Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 515: Danger

In the Orc Palace, a large group of Orc soldiers blocked a side hall. There were only a few people in the hall, only Gro and the Orc King Haldane and a few orcs dressed as shamans.

These orc shamans wearing feathered coats and colorful faces stood in the palace, surrounding their great shaman. The orc king Haldane and several personal guards stood outside the circle, looking at them with complicated expressions. The great shaman became very strange.

The great shaman, also known as Gro, seemed not to notice the tangled look on Haldane’s face at all. After silently reciting an obscure spell, he turned his head and asked the people around him.

“Are you ready?”

“It’s ready.”

As soon as he finished speaking, several more figures came in from outside the palace. They were all dressed similarly to the shamans in the palace. Only the leading orc had a golden border on his robe, and his face did not look like the others. The orc shaman usually wears makeup, and looks like an extremely young orc.

“Your Majesty!”

“Master Shaman!”

The leading orc came in and saluted Haldane and Glo in succession. Haldane suppressed the entanglement in his heart and nodded to the other party as a response, while Glo took the initiative to greet the other party and brought him there. The center of the hall.

“Come, let me see you!”

The young orc walking in front of the team is a famous genius among this generation of orcs. At the age of twenty, he already has the strength of a great warrior. It is only a matter of time to become a royal warrior. What is more valuable is that this young orc The orcs were also of noble birth, and were considered a descendant of the orc king’s family. It could be said that their future was limitless.

At this time, Gro looked at the other party and became more and more satisfied. This young body was much stronger than the old shaman’s body he currently had. After completing the transfer of the divine descending, he He will have a young body, and the strength he can exert will probably grow a lot out of thin air.

Looking at the other party for a long time, Grotto nodded with satisfaction and asked the other party.

“Are you ready?”

The young orc also nodded heavily and replied:

“Don’t worry, Great Shaman, I am willing to sacrifice everything for the kingdom.”

“Good boy.”

Gero stretched out his hand and patted the other party’s shoulder, but the moment he stretched out his hand, the other party was slightly frightened.

What kind of hand is that? The skin and bones are all lifted up. It is completely a bone hand. The skin on it has dried up. It looks like a mummy fished out of some ancient tomb. Same.

This is the cost of using the GPU Spear. With the Great Shaman’s body, Gro can still sustain two more fights, but using the GPU Spear consumes too much. Compared with the previous fight against Li The consumption of Cha’s secret skills is even greater. After showing off his power in the White Dragon Valley, the body of the great shaman will no longer be able to support it.

The young man in front of him is the candidate that Gro has already chosen. He is young, powerful and talented…

“From now on, you will be a great shaman!”

After saying that, Groh handed the bone staff representing the identity of the great shaman into the hands of the young orc, and several shamans also gathered around him.

After reciting a long and obscure spell, several people suddenly knelt down on the ground, pulled out a short blade from their waists, and cut open their chests.

The blood slowly flowed out along the short blade, which was enough to prove that this knife was not a cover-up, but actually stabbed into the heart. After receiving this kind of injury, several shamans only grunted at first. , and didn’t make any other noise, just letting the blood seep out slowly, with a solemn look on his face.

After losing too much blood, several shamans could no longer hold on and fell to the ground. Gro, who was in the main position, had been watching this strange scene expressionlessly, but when the blood began to form a strange scene on its own, symbol and rushed towards the young orc in the middle, Gro, who was already too old to look good, finally showed a happy face.

“Sure enough, my success was not an accident, the lost magic power has been revived.”

But immediately, Grot felt a little worried.

“Unfortunately, for our tribe, the recovery of magic power is not a good thing, and humans must be dealt with as soon as possible.”

Thinking of this, Gro no longer hesitated and slowly stretched out his hand again, placing it on the young orc…

The night is deep, the moon is obscured by dark clouds, and the earth is terrifyingly dark. However, the side hall of the palace is brightly lit. A large number of orc warriors are arranged around the side hall, with dragon-hunting crossbows placed at various positions. Orcs The torches lit by the soldiers illuminated the area around the side hall as if it were daytime.

Orc King Haldane even stood waiting outside the palace. Just because the great shaman is performing an extremely crucial ritual here.

“Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty.”

The patrolling soldiers passed by Haldane one after another and saluted him. Haldane nodded in response to these loyal soldiers.

When the patrolling soldiers walked away, an orc officer behind Haldane quietly came up and whispered in Haldane’s ear:

“Your Majesty, the Imperial Guard is ready. They are all carefully selected and are the most loyal warriors. They have nothing to do with the Shaman Hall. The twenty-four dragon-hunting crossbows can change direction at any time. , now is the best opportunity.”

