Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 478: Wang Jue

“How about it, Moriel, do you think there is a chance at Dragon’s Breath Pass?”

In the past few days, Richard either together with Duke Ross, or on his own with Moriel and Natalies, inspected the entire defense of Dragon’s Breath Pass. After a deeper understanding, judging from Richard’s relatively good military quality, the defense line was very complete, but it still could not stop the orcs’ attack.

However, when it comes to the ability to lead troops, Richard can only be considered qualified if he does not cheat. To be able to do this is considered a talent and intelligence, while Moriel can be called a true military expert. , so Richard wanted to hear Moriel’s conclusion after making his own judgment.

It’s just that Moriel, who has always been arrogant, has no way to protect Dragon Breathing Pass. She just shook her head and said:

“We can only try to delay it. This Longxi Pass cannot be defended. I hope you will evacuate decisively when nothing can be done.”


“Unfortunately, if that western army was stronger, it would still be able to fight.”

“The Western Army is really good.”

“In terms of combat literacy and fighting will, this army is not weaker than Erathia’s Royal Guards Corps. It is better trained than any army in the underground city. Unfortunately, their personal Their strength is generally comparable to that of cavemen.”

Moriel’s evaluation of the Western March Army can be said to be very high, but it can also be said to be very low. Comparing the Western March Army with the Royal Guards Corps of Erathia is definitely an affirmation of the Western March Army, Ella The Royal Guards in West Asia are not the kind of soldiers who stand guard in the royal capital.

It was the ace army that Catherine personally formed after the Erathia crisis. Catherine personally led the expedition to the mainland, and forcefully saved the Erathia building from collapse. This was definitely a change of attitude among all the forces on the Erathia continent. army.

Moriel said that the Western Border Army’s tactical literacy and fighting will are not weaker than Erathia’s Royal Guards Corps. Naturally, this is a great affirmation of the Western Border Army. However, combat literacy and fighting will alone cannot fully represent combat effectiveness. , the strength of individual strength will also greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the army.

Although the fighting quality and fighting will of the Western Border Army are not weaker than Erathia’s Ace Legion, their combat effectiveness is completely different from Erathia’s Guards Legion.

The Guards Corps of Erathia is based on a large number of spearmen, halberdiers and marksmen, and is equipped with backbone forces such as swordsmen and crusaders. It has an independently organized champion knights and even an angel army. They were mixed together, and great knights were rare in the Western Army, and their individual strengths were greatly different.

The combat strength of the ordinary soldiers of the Western Army is about the same as that of the cavemen in the dungeon. The cavemen are basically the weakest first-order soldiers in the world of Heroes. To say that they are cannon fodder, they are somewhat unqualified. In the dungeon, cavemen sometimes even become a backup ration for other high-level creatures.

With the individual combat effectiveness not much different from that of the cavemen, no matter how strong the Western Army’s combat literacy and fighting will are, it is impossible to compete with Erathia’s Guards Corps.

“What do you think is the optimal solution?”

“If I were to take command, Longxing Pass would definitely have to be defended, but it cannot be defended forcefully. Most of the Western Border troops are cavalry. It would be too wasteful to put them on the city wall to fight a war of attrition. Put some of them on the second line. Between the buffer zone and the third line of defense, wait for the orcs to break through, then look for opportunities to make a surprise attack, and then leave after winning, no longer caring about the defense of Longxing Pass. Behind us is the central plain, and hundreds of thousands of cavalry are scattered on the great plain. Upstream combat will definitely cause more trouble to the orcs than at Dragon Breathing Pass.”

“This is to make Duke Ross give up Dragon Breathing Pass.”

“Long Xing Pass couldn’t be defended.”

“Sir Richard, Duke Ross wants you to rush back to the meeting hall in the main city immediately.”

While Richard and Moriel continued to discuss the defense issue of Longxingguan, a messenger came to Richard and conveyed Duke Ross’s order to Richard with a respectful expression.

“Huh? Do you know what happened?”

Watching the messengers hurriedly calling him back to the meeting hall in the main city, Richard was a little confused. He had just left not long ago and there were no plans for a military meeting today. Why was Ross so anxious to call him back? Was there an accident?

“It seems that a messenger from the royal capital has arrived. I want to read out some order, so I need you to come with me.”

