Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 17: New missions and returns

“Task Complete”

“Reward 1000 experience”

Congratulations on the upgrade

Richard, who had already accumulated several combat experiences, was directly promoted to level 4 after returning to the Great Stone Castle Council Hall to submit the mission award.


Richard: Human Race

Level: 4 (560/8000)

Strength: 9.8

Physique: 9.9

Agility: 10.1

Spirit: 3.6

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster) has reached the highest level, General Air Entrainment Technique (Junior Level) can be improved, Offensive Technique (Junior Level) can be improved

Available skill points 1.

Army: Lancers (30), Archers (20), Griffins 6, Swordsmen (1), Crusaders (1)

After the upgrade, Richard’s physical fitness has improved slightly. If this momentum continues, maybe after a few more levels, Richard will be able to fight against knight-level experts with his physical body alone.

As for the skill point that came with the upgrade, Richard thought about it for a while and allocated it to offensive techniques.

Offensive Technique (Intermediate): Increase the attack power of your soldiers by 20%.

Intermediate offensive skills have a more obvious improvement on the system of troops under his command, and the combat power of his subordinates has been greatly improved.

In addition to experience rewards, there are also rewards for choosing between resources and troops

At present, Richard has no shortage of wood and stone that are urgently needed for the development of human castles. However, Richard still gives priority to military unit rewards that can strengthen his strength.

“Congratulations on getting: Royal Griffin (5), Lancer (15), Archer (10)”

Soldiers appeared in front of Richard one after another, and several royal griffins even came to Richard and pushed aside the first six griffins.

Richard stretched out his hand and stroked the snow-white wings of the royal griffins. After careful observation, he found that these royal griffons were larger than the previous griffons, with a body length of nearly 4 meters, almost the same as a forest giant bear, although there was no giant bear. It’s so strong, but its ability to fly makes it more offensive. Under the dive, ordinary quasi-knights may not be able to survive.

It’s a pity that there are not many Crusaders. If there are more knights, we can have more initiative in the next thing. Richard thought a little greedily.

Having tasted the sweetness, Richard opened the meeting hall again and prepared to receive new tasks.

“Destroy the Ogre (50)”

Rewards for completing tasks:

1. Reward experience 3000

2. Reward random resources or troops

“There are always some terrifying figures wandering in the dense forest. For the safety of the territory, eliminate them.”

After taking over this task, Richard felt a little troubled for a while. There were very few ogres in the Hunter Territory. In so many years, Richard had only seen one ogre who was separated from the tribe appear in the Iron Wood Forest. At that time, my father, Sauter, personally took action to solve the problem. These ogres usually live in dense forests, and it is difficult to search directly in the air with griffins like the snow pirates were found this time.

And these guys are not easy to deal with. Adult ogres are generally three meters tall, and their arms are thicker than human waists. Any adult male ogre is five or six times stronger than a human, and can stand up to a human. A top-level quasi-knight, when fighting, he would pick up a log and smash it. Under a quasi-knight, no matter if you are in plate armor or chain mail, you will die from internal injuries if you get hit by one.

To summarize, this mission is hard to find, but once you find it, you can’t easily fight it.

Forget it, this task has to be postponed for a while. It must be done. Not to mention rich experience rewards, this council has not given up the task option. You must complete the tasks one by one. If you don’t do it, there will be no new tasks.

Richard planned to search for traces of the ogres first, and then it would be much easier to complete this task when the Crusader camp was built and he had a dozen or so knight-level forces.

Otherwise, it would not be worthwhile to forcefully fight the ogre tribe now and risk the lives of ordinary soldiers.

After a few days of delay in the Stone Castle, Richard had completed the basic management arrangements and assigned some experienced officials to the newly occupied territory. Fortunately, Richard had begun to deliberately train grassroots officials a long time ago, and now Annexing the Will Territory can also arrange enough officials for management to prevent long-term chaos.

“Quil, get your troops in order and prepare to return to Ironwood City.”


Quell, who led the city guards to stabilize the village and declare his sovereignty, finally returned to Stonehenge Castle. After a few days of delay, Richard was also ready to return to Ironwood City. After the war, he had to deal with some important matters in person.

In Richard’s plan, the Rock Castle will be completely used as a military fortress in the future, and there will no longer be civilians. After all, it is related to the secrets of the system, and only soldiers produced by the system will remain in the future. Ironwood City will serve as the administrative and economic center of the two territories.


Richard rode at the front of the team, followed closely by Quill and Ron, followed by more than two hundred city guard soldiers.

The snow along the road has melted away, and the remaining traces of snow can no longer cover up the abundant spring feeling. The grass and trees have begun to grow, and vitality has slowly returned to this land.

Some people have begun to cultivate the farmland along the way. However, in the past, the villagers led by Will would stay away from the army led by Richard. Richard did not care. People’s hearts need to be accumulated slowly. He He is confident that his ability to rule is better than most of the nobles in this world.

Looking back, Richard gave instructions to Quill

“Quil, give me an order not to trample on farmland. Anyone who disobeys the order will be severely punished.”

“Yes” Sometimes, Quill, the silent officer, seemed like a robot who answered “yes”.

After giving the order, Richard leaned over and gently stroked the horse’s mane. Whispered in his ear

“If you dare to make me embarrassed like Boss Cao today, I will stew horse meat tonight.”

Fortunately, the horses were not frightened, and the team reached the Xiaoling River smoothly, crossed the river and returned to Hunter Territory.

More than ten days have passed since the battle on the Xiaoling River. The traces of the war are no longer obvious. The ice on the Xiaoling River has melted and turned into gurgling water. The team had to take a detour and cross a stone bridge to return. .

Back in the Hunter Territory, the mood of the soldiers was obviously a little higher. When they met some farmers on the road, they no longer avoided the army. Instead, some waved hello from a distance.

Richard doesn’t care. The Will Territory is also copying the Hunter Territory’s management methods. In a few years, the Will Family will become history completely, and there will no longer be any obvious difference between the two territories.

After entering Hunter Territory, the soldiers obviously accelerated their march without Richard urging them. Going home is always a pleasant thing.

The team returned to Ironwood City at noon on the second day, and Richard, who had arranged the team, returned to Ironwood Castle.

“Master, the Viscount is waiting for you in the garden and wants you to meet him.” As soon as he returned to the castle, the butler came up to deliver a message to Richard.


Richard walked towards the garden. On the way, he could feel that the servants were in a good mood. It was probably Viscount Sauter who was handing out rewards to celebrate the victory.


Richard came to the garden and saw Viscount Sauter sitting on a chair, drinking something, looking a little haggard.

“Son, you are finally back. Part of the reward has been released. You can discuss the rest with the housekeeper.”

Viscount Sauter was forced to manage the territory during Richard’s absence. The complicated management work was simply a kind of torture for Viscount Sauter. If it were an ancient emperor, he would definitely be someone who was not doing his job properly. Foolish king.

“Yes, I will take care of it next.” Richard also knew Viscount Sauter’s temperament. It was okay to let him lead the troops in war, but let him manage government affairs, and he would be visibly worried until he was bald.

“Richard, what are you going to do with Will?” Viscount Sauter suddenly asked in a serious tone, changing his previous joking tone.

“I have thought about this issue before.”


“The female members of the Will family are now all settled in Ironwood City.”

“Ron has no surname. From now on, he will be called Hunter Ron. He is your illegitimate son who was away from home in his early years.”

Viscount Sauter:……

While wandering around the city, Ron’s ears got angry for no apparent reason. Ron covered his ears, feeling a little confused.

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