Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 166: Blood Miyagi 1

When it got dark, Richard had already left the hotel and headed towards the palace,

After all, Richard is half the protagonist today, so he has to go early,

Richard rode on a red flame horse and walked side by side with Zebul on the streets of the royal capital. He was wearing flashy ceremonial armor, which attracted the side glances of the few pedestrians around him.

This ceremonial armor was sent to Richard in advance by people from the palace. They were sure that Richard, a nouveau riche from the countryside, would not prepare ceremonial armor for such a celebration.

In terms of defensive power, this gold-red armor with hollow patterns is really even more unreliable than Richard’s white-backed gold-edged cloth face armor.

“Zebul, how are you feeling?”

“Not so good.”

When entering the palace, you are not allowed to wear actual combat armor, and there are restrictions on weapons. Zebul entered the palace with Richard as Richard’s attendant, and was also assigned a set of fancy ceremonial armor.

The armor is okay, but the key is that the sword has been replaced by a slender ceremonial sword. This kind of weapon with weak actual combat ability also makes Zebul feel very uncomfortable,

Fortunately, as half the protagonist of the ceremony, Richard was qualified to wear his own weapon, and the Vulcan Sword was still hanging on Richard’s waist.

When Richard and others arrived at the palace gate, there were already several teams undergoing inspection at the palace gate,

The fact that Richard was granted the title of Marquis was quite a big deal for the upper echelons of the kingdom,

Nobles above count in the royal capital will enter the palace to observe the ceremony, and representatives from local areas will also be sent. There should be about a hundred families who are qualified to enter the city to observe the ceremony.

In the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom, barons and viscounts are everywhere, in a sense, as if they are free of money. Counts are also not uncommon, and changes may occur every few decades,

But when it came to the Marquis level, it was like an iron-clad camp,

The upper-class nobles of the kingdom have a pattern of three princes and ten princes,

The Ross family in the west, the Brent family in the south, and the dragon knight Thor of the town are collectively known as the three great dukes of the kingdom,

The first two are all princes from the split side of the kingdom, and they are titles that have been inherited.

Thor came as a dragon knight of the country and made military exploits with one sword and one spear.

These three are the first level of nobles in the kingdom,

Further down are the ten lords, who also belong to the top noble order of the kingdom. Outside, they guard one side like the original Lanster family.

They are also high-level speakers who can influence the kingdom’s political affairs, and they are also long-established wealthy families with more than a hundred years of heritage.

The kingdom does not grant the title of marquis easily. The last person to have such an honor was when Sol was granted the title of duke in the era of the previous king.

The impact of Richard’s ennoblement as a marquis is greater than imagined. It is considered a grand event for the upper echelons of the kingdom.

“Lord Richard.”

When Richard appeared at the palace gate, he quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

As the protagonist of this event, even though Richard kept a low profile after entering the royal capital, he was already known by the nobles who were qualified to participate in the ceremony. His appearance was unmistakable.

“Sir Richard can achieve such military exploits at such a young age, which puts us to shame.”

“Master Richard is not yet twenty years old. My boy became a knight when he was almost thirty, and he is still so proud all day long. It is incomparable.”

Thanks to the absence of Viscount Sauter on this occasion, otherwise Viscount Sauter would probably be able to boast his educational capabilities to the sky,

Maybe we can provide wolf **** education, and Dong Ye Wuxue’s jokes will come out, and they will kill the noble youths in the royal capital.

“I heard that Mr. Richard has not married yet. I have a daughter at home who is about the same age as Mr. Richard…”


Don’t ask, I won’t make an appointment if I’m not interested.

Richard smiled as he dealt with these noble families. These families were all earl families and had just qualified to enter the palace to participate in the ceremony.

Richard is indeed on a higher level than them, and it is normal for them to lower their profile a bit to talk to Richard.

If it were a Marquis’ house, he would definitely be more reserved. Even if he wanted to befriend Richard, he wouldn’t be so explicit.

Several earls consciously greeted their entourage and made way for Richard to avoid queuing.

On the surface, after Richard declined a few words, he went directly to the guard at the palace gate for inspection. This was an aspect of reflecting his status. It would be a bit silly to keep being humble and declining.

Except for Richard, Zebul and the other two vanguard knights were inspected very carefully. They were not qualified to wear their own weapons and enter the palace.

Since even Zebul and others have been subject to such severe restrictions, it is definitely even less likely for the Manticore to follow,

Now the power around Richard has dropped to the extreme since his departure,

Well, there is only one junior earth and two peak knights.

“Okay, sir, please come in.”

After careful inspection, Chi Yan was left outside the city gate, and Richard and others finally entered the palace city.

“Da da da…”

Just when Richard and others just walked in,

Another sound of hoofbeats came over, and a purple-gold luxurious carriage pulled by two Western horses approached the palace.

“Yes, Lord Nozomi’s carriage.”

The few earls who were just about to step forward for inspection stepped aside to make way for the carriage.

Obviously, the owner of the carriage is quite famous in the royal capital and his status is not low.

Richard somewhat knows the identity of Mr. Xi,

The ninth son of the late king, and also the son who is rumored to be the most favored by the late king,

If he were not too young during the fight for the throne and did not have the strength of a knight, he might have become one of the strong contenders,

The carriage he is riding in was also given by the previous king, and he had the right to directly enter and leave the royal city. After Ren took over, he did not order the abolition of this privilege.

“Good day, Your Highness Ninth Prince.”

The carriage arrived at the door, but the guards of Miyagi City still stopped it. Although the carriage could enter and exit Miyagi City, it did not mean that it could not be inspected.

Several attendants following the carriage were inspected first. It was obvious that there were no inappropriate weapons hidden under the long coats of these attendants.

The carriages entering the city also need to be inspected. The Dutong guard at the palace gate personally led his people to inspect the carriages. The officer personally leaned down and inspected the bottom of the carriage.

The inspection seemed to be very detailed and did not show any dignity to the former Ninth Prince.

“Okay, no problem, please come in, Your Highness Ninth Prince.”


A response came from the car, and the carriage continued to move forward.

Richard also saw this scene not far from the city. Richard was a little surprised at the favor this man received,

He also got to know a little about Mr. Xi through Yusi. Although it was not detailed, he still knew the basic information.

Although this and the current King Ren are brothers, they are half-brothers.

This kind of relationship is not much better than that of strangers in the royal family if there is no special experience,

This man did not keep a low profile after Renne came to power. He also flaunted the privileges granted by the late king. Being able to live for several years shows that Renne is quite broad-minded.

“Sir Richard, please come with me.”

While thinking, the palace servant who had been waiting at the door came up,

As the protagonist, Richard also has special guidance, so he probably needs to be specially taught some things during the ceremony.

“Well, please lead the way.”

Li Cha watched the purple and gold carriage clattering away, without thinking too much, and followed the palace attendants who led him over.

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