Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 453: Battle of Dawn



Continuous dragon roars broke the silence of the night sky, and the townspeople in Muer Town who had just settled down were awakened by the huge dragon roars no matter how sweetly they slept.

In addition to the shocking sound, this dragon roar also carries the unique coercion of dragon creatures, which will cause ordinary creatures to have an instinctive fear reaction. Even if the sleeping orcs are not awakened by the sound, they will also be engraved in their genes by that kind of pressure. The fear in my heart was so frightening that I woke up.

As the commander, Honatan woke up immediately.

“Dragon hunting crossbow, dragon hunting crossbow ready!”

“Don’t mess up!”

As the dragon no longer covered its tracks, there was an obvious commotion in the orc camp. The dragon that came so suddenly must be an enemy rather than a friend. They had no city as a cover at this time and had to fight against the dragon. The only way to resist is with the dragon-hunting crossbow or their flesh and blood.

The first thing Honatan thought of when he woke up was the several dragon-hunting crossbows he carried with the army. These were the only weapons in the army that could actively cause damage to the giant dragons in the sky.


There are more than fifty dragons in the sky, including mirror images, as well as existences close to the holy level such as poisonous dragons and ancient dragons. A large amount of dragon breath spits out, instantly causing the orc camp to explode. This frying pan Literally speaking, the orc camp was set up around the town of Muer, like a round pot, and dozens of dragon breaths were like flames at the bottom of the pot, making the whole pot boil.

“Don’t be chaotic. The only enemies are these giant dragons in the sky. We have dragon-hunting crossbows. As long as we stay united for a while, we will have reinforcements!”


“Avoid the dragon’s breath and put out the fire!”

The fire rose and illuminated half of the camp. Many soldiers were burned alive inside before they could even run out of the tent. After a burst of dragon breath, panicked footsteps and screams came from the camp. The orc soldiers were suddenly attacked by a giant dragon, and their faces were somewhat panicked. If it were an ordinary army, this wave of raids would probably blow up the camp.

But these orcs in Wild Stone City are Monaya’s forbidden army, and their training level and fighting will are higher than ordinary orcs. Although the game is panic, no one escapes, and they are still trying to stabilize their position under the command of the officer. .

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

Although Honatan was a little lax, he was still a qualified general. The soldiers who operated the dragon-hunting crossbow and the ordinary bed crossbow were always on duty. They began to pull the giant dragon as soon as it appeared. The noose of the crossbow was attached to the long arrow, and the preparation for firing was completed when the dragon breathed out for the first time. The movement was not unpleasant.

The night has become the biggest cover for these giant crossbows, especially those dragon-hunting crossbows. Their huge size will not be as conspicuous as during the day, and at least the first strike can be prepared calmly.

The giant dragon’s huge figure was exposed in the mid-air because of its breath, and the dragon’s breath beams of dozens of meters became the best instructions for the giant crossbow.

With the low muffled sound of the crossbow machine, dozens of giant arrows flew towards the giant dragon in mid-air.

Most of the giant arrows shot by the bed crossbow did not pose any threat to the dragon’s true body, but those mirror image dragons disappeared as soon as they were touched by the giant arrows. After this round of strikes, at least ten mirror image giants The dragon disappeared directly into the air.

However, these mirror image dragons also played a role in sharing firepower. The orcs could not tell which ones were entities and which ones were mirror images. Some of the more threatening dragon-hunting crossbows also collapsed and disappeared in the mirror image. Only one golden dragon was unlucky. Jia, the root of one fleshy wing was broken by an arrow, and he was carried to the ground wailing.



“Go ahead, kill that dragon!”

Seeing the giant dragon fall to the ground, the orcs who were passively beaten on the ground just now seemed to have finally found a target to vent their anger. After the golden dragon fell to the ground, about a hundred orcs around him actually moved towards the weapon under the leadership of an orc warrior. Run towards the injured golden dragon.



These orcs thought that the golden dragon in trouble was easy to bully, but unexpectedly, as soon as they stepped forward, the golden dragon raised its head and blew out a breath of dragon breath. Most of the more than a hundred orcs who wanted to take advantage of it were instantly gone, including the leading orc warrior. They were all roasted into black coals by the dragon’s breath. In front of the dragon, there was not much difference between an orc warrior and an ordinary orc soldier.

It’s just that these orcs are really brave. Before, they were powerless against the giant dragon because they couldn’t attack it. Now that the golden dragon fell to the ground, it was equivalent to giving them a target. The death of dozens of orcs could not stop the growth of the dragon on the ground. Thousands of orcs, and more orcs rushed forward like ants under the leadership of the commander.


“Come on!”

“Command the crossbowmen to shoot at the dragon in the sky!”


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

A denser rain of arrows was fired at the giant dragon in the sky. This was no better than the number of giant arrows just now, which was less than a hundred. The orc army had no less than a few thousand strong crossbowmen. Even if it was attacked suddenly, there would still be many arrows at this time. Thousands of crossbowmen fired sharp arrows, and the density of the arrows was more than ten times higher than when they first arrived. But according to common sense, although this ordinary crossbow can penetrate armor, it has almost no impact on the giant dragon in the sky. There was no threat at all. Many soldiers just followed orders instinctively and did not quite understand Honatan’s intentions.

