Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 75: Proceedings

As the temperature rises, the snow on the snowy mountains in the far north begins to melt, flowing through the vast ironwood forest, injecting a large amount of water into the Daoling River, and then flows into the valley, and finally merges into the Jinlong River, the longest river in mankind. The essence of the territory – the central plains brings abundant water,

It looked like it was a good year again, and the faces of the nobles and landlords on the Central Plains were all smiling.

With the arrival of spring, everything revives. The willow trees in the capital have sprouted new buds, and the streets seem to be prosperous. Even the business of the wandering warblers on the street corners has improved.

The corrupt situation in the North has not affected the Royal Capital at all. What happened thousands of miles away has little impact on the common people. Not many people will care. At this time, theaters and pubs in the Royal Capital are still full, and the entire Royal Capital A peaceful scene of singing and dancing.


The Royal Palace, Golden Dragon Hall.

“Regarding Northland’s request for help, how do you think it should be handled?”

Northland’s military report and letter for help were sent to Jinlongdu yesterday,

Although the kingdom has gone downhill, it has not rotted to the root. Although King Renn has not shown any talents as a wise king, he can be regarded as a qualified monarch.

The day after the intelligence was verified, the courtiers were summoned to discuss the matter of starting from the North.

“The Lanster family has a duty to defend the land, but they failed to stop the ogres, causing the Northland to rot, and more than five noble families were wiped out. They should be punished!”

At this time, an elder of the House of Nobles stood up and said with indignation that in this elder’s eyes, he didn’t know how many civilians died and didn’t care, but killing so many nobles was simply terrifying.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he attracted a strange look. The kind of look that looked at a fool, even the Prime Minister, the representative of the House of Lords, lowered his head, feeling particularly embarrassed.

And Ren, who was sitting high on the throne, couldn’t help but hold his forehead. The words of the aristocratic dean who had granite in his head made him dumbfounded.

Even if the Lanster family is at fault, it is impossible to punish them now. He wants to ask how to deal with the ogres invading from the east, not how to deal with the Lanster family.

“This will be discussed later. Let’s discuss how to deal with the ogres first.”

Although this elder is a little confused, he is very senior and has the strength of a great knight. Renn does not want to let him down too much,

Just skip the issues raised by the other party and discuss how to deal with the ogres directly.

“Your Majesty, I think we should continue as usual and directly dispatch the dragon knights of the country to defeat the ogres with the power of thunder, and then ask the Lanster family to pay the money and food.”

The person who stood up and spoke was the right prime minister, and his words sounded much more reliable than the old fool from the Presbytery before.

The Golden Dragon Kingdom is surrounded by enemies on all sides. The Nagas on the southern coast are often harassed. The orcs on the eastern plateau are always trying to fight back. The lizard people in the western desert also cause some trouble to the lords in the west from time to time.

Only the Northland is relatively stable, and now there is also a big mess,

Originally, lords from all over the country had the obligation to pay taxes to the royal family and obey the royal levy during wartime. The royal family also had the responsibility to provide assistance to lords from all over the country in times of crisis.

When crises such as the lizard man uprising in the Western Region and the Naga occupation of the port in the south occur, there is a precedent for dragon knights to be dispatched. Generally, once the dragon knights take action, the basic matter will be solved.

With these precedents in mind, it is reasonable for the Right Prime Minister to propose sending out the dragon knights of the country. It is indeed a plan worth considering.


Before Renn could express his position, the military personnel had already stepped forward to interrupt.

“Your Majesty, the orcs have been moving frequently at Dragon’s Breathing Pass in the past few days. In order to protect Dragon’s Breathing Pass, Knight Lusen has gone to Dragon’s Breathing Pass. Now there is only one dragon knight left in the Golden Dragon City, Sir Thor.”

“What a coincidence?”

Ren understands what the military means. When there is only one dragon knight in the Golden Dragon City, it is not appropriate for the dragon knight to go out.

There must be a dragon knight sitting in the royal capital so that everyone can have a good night’s sleep.

The Golden Dragon Kingdom was originally arranged by two dragon knights in the royal capital, and three dragon knights guarded Longxi Pass together,

The dragon knights in the royal capital generally guard the royal capital and support or suppress the four parties at any time.

The now mobile dragon knight Lusen has been sent to Dragon’s Breath Pass due to the previous changes of the orcs outside Dragon’s Breath Pass,

Now there is only one dragon knight left in the royal capital, Thor. In the eyes of everyone, he cannot leave the royal capital at will.

“Then it would be better to dispatch the Imperial Guards directly to the north. The Imperial Guards have not fought for a long time. Dispatching the Imperial Guards can solve the predicament in the North, and secondly, it can also test the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Guards.”

The proposal was made by military officials. The Praetorian Guard was filled with a large number of free knights who had no titles to inherit. They were eager to achieve meritorious service and become knights. They had a certain desire to fight and were not completely rotten.

“No, the imperial guards are going northward completely against the Longjiang River. It is difficult to transport supplies. It is more than a thousand miles from the royal capital to the north. The treasury is insufficient in supplies to support the army going north.”

The person who stood up to oppose was the official in charge of money and food. When he heard that the Forbidden Army was going to cost hundreds of thousands of people to go on a thousand-mile expedition, his scalp went numb, and he quickly stood up to oppose it.

“Oh? Why did I hear that the treasury is full of supplies and is planning to expand because it can’t be loaded?”

“Those are supplies prepared for Dragon Breathing Pass. Do you want to misappropriate them?”

After hearing this, the military officials immediately stopped answering. In the Golden Dragon Kingdom, guarding the Dragon Breathing Pass and guarding against orcs is always the top priority.

He didn’t dare to open his mouth and touch the spare supplies at Longxingguan.

Ren leaned on the throne above and frowned. The group of people discussed for a long time but failed to come up with a practical plan, leaving him to continue to worry.

But the North cannot be ignored. The Kingdom cannot allow the North to rot.

“Your Majesty, the River Valley is close to the Northland. I think we can order the garrison of the River Valley to organize the nobles of the River Valley to form a coalition to support the Northland.

Promise knighthood and call on knights without knights and free knights to go north to join the war. This will relieve the pressure on the Northland even if it cannot completely drive out the ogres. ”

It was the Right Prime Minister who made the suggestion. At first glance, this plan seemed feasible and acceptable to all parties, and it was quickly echoed by others.

“I think this method is feasible.”



“Then let’s do it first.”

Ren thought for a while and felt that this plan was indeed feasible, so he nodded and agreed to the right minister’s proposal.

But after all, the royal capital is too far away from the river valley, and it is difficult for them to understand the true combat effectiveness of the garrison and nobles in the river valley. They don’t know how lax the armament of such a comfortable place like the river valley has been.

For Lint to choose, he would rather order support supplies from the river valley than the army at the bottom of the river valley to assist in the battle. The combat effectiveness is really not guaranteed


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