“Messenger from the royal capital?”

“Your Excellency Richard is here.”

After the messenger reported the news, he quickly returned to the main city without any further delay. At this time, there were several horses parked beside the door of the meeting hall. The horses were covered with mud, and they had obviously traveled a long distance. Come.

This time the envoy from the royal capital was not pretentious at all. In order to rush for time, he did not even sit in the carriage, but came galloping on horseback with a few followers.

Richard didn’t think much, and walked into the meeting hall with Moriel and Natalies. The guards around him respectfully moved out of the way. Even the guards like Moriel and Natalies were very familiar with it. .

They were also in awe of the two beautiful ladies who followed Richard at all times. After all, there were many defeated soldiers who came back, many of whom had seen the strength of Moriel and Natalie. As time went by, Anyone with a little better information also knows that the two female generals who are following Richard at all times are strong men who can fight the dragon alone.

“Your Excellency Richard is finally here. Let me introduce to you. This is the envoy from the royal capital, Lord Bobodia.”

There were not many people in the meeting hall, and most of the people inside were familiar to Richard. Except for the Duke of Ross and a few senior generals, there was only one unfamiliar face.

A tall, beardless man is standing next to the Duke of Ross. Although he is wearing a warrior uniform, he can’t hide his feminine temperament. His face is delicate and white without a beard. Although he looks exhausted, his skin is very white and tender. The group of weathered warriors around him stood out in comparison.

Richard could tell the identity of the other party almost at a glance. The messenger was an internal official in the palace. If ordinary nobles and officials saw this kind of internal official, they would probably have some thoughts to please, but when it came to the Duke of Ross After reaching the level of Richard, these internal officials are just ordinary heralds in their eyes. The Kingdom’s servants and the like are of little significance to them.

Richard just nodded as a greeting.

“Master Richard is young and promising, and at such a young age he has become a great hero in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom…”

The internal official named Bobodia did not dare to be dissatisfied with Richard’s casual attitude. Instead, he took the initiative to chat with Richard, which was different from his indifferent attitude when he faced other nobles along the way. Very different.

Obviously, this internal official is also a smart man, and he clearly sees the gap between his status and that of Richard.

After a few perfunctory words, Richard didn’t want to waste time listening to others praise him, but took the initiative to ask:

“I wonder what His Majesty Ren’s decree was brought by the messenger when he came to Longxiguan?”

Bobodia took out a piece of fine kraft paper, which was full of words. Although Richard was far away, he could see that it seemed to be an order to award a reward.

“Lord Richard, Your Majesty believes that you and Duke Ross have made great contributions, and has decided to promote you, Duke Ross and Lord Saul to the title of king. In the future, you can ride horses when entering the palace without having to hand in weapons. During the court meeting There is no need to stand in salute, there is a place prepared for you in the main hall.”

Several generals around showed surprised expressions. The highest title in the kingdom is a duke. It is really unheard of to be a king. Even the heroes at the beginning of the founding of the country only had the title of duke at most. The king was from some kind of In a sense, he is on an equal footing with the king. How can the Golden Dragon Kingdom grant a title so easily?

After hearing this, Duke Ross on the other side showed a tangled look on his face. He didn’t know why the king wanted to raise his title for a moment. If possible, he didn’t want it. At his status, the so-called king and duke It’s just a false name. It has no real benefits but carries a huge burden of scenic spots, which will only make him more stressed.

When Richard heard this, he said, good guy, isn’t this just a replica of going to the palace with swords and shoes, entering the court without following, and praising the name without paying tribute? I’m afraid no one who has been treated like this in ancient and modern times will have a good death.

However, Richard was not worried about this at all. What worried him more was the sudden notification sound in his consciousness.

“You have been recognized by Yunzhong City…”

When Richard got the piece of vellum that conferred him the title of King, Yunzhong City’s recognition also followed.

Li Cha found the construction page in his mind. The Yunzhong City construction option that had been gray turned green. Without any hesitation, Richard directly chose to build Yunzhong City.

Yunzhong City is no different from other buildings. This biological nest that can produce top-level angels is not on the ground, but in mid-air.

