fool around.

But in front of Thor, Dane didn’t even have the courage to lie. Based on Dane’s understanding of Thor, it was impossible to hide the excuses he prepared from Thor, and even the newly recruited strong men could not escape Thor. His eyes will definitely be discovered by Thor.

“Dane, what’s wrong with you.”

Thor also discovered that Dane was a little abnormal. At this time, Dane’s face turned white and he was sweating.

You must know that Dane is a master of the knight level. His physique is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people. He should have been immune to the cold and heat. At this time, his face was as pale as if he was seriously ill, and he was still sweating.


Dane, a 200-pound strong man, suddenly knelt down heavily in front of Thor.

“There are no other stations in the garrison, these are all the soldiers.”

While speaking, Dane buried his head and tried his best to keep his body low. Dane, who was huge in body, shrank down like a ball in front of Thor.

After Dane finished speaking, several people brought by Thor looked at each other.

Everyone is in the army, so naturally they quickly figured out what was going on. It is actually very common in the army to take short quotas.

Except for the Royal Guards in the Royal Capital, who are under Thor’s nose and Thor personally sees that there is no problem of empty pay, the Kingdom’s garrison in various places has some problems,

But they did not expect that the air noise problem in the river valley would be so serious. Although the Golden Dragon Kingdom was not in its peak state, it was by no means a dynasty in its final stages. Nobles and officials everywhere did not dare to go too far.

It is a common phenomenon to eat 10% of the quota. Although Sol can’t stand it, he can’t control it.

But like the River Valley Garrison Corps, which has less than half of its actual troops, it really surprised these relatively well-informed officers. If they had to evaluate it, this empty noise was shocking. It’s simply insane.

“You deserve to die!”


After being stunned for a moment, Thor, who was originally kind, angrily raised his foot and kicked Dane hard.

Dan’s 200-pound strong man was knocked several meters away by Thor’s kick and was hit **** the steps.

Seeing that Dane was under attack, the patrolling garrison troops instinctively surrounded him.

“Ahem, back off!”

Dane, who was knocked down on the steps, shouted back at the soldiers who came up, and then struggled to get up, with some dust on his body,

Although he looked very embarrassed, he was not actually seriously injured. Although Thor’s kick was cruel, he only kicked it with his own physical strength and did not use his fighting spirit to exert force.

Ordinary people may not be able to bear it, but a great knight like Dane will definitely not be able to bear any serious injury.

Although Dane looked embarrassed at this time, he was already a little happy in his heart.

The bet was right. Although Thor’s kick was out of anger, it was not a fatal gesture. He was still useful and had a chance.


Dane just started to struggle, and when he raised his head, Thor’s sword was already at his neck.

The sword edge rested on the aorta on the side of Dane’s neck through a layer of skin,

Dane instinctively wanted to ignite his fighting spirit to resist, but suppressed this instinct severely.

Kneel on the ground obediently with his neck sideways.

“Give me a reason not to kill you!”

Thor pressed his sword **** Dane and said coldly.

“I know enough about the valley, I have evidence of various families in the valley occupying military fields,

Although the river valley garrison is seriously short of vacancies, the combat power of the six thousand people in front of you will definitely not disappoint you.

With me here, it will be more convenient for you to control the garrison,

I also have a lot of information about each family and know their financial situation, so I am not afraid that they will not bleed.

I am still a great knight, and I am willing to serve as a **** in front of the great men to take the blame and perform meritorious deeds.


Dane spoke hastily, fearing that if he spoke too slowly he would be decapitated with a sword before he could satisfy Thor.

I have to say that Dane’s effect of selling his teammates is quite good.

Although Thor emotionally wanted to cut Dane into pieces to vent his hatred, rationally he also agreed with Dane’s words.

The matter has come to this point. Killing Dane will not solve the problem now. What is more important is to reorganize this terrible river valley as soon as possible to support the North.

The orcs are making more and more noise in Dragon’s Breath Pass. He probably won’t have much time to spend in the North.


Thinking of this, Thor sheathed his sword,

“From now on, you are no longer the commander of the garrison. I will temporarily take over the position of commander. You can be a **** in front of my account first.”

“Thank you for not killing me!”

Although he was kicked out of the position of legion commander, Dane felt particularly happy that his life was finally saved,

The next step is to continue to show your value in front of Sol,

Sometimes, for the superiors, to see a person is not to see whether he is good or bad, but to see whether the person is useful to him or not, and whether he has value.

As long as the usefulness is great enough, no matter what bad things he has done, he should still be kept,

Dane understood this very well and tried his best to reflect his own value and only managed to escape with his life.

“Order the officers above the capital to come to the main hall to discuss matters.”

“Yes, sir!”

After hearing Thor’s order, Dane immediately got up from the ground and went to summon people,

Although he was demoted to a small soldier, it was more convenient for Thor to let Dane handle the important affairs of the garrison.

“Kuz, wear armor for me.”

“Yes, sir”

Kuz opened the box behind him, and the armor in the box glowed with a dazzling golden light under the sunlight.


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