Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 649: Going north and going south

The warm sun in mid-spring shines on the earth, and everything has recovered. At this time, the so-called late spring cold has passed, and the weather has already warmed up, but it is not as unbearable as the summer heat. It is the most comfortable stage of the year.

The weather was sunny and sunny, and Posey City was generally immersed in a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. However, the soldiers who were still walking around the city on guard brought a little solemn atmosphere to this most prosperous city in the south.

Outside Posey

It was an army that stretched as far as the eye could see. The entire army stretched for more than ten miles and was divided into several sections. There were a total of 250,000 troops. This was all the wealth that Pare could afford in the south.

“Chief Hammer, how long do we have to walk to get there? These humans are marching too fast and we can’t keep up.”

“That’s right, Chief Hammer, aren’t humans bullying us dwarves for having short legs?”

In addition to the 200,000 human troops in the team, there is also a group of special soldiers, a dwarf heavy infantry regiment of 50,000 people.

These dwarf soldiers, with an average height of less than 1.5 meters, walked in the middle of the team and were completely blocked by the human soldiers. However, when viewed from the sky, it looked like the entire team had a dent in the middle, which was very conspicuous.

Although this group of dwarves is short in stature, their latitude is wider than that of the strongest human soldiers. They wear black and gray heavy armor and look like rolling iron walnuts when they march.

Although these dwarves look a little funny, no one dares to underestimate them. Even ordinary dwarf warriors who have not entered the knight level are stronger than orcs. Everyone is wearing a sophisticated heavy armor. Holding warhammers and large shields, everyone was armed to the teeth.

In terms of sophistication of equipment, even the Northland army is somewhat inferior to this group of dwarves.

The combat power of an army of 50,000 dwarves during battle is at least equivalent to that of an army of more than 100,000 people. It is an important force under Pare.

Of course, the nature of dwarves also makes them extremely difficult to serve. Not far from Percy City, some dwarf warriors began to make trouble.

“Then I’ll ask Mr. Parley to slow down a little.”

“We cannot delay our march.”

“It’s just that the weather is too hot and I’m thirsty. Give us some wine to quench our thirst, and we can keep up.”

Of course the dwarves were not booing because they were too weak to walk. These short-legged people might not be able to run fast, but their marching stamina was definitely not bad. Wearing heavy armor and marching for half a day, they didn’t even break a sweat.

The main reason was that after leaving Posey City, Parley did not provide them with drinks, and they all wanted to drink now.

“Continue marching, I will go to Lord Parley to ask.”

The dwarf leader Iron Hammer, who brought troops to help in the battle, not only did not ask them why they wanted to drink when they were thirsty, but he also felt that what these soldiers said was somewhat reasonable, and hurriedly chased Parley on a mountain ram.

On the side of the team, Parley and several senior generals were observing the entire army from the side of the team.

“Sir, our army’s training has been quite effective. It is no worse than the previous army stationed in Posey City.”

The marching team was silent, the formation was strict, the soldiers looked resolute, and the army strictly enforced marching disciplines, and it looked decent.

“It is barely capable of fighting. Compared with the Iron Guards and the Northland Army that defeated the orcs, it is definitely inferior.”

My family knows my own affairs, and I can become famous without being praised.

The main source of the southern army under Pare was the troops he cobbled together from the earliest battles with the Hai Tribe, and was built through several rounds of military expansion and integration.

The training time is less than a year, and the combat experience is not much. Although it looks decent, it is still at the level of an ordinary regular army in the kingdom, or even worse. After several years of running with a prince like the Iron Guard, he still has I don’t know how far behind the elites who fought the orcs for several rounds were, let alone compared to the Northern Army who defeated the orcs.

Money and food are sufficient, but if you really want to become an elite, you must go through the baptism of one or two battles.

On the way north, you have to deal with two orc divisions to practice your skills.

“Lord Parley, the dwarves are making trouble!”

Just when Pare was thinking about how to improve the combat effectiveness of his troops, a somewhat panicked voice came over.

“What’s going on?”

