Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 292: Before the wedding

With a common enemy, Adelillo reached preliminary cooperation with the orcs on behalf of the Lord of the Rising Sun.

It’s just that everyone has their own ideas about this kind of cooperation. For example, Haldane had reservations about Adriello’s missionary request. There are so many pitfalls in this thing that you don’t need to try it. Just look through the history books and see what happened back then. This can be seen from the turmoil caused by the Rising Sun Cult in the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Back then, humans were in great shape on the battlefield, but the main force of the orcs had been wiped out. The human army, led by the dragon knights, had crossed hundreds of miles beyond the Dragon Breathing Pass. Now the location of the orc capital is the outpost of the human expeditionary force. , as a result, the Rising Sun Cult suddenly rebelled, and human beings started an internal strife in front of the orcs. Not to mention, the expeditionary army also all returned to Dragon Breathing Pass, and all the dragon knights returned home to suppress the rebellion, giving the orcs a precious breathing space. This kind of thing , it’s cool to see it happen to the enemy, but it would be terrible if it happens to oneself.

So Haldane had no intention of allowing the Rising Sun Cult to proselytize from the beginning. This lesson was too tragic, and Haldane had to learn a lesson. As for Haldane’s subsequent statement that he, as a monarch, could convert to the Rising Sun Cult, it was nothing more than a warning. It’s just a step down for the other party. Unlike ordinary Guizhou heads, he won’t really believe in a **** who appears out of nowhere. As a superior, you can believe in it when it is beneficial. When it is not beneficial, this thing It’s more important to them than not using toilet paper in the toilet.

“Hmph, a group of green-skinned barbarians, like those ignorant mortals, will eventually surrender under the glory of our Lord.”

“And Rand, that reckless idiot, has really disgraced my lord. How can a mortal like an ant take on the position of my lord’s divine servant.”

After leaving the palace, Adriello quickly put on a contemptuous smile. He expected that the other party rejected his missionary request, but in his opinion, these were insignificant matters. In his eyes, orcs, humans, and all creatures in the world are actually the same. After all, they are slaves who surrender under the light of the Lord of the Rising Sun.

And when that day comes, he, Adelillo, as the first divine servant of the Lord of the Rising Sun, will become a being inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in the world. In his eyes, Rand is just the person he was five hundred years ago. The person who was lucky enough to enter had never been taken seriously by him. This time he messed up the matter, which showed his role even more.

And Rand’s death did not have no effect at all. At least it triggered the activation of the God-killing Ring. Before seizing the God-killing Ring, neither the Lord of the Rising Sun nor Adriello would personally do it again. Showed up to confront Aragorn head-on.

Inciting the orcs to attack the North is only the first step of his plan. With the help of the orcs, he first destroys the forces protecting Aragorn. No matter how strong Aragorn is, can he defeat one against ten thousand or one against one hundred thousand? Although the God-killing Ring is powerful, it only works on divine creatures. Against these hordes of orcs, it is no better than an ordinary ring.

If that doesn’t work, he can still help the orcs break the dragon’s breath barrier, first destroy the kingdom established by Aragorn, and destroy its foundation in the mortal world. Since he wants to consider himself the guardian of mankind, let’s see if he can protect him. If we can protect it and suppress it with the might of the orcs, it is indeed much smarter than Rand going directly to the North.

The Dragon Knight is about to leave, and the orcs have the help of the Lord of the Rising Sun. With the foundation of the Rising Sun Cult in the human kingdom, it can also solve the shortcoming of the orcs’ difficulty in collecting human intelligence. The situation is quite unfavorable to humans, and humans are currently But still don’t know anything about it.

Golden Dragon City

After more than ten days of running around, Richard has moved into his mansion in the royal capital. This mansion is located in the core area of ​​the royal capital. The neighbors are all the top wealthy families in the kingdom, but this The family was originally a wealthy family that was separated from the country, but because of its participation in the coup in the palace, the family was wiped out. The house was also given to Richard. Richard did not think that the house was unlucky, and he was generous as soon as he entered the royal capital. Stayed in and rested for a day.

“Sir Richard, Prince Ward would like to see you.”

Richard had just arrived in the capital. He didn’t plan to meet any guests. All he could think about was marrying Messiah and returning to the North. Now the situation was strange. He didn’t want to cause more trouble here, even in the capital. Some people from the Hou Mansion invited him there, but he refused because of the exhaustion of the journey.

Nobles with lower status would not even be notified to Richard, and would be blocked by the concierge. Richard is a very realistic guy, and now he has this strength as a base. Everyone is not on the same level. , you are of little use to me now, so I naturally don’t want to waste any more time on you.

He just heard that Prince Ward asked for an audience and was racing against time. Richard, who was practicing the Blazing Sun Qi Art by the noon sun, stopped his luck and stood up slowly.

The eldest prince came in person. Although he knew what the other party was planning, it was still too disrespectful to not see him. After all, the other party was also his uncle, so it would not be good to offend him too harshly.

“Please come in, the eldest prince.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

Soon a cheerful voice came from the corridor.

“Hahaha, let me tell you, how could my brother-in-law not see me? Your guard at the door had to stop me.”

“Your Highness Ward, please understand, they are also responsible.”

“Yes, yes, my brother-in-law is right. These guards have done their duty and should be rewarded.”

“I wonder what the eldest prince wants from me?”

The eldest prince Ward is wearing a high-ranking officer’s armor of the Royal Capital City Guard. It is a very practical actual combat armor. It is not the kind of ceremonial armor that looks like it. He looks like he is ready to go to the battlefield immediately.

“Brother-in-law, you are out of sight now. Why should you call me Your Highness now? You have to call me uncle.”

Ward still looks cheerful and heroic without any scheming, making it hard for people to dislike him. But as long as Richard is not stupid, he will not think that Ward is a scheming person. The system of raising gu in the Golden Dragon Kingdom Come on, these princes don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp.

“However, this time I come to see my brother-in-law, and I do have an unkind invitation. I hope my brother-in-law will not refuse.”

Since it was an unkind invitation, don’t say anything. Of course, Richard could only complain silently in his heart, but said honestly:

“Please tell me, eldest prince, I will try my best to do what I can.”

“It’s enough to have a brother-in-law!”

“Isn’t my father reorganizing the armies in various places recently? As the eldest son of my father, I naturally have to share my father’s worries. Now I have to reorganize the garrison around the royal capital. You see, I am still wearing the same clothes when I come to see you. I don’t have time to discipline my little boy. Since my brother-in-law is the number one master in the kingdom, I wonder if he can help me discipline him?”

“This, I…”

Ward’s request made Richard quite embarrassed. Teaching a little kid is a small matter, but it involves a lot of political factors. He became the teacher of the eldest prince’s son. This is not naturally classified as the eldest prince’s party. Already?

Although Richard is not afraid of offending other princes now, there is no need to be regarded as an enemy for no reason.

Richard was about to find an excuse to refuse, when Ward spoke again:

“My boy has just turned twelve years old and has pretty good talent. If he dares to act like a little highness to you, you can beat him to death. And since he wants to become your teacher, then The apprenticeship ceremony is also indispensable.”

Apprenticeship ceremony?

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