Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 451: The white dragon emerges

Orc Palace

After everyone agreed on the whereabouts of the white dragon, they left. The orc general Sean and Adelillo went to the white dragon’s station to prepare for the mobilization of nearly a hundred white dragons.

Only Haldane and the Great Shaman were left in the entire side hall.

“Your Excellency, Great Shaman, there may not be any good things to do by cooperating with that elf. Those white dragons are under his orders, and we have absolutely no way to interfere. It doesn’t seem like he wants to help our tribe defeat humans with all his strength.”

“I know, but he must be an enemy of mankind. At least before mankind collapses, we can trust him for the time being.”

“Is this what Ancestor Gero meant?”


The great shaman nodded. Since the ancestral spirit descended into the great shaman, the great shaman’s right to speak has become more and more important. The orc king Haldane must also pay attention to his opinions, not to mention the former king Ge Luo’s identity, and the fact that the ancestral spirit can exert holy-level combat power after taking over his body is enough to elevate his status to the point where he is vaguely on par with the Beastman King.

Compared with other orcs who are unfamiliar with the Cult of the Rising Sun, Gro, who was at the same time as Aragorn, has a deeper understanding of the Cult of the Rising Sun. He is also aware of the conflict between the Cult of the Rising Sun and the current human royal family, the Charman family, so when dealing with the human kingdom, Above all, Gro is more trusting of Adelillo.

Of course, Gro is also very aware of the harm that the Rising Sun Religion brings to the political power. What happened in the human kingdom is a warning, but how can the orcs now have the confidence to reject the Rising Sun Religion?

If one dies slowly, there may be a chance to struggle in the future, and if the other dies immediately, the current situation is quite unfavorable to the orcs. Without the help of the Rising Sun Cult and the White Dragon, the Orc Kingdom may not be able to survive the Rising Sun Cult. The day came when he became a threat to the orc kingdom.

“I believe in the judgment of ancestor Gro.”

An unknown hill outside the Orc King’s capital

This place has now become a military restricted area. Orc warriors from two flag regiments are stationed outside to isolate all civilians and prevent them from having any contact with the white dragons in the hills. This is actually to protect civilians. These white dragons are more violent than the golden dragons. The golden dragons of the human kingdom are basically stationed in the royal capital and generally do not hurt people. The white dragons are different. Anyone who enters these hills The orcs will eventually turn into a pile of excrement. Even if the two parties have already formed an alliance, Bailong has never put the orcs on an equal footing with himself.

If it weren’t for the restraints of Adelillo and White Dragon leader Yamos, even the surrounding orc soldiers might be in danger. Of course, even so, there have been several cases of orc civilians in the village being raped in the past two days. Regarding the matter of being swallowed by the white dragon, the white dragon still gave the orcs face, and did not cause trouble in the city of Monaya. It slightly harassed the small towns and villages, which was still within the tolerance of the orcs. After all, more orcs need the help of the white dragon now.

At this time, several orcs rarely appeared in the hilly area where the white dragon was placed. The leaders were the divine envoy Adelillo and the orc general Sean, followed by several strong orcs of the great warrior level. .

A group of white dragons flew around them, roaring threateningly from time to time. Except for the leader Adelillo and the orc general Sean, whose faces were as usual, several other orc strongmen were slightly discolored. This kind of biological level The pressure made them instinctively fearful.

Fortunately, at this time Adelillo spoke up and stopped Bailong’s demonstration-like behavior.

“Okay, let Yamos come to see me. Don’t do this with me. It has taken my master’s things.”

When Adelillo spoke, the pressure of the saint-level powerhouse was released at the same time. Bailong, who had been roaring threateningly just now, suddenly became quiet and took a few steps back in horror.

“Don’t argue with ignorant tribesmen like me, Mr. Adriello. It’s my fault that you didn’t have time to welcome him.”

At this time, a huge white dragon fell from the sky. It was twice as big as the white dragons around it, and even bigger than Moriel who transformed into a black dragon.

The moment this white dragon fell, most of the pressure on the surrounding white dragons was instantly gone.