“The leader of the Hammer is clamoring to ask the army to provide them with wine, otherwise the dwarf team will be unable to move.”

Hearing the reason for the dwarf’s problem, Pare was speechless. Although the thing sounded extremely absurd, it felt reasonable for the dwarf to do such a thing.

After forming an alliance with the dwarves and gaining an in-depth understanding of the dwarves, Pare finally understood that these guys were so powerful and had such superb forging skills, but they had been huddled in a hill for thousands of years without doing anything. Any expansion.

Ore veins and underground fire resources are only part of the reasons. The more reason is that these guys are somewhat unreliable.

No matter what they say, some dwarves spend only half of their time awake except sleeping. They spend more time drinking and getting drunk. Even the elites are no exception. They cannot do without wine when marching or fighting. I have to take two bites when I’m blacksmithing. It’s weird that it can expand with such nonsense.

Although the dwarves are addicted to alcohol, Parley has no intention of providing the dwarves with alcohol at this time. First, the army does not carry enough alcohol for the dwarves to drink. Second, these dwarves cannot stop once they start drinking. It may cause confusion in the team.

To deal with these guys, you can only use carrots.

After thinking for a moment, Parley ordered the visitor:

“Go and tell the Hammer leader that there is not enough wine in the team. Speed ​​up the march. The orcs have stolen a lot of wine and stored it in the city of Stia. If they attack the city of Stia, all the wine in it will belong to them.”

“Yes, Your Highness Parley!”

Although the main force of the orcs did not go south, they still sent several flag regiments to occupy several small cities in the southern part of the Central Plains as outposts for the army to go south. The city of Stia was in a key position, only ten meters away from Percy City. After many days’ journey, the army heading north is going to the royal capital, and the city of Stiya is a nail that must be removed.

The dwarf was obviously relatively simple, and calmed down after giving it a thought. In order to arrive at Stia City as early as possible, his short legs moved extremely fast, and he almost reached the front of the team. In order to maintain his position, Formation, Parley even had to order to speed up some marching speed.

“Sir Richard, we will arrive at the capital soon.”

On the broad Jinlong River, thousands of sails competed, and a huge fleet sailed down the broad Jinlong River.

The outline of the royal capital is clearly visible. The city has a circumference of nearly fifty miles and a city wall of nearly six feet. It is almost the limit of urban construction in this era. Even from Richard’s perspective, the construction of Golden Dragon City is It can be called majestic.

The soldiers on the ship were full of energy. After vomiting once, they had basically overcome their seasickness. In addition, after just winning a big victory, the Northland Army’s spirit had reached the extreme. A patrolling soldier on the deck They all walked with their heads held high, and it was almost written on their faces that the Northland Army was the best in the world.

Not to mention the arrogance of these Northern Army soldiers, after this great victory, Richard felt a little elated.

Although the loss in this victory was not small, the gain was even greater. Not to mention the huge reputation gained by killing Gro and annihilating the main force of the orcs, the experience rewarded by the system alone was an astronomical figure.

The levels of almost all the heroes participating in the war have been improved. Richard’s own strength has been steadily improved to the peak of the Realm of the Realm, and he has actually broken the bottleneck from the Realm of the Realm to the Realm of Jealousy and experienced it in advance. The power of jealousy.

For Richard, reaching the state of jealousy is just a matter of accumulation.

Among the heroes, Moriel, Gru, and Natalis participated in the whole battle and caused a lot of damage to the enemy. Their levels have been raised by two or three levels, and they have almost touched the threshold of the realm. If they were allowed to fight against Gro now, they would definitely not lose as quickly as last time.

Sir M’Lak also succeeded in being promoted to the Holy Order during this battle.

The biggest improvement in this battle belongs to the two heroes who command the undead army.

Except for part of the experience gained from fighting the hundreds of thousands of undead armies, which was given to Richard, most of it was transferred to Sandro and Aisha.

Sandro, who was already at the Holy level, crossed the threshold before all the heroes, reached the strength of the Realm, and became the most powerful hero among the current system heroes. Even the undead army controlled by his subordinates It’s different.

