Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 296: Blocking the door (changed)

In fact, from the beginning when the etiquette officer explained the etiquette rules to Richard, Richard had a strange sense of déjà vu, but Richard was too concerned about it, and Ren agreed anyway. , these were just a formality. It wasn’t until he was locked outside this huge palace door that he knew where this familiar sense of déjà vu came from.

I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs run away. When the group of animals around him got married in his previous life, he helped open the door. But it used to be an ordinary door, not a security door. Now this one is four to five meters high. , He had never seen a huge palace door more than two meters thick, and the materials used to build the palace door were all fine iron, which made it impossible for the Sky Knight to open it.

Richard had a way to fly over directly, but it was impossible for the entire **** team to fly in with him. He came to pick up the bride in an upright manner, and he did not come to elope with Messiah. He had to complete the procedures.

There was no other way. He couldn’t just sit here and sit in a jam. Richard had no choice but to turn around and ask the etiquette officer and liaison officer sent by the palace:

“Your Excellency, Master of Ceremonies, what should we do next?”

“Give the guards at the city gate some wedding money?”

The etiquette officer’s words were a little uncertain. Richard shook his head. The guards on both sides didn’t seem to have the right to open the door. It seemed that the old boy Ren was trying to embarrass him.

“Ask who the gatekeeper is. Go in and restrain the people in the city gate, then open the door. Try not to hurt anyone.”

“Yes, sir.”

Fred, who was wearing heavy armor, was already a little impatient. Hearing what Richard said, he started to look a little eager to try. The etiquette officer on the side wiped the sweat from his forehead and said quickly:

“Master Richard, wait for me to go up and ask who is guarding the palace gate.”

However, before the etiquette officer could go up, a figure that was very familiar to Richard appeared on the top of the city.

“Long time no see, Richard.”

There are not many people in the kingdom who can still be so Han Richard, but the people who appeared on the city wall just have this qualification. Wearing a suit of dragon scale armor, Thor walked to the battlements as if he was going to fight. shouted to Richard through the gap.

“Good day, Lord Thor.”

Immediately, Richard turned slightly sideways towards Saul as a salute.

To tell the truth, Saul was good to Richard in the North. Richard did a lot of good things with Saul’s appreciation. The entire Tiger and Leopard Army was left to him by Saul. Later, the inspector used Thor’s name to engage in some extortion in the river valley, and made a lot of benefits from the group of merchants and nobles in the river valley who were frightened by Saul. In addition, the other party was in the kingdom. Despite his transcendent status, Richard should also maintain a certain amount of respect.

Saul nodded towards Richard at the top of the city as a response, and then shouted to Richard:

“Boy Richard, according to the rules left by His Majesty Aragon, since you want to be the son-in-law of my Charlemagne family, you must pass a certain test. Your Majesty ordered me to wait here, you have to pass me. Only by closing the gate can you enter this palace.”

“However, as the elder of Messiah, I will not embarrass you too much. Today I will take a test to test your strength. If you defeat me, you will pass.”

When Richard heard this, he was inexplicably familiar with the process. Aragorn, this old boy, almost ruined the world with his own preferences. Fortunately, this guy did not rule for long, otherwise he would have waited for Richard to come. At that time, you might see a group of blond, blue-eyed or even green-skinned people with animal heads wearing long robes and talking a lot.


“Please enlighten me, Lord Saul!”

Richard pulled out the Vulcan Sword and gave Thor a slight salute. He complained, but the test proposed by Thor was indeed not difficult for Richard. At least he didn’t ask him to run naked around the palace. A strange test. Although Thor is a dragon knight of the country, in this kind of sparring battle, Thor obviously will not summon the golden dragon to join the battle. Without the golden dragon, Thor is only the peak strength of the earth knight. Richard thinks he is not bad. How much, plus the recent acquisition of several new strength-enhancing treasures, even without the ability of the Angel Necklace and Giant’s Ring, Richard is confident of a fair fight with Thor.

After explaining the situation, Thor didn’t say much. He took off the heavy sword like a door panel from his back and held it in his hand. He didn’t ask the soldiers to open the palace door, but walked directly out of the city.

Yes, instead of jumping twice from the top of the city, he walked out as if walking in the air, and then slowly descended to the open space more than ten meters in front of Richard, waiting for Richard to attack.

As expected of a family, Sol is not a good person either! Richard silently watched Thor falling from the sky, took back his unsheathed Vulcan sword, turned to the etiquette officer next to him and asked:

“I remember that according to etiquette and rules, I don’t need to do this test personally, right?”