After hearing what the other party said, Haldane felt a sudden chill in his heart. He could understand the hidden meaning of the other party’s words. Now the great shaman’s prestige is getting more and more important, which has seriously squeezed the royal power. Frontline The generals are basically under the command of the Great Shaman, and Haldane basically only plays the role of a logistics officer in the rear. This caused dissatisfaction among the royal party surrounding Haldane. In addition, this time the Great Shaman designated the Rising Sun Cult as a The state religion promotes the spread of the Rising Sun Religion, which has a serious conflict with the ancestor worship of shamanism. It has also caused dissatisfaction among many orcs. A force actually encouraged Haldane to get rid of this man at the critical moment of the Great Shaman Ceremony. The great shaman is becoming more and more unfamiliar.

It’s just that as a king, Haldane understands the plight of the kingdom better at this time. If it were in good times, Haldane would definitely consider going with the flow and getting rid of the Great Shaman, a threat to his power, in one fell swoop. But at this time The orc kingdom is facing a huge crisis, and there is no internal strife. If we really want to get rid of the great shaman, we have to wait until we defeat the humans, not now.

After thinking about the pros and cons, Haldane shook his head firmly and asked in a vicious tone:

“Who asked you to do this?”

However, Haldane’s words did not make the orc officer feel the slightest fear. Instead, he felt happy. As long as King Haldane did not directly order his arrest, there would be a chance. He immediately knelt on the ground and persuaded:

“Your Majesty, tonight is the best opportunity to get rid of the great shaman. He has broken the rules by leading the army as a great shaman. However, as a shaman of our clan, he helps the Rising Sun Cult preach, which is even more harmonious. It is no different from rebelling against the clan. As long as your Majesty makes up his mind, tonight he can…”

“Shut up!”

“I have my own opinions on matters concerning the Great Shaman, and I cannot allow you to teach me how to do it.”

Haldane had ruled the Orc Kingdom for so many years, and he still had some dignity. After he clearly refused, these orc officers who had not known when they were connected in series did not dare to force the attack. In the end, they could only continue to kneel on the ground with some embarrassment.


After a while, the door to the side hall opened with a bang. After Haldane glanced back, he looked at the orc officer kneeling on the ground. He had no intention of punishing him, but just said something lightly.

“Get up, forget what happened today, and come with me to greet the Great Shaman.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

When the door to the side hall opened, it also heralded the complete failure of some people’s plan tonight, but Haldane’s ambiguous attitude made it seem that the plan did not completely fail.

“Congratulations to the Great Shaman!”

Haldane came to the gate of the side hall and took the initiative to greet the figures coming out of the hall, with a joyful look on his face, as if nothing at night had happened.

Only after seeing the appearance of the leader clearly, the smile on Haldane’s face turned into a look of shock uncontrollably. The man holding the Great Shaman’s bone staff and wearing the Great Shaman’s iconic attire It’s a young orc. Even though he was somewhat prepared, Haldane was still extremely surprised.

“Your Majesty, you don’t have to wait here. You are the king of the kingdom. In the orc kingdom, you are the most noble person.”

“The great shaman is responsible for the rise and fall of our clan, and it is my duty to protect the great shaman here.”

Although Haldane was shocked, he quickly recovered and spoke to Gro with a sincere expression.

Gero nodded, glanced at the dense crowd of orc warriors around him, seemed not to notice anything strange, and said to Haldane again:

“White Dragon will join the battle with all its strength soon. We will soon attack Dragon Breathing Pass. I must return to the front line immediately. I will leave Monaya to you.”


Haldane did not doubt Grot’s words. He knew clearly what happened in the White Dragon Valley. Naturally, he knew that Grot’s current strength was unfathomable and had already subdued the entire White Dragon clan. In addition, With the full support of the Rising Sun Divine Sect, it should be a matter of course to break into the Dragon’s Breath Pass and break the current deadlock.

Haldane’s current attitude towards Gro is still to provide full assistance. At least until he defeats humans, he will not make any big moves.

Soon, Haldane led the people away, and the army that had been stationed in the side hall also evacuated. The great shaman had successfully completed the ceremony and no longer needed their protection here.

Gero looked at the leaving army with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. Adelillo suddenly appeared next to Gro. With his strength, there was almost no one in the palace except Gro. People can stop him, as long as he doesn’t assassinate the king, he can enter and leave the palace at will without causing any trouble.

“His Majesty Haldane just wanted to protect you.”

It was in Adrilo’s interest to protect Gro’s strength, so Adrilo was also secretly watching over Gro’s ceremony. Naturally, he also saw the abnormal placement of the dragon-hunting crossbows and the positions of those dragon-hunting crossbows. It doesn’t look like it’s for external use, but it looks like it’s used to attack side palaces.

Gero shook his head indifferently, not knowing whether it was true or not and said:

“The king of the Lane family is like this, which makes me feel more at ease!”

“It’s up to you, as long as it doesn’t delay important things.”

After that, Adelillo also disappeared into the darkness again, leaving only Gro. After Adelillo left, Gro’s hand was taken out from behind. His hand had been touching On a short spear.

“Comparedly speaking, this kid Haldane is one of his own…”


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