Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 397: Show up


As the main **** of the undead, he controls the rules of death in a world of invincible heroes. In a sense, Namtaru and Asha are one, and Namtaru is the dark incarnation of Asha.

But Namtaru is definitely not Asha. They are two independent consciousnesses, and Namtaru is just a part separated from Asha.

At first, this so-called Yasha also bluffed Richard. Unfortunately, during the conversation, Richard saw the shadow of the other party illuminated by the lights of the temple.

A shadow with four arms and six legs, half human and half spider. Richard was very impressed by this image, and he immediately realized that this was Namtaru, the main **** of the undead in Invincible Heroes.

“Haha, the person chosen by that **** is indeed not simple.”

Namtaru did not deny his identity and continued to pretend. After that, he returned to his original appearance.

Three heads emerged from this seemingly ordinary body, the hands turned into two green arms and a pair of dark green spikes, the legs turned into three pairs of spider legs, and the torso quickly bulged. , a curious spider image appeared in front of Richard.

So ugly

Richard complained in his heart, but did not speak. No matter how curious the other person was, he was still the Lord God of the Undead. It would be foolish to offend this kind of existence easily, but his attitude became more indifferent.

“Human, that **** can’t help you solve the dilemma you are facing now, but I can help you solve it. Sandro will become your most effective assistant according to my will. You only need to recruit him in the tavern, All the problems you face will be solved. With Sandru’s help, it will only be a matter of time before you can unify the continent.”

“Use Sandru to unify the continent and gain a paradise for the dead? Sorry, I have no interest in becoming the ruler of such a world.”

Although Richard is unwilling to offend the other party easily, he is not afraid of the other party, because from the behavior of Namtaru pretending to be Asha to deceive him at the beginning, it can be seen that the other party should not be able to directly attack him with force, or What scruples are there?

Otherwise, given Richard’s character, if Namtaru used strong methods to force him to recruit Sandru to create a paradise for the undead in the current world, Richard would definitely have no choice but to agree under the threat of his life. Now Since the other party has scruples, Richard becomes bolder. The rejection was also quite straightforward.

Richard even thought that the last time Sandro and Aisha appeared in the tavern, it was probably Namtaru’s fault. The other party had been looking for opportunities for Richard to choose the undead force.

“Human, why do you care so much about this low-level life form? As a living creature, your lifespan is limited, but if you become an undead, you will have almost endless time. With my help, you will Become the greatest undead lord.”

As the Lord God of the Undead, Namtaru seemed to find it really difficult to understand Richard’s persistence. However, after listening to Namtaru’s persuasion, Richard became even more determined to refuse.

Not only does this guy want to give Sandro to himself, but he also wants to turn himself into an undead. What kind of undead lord does he want to be? After becoming an undead, losing his sense of taste and feeling indifferent, is he really the same person as he is now? More importantly, there is definitely a certain function that cannot be used.

Thinking of this, Richard subconsciously glanced at Namtaru’s fat spider body, and felt a sudden chill in his heart. This was absolutely unbearable.

“No, I refuse.”

Richard shook his head, and his refusal was more blunt this time. Anyway, he understood that even a being like Namtaru seemed to have to act according to the rules. According to the rules in the Heroes game, Sandru wanted to For such heroes to appear in the current world, they must be recruited from taverns through lords.

If there were no such rule restrictions, with Namtaru’s ability, Sandru could be released directly. A holy-level necromancer would be a walking natural disaster wherever he goes.

Now, the key point of this rule should be Richard himself. Everything in the world of Invincible Heroes that has an impact on the current world must be realized through Richard, so Richard is a little more courageous.

“Human, you are rejecting the favor of a great god. Do you know the consequences of rejecting a god?”

Richard’s successive refusals obviously made Namtaru a little impatient, and there was already a hint of threat in his tone.

But it was a little too late for Namtaru to threaten again at this time. In a sense, his falsehood and reality had been seen through by Richard, and now Richard was a little more confident.

Richard slumped his shoulders, spread his hands and looked helpless. Although he did not respond directly, he clearly showed an attitude of not being threatened.

“Damn ants! You are provoking the great Namtaru!”

As Namtaru’s patience ran out, her face became ferocious, and her words were full of anger.

Richard felt that he was suddenly restrained by a force, as if an invisible rope appeared in the void to tie him up, and even with his sky-level strength, he was unable to break free.

Subsequently, Richard was lifted into the air by this force and floated directly in front of Namtaru. Namtaru held up a green meat hook and made a gesture to pierce Richard’s chest.

The two green hooks in Namtaru’s hands are not simple. They are beyond the range of physical attacks. When a green meat hook approached Richard, Richard even felt that his consciousness was being controlled. The attraction was like being pulled away. This pulling feeling of consciousness and body being separated made Richard very painful, and his entire face was deformed.

Just when Richard was considering whether to compromise, a voice suddenly interrupted Namtaru’s movements.

“Namtaru, that’s enough!”

“Bitch, are you awake too?”

“If I don’t wake up, our only chance will be in vain.”


After Namtaru sneered, his figure gradually turned from real to illusive.

