Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 171: Blood Miyagi 6

“Tap, step, step, step…”

As if to echo Ren’s words, soldiers began to pour out of the palace behind the square.

These soldiers seemed to appear out of thin air. Before the city guards arrived, they filled the open space around Renn and surrounded Renn and others.

Looking at the style of the armor, these are elite guardsmen,

There are still troops pouring out from behind the palace. Looking at this posture, there are at least two flag regiments with tens of thousands of soldiers hiding behind the palace.

“How is it possible, how is it possible?”

Xi couldn’t understand that there were his people in the Palace Guards. It was impossible for him not to receive news of such a large-scale troop movement into the palace. His people in the Palace Guards had not been informed until last night. He delivered the message,

He should know that even if there are more than 10,000 people, they have wings and can fly in.

“The most outstanding pope of the Rising Sun Cult, the Knight Commander of the Punishment Knights, and the Pagat family who have been hiding in the kingdom for hundreds of years,

Lao Jiu, for the first time I feel that you are not a complete waste. ”

Ren’s face was full of ridicule at this time.

“Fire the arrow!”


The commander of the flag regiment did not hesitate at all.

As soon as the soldiers were in position, they launched an attack on the city guards.

The city guards led by the Pagat family also showed amazing fighting spirit at this moment,

This army, which has been run as a private army by the Pagat family and has some connections with the Rising Sun Cult, obviously has no respect for the royal family and showed its sword without hesitation.


The Imperial Guards and the City Guards led by the Pagat family collided fiercely,

On the one hand, they want to protect the king who is behind them, and on the other hand, they are simply engaged in the business of rebellion. If they don’t succeed, they will be benevolent.

The fighting will of both sides was not low, and they fell into the most brutal fighting from the beginning,

On the white jade-like floor tiles, scarlet blood began to flow along the gaps…



It must be said that the only ones confronting the Imperial Guards are the City Guards, but under the long-term management of the Pagat family, the combat effectiveness of this army is definitely far better than the ordinary City Guards.

They actually fought against the elite Guards, and were not at a disadvantage at the beginning,

Unfortunately, quantity is their shortcoming. The combat power of the Imperial Guard is about the same as theirs.

But the number was twice as many as theirs. The Imperial Guards quickly relied on their numerical advantage to suppress the momentum of the Pagat home city guards.

The basic idea is to fight with less to defeat more. If this anger is vented, I am afraid that defeat is not far away.

“What to do? What to do”

At this moment, Xi no longer had the proud look she had just now, and her eyes were full of panic,

Not long ago, he was a heroic figure who had everything in his hands, but now he discovered that all of this was actually an illusion given to him by Ren,

This had a huge psychological impact on him, and Rennes destroyed all his self-confidence with his crushing attitude.

If you are proud, you will get carried away; if you are frustrated, you will lose your ambition.

No wonder he was called a waste by Ren.

The heavily armed Hussein glanced disdainfully at the lost Xi,

Finally, he patiently spoke:

“Your Highness, we haven’t lost yet.”

Then, regardless of whether Xi responded or not, Hussein summoned several elite knights and followed the Pope.

We, and the Pope…


“Block them, block them!”

“Shield! Shield! Form a formation!”



The pope, wearing a red robe with gold patterns, holding a scepter that seemed to be made of iron, rushed directly into the strict formation of the Praetorian Guards, heading towards the direction where Ren was standing,

The defense line composed of steel shields was as fragile as paper in front of the young pope.

The steel scepter was waved casually, and rows of Guards soldiers were swept away.

What is even more frightening is that the Pope at this time has not even used his fighting spirit.

“Your Majesty is behind you, stop him! Stop him!”


The Pope has distanced himself a lot from Hussein and others,

Even completely out of touch, the fearless Guards soldiers successfully used their lives to hold back Hussein and the elite of the Punishment Knights, but they could not stop the young Pope anyway,

If you look down from a high altitude,

The young pope walked among circles of Praetorian Guards soldiers. Every time he took a step forward, the Praetorian Guards in front of him would fly backwards.

It’s as funny as a small boat moving forward in the huge waves, but conquering the huge waves instead.

“This is?”

Ren’s face finally lost the calm look before, and a rare hint of solemnity appeared on his face. The Pope’s strength was stronger than expected.

The situation on the battlefield has undergone subtle changes due to the participation of the Pope, Hussein and others,

The Imperial Guards involved a large number of troops, which gave the Pagat family’s city guards a chance to breathe, and gradually stabilized the formation that was already on the verge of collapse.

“What is that!”

“Why did he fly up?”

While the Praetorian Guards continued to surround them layer by layer, the Pope seemed to have no intention of wasting time with them.

With Jinhong’s fighting spirit fully activated, the Pope floated directly into the air and attacked directly towards Ren’s location.

“The sky is actually a sky knight!”

“The only new sky knight who has appeared in the past century is actually the Pope of the Rising Sun Cult.”

Sky Knight is really a distant word. There has been no sign of Sky Knight in the human kingdom for hundreds of years.

For ordinary soldiers, they have no idea what this means,

But Ren and those high-ranking nobles clearly know what kind of existence the Sky Knight is,

In the kingdom, this is an existence that only the Dragon Knights of the Kingdom can fight against,

But Sol, who had always been the royal capital, was sent to the south at this time.

“Protect Your Majesty!”

“Master Richard, be careful!”

The three Zebuls and the Knights of the Golden Palace shouted different words, but they had the same purpose,

Block the Pope.


Zebul exploded with all his strength and exchanged a move with the Pope who had just fallen.

With just one blow, the long sword in Zebul’s hand was knocked away by the Pope with his scepter. He was obviously an earth knight who stood at the top of the strongest human beings, but it seemed that he was not worthy of a second move in front of the Pope. ,

Go directly past Zebul towards Rennes,


“Protect Your Majesty!”


More than a dozen Golden Palace knights in front of Renn took the initiative to attack the pope who was coming towards him,

They are afraid that if they face a sky knight in a while, they will lose the courage to raise their swords.


More than a dozen Knights of the Golden Palace did not stop the Pope for too long,

The Pope didn’t seem to want to kill more people, he just flew away all the surrounding Golden Palace Knights.

Soon, there was only one Richard left between Renne and the Pope.

The Pope didn’t seem to pay any attention to Richard, the original protagonist of the ceremony, and walked straight forward.

“For the sake of the church, I need your head, Your Majesty.”

After expressing his wish for Rennes to die very politely, the Pope raised his scepter and attacked Rennes,


The blow was received steadily,

“If you want to hurt Your Majesty, have you asked me?”

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