“It seems that Lord Yamos has completely digested the dragon crystal and stepped into the holy level.”

“Then I have to thank Mr. Adelillo for providing the dragon crystal.”

After landing, Yamos still lowered his head to talk to Adelillo, Sean and others. His huge figure completely blocked the sun, covering the orcs and the divine envoy Adelillo in the shadows. , facing this behemoth, even the orc general Sean behaved a little unnaturally.

Only Adelillo seemed not to take the other party to heart at all.

“As you know, after taking my lord’s things, it’s natural to do something. This is General Sean of the Orc Kingdom. Next, you, the white dragon, will be needed to assist him in fighting. You can discuss the specific actions.”

Adillo’s words were still a little arrogant and rude, which made Yamos feel unhappy. However, as the leader of the White Dragon clan and the newly promoted Holy White Dragon, Yamos was naturally different from the simple-minded tribesmen outside.

Because he understood the power of the gods of that era, Yamos was still a little wary of the Lord of the Rising Sun behind Adelillo. Although he had just allowed his tribe to give the other party a blow, he did not dare to directly take the other party’s things. Break a contract and offend a god.

“Okay, I don’t know what General Sean needs our people to do.”

Forcibly suppressing the instinctive violent emotions in his heart, Yamos asked the orc under him.

“These are all warriors from our tribe, and they can cooperate with your tribe in fighting. Our tribe can send out hundreds of such warriors.”

The orcs are far more powerful than humans. There are as many as thirty or forty royal warrior orcs who are equal to the earth knights. There are even more great warriors corresponding to the great knight level. If they form a dragon knight with the white dragon, , combined with it for a period of time, can indeed effectively improve combat effectiveness.

“You mean, Dragon Knight?”

Although Yamos still used a questioning tone, the violence in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

“If the White Dragon can form a Dragon Knight with the warriors of our clan, its combat power will be improved to a certain extent, and it can close the combat power gap with the Golden Dragon…”


Before Sean finished speaking, a cold dragon’s breath came out of Yamos’s mouth. The dragon’s breath landed less than one meter away from Sean, directly interrupting Sean who was talking. The heat wave of the dragon’s breath hit his face, and a great terror of life and death instantly hit Sean’s heart.

“For the sake of Your Excellency Adelillo, I will spare your life. If you dare to mention the Dragon Knight again, I will swallow you whole.”

The anger of the holy dragon made Sean confused for a moment. He had no idea why the mention of the dragon knight made the white dragon so angry.

This is also a big mistake that Sean made. Several dragon clans do not have much exchanges with other races. Only golden dragons have a covenant with humans. Sean does not know enough about the nature of giant dragons and sees that golden dragons can become human mounts. , I thought that orcs could do it, and that they could do it themselves just by watching others do it.

Little did they know that in order to make the Golden Dragon bow his head, Aragorn peeled off a layer of skin from the leader of the Golden Dragon Saint level. Yamos, the leader of the White Dragon, had never experienced this kind of pain. He was very arrogant. How could he let him? Let these orcs ride on their own people.

The whole scene became completely cold. Seeing Yamos getting angry, the white dragon that had calmed down just now stared closely at Sean and his party, taking a few steps ahead. Several orc warriors even pulled out their weapons nervously. arms.

“Okay, there is no need to mention the matter of the dragon knights. Chief Yamos, just bring your tribe and move with General Sean’s legion. If there is anything, you can discuss it.”

At the critical moment, it was Adelillo who acted as peacemaker and gave both sides a step down.

“There is nothing to discuss. When you lead the army, I will take my tribe and your people to deal with the enemy for you.”

It is already the limit for Yamos to lead his tribe to help the orcs fight. It is impossible for Yamos to accept the command of the orcs.

“Then the matter is settled like this. When General Sean sets out, Chief Yamos will take his people with him.”


Yamos quickly agreed to Adriello’s proposal. Sean on the other side wanted to say something, but couldn’t get in the way at all. Not to mention the dragon knight he had initially expected, I’m afraid it would be hard to see whether the white dragon would listen to his command or not. Depends on your mood.