The etiquette officer nodded subconsciously, as long as the man is capable of solving the problem. It is not uncommon for some nobles to spend a lot of money to hire a bunch of helpers for the sake of face when getting married, but the etiquette officer quickly realized that something was wrong.

“But what Sir Saul wants to take the exam for is…”

“As long as you comply with the rules, then I’ll be fine.”


Before the etiquette officer finished speaking, Richard shouted Fred, and Fred, who was a little behind Richard, immediately stood up.

“My subordinates are here!”

“This level is up to you. Be careful when you strike, so as not to hurt Mr. Thor.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

After saying that, Fred pulled out a weapon that looked similar to the giant sword in Thor’s hand and stepped forward.

Just kidding, I don’t know if Thor was stimulated by something or if his strength has been accumulated to the point where it is natural. Two or three months ago, Thor, who was only at the peak of the earth level, unexpectedly broke through to the sky level. Richard’s own strength One look is not enough.

The cooldown time of the Giant Ring and Angel Necklace has not yet expired, and even if it does, it will still be used when going to the south. It is a waste to use it here for a discussion that is not even a battle of spirits.

Richard himself does not have the habit of giving unilateral education to others. Even if Thor has just stepped into the sky level, he may not even be fully familiar with the power. He is considered a weaker level in the sky level, but that is still It is not something that Richard, who is at the peak of the earth level, can defeat.

Of course, Saul did not mean to deliberately embarrass Richard. It was obviously Richard’s pretentious transition that made Saul mistakenly think that Richard was a master who entered the sky level earlier. After advancing to the sky level this time, Some people who were seeking personal gain took the opportunity of testing Richard to find a sky-level master to practice fighting and become familiar with fighting in this realm as soon as possible.

Little did he know that he was actually posing a big problem for Richard. Richard was actually a parallel import. He was a Sky Knight who could only fight for ten minutes a month, so he couldn’t stand fighting at all.

He had no choice but to shamelessly call out Fred to fight on his behalf.

Wearing heavy armor, Fred walked up to Richard and faced Thor. He raised the huge sword in his hand and saluted Thor.

“Lord Thor, please.”

Saul was a little confused when he saw that Richard, who had already drawn his sword and was about to fight, put his sword back to his waist and sent a warrior to fight. He didn’t think that Richard was a man who was afraid of fighting without courage. After all, he had When he was in the North, Richard’s bravery and skill on the battlefield left a good impression on him, but now Saul had no time to think about anything.

It is not a violation of the rules for Richard to send people to fight, so he can only fight. The opponent has already prepared a posture to attack, and he can’t stay here anymore. Anyway, as long as he defeats the person in front of him, Richard will naturally take action. .

Perhaps Richard was afraid that he would be defeated and lose face as soon as he came up, so he deliberately sent some of his subordinates to give him a cushion to win two games before losing, so that he would be more dignified if he lost?

But Thor soon realized that he had gone astray. How could a scoundrel like Richard have such good intentions? After Thor returned the favor, Fred, who acquiesced that the sparring had begun, raised his giant sword and Jump up,

With a distance of less than ten meters, Fred jumped over directly with the strength of his body. Although Fred’s speed of action was a bit unexpected, Thor was also a veteran with rich combat experience, and he jumped over in an instant. He reacted and raised his sword to the crossbar.



The two sides burst out with all their fighting spirit as soon as they arrived, hoping to gain the upper hand in the first blow.

As soon as the two sides fought, Thor discovered something was wrong. Thor’s strength was not weak. Even at the earth level, Thor’s strength was his strong point. However, the outstanding swordsmen were also a type of soldier known for their strength. But how could a fierce man who could fight a giant dragon lose in strength?

With just one blow, Thor felt like he couldn’t hold the giant sword. Seeing that the situation was not right, Thor immediately released his strength to the side and stopped trying to block it. He wanted to use clever tricks to catch Fred. The big slashing sword blocked.

But there is no reason why Fred would let him get what he wanted. It is true that Thor is a dragon knight with rich combat experience, but Fred is also an elite who survived countless brutal battles. The outstanding swordsman learned from combat experience. In terms of ruthlessness and sophistication, he is no worse than Thor.

After discovering Thor’s intention to relieve his force, Fred first moved his great sword in the direction of Thor’s unloading force. Halfway through, he suddenly used force to attack from Thor’s right side. Thor did not rush to avoid it. , he could only forcefully take the huge sword and slap it. The huge power made Thor, whose physical fitness has obviously reached the inhuman level, feel like his internal organs are surging. If it were a knight with less strength, he would not die at this moment. All seriously injured.


