Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 241: Victory feels like defeat

“Stop, who are you?”

This patrol team from Xiaoshi Village has about thirty people, three times as many as Tal and others. Of course, this numerical advantage is like a joke in the face of the huge power gap, but this team of more than thirty people However, the human peasant and soldier patrols caused great trouble to Tal.

Except for the leader, these patrols were all uniformly armored. After the leader finished speaking, he held the swords and guns in his hands and stared at the orcs such as Tarr. Half surrounded by it,

Tal could actually see a hint of brilliance in their eyes. If it weren’t for the fact that the weapons and equipment looked like a mixed bag, Tal would even think that this team was some kind of human elite.

“We are timber merchants who came from Tiemulin. This time we came from Piaoxue City to do business.”

Tal did not draw his weapon at the first moment. Instead, he quickly pressed down on his sister Hypatia’s restless hand. Tal knew exactly what he was going to do now. It was easy to kill all the human patrols. This one In a team of more than ten orcs, the weakest one is also a warrior-level half-orc, not to mention there are two royal warriors, namely him and Hypatia, not to mention a patrol of more than thirty people. The human army of 100 people, Tarr, had almost no pressure.

But they are here for reconnaissance. Even if they are to be exposed, it is not now. They are fighting in the hinterland of humanity before everything is clear. So what is the point of him coming here to conduct reconnaissance?

Now that the entire patrol is being slaughtered, they are openly telling humans that something is going on here.

“Oh, wood merchants from Piaoxue City? Where are your goods?”

“Our goods are in the town ahead, and we just went out for a stroll. Look…”

While talking, Tarr took out a small bag of silver nar from his arms and handed it to the leader. There were more than ten silver nar in this small bag, which was equivalent to the patrol captain’s income for more than a year. .

However, the captain did not look moved at all. Instead, he put his hands behind his back to avoid suspicion, and said:

“Don’t do this to us Hunter, take off all your turbans and hats, and check them all.”

As the patrol leader of Xiaoshi Village, Mokone can be considered an experienced person. This team of self-proclaimed timber merchants in Piaoxue City seemed suspicious to him from the beginning.

The absence of goods can be explained as the fact that the goods are in the town. Being taller does not break the perception of Northlanders. It just makes people think that the people in this team are slightly taller. These people have bulging waists. Yes, they are obviously armed, which is nothing. Caravans almost always carry weapons for self-defense. After all, the security in other places is not as good as that of the Hunter family.

It is cold in the North, and wearing a thick fur hat and scarf on your head is considered normal attire, but when all these seemingly explainable factors are concentrated on the same group of people, it becomes different.

Mercone did not think about the orcs. He suspected that these people were blind snow pirates who dared to wander around the Hunter family’s territory. He made a decision when he called Tal and the others to stop. The peasants and soldiers under his command were all those who had trained with Moconne all year round. When they saw Moconne’s gesture, they had already set up their formations and were ready to launch an attack at any time.

As for the bribe Tarr gave, it was indeed a considerable fortune for Mercone, but Mercone paid more attention to his own future. He was about to become a quasi-knight, and the Hunter family strictly monitored , he didn’t want to fall on more than a dozen silver coins.

Secondly, if this group of people were snow pirates, their belongings would also become their trophies, and they would also receive a lot of military honors. Obviously, it would be more cost-effective to obtain military honors.

“Can’t you hear me if you take off your hats and turbans?”

After Mokanei saw that after he finished speaking, the group of suspected snow pirates did not respond, he spoke in an aggravated tone, and the surrounding patrol members moved forward with their spears and swords.

The orcs still did not move. They did not react much to the approaching swords and guns. They were all warriors and above. In addition to Tal and Hypatia, there were two warrior-level warriors among them. On the human side, there are masters of knight level and great knight level. Anyone who takes it out will not be afraid of a patrol of more than 30 peasants and soldiers. Naturally, they will not feel nervous. They are just waiting for Tal’s order. That’s all.


“Take off your hat and turban!”

This group of people were so confident, and the silence of the other party made Mokane feel nervous for no reason, and even felt a little frightened. He originally felt that a huge crisis was approaching,

Taking a sword and placing it on the opponent’s neck can be considered an overreaction to a crisis.

“Oh, isn’t it good to live?”

Tal seemed to accept his fate and took off his turban and fur hat according to the other party’s order. In Mercone’s eyes,

This is a picture with fairly sharp-edged facial features, and coupled with its tall figure, it is quite in line with the aesthetics of the Northlanders, but the skin color is a little darker, and some of the skin is a bit rough, which is better than facing the north wind all year round. The northerners are even rougher,

The main thing is that ear, which is green and slightly fluffy. At first glance, it doesn’t look like a human being, nor does it look like a half-elf. It’s…

Although orcs are often mentioned by humans and even hung on their heads like a sword hanging high, after all, orcs have not broken through Dragon’s Breath Pass for hundreds of years. Except for the defenders at Dragon’s Breath Pass, Most humans have no idea about orcs, so much so that when Mercone saw the pair of fluffy ears, he didn’t react for a moment.


After a slight hesitation, Mokone had already thought of the answer. With both hands, he tried to stab the sword that was already at the opponent’s neck into the opponent’s throat.

How much military merit is an orc’s head worth~

This was the last thought in Mo Kangnei’s mind, and then he flew backwards like a cannonball. Almost at the moment he was hit, Mo Kangnei’s internal organs were severely damaged. He didn’t even have the strength to scream.




The screams continued one after another. The men in black robes who had just been obedient in front of the patrol became more terrifying than ogres. They could take away one or even several names with one move.

The siege posture put up by the patrol at the beginning was like a joke. Their reaction was not slow. The moment Mokane was knocked away, these team members launched an attack, but none of the attacks worked. On the contrary, most of them immediately followed in the footsteps of Mokane.

Hypatia, who had been patient for a long time, pulled out her scimitar the moment Tal took action, and the two patrols in front of her had their necks cut before they even reacted…

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