The pain of Richard’s consciousness being torn apart just now finally ended. He fell from a position of two to three meters. After Richard reacted, he adjusted his body slightly and landed steadily on the ground. When he looked up again, he was originally standing Namtaru’s high platform turned into a woman with an extremely gentle appearance.

The dress is almost the same as the disguised image of Namtaru just now, but Richard completely feels the huge difference between the two. This woman looks ordinary, but Richard seems to see light in her. Right, just standing there like this gave Richard a strong sense of intimacy. This feeling was something that Richard could only have when facing his mother, Mrs. Kailin, but now he was facing a stranger here. This feeling of closeness arose.

“You are?”

“As you think in your heart, my name is Asha, the **** who created the world, the mother of the gods, and the mother of all living things in my world.”

“Just now…”

“Don’t worry, Namtaru is just scaring you. No one, including me, can take action against you.”

“Kid, you are fine.”

“Ms. Asha, I…”

Richard still had a lot of doubts at this moment. Seeing that the Yasha in front of him seemed to be genuine and seemed to be easier to talk to, he wanted to ask something, but before Richard could say anything, the man who called himself Yasha The woman from Sha raised her hand, and a burst of intense white light made Richard close his eyes. When Richard felt the light receding, he opened his eyes again, and the surrounding environment changed again.

The dim candlelight, the old wooden table, the faint smell of alcohol and a bit of decay in the air.

He returned to the tavern again. Everything just now seemed like a dream. The only change was that Sandro, who had just looked at him, disappeared from his position without a trace…

At this time, a prompt sound came from the consciousness

“Congratulations on receiving Asha’s blessing

Asha’s Blessing: Those favored by Asha will be protected from death damage once.

Asha will protect her favored ones. ”

Although he didn’t ask his question in the end, it didn’t mean he got nothing. The blessing given by Yasha in the end was quite useful to Richard, and it was an added layer of insurance for Richard’s life.

Unfortunately, Yasha’s last blessing had no effect on solving the current predicament. Richard’s last batch of questions were not asked, and he was sent out before he had time to ask for some benefits. Obviously Yasha did not want to directly Take action to solve the difficulties that Richard is currently facing, or what rules Asha must abide by. Anyway, in the end, Richard did not find any solution here.

However, when Richard returned to the tavern, he still did not forget the other two people waiting to be recruited in the tavern. After sorting out his clothes a little, Richard picked up the wine glass and walked to Sir Mrak’s table with elegant steps.

Although Viscount Sauter did not pay much attention to the aristocratic etiquette, Richard’s mother, Mrs. Kailin, had taught Richard since he was a child. Although he was not proficient in it, he could still do it in a decent manner, and it was worthy of the words. Richard’s handsome facial features and gorgeous armor made his temperament more noble. Sir Mrak’s eyes were immediately attracted.

“Sir, can I invite you for a drink?”

Sir M’Lak already had some affection for this nobleman with the same outstanding temperament as himself. Facing the other party’s toast invitation, he very cooperatively raised the wine glass in his hand to signal to Richard.

Richard turned the cup in his hand skillfully and slowly drank the wine in the cup. This action seemed like he was drinking Lafite from 1982 instead of the inferior beer in the tavern. His temperament was Got it.

“Who are you?”

Sir M’Lak unconsciously used honorifics in his speech, not only because of the other party’s elegant performance, but also because when the other party came over, Sir M’Lak felt a friendly atmosphere on the other party.

“I am a lord, and you happened to appear in the tavern in my castle. It is my honor to have a drink with such an elegant nobleman like you.”

“Me too.”

“It’s just that the wine in this tavern doesn’t taste very good. I wonder if I can invite Sir to my castle as a guest. I still have a lot of red wine in my castle.”

Richard did not deliberately lower his voice when he spoke. It is estimated that everyone in the narrow tavern heard what he said clearly.

However, the boss in the distance didn’t even raise his head, as if he didn’t care that Richard said bad things about the tavern. On the other hand, Fuld at the other table raised his head and looked over after hearing Richard’s identity as the lord, as if he didn’t care. Looking forward to it.

“Thank you for your generosity. It is an honor to be invited by you.”

Sir M’Lak did not refuse. The hero came to the tavern waiting to be recruited by the lord. Richard, the lord, was satisfied with Sir M’Lak’s current performance in all aspects, and he had no reason to refuse.

It’s done. As soon as Sir Mrak agreed, Richard knew that the other party had actually agreed to accept his recruitment and join his army. However, Sir Mrak’s performance was not as good as Rhodes, and the process was more subtle. That’s all.

Then Richard walked to the table of the bankrupt businessman Fuld. After a few words to indicate his identity and purpose of visit, he brought Fuld with him. Richard’s solicitation was like nothing to Fuld. It was like a life-saving straw. When Richard expressed a little bit of meaning, Fuld immediately bowed his head and bowed, as if he was afraid that Richard would regret it.

When he left the tavern with Sir Mulak and Fuld and returned to the Rock Castle, it was still late at night. After Richard took the two of them back to his mansion, he asked his servants to take them to rest first, but he still While continuing to think of solutions for Snowfield City, Richard still has not made the decision to give up Snowfield City directly.

Richard is going to visit an old monster again, so he has to let this guy who eats and drinks from him come out and contribute some strength…

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