More than fifty beggar’s version of bone dragons, about seventy terrifying knights, thousands of black warriors, tens of thousands of zombies and hundreds of thousands of skeleton warriors. If the strength has not improved, Sandro will not be sure. Being able to control such a powerful undead army.

Such an army of the undead, if it could not be controlled by Richard, would have been worthy of being united by an entire continent of living creatures at any time.

As for Aisha, it is even more exaggerated. After the battle, she was directly promoted from the Sky Level to the Holy Level, becoming the fastest hero under Richard to advance to the Holy Level.

Now if we do the math, Richard has nine saint-level combatants, and hundreds of sky-level combatants. To say that he has as many strong men as there are is considered modest.

Coupled with Richard’s own superior strength and the support of hundreds of thousands of proud soldiers in the North, Richard felt a sense of pride when standing on the bow of the ship.

Looking at the Golden Dragon City that was getting closer, Richard felt a different kind of emotion.

When Richard arrived in the capital this time, if Richard wanted to show off his holy masters and giant dragons, Ren would probably have to obediently give up the chair in the Golden Dragon Hall.

Everything is a matter of Richard’s imagination. After Gro’s death, even the orc kingdom is no longer a threat. It is only a matter of time before they are expelled from Dragon’s Breath Pass.



The cheers of the soldiers interrupted Richard’s thoughts.

Beidi’s fleet continued sailing for several more hours and finally arrived at Golden Dragon City.

The soldiers who had been on the ship for nearly a week finally couldn’t hold back and cheered.

“Lord Prime Minister, the Northland ship has entered the harbor.”

“Well, come with me to prepare for it.”

When the army from the North arrived, the kingdom did not show any signs of it. Officials with high status had already been waiting on the shore to greet them.

“Lord Prime Minister, the Northland fleet has landed, and the people from the Northland have the final say in the capital.”

Just when the left prime minister was about to step forward to greet him, the general accompanying him said something meaningful.

After hearing this, Prime Minister Zuo not only did not agree at all, but showed an expression of extreme horror on his face, and immediately said:

“General Orange, do you know what you are talking about?”

“Lord Left Prime Minister, if hundreds of thousands of Northland troops enter the city, we will not be able to stop the Northland King even if he wants to be the king. Now that the Northland army has not landed yet, our navy still has an advantage. ”

Although the fleet in the Northland is huge, the Hunter family has only been rich for a short period of time. Most of the ships are civilian ships, and the serious navy only includes the part of the Lanster family and the river valley. It was made up of a mixture of local naval forces, and it was not even the slightest bit inferior to the fleet in the capital of Gongshi.

“What do you want to do?”

“Lord Prime Minister, our fleet can definitely keep an eye on the Northland Army’s fleet. If Sir Richard wants to see His Majesty, he only needs to bring a small number of followers. He doesn’t need a large army to enter the city, right?”

Orang was not so arrogant that he wanted to murder Richard, he just wanted to prevent the Northern Army from entering the royal capital.

However, these words sounded childish and ridiculous to the Prime Minister. These officers from the Knight Academy really regarded themselves as a piece of cake.

“After dealing with the opponent’s fleet, can we still deal with the giant dragon in the sky? What if the dragon directly attacks the fleet?”

“Left Prime Minister…”

“Don’t mention it again, let the soldiers guide the Northland Army into the harbor, and follow me to prepare to meet Lord Richard!”

“Yes, sir.”

The left prime minister rejected the other party’s whimsical resolution. In order to prevent accidents, he also summoned all the chief officers of the Royal Capital Fleet and the generals of the surrounding garrison to prevent anyone from causing trouble.

Then a large number of guards lined up on the shore…

The fleet entered the river port under the guidance of the Kingdom. The civilian ships that were originally parked at the dock were cleared to make room for the Northland fleet, and there were Northland ships parked on all the ship berths.

The largest building ship in the fleet slowly sailed into the pier. Standing on the shore, the Prime Minister adjusted his clothes and waited solemnly for Richard’s arrival…

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