Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 175: End



With the departure of the elite of the church, Marquis Pagat and the city guards led by him have no chance of making a comeback,

The Praetorian Guards, who had just been killed by the Pope and others with heavy casualties, wanted to pursue them, but were blocked by the City Guards led by Marquis Pagat.

Now I can only vent my anger on the rebels,

The hopeless battle made this army filled with believers of the Rising Sun Cult begin to waver,

“Father, what should we do?”

The person who asked the question was the son of Marquis Pagat. At this time, his fine chainmail was covered with bloodstains, and there were even signs of being hacked in some places.

This time the entire Marquis Pagat family participated in the rebellion, or it could be said that the entire Pagat family were rebels,

In fact, in this situation, there is no other possibility but to die in battle. If he is captured, depending on the hatred in Ren’s heart, it will probably be more uncomfortable than dying on the spot,

Asking this is just because I still have some hope of survival in my heart,

Compared to the aging Marquis Pagat, it is obvious that he does not want to die.

“It is our honor to marry the Pope. Five hundred years ago, our Pagat family should have followed His Majesty the Pope. We have survived until now and have made too much money.”

Marquis Pagat seemed not to hear the hope for life in his son’s tone,

“Get ready for the final battle!”


The eldest son of Marquis Pagat gritted his teeth and yelled out the word “yes”, trying to boost his courage,

Everyone knows very well that in this case, even if you surrender and beg for mercy, you will never be able to escape with your life, so you can only fight to the end,

Five hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Pagat family were fanatical believers of the Rising Sun Cult, and they were just ordered to join the kingdom’s army.

I did not expect that the ancestors of the Pagat family, with the secret support of the church and their own efforts, would reach the level of high-ranking nobles in the kingdom,

When Aragon fell out, Marquis Pagat originally wanted to make it clear that he was on the side of the church, but was stopped by the previous popes. He has been lurking within the kingdom and has not changed his loyalty to the church for hundreds of years. It provides a lot of convenience to the church.

It was because the church wanted to play a big game this time that it was willing to use this chess piece that had been hidden for hundreds of years. However, obviously, this chess piece did not play a big role.

At this time, the city guards had been completely defeated and divided into several pieces.

“Your Majesty is ordered to capture Marquis Pagat alive!”

“Your Majesty is ordered to capture Marquis Pagat alive!”

The troops around Marquis Pagat are getting smaller and smaller, and the main tribesmen leading the troops have basically been killed.

Even the eldest son who was questioning him just now didn’t know which guard took the credit for his promotion.

That is to say, Ren ordered the execution, but the Imperial Guards did not shout surrender and did not kill, nor did they accept surrender.

Otherwise, given the current situation of the city guards, most of them would have given up fighting and begged for surrender long ago.


Marquis Pagat and the last few personal guards have been forced into a small circle by the Guards,

With at most one more attack, the last bit of strength of the Pagat family would be completely crushed. But at this time, the Guards just surrounded them and did not attack again, obviously waiting for something.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty.”

At this time, Ren, escorted by the Knights of the Golden Palace, came to Marquis Pagat, his eyes fixed on the scarred Marquis Pagat,

“It’s been five hundred years since the kingdom was founded, and your Pagat family has enjoyed five hundred years of wealth. Why do you want to betray us?”

Ren’s words were calm, but he couldn’t hide his anger. Everyone knew that Renn was suppressing his anger.

“Oh, where does the betrayal come from? Five hundred years ago, your Charman family betrayed your faith and stabbed the cult of God in the back.

Our Pagat family has been God’s people five hundred years ago and has never abandoned it. ”

If this kind of deep-sea comrade, who has been lurking for five hundred years, were placed on his side, he would probably move people to the point of laughter,

But if you appear on the enemy’s side and you are still being lurked, you can only wish to tear him into pieces.

“People of God? The ancestral motto of our Charman family is not to believe in God.”

“Marquis Pagat, aren’t you afraid of death?”

“Death is not the end. The souls of our believers will return to the kingdom of God. But for you group of unbelievers in the Charman family, death is the beginning of torture.”

“Huh, after you die, all the adult men in the Pagat family will be executed and fed to dogs,

Women and children were sent to Longxiguan to be slaves. They will be slaves for life and they will not be able to escape. I want to see if they can go to the Kingdom of God. ”


After Ren finished his venting words, he waved his hand and ordered the final attack. At this moment, he had no intention of capturing the opponent alive. There was no special means, and it would be useless to capture such a die-hard element.

“Your Majesty, Marquis Pagat is dead.”

Less than ten minutes passed, and the battle was completely over. The officers of the Guards, who were eager to make meritorious deeds, took off the head of Marquis Pagat and presented it to Renn.

“You don’t have to show it to me. According to my order, all the Pagat family’s belongings will be fed to the dogs.”

“It’s Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, Xi has been caught.”

At this moment, Xi is being escorted by several Guards officers and walking towards Renne,

Compared to Marquis Pagat, Xi, who only has the basic strength of a knight, is obviously much easier to capture alive.

Coupled with his identity as a member of Charman’s family, the Guards did not dare to harm him without Ren’s order, so they had to capture him alive and bring him to Ren.


Xi was escorted in front of Ren with dissatisfaction written all over his face. He seemed not to want to bow his head in front of Ren. He held his head high, slightly taller than Ren.

“Let him kneel down!”



Before Xi could say any harsh words, the two officers who had received Ren’s order unceremoniously kicked Xi’s knees to the left and right, and pressed him hard to the ground.

“Ren, you shameless villain, the real conspirator, killed two brothers at the same time…”

Xi didn’t say anything to beg for mercy at this time. Although Xi was being played by Ren and being applauded, she was not stupid.

Since you have done this kind of thing, there is no possibility of being forgiven if you fail. Instead of humblely begging for mercy, it is better to indulge in the last resort and curse a few words.

But in this situation, kneeling on the ground and scolding, no matter how you look at it, it looks like incompetence and rage.

Ren was not irritated by Xi’s bad mouth and ignored Xi’s words at all. Instead, he said very calmly:

“We in the Charman family can fight among ourselves, but the people in the Charman family can only die at the hands of the Charman family, just like when the eldest brother made a mistake and his father executed him with his own hands.”

“You too…”


Having been taken advantage of by Ren’s words, Xi’s voice stopped abruptly before she even uttered the last word.

With a wave of the sword in Ren’s hand, a head flew several meters away and landed on the ground.

After talking for a long time, he didn’t even leave a whole body for his brother. It was indeed the tradition of the Charman family.

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