Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 259: Pursuit

It is now the time of spring, the temperature has warmed up, many trees that were originally bare have taken out new leaves, and all kinds of wild flowers that are too numerous to name are in bloom, and there are occasionally butterflies and bees among them. Fei Wu, it was supposed to be a peaceful and peaceful spring day, but the peaceful atmosphere was ruined by the sudden appearance of the battlefield.

On a road led by Hunter, a group of orcs were pulling looted grain towards the camp. The wooden carts creaked under the weight of the heavy cargo. The orcs did not care at all about the blood stained on their bodies. Instead, they were chatting and joking in good spirits all the way. The depressing atmosphere caused by the blocked siege was relieved by the recent looting.

“Sir, we have a good harvest today. I didn’t expect that an ordinary human village would be so wealthy, not only with a lot of food, but also with so much meat.”

These dozens of orcs actually robbed nearly ten carts of grain and a lot of pickled meat in the unknown village just now. The harvest far exceeded their expectations,

Basically every household has a lot of surplus food, and half of the households have preserved meat hanging in their yards and raising livestock. This level is considered wealthy in the eyes of the orcs, because the orcs were rich during the war five hundred years ago. He was driven out of Longxingguan by humans and lived on the Eastern Plateau. Although the area in that place seemed quite large, as large as the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom, most of the land was barren. Not only was there not much land suitable for farming, but there was even There are a lot of barren lands, and the orcs, who have a large population, generally have a difficult life on the barren land of the eastern plateau.

“Huh, that’s not because they humans have seized our land. If all these lands were ours, the people would have enough food to eat and not go hungry.”

Seeing how better humans are doing, the orc captain becomes more and more unhappy. Almost every orc clings to the shame and hatred of being driven out of their homeland by humans. This dissatisfaction is not only vented against humans. Many of them are attributed to the orcs, which also leads to the fact that masters of Tal’s strength are not very popular among the orcs. On the contrary, the attitude of humans towards the orcs is more of discrimination rather than hatred of different races.

“Yes, but this time we have opened up a new route and bypassed the human dragon’s breath pass. When the follow-up army arrives, and when we have established a firm foothold and prepared food and grass supplies, we can Completely defeat humanity.”

“Hahaha, when the time comes, we will attack the Dragon’s Breathing Pass from both front and back, break the Dragon’s Breathing Pass in one fell swoop, and get back everything that has been robbed by humans!”

“Hey, those women in the human village just now were pretty good, they just need to be fairer and tenderer.”

These orcs are also grassroots Qiu Ba. Just now they were talking about big things that were hated by the country and the family. In the blink of an eye, the topic can seamlessly switch to women.

The women in these villages have to do some farm work under the sun all year round. Most of them are not comparable to Bai Nen, but this kind of thing needs to be compared. Compared with the eastern plateau, some are wilder than men. Female orcs, the women in these villages are indeed much fairer and tenderer,

It’s a pity that if they were complimented by the men in the village, they might spit on their lips, but in fact they felt something else in their hearts. How could a woman not want to be praised for her beauty, but when she was praised by an orc? , but there is so much cruelty hidden behind it.

“Hmph, those women’s butts are so small that they can’t bear children at first glance. How can they be better than our women?”

“Hahaha, who wants them to have children? Are they going to give birth to a bunch of weak half-orcs? I will not admit that they are my seed.”


There was another burst of laughter among the orcs. Although everyone knew that there was a strong half-orc in the team for this expedition, they did not dare to say it in front of Tarr. The more brutal the group, the more hostile they were to the strong. Those who have a deeper fear, but the discrimination and hatred of orcs, or creatures with human blood, in the bones of orcs, make them always inadvertently show their disdain for orcs, especially when Tarr is not around. No scruples.

“Then, where are those women?”

“They were strangled to death casually, and those women’s throats were shattered with just a pinch.”

Amidst the laughter of many orcs, a question suddenly popped up. The orc warrior who was just commenting on the women in the village subconsciously answered it, but he soon realized that something was wrong,

This voice is very strange. Everyone in their team is quite familiar with each other, and although the orcs and humans both use the common language of the mainland during the Elf Empire, the same province in the Celestial Empire has different dialects, let alone Even though humans and orcs have been separated for so long, the accent difference is still quite big.

“Who is it? Who is asking!”


The orcs who reacted faster quickly drew their weapons from behind, while the slower ones were still looking around, trying to find the owner of the voice.

“Over there! Over there! That human being is in the sky!”

An orc warrior followed the sound and found the source of the sound. He pointed at the human in the air and shouted. When he shouted, his tone was trembling.

It only took a few minutes for Mi Xiu, who flew directly, to catch up with the orc team that had just walked away. As soon as he arrived, he heard the conversation of the orcs. Mi Xiu stayed in mid-air, holding a black scepter. , staring calmly at the orc team below, his eyes motionless, as if he was trying to lock the other party in his sight.

If the church members who are familiar with Mi Xiu are present, they will definitely think of this state of Mi Xiu. Mi Xiu has a murderous intention, and his murderous intention can no longer be suppressed.


Mixiu said nothing more in mid-air, and turned into a ball of golden-red flames in the eyes of the orcs and rushed down.

The next moment, the orc warrior who had just been talking about his bravery and practicality, his whole head shattered like a habit.

“Warriors protecting the country!”

Mixiu’s action finally turned the orcs who were originally surprised into fright, and their guesses became reality. The strong ones corresponding to the sky level on the orc side are the national protector warriors. Compared with humans, Only by forming dragon knights with giant dragons can they achieve sky-level combat effectiveness. However, the orcs have two solid country-protecting warriors who have been restraining the dragon knights from the Golden Dragon Kingdom on the front line of Longxingguan.

The status of the Protector Warrior in the Orc Kingdom is as high as that of the Dragon Knight in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, and the symbol of the Protector Warrior is the same as the symbol of the human sky level, which is to directly master the ability to fly with fighting spirit.

Originally, the orcs’ hearts were already cold when they saw Yaxiu floating in mid-air. Now, as soon as Yaxiu took action, he killed an elite orc warrior without them seeing the action clearly. What’s more, he did Confirmed its strength.

“If you can’t run away, fight him!”

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