Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 224: Clash of Titans 2

“Oh, interesting.”

The battle on Richard’s side was quite easy. Although the snow giant he faced was slightly stronger than the other snow giants, it could barely be regarded as a basic earth level. Richard, who was riding the Flying Dragon King, could only be regarded as Playing with each other,

Due to the mission, Richard did not kill him during the battle, but after a few rounds of fighting, Xiaoman also had several serious wounds on his body, as well as pits corroded by the Feilong King’s acid.

During the battle with Xiaoman, Richard also had time to pay attention to the battle between the giant and the opponent’s leader,

The battle was normal at the beginning. The giant’s strength was infinitely close to that of the sky level, and he completely suppressed the opponent in terms of physical strength, combat experience, and even size.

The opponent’s leader’s combat prowess was only that of a high-level man on earth, and he was no match for the giant. He was knocked to the ground by the giant’s punch as soon as he came face to face with him.

The giant with rich fighting experience did not let go of this opportunity. He pounced on the opponent while he was lying on the ground, and stabbed the opponent’s chest with the short thunder spear. If the stab was real, the Ice Flame Department would probably really do it. The leader has changed.

At the critical moment of life and death, Mangu held on tightly with both hands, grabbing the giant’s spear-holding hand to prevent the thunder spear from approaching. This power had even exceeded the limit of Mangu. Under the strong desire to survive, He barely resisted the giant’s power.

But the giant didn’t just stand there. The other hand in the air hit Mangu’s face with an old punch. Although he grabbed the opponent’s weapon-holding hand with both hands, he avoided fatal injuries. Mangu’s entire face was almost deformed by the giant’s beating.

“Drink, yeah!”

Just when Mangu was about to be smashed to death by the giant’s fist, a ring of ice suddenly swung out of Mangu’s body. Unexpectedly, the giant was knocked back a few steps by the ice ring, and Mangu also took the opportunity to stand up. Get up and readjust.

“You guy, you forced me to do this!”

As Man Gu stood up, a line of ice armor formed in front of him, and then the wind and snow actually condensed into an ice spear under his gesture, floating beside him, and then shot towards the giant under the guidance of Man Gu’s gesture. And go.


The giant raised the short thunder spear in his hand and accurately blocked the incoming ice spear. The ice spear that deviated slightly flew a certain distance and then landed on the ground, forming a small piece of ice near the landing point. sealed ground.

“Let me see how many you can hide.”

Mangu waved his hand, and several more ice spears gathered around him, and then shot towards the giant.


After dodging several more ice spears, the giant finally failed to dodge once and was hit by an ice spear on the shoulder. However, this ice spear was not sharp and did not cause penetrating damage. Instead, it directly hit the giant’s shoulder after touching it. It turned into ice crystals and froze half of the giant’s body.

If it were ordinary ice crystals, with the giant’s powerful strength, he would be able to break free instantly with just one shake. However, the ice crystals formed after the ice spear shattered were extremely strong. After the giant struggled for several seconds, the ice crystals began to fall. If cracks appear, it may take some time to completely break free.


Although Mangu was no match for the giant in a normal battle, Mangu was indeed a skilled fighter with rich combat experience. Seeing the giant being sealed by the ice spear and temporarily unable to move, he immediately picked up the stone spear that had just fallen and rushed towards the giant. ,

Stab his heart, and then immediately rush to help those tribesmen who have suffered heavy losses. Mangu has some good thoughts in his heart, but things will never go according to his plan.


Just when Man Gu thought that the giant opposite him could not parry his blow, Richard, who had already sensed the danger, rode the Flying Dragon King and descended from the sky. The hot Vulcan Sword blocked the stone spear swung by Man Gu.

As for Xiaoman, due to the huge gap in strength between the two sides, Xiaoman didn’t even dare to stop Richard when he wanted to leave. In other words, if Richard wanted to leave, Xiaoman couldn’t stop him at all.

Just like that, as soon as Richard left, Xiaoman let out a breath and collapsed to the ground, blood flowing all over the floor.


Seeing Richard blocking him, another ice spear condensed around Man Gu, and shot towards Richard with a swish. Richard, who had been on guard for a long time, drove the Feilong King to sideways to dodge the blow, and then struck out with a sword It struck the ice armor in front of Man Gu.


With Richard’s earth-level strength, and the fact that Richard’s Sun Fighting Qi has been at odds with the ice-attributed Snow Giant for a long time, Richard’s blow created spiderweb-like cracks in the ice armor in front of Man Bone. It looks like it’s about to break at any moment.

But the next second, after a surge of magic power, the cracked ice armor returned to its original state, as if the cracked ice armor was just a dream.

“Hmph, I want to see how much magic power you have left.”

Watching the snow giant using ice spears, ice armor and other skills that were obviously magical, Richard had already realized what the mutation referred to in the system mission was.

This snow giant leader has also discovered the use of magic crystals, and has even used the magic power supplemented by the magic crystals to release magic. Although he does not know why such a snow giant leader uses magic, Richard can be sure of one thing. When the magic power between heaven and earth is depleted, it is very difficult to restore magic power. The magic power provided by the magic energy crystal alone is definitely not enough for this snow giant to consume like this.


Just when Richard was dragging Barbarian Bones back, the giant also broke free from the ice and let out a roar. Some anger could clearly be heard in this roar.


The next moment, the giant punched the ice armor in front of Man Gu. The ice armor was attacked by the giant and Richard and could never recover. A large number of dense cracks appeared in an instant, and then it shattered into pieces in the next moment. The ground was covered in ice.


When the ice armor shattered, the short thunder spear in the giant’s hand had already been connected. Fortunately, Mangu still had a stone spear in his hand at this time, which would be able to resist the thunder spear that the giant stabbed at his chest.


The angry giant’s fighting style was even more violent than before. He didn’t stop at all after the thunder spear was blocked, and kicked the brute several meters away.

The weapon that fell to the ground was also thrown away. The nine-meter-long body curled up on the ground. The severe pain made him temporarily lose the ability to resist. The giant’s kick happened to hit Mangu’s belly. The huge force made Man Gu’s entire stomach churn and twitch in pain.

“We admit defeat, the Bingyan Tribe surrenders, and exit this hunting ground immediately!”

Ignore the severe pain in the body. After being beaten to this level, the consequences of further beatings are already obvious. Surrendering if you can’t beat them is not a shame for the snow giant, but is the way for the tribe to survive.

According to the tradition in the snowfield, facing the surrendering Snow Giant tribe, the victorious party is not allowed to continue to kill them all. After the other party announces its surrender, it should stop and let the other party give some compensation before leaving the hunting ground.

Anyone who violates this tradition will be sanctioned by the King of the Snowfield and boycotted by all the Snowfield tribes. Generally, no one dares to violate it.

But the giant didn’t know the king of the snowfield, and he didn’t care about the traditions of the snow giant tribe. The angry giant didn’t soften his grip just because the opponent surrendered. He held the thunder short spear and rushed forward. In the current state of Barbarian Bones , it only takes one strike to pierce the opponent’s heart, completely settling the battle.

“Stop, spare his life first.”

“Have your men also put down their weapons and squat on the ground…”

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