Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 358: Treasures and Heroes

“Stop talking nonsense, let me see what new treasures we have this week.”

Richard walked into the market and stopped the chattering Grandet with just one sentence. What was the use of saying so many compliments? If Richard wanted to listen, he could find a hundred fair-skinned and beautiful women outside to surround him. Keep talking, isn’t it more experienced than listening to Grandet? Richard is very realistic. If Grandet said that he could get a better discount, it would be able to impress Richard’s hard heart. Unfortunately, this is also true for Grandet. impossible.

At Richard’s request, four items from the market appeared in front of Richard.

“Treasure type: Dragon bone greaves.

Effect: The wearer’s strength and knowledge are increased by one point each.

Introduction: A piece of greaves made of dragon bone may use some scrap materials, but it is one of the components of the Dragon King’s divine power.

Price: 4000 Kinnar”

“Potion: Enhanced Knight Potion X5

Introduction: A master potion’s masterpiece, which he often uses to train his servants.

Effect: Increases the user’s probability of breaking through the bottleneck, suitable for breakthroughs from knight level to great knight level.

Price: 3000 Kinnar. ”

“Soldier type: Titan

Introduction: A seventh-level advanced unit of the tower force, with the ability to release lightning magic and good melee combat capabilities.

Price: 8,000 gold. ”

“Resource type: rare resource package

Open it to randomly obtain a certain number of precious resources.

Price: 1000 Kinnar. ”

One thing to say is that this treasure is the most **** treasure that has appeared on the market so many times. It only increases a little power and knowledge. For Richard, the improvement effect is weak, but considering that it was formed by the Dragon King’s divine power For the sake of face, Richard didn’t complain too much. After buying the dragon bone greaves, Richard was getting closer and closer to gathering the dragon king’s divine power.

Five bottles of knight-strengthening potion can help some high-level knights of the Hunter family break through to great knights. Now in the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom, except for the Charman family, only the Hunter family has the most abundant resources.

The entire Hunter family has formed a complete promotion route, that is, those with outstanding talents are trained in the academy when they are in their teens, and when they are fifteen or sixteen years old, they graduate with peak quasi-knight strength and serve in the military. After accumulating some military merits, you can redeem the Qi-Inducing Technique and embark on the road of knighthood. Those who perform well can be recommended to the training camp to speed up their improvement and quickly break through to the knight level. After reaching the high knight level, you may be awarded a knighthood based on your merits. A high-level knight potion, successfully entering the threshold of a great knight.

In the stage when the earth level is scarce, the great knights are actually considered to have mid-to-high-end combat power, and they will not do too poorly anywhere. What the human forces, including Richard, lack are the resources to train their subordinates to the earth level. However, according to the Hunter family’s method, as long as there is enough time, it is only a matter of time until the base of the great knights is raised, and they can cultivate their own earth-level warriors.

The Titan Titan is also a seventh-level soldier with good combat effectiveness. Although its maneuverability is slightly weaker than that of the dragon, its huge body and ability to release lightning can still play a huge role on the battlefield, and its price is still higher than that of the giant dragon. The dragon was slightly cheaper. Now that Richard had no shortage of gold, he naturally bought all the treasure units with a sweeping attitude. Only the so-called precious resource package was not within Richard’s purchase range.

Compared with the resources sold in the market, the resources Richard obtained through the huge power of the Hunter family were almost as if they were given away for free. There was no need to give money to the system.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The heavy footsteps of the Titans were heard outside the market again. As expected, as long as Kinnar arrived, the efficiency of the system was still as fast as ever. The dragon bone greaves also appeared on the table in front of him, with a unique shape. It is comparable to the Dragon Tooth Necklace, but Richard has no intention of using it anyway, so he will leave it to Ron for now. It will come into play when the Dragon King’s divine power is gathered together.

The products in this market seem to have encountered a bottleneck.

After purchasing goods from the market so many times, Richard has probably discovered the pattern of these goods. The treasures appear relatively randomly, including high-level and low-level treasures, and the levels of medicines and military units increase with his strength. It’s getting higher and higher, but recently it has reached a bottleneck. From the beginning, there were Crusaders, Diamond Men, Manticore Lions, Knights, etc., to now, the extraordinary swordsman Golden Dragon and Titan Giant have appeared continuously through normal channels in games like this. This is the top unit that can be obtained. In the future, as your strength increases, will units such as Poison Dragon, Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon or even Holy Dragon begin to appear? After these guys appear, the Sanctuary will no longer be a threat to you, right?

Thinking of this, Richard couldn’t help but swallow his saliva…

The sinking sun interrupted Richard’s unrestrained thoughts. The night gradually drove away the light, and the tavern, which opened once a month, lit up with orange lights again.

“A glass of wheat beer…”

Richard walked into the tavern very skillfully and ordered the most cost-effective wine in the tavern. He was not here to drink anyway.