It’s just that although he was a little dissatisfied, he couldn’t change anything. The only people Yamos was afraid of were Adelillo and the Lord of the Rising Sun behind him, and he never took the orcs seriously.

Yamos was no longer prepared to talk anymore, and turned around and flew away after a few words, leaving only the orc general Sean in embarrassment.

Adrillo, on the other hand, looked calm and seemed to have already understood Bailong’s attitude.

“Let’s go, General Sean, we’ve already negotiated. When your army sets off, Chief Yamos will naturally lead his tribe to come, and he doesn’t dare to go against the will of my lord.”

What Adriello said is that the white dragon serves the Lord of the Rising Sun, so the orcs should not have any ideas.

A few people left the hills where the white dragon lived with their own thoughts. Although Sean did not achieve his goal, he finally got a promise from the white dragon to dispatch, so it was not like he had gained nothing…


“The dragon, the human dragon is coming!”


In an orc town less than two hundred miles away from Monaya, the orc capital, a large number of orcs are fleeing in the town. This small town near the orc capital is not small, with about a thousand orc households. Living here, although it is close to the royal capital, the town’s defense is quite complete. Stone walls more than three meters high have been built around it. The stone walls are also supplemented by wooden fences as high as one person, and sentry towers are built at the four corners. A bed crossbow is also arranged above.

More than a hundred garrison members recruited some young men to supplement them, and once the gate of the town was closed, it became a strong city.

It’s just that the walled city is now in flames, dense black smoke is rising from the town, and the heavy town gate has been burned down to only the wooden frame. The giant dragon in the sky is still raging, running away from time to time towards the ground. The orc breathed out a breath of dragon breath.

Facing the giant dragon in the sky, the weapons of this orc town have no ability to resist at all. The high walls around the town were originally used to resist the enemy, but now they have become an obstacle to prevent the orcs in the town from escaping. .

The orcs could only squeeze out of the two narrow gates, desperately trying to escape from the burning town.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

However, when the fastest group of orcs fled to the gate of the town, they were immediately shot down by the incoming arrows.

The Phantom Shooters have been waiting here for a long time.

“Stop them, don’t let an orc escape!”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

“Knights prepare!”

When some of the orcs escaped the dragon’s breath and escaped the phantom archer’s arrows and finally arrived on the flat ground outside, Taris put on his visor and raised the sword in his hand high. More than thirty people behind him All champion knights should drink at the same time.

“Da, da, da…”


“Fight these humans!”


The champion knights, led by Taris, charged towards the orcs who had just escaped from the town. Regardless of whether they were young men or women and children, under Richard’s order, all orcs were the targets of their attacks.

Because of the chaos, the Orc civilians and a few armed personnel could not withstand the charge of the Champion Knights. Although the number of Champion Knights was small, in order to expand the offensive area, they directly formed a line formation under the command of Taris. Pushed, causing huge casualties to the orcs.

The orcs were wailing, and the women and children were crying, but Talis and the champion knights had no intention of showing any mercy, and soon they killed the people on the plain in front of the town until the river of blood flowed.


“Lord Richard!”

“Bring the Crusaders and Halberdiers up together, don’t be soft and be sure to cause maximum damage to the orcs!”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Almost all the army is pressing forward. There are almost no regular troops among these groups of orcs, and they are helpless against the full force of the system army.

Richard was sitting on the horse, watching with his own eyes the massacre ordered by him, with a calm expression and a heart as hard as iron.

He was still calculating the growing experience in his mind.

“The experience of ordinary orcs is much higher than that of bandits. As long as I am within range, I can also gain experience from the orcs killed by my men. It won’t be long before I can level up again.”

Li Cha looked at the skill in his mind. He had already saved several available skill points, but the Fierce Sun Qi Drawing Technique was still in a gray state and could not be upgraded. However, he had a hunch that he would upgrade it to another level. That should be enough, he is still just a little short of stepping onto the holy steps.

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