Only soon, when the arrows touched the giant dragon, did most of the soldiers realize the effect of this round of arrow rain. Actually, more than ten giant dragons disappeared without a trace under the arrow rain.

“A little bit observant.”

This scene naturally caught Richard’s eye, which made his evaluation of the opponent’s commander slightly higher. Just now, he thought he had encountered a mediocre general because of the layout of the opponent’s camp. Now it seems that he is just a mediocre general. I was careless for a moment, but at least my observation skills on this battlefield were good. I could see the weakness of the mirror image method in such a short period of time, and almost wiped out all the mirror image dragons in one round, which boosted the morale of the orcs a lot.

But this cannot make up for the gap in strength between the orc army and Richard’s men. The ground army has followed the dragon and entered within a distance of less than 500 meters from the orc camp.

“Chain Lightning!”

In the night sky, in addition to the red or green breath of the giant dragon, three flashes of lightning suddenly appeared in succession. The soldiers in the outer orc camp had just escaped the dragon’s breath, and suddenly encountered Lao Suo. In the baptism of chain lightning, a series of lightning flashes appeared in the camp closest to the ground army. In the dark night, the white lightning was much more obvious than during the day.

The orc warriors could clearly see the fire that exploded when the electric light hit their comrade, and then the other person fell to the ground without any warning. The electric light was almost fatal upon contact, and it spread towards the surroundings like it was contagious. Panic spread among the orc warriors, and they subconsciously wanted to stay away from these lightnings, not wanting to die inexplicably.

“Don’t run, don’t mess around! Anyone who dares to retreat will die!”



An orc warrior stepped forward to restore order, but unexpectedly the chain lightning was delivered to him just as he finished shouting. The power of the chain lightning that had been delivered countless times was still astonishing. A string of lightning, The orc warrior let out a short cry and fell straight down.

The death of the orc warriors directly triggered a small-scale collapse in this place. The soldiers did not want to be deserters, they just wanted to stay away from the constantly beating chain lightning. But how did they know that no matter how far they ran, the chain lightning would The lightning will catch up to the next target before it is completely delivered.

The orc warrior’s dodge made this corner of the camp completely empty, and the originally proposed camp defense disappeared.

The power of Laosuo’s lightning is still astonishing. When used to attack these ordinary soldiers, some damage is actually overflowed. However, it is impossible to confirm the specific location of the opponent’s master at this night, and Somra can only release skills randomly.

When the three chain lightnings were released, Somra, who had run out of magic power, had finished all the output in this battle. The magic mages took advantage of this interval to start frantically attacking the outstanding swordsmen and unicorns at the front of the team. The Holy Beasts, Champion Knights and Snake Monsters applied buffing skills. Skills such as Shengyou and He Huanxiang randomly appeared on the heads of a group of high-level soldiers. When the time was right, Richard applied the Dragon King’s divine power again, and the troops on the ground began to go all out. Sprint.



The orc camp was already in chaos due to the first round of the dragon’s attack. After Somra released the chain lightning, a corner of the camp was emptied. With the clatter of horse hooves from the champion knights and centaur elites, Increasingly dense, the army crashed into the orc camp without encountering any resistance.

Talis, a violent woman, took the lead. She didn’t do anything to avoid the Juma outside the camp. She directly rode her horse into it and used all her fighting spirit to forcefully knock a tall Juma away. The surrounding champion knights also followed suit. With the multiple bonuses from the equipment of Taris and Richard, these champion knights who originally only had the strength of the primary earth level have been raised to the level of the peak earth level. The orc army commander carried They may not be able to beat any of them when they come out. With the bonus of their mounts, they can easily break through the horses and fences arranged by the orcs outside the camp.

“Human cavalry! Human cavalry is coming!”


“Form up and stop them!”

Orc soldiers have never lacked bravery, especially the elite from the Forbidden Army. After discovering that the champion knights and other cavalry led by Taris entered the scene, the first reaction was not to run away, but to fight desperately under the command of the officer. They moved closer and tried to form a large formation to block it. However, the skirmishers who had no time to form a formation actually rushed out of the darkness with battle axes, roaring, trying to resist the charge of this human cavalry.

Although the orc warriors are brave, they are not impressive at all in front of the leading champion knight. More than thirty champion knights and the unicorn holy beast following closely behind them form the sharpest arrows, and all the orcs who try to stop them are The soldiers were torn apart.




When the cavalry team charged, the orcs in the middle part of the camp finally relied on this to form a large spear formation of hundreds of people. They wanted to stop the cavalry. There were also many heavy armored spearmen among them. Among them were the orc warriors, and there were even several great orc warriors holding the battle line. Their strength should not be underestimated. They faced the cavalry led by Taris with dense spears. Although they were inevitably defeated in the end, they could eventually cause some trouble.

But before they could confront Taris, a huge dragon’s breath exploded in the middle of the gun formation, and the gun formation that was still there just now collapsed in an instant.

These giant dragons are commanded by Moriel. They are not like headless flies. Instead, they cooperate step by step with the army’s actions. After cleaning up the bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows in the town, Moriel decisively leads The giant dragon turned its head and stared specifically at the orcs who were trying to gather resistance to attack. If they showed any sign of a group threat, they would break them up with a few mouthfuls of dragon’s breath, without sparing any effort.

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