Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 699: Show up

While speaking, Parley’s eyes met with Mi Xiu’s. Although his face was still that of Ya Xiu who sympathized with the poor people, the compassion in his eyes had long since disappeared, leaving only an indifference with no trace of emotion.

With this look, even Parley, who was good at cultivating qi, could not help but feel a chill running down his back when he met these eyes.


Pare’s words did not stop the other party’s actions. Mi Xiu’s hand was raised slightly, and the Earth Knight who was supposed to be as stable as a mountain flew backwards more than ten meters away. He was originally pinned down by him. The sword at his waist also appeared in Mishu’s hand.


The Earth Knight who was knocked into the air made a roar when he collided with the ground. The hard stone slabs in the square in front of the temple were smashed into a circle of spider web-like cracks, and the originally exquisite armor on his body was also shattered. shape.

“I’m teaching him how to maintain enough awe.”

The Earth Knight who was knocked away was very loyal to Parley, and he still tried to get up after being so severely injured.

However, Mishu’s blow made almost every bone in his body feel as if it had been hit by a hammer, and there were at least double-digit fractures on his body.

I couldn’t exert any strength at all. I squirmed a few times on the ground and then fell back to the ground weakly.

Unless it is burned by the dragon’s breath from the front, not even the giant dragon can kill an earth knight so easily.

This light blow defeated a master of the earth level, instantly freezing the scene.

“Now let’s talk about things related to His Majesty Parley. I think you should use another etiquette for your enthronement.”

Ignoring the surprised looks of the nobles and officials present, a group of white robes followed Misiu and squeezed away the soldiers surrounding Parley.

Because of the shock of the earth knight being knocked away just now, and because Parley remained silent, the soldiers surrounding Parley offered little resistance and retreated as soon as they were forced by these men in white robes. .

The soldiers wearing ceremonial armor around Parley were all replaced by the men in white robes brought by Mishu.

Looking at the group of white-robed men around him, Pare’s face became very ugly.

“The etiquette of the kingdom has been passed down for hundreds of years, but it doesn’t change just by saying. Besides, it is a bit childish to change the etiquette of ascending the throne without any preparation?”


Pa Lei retorted in a calm voice, but Mi Xiu let out a sneer.

Perhaps in his opinion, this enthronement ceremony is child’s play enough, and there is no shortage of this.

“Your Majesty Parley’s so-called inheritance of hundreds of years is nothing more than what Aragorn did casually back then, and my set of etiquette is the most orthodox ceremony of all countries in the continent thousands of years ago.”

“Does your kingdom have more orthodox etiquette than the elves?”

“Elf etiquette?”

“Of course, a king should be blessed by the gods when he is crowned, and I will crown you personally!”

After that, the two white robes took out a gorgeous crown from somewhere, with a milky white brim and a golden curved frame that held the crown high, like a neatly trimmed tree crown. There was also a crown in the middle. Embellished with a flame-shaped golden gemstone.

The style of this crown is completely different from the traditional crown style of the Charman family, and it does not match the dress Parley is wearing today. If he wears it, he will really look like a clown.

Of course, whether the style of the crown matches Pare’s more Chinese-style dress is not the key.

At this point, no matter how stupid the nobles below are, they still understand what happened.

Perhaps, some smart people guessed something from the beginning, just out of the instinct of survival, they buried their heads underneath, pretending to know nothing.

But although the kingdom has raised a bunch of pig-like nobles for hundreds of years, it will not lack a few loyal ministers and filial sons.


Just when Misuo held up the crown and stared at Parley with a gloomy face, someone among the nobles watching the ceremony finally couldn’t help but stand up.

I saw an aristocratic young man in gorgeous clothes, taking advantage of the guards around him not paying attention, pulling out the slender ceremonial sword from his waist, pointing at a group of white robes on the stage from a distance and shouting:

“How dare the remnants of the Church of the Rising Sun appear in the palace openly and openly!”

“Kill the thief! Kill the thief!”

The young man immediately revealed the identity of the person on the stage, which made most of the nobles who were still pretending to be a bit embarrassed.

It should be said that the hostile attitude towards the church for hundreds of years does have some effect.

At least in the royal capital, most nobles are still very repulsive to the church from the bottom of their hearts, unlike in the south where they are penetrated like a sieve.

It’s just rejection. You can’t expect a group of guys who have been comfortable for hundreds of years to jump out and shed blood for the kingdom.

Although there are many knights in this group of nobles, their knightly cultivation is basically based on resources. Most of them only cultivate to ignite their fighting spirit, and then inherit their family titles according to the laws of the kingdom. Maybe they have never even killed a chicken after reaching the level of knights.

The combat effectiveness can be imagined.

Most of the nobles in the audience do not have the iron-blooded spirit of the knights in the army. Their actual combat ability is pitifully low, and they can only bully ordinary people.

Not to mention facing knights with fighting experience in the army, there is a possibility of overturning against elite quasi-knights.