At this time, the sky in Miracle City in the North, thousands of miles away, suddenly changed. Large white clouds gathered over the Stone Castle, the core of the city. It seemed that a dragon was sucking water, gathering the surrounding white clouds. Crushed and slowly spread, a golden palace appeared above the clouds, and a god-man’s residence appeared above the city of miracles.

Different from the game, the Cloud City in the game only occupies a small area of ​​​​the screen and is inconspicuous. However, in reality, the area of ​​the Cloud City is close to the size of the Stone Fortress. Even if it is high up It is also particularly conspicuous hundreds of meters in the air.

The strange phenomenon in the sky has long attracted the attention of residents in the City of Miracles. Many people noticed the scene in the air when the clouds changed. At this time, they saw a palace appearing out of thin air in the sky, and they were even more shocked. Earth’s eyes.

“What is that?”

“Look, there is a palace above the clouds?”

“It must be an illusion. I heard businessmen from the south say that they occasionally see cities appearing out of thin air on the sea. As soon as they get closer, they find that there is nothing there.”

In addition to exclamation and speculation, some people are also trying to explain the existence of Yunzhong City from a reasonable perspective.

At this time, the city lord’s palace also exploded. A group of people stood in the open space of the castle, looking up at the Cloud City in mid-air at 90 degrees. The leader was Viscount Sauter.

“There really is a palace up there!”

“Brother! There won’t be any problems in this palace. Do you want to enter a state of combat readiness?”

After observing for a while, no other abnormalities were found, but the sudden appearance of the palace in the sky was the biggest abnormality, enough to make everyone alert.

But after Viscount Sauter lowered his head, he discovered something different. Among the surprised crowd, some people seemed a little out of place. The faces of the master guards left by Richard were too calm. They were not at all curious about the palace that suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Knight Zebul, do you know what that is in the sky?”

Viscount Sauter did not issue an order to prepare for war for the time being, but tentatively asked Zebul.

Unexpectedly, Zebul calmly said a bunch of words that he couldn’t quite understand.

“It’s Yunzhong City. In the future, our city will also have an angel army. Lord Richard’s men are becoming more and more powerful.”

Okay, don’t be wary. Although most of them didn’t understand, Viscount Sauter still understood the last sentence. These are all things made by his precious son.

After having a clear idea in his mind, Viscount Sauter turned around and ordered:

“It’s nothing serious. It’s all caused by that kid Richard. Send people to Miracle City to maintain order. Don’t let some guys with ulterior motives take the opportunity to disrupt the order.”

“Yes, big brother!”

On the other side, Richard didn’t know how much noise the Yunzhong City he built had caused in the City of Miracles. Of course, even if he knew about it, Richard wouldn’t care too much. The strength of the Northland Group is no longer afraid of anyone. Coveted, the hundreds of thousands of Northland troops and the endless high-end forces are enough to deter all prying forces.

After building Yunzhong City, Richard came back to his senses and looked at Bobodia, who was a little embarrassed. The envoy from the royal capital was looking at the cowhide document in Richard’s hand. He seemed to want to say something.

“Sir Richard, we may need a simple canonization ceremony.”

It turns out that Bobodia did not want to hand over the canonized cowhide document directly to Richard. Richard just grabbed the document in his excitement. Richard tried hard to take it, so how could Bobodia dare to follow him? Richard did it, and the thing that originally needed to be handed over to Richard after going through a certain ceremony was directly in Richard’s hands.

At this time, several of Popodia’s followers were still waiting outside the door, obviously making some preparations for this ceremony.

It’s just that Richard has no intention to cooperate with Bobodia’s ceremony now. Today happens to be the first day of the new month. The war is getting closer and closer. It is extremely important to strengthen the strength now. Richard also wanted to return to the Northland as soon as possible to see if he could gain anything new.

“Your Excellency Bobodia, I still have military duties to attend to today, so I will skip the ceremony. If it is really necessary, I will make up for it after the battle.”


Bobodia was a little confused, and only one word came to his mind: domineering. I was somewhat annoyed by Richard’s attitude.

It’s just that he is a smart man, so he didn’t even dare to have an attack. He just turned his attention to Duke Ross for help.

However, before Ross could speak, Richard was anxious to return to the North, so he took the canonization order and turned around and left with Moriel and Natalies, leaving only the people in the hall looking at each other.

“Well, Mr. Bobodia, I think what Mr. Richard said may have some truth…”

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