The bartender looked up and saw Richard and nodded towards him. Apparently he already knew Richard, a regular customer, but that was it. He was still as taciturn as an autistic child, but He quickly made a glass of beer and put it in front of Richard. This meant that this tavern was special. This kind of owner was like a mute. If the tavern opened outside, he would probably close down in three days.

But Richard didn’t care. His goal was to see the guests in the tavern. He picked up the wine and took a sip. He turned to observe the guests in the tavern tonight. Come on, let me see tonight. What kind of monsters are there?

I don’t know if it’s because Richard’s level has been improved, but there are so many people tonight. There are actually seven people sitting there, making this deserted tavern feel a bit crowded.

“Wraith, you are still so ugly, so why are you here to drink?

Zombies are actually a heroic unit. Unfortunately, they are incompatible with my power and cannot be used.

A gambler who was in debt came to this tavern with his last bit of money to get drunk. I don’t know how such a person came to this tavern.

A skeleton soldier, relying on the inertia of his life, bought a glass of wine in the tavern with a few change covered in dirt.

Adelaide, a knight hero, during the long battle, he realized the combat command ability of some strange soldiers, and was good at commanding cavalry in combat. He wanted to join a powerful lord and show his value. ”

After looking at four people in a row, Richard finally found a slightly valuable guy. Richard’s eyes were on this knight hero.

“Name: Adelaide

Race: Human

Level: 26

Strength: 27

Agility: 25

Physique: 25

Spirit: 11

Feature (1): Knight

Effect: He is very good at commanding cavalry. When leading knight heroes, he can increase the attack of his cavalry/knights by 20%.

Skills: Universal Knight Breathing Technique (Grandmaster Level), Universal Knight Qi Entrainment Technique (Grandmaster Level), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Intermediate Level), Logistics Technique (Elementary Level). ”

The strength of this hero who was promoted from a knight has reached the level of a high-level earth knight, and he has a very strong cavalry command ability. He is a good hero in all aspects, but unfortunately his level is a bit Taller.

Everyone who plays games knows that sometimes having a high level is not a good thing. Adelaide has a level of up to 26, which is already the highest level among all the heroes under Richard’s command, but his strength can only be said to be It’s not satisfactory, just barely reaching the high level of the Earth Knight, and the built-in breathing method and qi-entraining technique are obviously common goods. From the perspective of level and built-in skills, it means there is no way to advance. Each level up to level 26 probably requires a huge amount of experience, which is higher than Richard’s level.

When Moriel joined Richard, her strength was at the level of a high-level sky warrior, and her level was less than level 20. Rhodes was also a high-level earth warrior, but his level was only at level fifteen.

Adelaide’s growth potential is indeed a bit poor, and he is obviously a warrior with no internal affairs ability. He cannot be said to be the talent that Richard urgently needs at the moment, but he is still better than nothing, and he is good for leading cavalry in battle. And the recruitment doesn’t seem to be difficult. He wants to join a powerful lord. The strength of Richard’s current subordinates can be regarded as a first-class lord even in Erathia.

Let’s take a look at the remaining three people, in case there are any surprises.

Li Cha continued to observe the last three people with the attitude that it wouldn’t hurt to take another look.

“A lizard man archer who strayed into this place by mistake, still carries a trace of the rotten smell unique to the swamp. Another target of little value.

An elite demon, a seventh-level soldier of hell, violent, chaotic and bloodthirsty. He is willing to surrender to any lord who provides him with salary and wine. ”

The elite demon’s strength is absolutely no problem. At least he has the strength to reach the middle level in the sky. With short-distance teleportation skills, it is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong. If it had been when Richard had just made his fortune, even if it was a big The devil is obviously a guy from the evil and chaotic camp, and he wants to recruit him because of his opponent’s strength, but now that there is no shortage of high-end combat power, Richard no longer has to take risks to recruit him.

The big demon looked up at Richard as if he was aware of it, his eyes widened. With his thick eyebrows like the back of a knife and two huge demon horns, he had a fierce look. Unfortunately, Richard did not He didn’t take this trick and just smiled and handed the wine glass to him.

Richard’s plain look seemed to anger the big devil. He actually reached out and grabbed the weapon wrapped at his feet. He thought it should be a huge scythe, but he stopped halfway. In the end, he just stared at Richard fiercely, and he realized that this tavern was protected by rules and no one could do anything inside.

It is not that Richard has never been caught while peeping, but this is the first time he has seen such an irritable old man who is ready to take action immediately. Sure enough, people from such a chaotic camp cannot be recruited at will, and they can really be recruited to manage them. It’s definitely a huge headache.

Ignoring the unhappy expression on the Elite Demon’s face, Richard looked at the last person. This person looked much more normal. His figure was half-hidden in a white hood, and he could see He was wearing an exquisite chainmail armor and carrying a long sword.

When Richard paused for a few seconds, he froze on the spot because the other party was too famous in the game.


Race: Human”

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