Most of these nobles of the kingdom who have no spirit and lack fighting ability do not have much courage.

Anyway, the Rising Sun Divine Sect won’t kill them if they come to the table, right?

So although this young nobleman shouted out the identity of the group of white robes on the stage, there was almost no response from the thousands of nobles present.

Anyway, they were only forced to attend Pare’s enthronement ceremony. The sharp blades on the waists of the earth knights and white robes who were knocked out were real.




In the end, there were only five or six nobles who rushed to the high platform. Only the leader grabbed a thin sword from the guard beside him. The remaining few rushed forward with bare hands and a rare blood. Go up.

However, not to mention that they were approaching Mi Xiu, they were stopped by the white robes around them as soon as they passed the confused guards.

A rapier is no match for a killing weapon, and a few noble knights charging with **** courage cannot be a match for the killing machine trained by the church.

In a matter of ten seconds, there were several more corpses on the ground, making no waves at all.

The permeating smell of blood completely overwhelmed the last traces of dissatisfaction among the nobles present. They all lowered their heads and did not even dare to show their resentment.

Mixiu, who was standing on the stage, briefly glanced at the people in the audience and then stopped paying attention to them.

“Why is Your Majesty Parley still hesitating?”

“With me crowning you, you will build a great empire comparable to the elves.”

Mixiu’s words are quite confusing. After all, when the Elf Empire was strong, it almost unified the entire continent, and hundreds of tribes surrendered.

But this is actually a pie in the sky. To make the human kingdom become a powerful empire comparable to the elven empire, it is not something that can be achieved overnight. It is hard to say whether it can be achieved.

When the elves ruled the continent, they had the support of three-digit magisters, and the dragons could be treated as experimental materials.

The benefits are not tangible, but the disadvantages are immediate. The biggest curse on the Elf Kingdom is a group of domineering gods.

The Elf Empire regards hundreds of tribes as ants, but they are also like pigs in front of the gods.

Finally, the elves have overthrown the gods and religious authority, and now they are going to take advantage of humans again?

“Your Majesty Parley! If you don’t want to, I think your brothers would be willing to stand in your position.”

Looking at Pa Lei’s still hesitant look, Mi Xiu pointed his hand.

Pale looked in the direction that Misu pointed and saw two familiar faces appearing among a group of white robes.

“The second and third child!.”

Two young men, whose faces were somewhat similar to Ren’s, were standing in the middle of the white robes with frightened expressions.

These two are Renne’s other two sons. They can’t be said to be useless, but compared to the eldest prince and Parley, they are less likely to take action. They are people who have been eliminated early in the struggle for the succession to the throne.

Before, he was sent out before the decisive battle with the orcs, and nothing happened. He had almost no sense of existence. But now he was invited here by the people of the Rising Sun Cult. It is self-evident what the purpose is.

However, Pare’s shock only stayed on his face for a moment, and he quickly returned to normal and said:

“Since His Holiness the Pope has already found them, how about inviting them here now?”

There seemed to be a threat in Parley’s words, but how could Misuo, who had an absolute advantage in force, be easily manipulated by the opponent.

“You are a smart person, but it is better not to be smart but to be mistaken for being smart. I just want to tell you that you are the best choice, but not the only choice.”

Parley stopped where he was, as if he had gone through another fierce struggle and finally took a step toward Mi Xiu, who was holding the crown in his hand.

“Tap, step, step.”

The jewel-encrusted boots made heavy footsteps.

Everyone present watched attentively as Pare approached Mi Xiu step by step.

Under Mishu’s gaze, Parley half-knelt in front of the other party, with the crown held high.

An era is coming back again.

If history books were to record this scene, they would definitely write it like this.

The king prostrated at the feet of the Pope, and the Charlemagne royal family, which had been fighting fiercely against the church for hundreds of years, was completely defeated.

This marks the defeat of the royal power in the face of divine power, and the Rising Sun Cult officially overrides the secular royal power.

However, just when the crown was about to be placed on Parley’s head, an accident suddenly happened.

Parley’s hands that were hanging naturally on the ground suddenly lifted up and held the crown firmly when it touched his hair.

However, Pare also knew that he could not compete with Mishu in terms of strength. While blocking the crown with both hands, he fell forward without caring about his image, and then fell to the ground with his head in his hands. It even looked like he was giving a big gift to Mi Xiu in front of him.

Although the image was very ugly, the effect was still very significant. The crown that was about to be placed on Parley’s head stopped in mid-air.

Facing Pare who fell to the ground with his head in his arms, even if Mi Xiu had all kinds of skills, he couldn’t put the crown on Pare’s head at this moment.

However, Mi Xiu couldn’t focus on Pare at this time.

“Hurry up and do it!”

A stream of cyan smoke emerged from under the floor, forming chains and covering Yaxiu on the stage.

An old man who looked like he was dying appeared on the steps of the main hall of the Golden Dragon Palace at some unknown moment.


“Have you ever asked me if you were acting wild in the palace?”

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