After suffering a moderate loss, Thor retreated violently, trying to get rid of Fred’s entanglement and regroup, but Fred, who was experienced in combat, was not willing to do what he wanted. Let me go,

As soon as Thor retreated, Fred noticed the opponent’s intention and immediately bullied him. He did not intend to give the opponent a chance to buffer. Thor felt that this was the most uncomfortable battle he had ever fought, although it was not life or death. battle, but the feeling of being suppressed by the opponent in all aspects from hard power to combat experience and prediction is not good at all. There is not even a chance to escape. Fred is completely unreasonable. After gaining the upper hand, he The sense of oppression must be maintained all the time without giving any chance to breathe.

Thor has no choice. Since retreating is useless, he can only try to channel his fighting spirit and use his flying ability that consumes fighting spirit. With the amount of fighting spirit that Thor has when he first enters the sky level, he is afraid that it will be exhausted in just a few minutes of flying. Been vindictive.

But Thor’s move from the sky played into Fred’s hands. After Thor took off and flew, Fred’s fighting spirit exploded at a faster speed and flew directly to Thor’s head. Before Thor could even wait, As Er took a breath, the big sword struck from above his head again, forcing Thor to raise his sword again to resist.

The air is more suitable for more flexible knights to fight, but Fred, who seems to be heavy and bulky, is much more flexible than Thor, who is wearing golden dragon scale armor. Thor has just entered the sky level. , and his combat experience in the air is even less. Although as a dragon knight, he often flies in the sky, but fighting on a dragon is completely different from fighting while floating in the sky.

It’s okay to bully a weak opponent, but when encountering an animal like Fred, who has a lot of experience in mid-level combat in the sky, Thor’s shortcomings are completely exposed.


With a huge noise, a figure about ten meters in the air hit the ground like a cannonball, making a small crater in the stone slab in front of the palace gate.

Looking closely, it was Thor who fell to the ground, while Fred slowly fell from the air and stood beside Richard. They fought fiercely in the air for several minutes. Fred seemed to have the upper hand. However, the consumption of fighting energy is still quite alarming and requires a little recovery.

“Lord Thor!”

The etiquette officers and soldiers at the city gate were watching the landing. Thor, who was a little shocked by the way he landed, began to exclaim. If something went wrong with Thor here, it would be a big deal.


Fortunately, Fred’s final move was quite measured and he didn’t make them anxious for too long. Sol climbed up from the ground, coughed twice, patted the dust on his body, and obviously didn’t suffer too much. injury,

After all, he is a sky-level master, but his physical fitness is still different. The height of more than ten meters, which is already fatal for ordinary people, may have caused Thor a little pain.

“Skills are not as good as people, skills are not as good as people…”

“Then, Lord Saul, have I passed this test?”

Saul did not answer Richard’s words, but turned around and shouted to his men at the city gate.

“Open the door!”

Obviously, Richard has passed this test. Based on Saul’s character, he is already one of the few upright people in the Charman family, at least he will not cheat on this kind of thing.

“Thank you, Lord Thor!”

The rope made a harsh squeaking sound, the heavy palace door was slowly opened, and the passage into the palace appeared in front of them. The team welcoming the bride let out a burst of cheers, and the most difficult hurdle was finally passed.

“No more than 100 people can enter, please weigh it yourself.”

“Also, he can’t go in.”

“Well, I know the rules.”

Although he was entering the palace to welcome his bride, how could a place like this allow Richard to bring so many people in? The limit of being able to bring a hundred people in was already high, and Fred also became a danger in Thor’s eyes. character and asked him to stay outside the palace gate.

Richard admits it. Anyway, there is Mills beside him who has not been exposed. He is also a mid-level fighter in the sky. And with Richard’s courage, he will not act recklessly in the palace. Master Qing is The old monster who survived from Aragorn’s time is still sitting in the palace.

“Where did you find such a master?”

Saul finally asked his doubts. Why did the masters of the sky level become like cabbage here to Richard? He finally reached the sky level, but he was not even qualified to fight with him, so he was defeated by him. His men were defeated?

“Hey hey, hey hey hey…”

“Lord Saul, your happy money…”

Richard handed a large bag of gold to Thor and hurriedly changed the subject.

Faced with this problem, Richard had no choice but to pretend to be stupid. Fortunately, no one in the capital could arrest him and question him. Seeing that Richard didn’t say anything, Saul didn’t ask any more questions and waved his hand. He hurried in.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Da da da, da da da…”

A pure white horse from the West, dragging a luxurious carriage, slowly walked into the palace city…

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